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Accuracy and precision are two important concepts in science.

Both terms apply to any

experimental measurement you make. But what do they actually mean? What is the difference
between them and which is more important?


Shots with high accuracy, low precision

Accuracy is a measure of how close your experimental

measurements agree with known values. The closer your
measurements are to the known value, the more accurate the

If you think of the known value as the bullseye on a target, accurate

shots (or measurements) would be where the average of your shots would be at or near the
bullseye. The shots in this picture are accurate, but they are all over the target. This brings up the
concept of precision.


Shots with high precision, low accuracy.

Precision is a measure of how close your experimental measurements agree with each other. The
closer each measurement is to the other measurements, the more precise your measurement.

If the measurements were shots in a target, the closer the holes are to each other, the more
precise the shots. Here, the shots are all clustered together. They would be considered a precise
collection of shots. The only problem is they are not very accurate.
How can I control accuracy and precision?

Shots with high accuracy and precision are the goal.

Both accuracy and precision should be the goal of any measurement. Variations in accuracy and
precision are generally within your own control. In target shooting, you could improve accuracy
by moving closer to the target, or using an aiming aid like a scope or laser pointer. You can
improve precision by mounting your gun to a table or bench or shooting indoors out of the wind.
In general, use good tools designed for the measurement you are trying to make and pay close
attention to what you are doing when you use them. This will help any measurement you try to

Which is more important, precision or accuracy?

Shots that are neither accurate nor precise are useless.

Accuracy is generally more important when trying to hit a target. You either hit your target or
you don’t. It does no good to be precise if you miss all your shots. Although, you can improve
accuracy in future measurements by factoring in a correction factor. If your shots are all going to
the left, alter your aim to the right. Accuracy is something you can fix in future measurements.
Precision is more important in calculations. When using a measured value in a calculation, you
can only be as precise as your least precise measurement. This is the main idea behind the topic
of significant figures in calculations. Precision can be improved by improving your measuring
tool and/or improving your skill at using the tool.

Accuracy and precision are both important to good measurements in science. Try to make the
best of both in all your measurements

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