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Things started going better for the Arabs and this now young

lady had become a Normal National Teacher. After that, she

“Choose a career you like otherwise it would be like decided to study Psychology in Tucumán, but fortunately her
marrying someone you don´t like. It´s your decision.” father rejected the idea. Thereafter, this woman entered the
English Teachers Training College “José Eugenio Tello” where
Rushing from the devastating Second World War, an Arabic she met Dr.Tito Maggi. He was a great and memorable teacher
family settled in a dry isolated place located in the northern who encouraged her to teach Grammar at the institution. In
door of Argentina. There, a baby-girl was born the 6th June 1968, the already graduated teacher obtained a Full Bright
1942. Being the eldest child of the Scholarship at the University of
family, she was raised in a strange and Austin, Texas (United States). Later
unknown land for her parents who did she was lodged by a rich family in
not speak a word of Spanish. “If I hadn´t studied I Cambridge, Massachusetts and she
had the opportunity to meet many
The little girl passed her primary
years at Domingo Faustino Sarmiento would be a moth; interesting and nice people such as
Morris Halle, a prominent American
School, in La Quiaca and at the sweet
age of nine, she had discovered that
Education can make you linguist.

her destiny was to become an English

brilliant!” After having been teaching for
fifty-three years, she still remembers
her first steps as a student and
Suddenly a new change had given a 360° turn to her family
emphasizes the importance of Public Education. “If I hadn´t
life: they moved to San Salvador de Jujuy city where she spent
studied I would be a moth; Education can make you brilliant!”
her youthful times. “I was a very do-nothing girl, I was
declared full of gratefulness Mrs. Ana María Alabí.
extremely lazy and that was my main characteristic”, she
confessed honestly.

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