Labor Relations Week 1

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Right to Self-Organization c.

To foster the free and voluntary organization

of a strong and united labor movement;
1. Unionism
● Policy of the State; Constitutional
d. To promote the enlightenment of workers
Guarantee; Scope and Nature of the
concerning their rights and obligations as union
employee’s right; constitutional and
members and as employees;
statutory basis (Arts. 243 and 244)
e. To provide an adequate administrative
Art. 243. Coverage and employees’ right to
machinery for the expeditious settlement of labor
self-organization. All persons employed in
or industrial disputes;
commercial, industrial and agricultural
enterprises and in religious, charitable, medical,
f. To ensure a stable but dynamic and just
or educational institutions, whether operating for
industrial peace; and
profit or not, shall have the right to
self-organization and to form, join, or assist labor
g. To ensure the participation of workers in
organizations of their own choosing for purposes
decision and policy-making processes affecting
of collective bargaining. Ambulant, intermittent
their rights, duties and welfare.
and itinerant workers, self-employed people,
rural workers and those without any definite
B. To encourage a truly democratic method of
employers may form labor organizations for their
regulating the relations between the employers
mutual aid and protection. (As amended by
and employees by means of agreements freely
Batas Pambansa Bilang 70, May 1, 1980)
entered into through collective bargaining, no
court or administrative agency or official shall
Art. 244. Right of employees in the public
have the power to set or fix wages, rates of pay,
service. ​Employees of government corporations
hours of work or other terms and conditions of
established under the Corporation Code shall
employment, except as otherwise provided
have the right to organize and to bargain
under this Code. (As amended by Section 3,
collectively with their respective employers. All
Republic Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989)
other employees in the civil service shall have
the right to form associations for purposes not
● Constitutional Guarantee
contrary to law. (As amended by Executive
(According to Article 13, Sec. 3 of 1987
Order No. 111, December 24, 1986)
Section 3. The State shall afford full protection
● Policy of the State (This is according to
to labor, local and overseas, organized and
Art. 211)
unorganized, and promote full employment and
Art. 211. Declaration of Policy. A. It is the
equality of employment opportunities for all.
policy of the State:
a. To promote and emphasize the primacy of
It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to
free collective bargaining and negotiations,
self-organization, collective bargaining and
including voluntary arbitration, mediation and
negotiations, and peaceful concerted activities,
conciliation, as modes of settling labor or
including the right to strike in accordance with
industrial disputes;
law. They shall be entitled to security of tenure,
humane conditions of work, and a living wage.
b. To promote free trade unionism as an
They shall also participate in policy and
instrument for the enhancement of democracy
decision-making processes affecting their rights
and the promotion of social justice and
and benefits as may be provided by law.
The State shall promote the principle of shared ART. 256 (246). NON-ABRIDGEMENT OF
responsibility between workers and employers RIGHT TO SELF-ORGANIZATION
and the preferential use of voluntary modes in It shall be unlawful for any person to restrain,
settling disputes, including conciliation, and shall coerce, discriminate against or unduly interfere
enforce their mutual compliance therewith to with employees and workers in their exercise of
foster industrial peace. the right to self-organization. Such right shall
include the right to form, join, or assist labor
The State shall regulate the relations between organizations for the purpose of collective
workers and employers, recognizing the right of bargaining through representatives of their own
labor to its just share in the fruits of production choosing and to engage in lawful concerted
and the right of enterprises to reasonable activities for the same purpose or for their
returns to investments, and to expansion and mutual aid and protection, subject to the
growth.  provisions of Article 264 of this Code.

● Constitutional and Statutory Basis Comments:

- Article 13, Sec. 3 of the 1987 Self-organization includes two rights:
Constitution 1. The right to form, join or assist labor
- RA 9481 - Strengthening the Worker’s organizations
Right to Self-Organization, amending 2. The right to engage in lawful concerted
several provisions of the Labor Code activities

2. Freedom of Association Labor organization - may be a union or

- Refers to the ​right ​of both workers and association of employees; its purpose may be
employers to ​freely establish and join collective bargaining or dealing with employer
organizations of their own choosing,
without fear of reprisal. The right to form labor organization is twin to the
- Highly connected with right to collective right to engage in concerted activity. Such group
bargaining, which allows workers to action, which should be held peacefully to
freely negotiate their terms of remain lawful, can similarly be for collective
employment. bargaining purpose, but it can simply be for aid
and protection of the members. The latter
purpose implies that a group action, such as
3. Constitutional and Statutory Basis
protest action, can be held even if the group is
● RA 9481 - Strengthening the Worker’s
not involved in collective bargaining.
Right to Self-Organization, amending
several provisions of the Labor Code
Therefore, the right to organize and the right to
engage in concerted activity, although twins, are
not inseparable. They exist and may be
exercised separately.
● Implementing Rules under Department
of Labor and Employment DO. No 40-03
The peaceful group action, according to rulings,
s. 2003, ​as amended
is an exercise of the right to freedom of speech
under the Bill of Rights. The group action is not
necessarily a work stoppage or strike because it
may be done during off-hours.
4. Non-abridgement of the right to
self-organization (Art. 246)
The labor organization entitled to protection 6. Registration of Union (Arts. 234-249, as
does not have to be a registered organization or amended)
the bargaining union. Art. 234. Requirements of registration. Any
applicant labor organization, association or
However, if unregistered, it does not have a right group of unions or workers shall acquire legal
to represent its members because it is not a personality and shall be entitled to the rights and
legal person. Hence, it cannot sue in behalf of its privileges granted by law to legitimate labor
supposed members. organizations upon issuance of the certificate of
registration based on the following requirements:
The right to self-organization is granted not only
to employees but also to workers, whether a. Fifty pesos (P50.00) registration fee;
employed or not. In fact, constitutionally
speaking, the right to form associations or b. The names of its officers, their addresses, the
societies is a right of the people, whether principal address of the labor organization, the
workers or not. minutes of the organizational meetings and the
list of the workers who participated in such
No “person” inside or outside of government, meetings;
employer or non-employer, unionist or
non-unionist, may abridge these rights. If c. The names of all its members comprising at
abridged in the workplace, the abridgement is least twenty percent (20%) of all the employees
termed U.I.P. (unfair labor practice). in the bargaining unit where it seeks to operate;

