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God hates a coward God hates a coward

proverbs 21 and 8 says but the Cowardly

and the unbelievers murderers the

sexually immoral sorcerers idolaters and

all Liars shall have their part in the

lake of fire which is the second death

God wrote that I didn't who leads the

list of that ragtag mob the cowardly

look at your spiritual forefathers in

the faith Moses with a shepherd's staff

invades the royal court of Pharaoh

Pharaoh who's considered God on earth

who has the most mighty army that in the

nation ever assembled together and he

looked him in the face and said let my

people go who's not afraid look at David

the shepherd boy bringing a sling and Goliath is coming against

him and David looks at him and said you

come to me with a sword and spear but

I'm coming to you

exceptin Hedrick you're not going to get

off Jesus he's in the garden of

gethsemane he sprayed 500 Roman soldiers

come from the Antonian fortress to

arrest one Jewish rabbi praying in the

garden think about that

five hundred battle-ready Roman soldiers

to arrest one Jewish rabbi pain with 12

sleeping disciples they said we seek

Jesus internationally he said I leave

they sell on the ground like Declan

Jesus was no color or to tell you


Jesus lost his life in California but he

didn't lose the fight daaad we give you

only what you're willing to fight for

Satan attacks you because you're God's

child and he hates God's property Satan

attacks you because you're the light of

the world and he's the Prince of

Darkness Satan attacks you because

you're the truth and he's the father of


Satan attacks you because you're a

soldier of the cross you're anointed you

have the Word of God you have the

covered by the blood of Jesus Christ you

can take the sword of the truth of God

and attack the gates of hell you're a

threat to him whenever you roll over in

bed every devil in bear county gets a

migraine headache

and to those of you who name the name of

Christ stop allowing Satan and his

demonic goons to to destroy your

marriage put on the whole armor of God

and fight back could allowing him to

attack your health the Bible says by His

stripes we are healed could allowing him


the Bible says God will rebuke to the

power failure shake he

give it back to you stubborn fool stop

allowing the

capice because Jesus Christ is the

Prince of Peace stop allowing Satan to

rob you of your

in this presence is the fullness of

George do you want it fight for it do

you want it then fight for it some of

you have forgotten which army you're in

and that the thing that headed you has

picked a fight with the wrong one I'm

attracted to fights because fights show

me who I am fights show me what I'm

capable of fights show me what's down on

the inside of me fights give me a reason

to have faith

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