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INDIA GLYCOLS LTD, KASHIPUR (CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS) Date 23.06.2013 Product ALPHOX 200 (ETHOXYLATE) / Customer :VISHAL ASSOCIATES Batch No: 130639 Delivery 61752608 ear Tug co IN| Parameter ‘Specification ‘Analysis, 1_ [Appearance @25exo Tt Gleer Laud Complies | 5 2_|PH( 1% aqsoin @27¢xC) 6.0-75 6.30 =] 3_| Hydroxy! vaiue(mgKOHig) 85.0-91.0 83 4 [Moisture wiw(% 0.20 Max 0.08 a 5 _|Cloud point ( 1% aq.soin exe) 97.0-60.0 58 6_|[ Colour (APHA) 80 Mex 20 Remarks :The Product APPROVED with respec to above Specifications “This is computer generated document from ERP, Hence no signature i required. Works : A‘-indusrial area, Bazpur Road KASHIPUR,DisttU S.Nagar(U.k) 244713 Phone : 05047-276320 Hunting-(251313-314), FAX = 05947-27849 S52 PRODUCT DATA SHEET ALPHOX 200 isan ethylene oxide condensate of alkyl phencl. Ita ale coloured {avi soluble in water, vegetable ol, alcohol, ylycot ether, chloroform oad insoluble in mineral oi! and tcrosene. AUTHOX 200 is manuisetured by INDIA GLYCOLS LIMITED at its plant at Kashipur, UP, using state of the ast second generation “PRESSINDUSTRIA” loop Pie ge cterently te lapest altoxylation facility tn India, The preduet & vhich ensuros consistent reac made inthe plant with the fully automates! DCS sysieny quelity of ALPHOX 200, APPLICATIONS ALPHOX 200 is 3 mutt in 9 number of diver Penetration and dispersion properties, ‘pose, effective oad versatile surfactant finding applications. “d industries, It has excellent emuleification, detergent, + Texmes « rea 200 is etal an a powertal meting andl scouring agent in many iirtle Presossing spplicitions. tt ao aids bleaching, dasising actions doc S.peclent wetting and’ penctmation action. Iti Tbvvaubstantve to wool and can bo used for scouring greater ppundage wool than anlonicw frig slso’useful in dye levelling and Lier boiling operations, + AGRICULTURE ALPHOX 200 Is useful asa non-ionic coonponcnt aleng with anionic Surfactant for formulaticn of enuslsitiers for pestiidal sprays, « + LEATHER ALPHOX 200 is useful as at ingredient ia the formulation of tanning agents, + Paints ALPHOX 260 is usalul as pigment wettin formulations, > beteRcenrs AEPHOX 200 is useful at low concentrations for formulation with anionics sonora nial detour, Wrced wilt cuanaey aceatin no Be formated tt Benicia leaner cc ictitatona caring Thank ‘iso DE formulated as a lu dstergent with soltamens > MEIAL CLEANING een, OX 200i a powerful detergent at low concentrations, Therefore, itis SSehll i the cemoval of heavy greases‘and induetsal cts leaning ‘PRISES VISHAL ENTERT Re ent, No, 20 Archana Api SnD Ne ae Maredenl ys og. DERABAD-* eae oto 27702124 Tere an 27702855 SPECIFICATIONS PARAMETERS unit ‘SPECIFIED LIMITS TET METHOD 1. Appesrance Ge gl ay to faae on stanclng 2 lower lemperaruce 2, Moisture 3 (w/w) Ve max ASTM-E-205 3. pH 1% Aqueoss 5575 ssmaeniTe ‘ solution at BC 4. Colour APHA 180 Mac ASTM-DA20 84 5. Lydronyi value ng KOH/g ss ATM D422 & Cid point TRAQ sl °C SO Max acre PACKING ‘The produet is supplied in MS/HMHDPE barrels of 210 kys net weijht euch, STORAGE ALPHOX 200 is of low toxicity and may cause skin agd eye intitation. 1k 1s not corrosive 10 mild steel and can be stored in’ unlined MS tars provided water Ingress is avoided. The sugyested bulk storage temperature is 25°C or above: Joniact of ALPHOX 200 with skin is not recommeded and personnel Prolonged « side shiolds and handling ALPHOX 200 are recommended to use safety glanses, protective gloves. Any splashes in the eye or on the skin must be removed by copious rinsing with water eel fre Hit @ PSD No. 8 INDIA GiYcols 4 uramreD re spr pote vets 2

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