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G8 Curativo, Gwen Heather R.


Project Data Logbook 

Whether you are a research scientist or a first- time science fair student, a ​logbook ​is a
crucial part of any research project. It is a detailed account of every phase of your
project, from the initial brainstorming to the final research report.
In industrial and academic research settings, laboratory notebooks constitute legal
documents; they are official records of who accomplished what and when it was
accomplished. Just as important, a well-kept logbook prevents a scientist from
needlessly reproducing experiments and, in the process, wasting the scientist’s time and
his employer’s materials and resources. Keeping a laboratory notebook or logbook is one
of the most critical skills for young scientists to learn and is an integral part of a
scientist's training.
The first step in starting a ​science fair​ project is to create a science journal, which is a
written record showing all your work from start to the finish. Take pictures during each
step of the project. A ​science fair​ project is for learning more about science and you
learn more if you enjoy your work. So in addition to the photographs that can be used on
your display to show your scientific work, you might add some fun photographs to your
journal. Photographs of all helpers will make it easy for you to remember who assisted
you so you can acknowledge them in your report.
Sections for your Log Book:
1. Project rules and regulations. This section contains all the printed information related
to the project, including rules and deadlines for each step of the project.
2. Planning schedule. This can be a list of all the project steps, including organizing the
journal and the dates when you plan to have them completed. It should also include the
date the project is due. When planning your schedule, be sure your starting date gives
you enough time to be finished before the due date.

Documenting Investigations 
The importance of documented evidence cannot be stated strongly enough. The most
important time a supervisor involved in a disciplinary/corrective action can spend is the
time devoted to recording and documenting what has taken place. Notes taken or made
during the process will enable supervisors and managers to recall the incidents that
precipitated the discipline at a later date.
1. Act immediately.
This is especially important when dealing with situations where the behavior of
the employee is in question. Make your investigation a top priority. Interview
parties involved in workplace situations and witnesses as soon after an incident
as possible. The information they have to offer:
○ will be more fresh in their minds; will be less likely to have
been contaminated or confused by conversations with other
employees; and
○ will prevent them from changing their story at a later time.
2. Gather facts from the parties and/or witnesses directly involved.
Third party evidence usually isn't worth the time it takes to collect it. On Perry
Mason, this kind of information is called hearsay. This is the legal term. In most
workplace settings, it is usually referred to as gossip or the grapevine. It occurs
when Jill tells Joe who tells Marie who tells the supervisor what happened.
Tracing this kind of information back to its source is generally an exercise in
futility. If you hear these kinds of rumors and can identify the original source, go
directly to it. Avoid the traps that await those who try to retrace the maze of what
was said to whom and by whom.
3. Avoid getting or using opinions.
Opinions are frequently unreliable, regardless of whether they come from other
members of the management team or from the employee's peers. They are
filtered through the individual's own personal experiences and not the situations
at hand.
4. Back up subjective information with documentation, if at all possible.
This is especially critical when making observations about work performance.
Keep copies of examples of poor performance. Take notes or keep logs of work
assigned and completed. Maintain a record from which specific incidents can be
5. Get the best evidence possible.
Hard evidence is always better than a description of it. While a picture speaks a
thousand words, the samples of errors are more eloquent. In an instance of
employee violence where a weapon was used, the actual weapon is better than a
description of it or even a photograph.
6. Prepare individual documents recapping the information provided by
each of the parties and/or witnesses.
Ask each individual to review the information s/he provided for additions or
corrections, then have the document signed or initialed by the person who gave
the information. Date all information. University policy requires that supervisors
discipline within ten days of an act or event or within ten days of knowledge of
the act or event. Supervisors are encouraged to act as quickly as possible without
jeopardizing the position of the university or subjecting the employee to undue
delays. If additional time is needed, inform the employee that the situation is
under investigation and give a date by which action, if any, will be taken.
7. Preserve documentation.
Be sure to keep all documentation used to support disciplinary action in a file
that is readily accessible to be used in support of a grievance or other action that
the employee may file as a result of the discipline issued. This file should be
preserved for approximately three years from the date of the incident.

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