5. Union Membership and Formation of a Union d. If the applicant union has been in existence
● Who are qualified (See Art. 245, as for one or more years, copies of its annual
amended) financial reports; and
- Rank-and-file employees may join,
assist or form separate labor e. Four (4) copies of the constitution and by-laws
organization of their own. of the applicant union, minutes of its adoption or
● Who are disqualified ratification, and the list of the members who
- Managerial employees are not eligible to participated in it.
join, assist or form any labor
organization. Supervisory employees ● Jurisdiction and Procedure
shall not be eligible for membership in - Applications for registration of
collective bargaining unit fo the independent labor unions, chartered
rank-and-file employees but may join, locals, and workers’ association shall be
assist or form separate collective filed with the Regional Office where the
bargaining units and/or legitimate labor applicant principally operates.
organizations of their own. The
rank-and-file union and the supervisors’ - If the Regional Office denies the
union operating within the same application, the denial is appealable to
establishment may join the same the Bureau of Labor Relations and from
federation or national union. there to the Court of Appeals (not to the
Secretary of Labor) if proper grounds
● Doctrine of Necessary Implication exist.
- “What is implied in a statute is as much
a part thereof as that which is ● Juridical Personality
expressed” - A labor organization may be organized
under the Corporation Law as a
non-stock corporation and issued a other projects not contrary to law.
certificate of incorporation by the Notwithstanding any provision of a general or
Securities and Exchange Commission. special law to the contrary, the income and the
But such incorporation has only the properties of legitimate labor organizations,
effect of giving to it juridical personality including grants, endowments, gifts, donations
before regular courts of justice. Such and contributions they may receive from
incorporation does not grant the rights fraternal and similar organizations, local or
and privileges of a legitimate labor foreign, which are actually, directly and
organization. exclusively used for their lawful purposes, shall
be free from taxes, duties and other
7. Rights of Legitimate Labor Organizations assessments. The exemptions provided herein
(Arts. 242, as amended & 277) may be withdrawn only by a special law
expressly repealing this provision.
Art. 242. Rights of legitimate labor
organizations. 8. Union Members & Non-Union Members (Art.
A legitimate labor organization shall have the 241)
a. To act as the representative of its members Art. 241. Rights and conditions of
for the purpose of collective bargaining; membership in a labor organization.
The following are the rights and conditions of
b. To be certified as the exclusive representative membership in a labor organization:
of all the employees in an appropriate a. No arbitrary or excessive initiation fees shall
bargaining unit for purposes of collective be required of the members of a legitimate labor
bargaining; organization nor shall arbitrary, excessive or
oppressive fine and forfeiture be imposed;
c. To be furnished by the employer, upon written
request, with its annual audited financial b. The members shall be entitled to full and
statements, including the balance sheet and the detailed reports from their officers and
profit and loss statement, within thirty (30) representatives of all financial transactions as
calendar days from the date of receipt of the provided for in the constitution and by-laws of
request, after the union has been duly the organization;
recognized by the employer or certified as the
sole and exclusive bargaining representative of c. The members shall directly elect their officers,
the employees in the bargaining unit, or within including those of the national union or
sixty (60) calendar days before the expiration of federation, to which they or their union is
the existing collective bargaining agreement, or affiliated, by secret ballot at intervals of five (5)
during the collective bargaining negotiation; years. No qualification requirements for
candidacy to any position shall be imposed other
d. To own property, real or personal, for the use than membership in good standing in subject
and benefit of the labor organization and its labor organization. The secretary or any other
members; responsible union officer shall furnish the
Secretary of Labor and Employment with a list of
e. To sue and be sued in its registered name the newly-elected officers, together with the
and; appointive officers or agents who are entrusted
with the handling of funds, within thirty (30)
f. To undertake all other activities designed to calendar days after the election of officers or
benefit the organization and its members, from the occurrence of any change in the list of
including cooperative, housing, welfare and officers of the labor organization; (As amended
by Section 16, Republic Act No. 6715, March 21, source, and every expenditure of its funds shall
1989) be evidenced by a receipt from the person to
whom the payment is made, which shall state
d. The members shall determine by secret the date, place and purpose of such payment.
ballot, after due deliberation, any question of Such record or receipt shall form part of the
major policy affecting the entire membership of financial records of the organization.
the organization, unless the nature of the
organization or force majeure renders such Any action involving the funds of the
secret ballot impractical, in which case, the organization shall prescribe after three (3) years
board of directors of the organization may make from the date of submission of the annual
the decision in behalf of the general financial report to the Department of Labor and
membership; Employment or from the date the same should
have been submitted as required by law,
e. No labor organization shall knowingly admit whichever comes earlier: Provided, That this
as members or continue in membership any provision shall apply only to a legitimate labor
individual who belongs to a subversive organization which has submitted the financial
organization or who is engaged directly or report requirements under this Code: Provided,
indirectly in any subversive activity; further, that failure of any labor organization to
comply with the periodic financial reports
f. No person who has been convicted of a crime required by law and such rules and regulations
involving moral turpitude shall be eligible for promulgated thereunder six (6) months after the
election as a union officer or for appointment to effectivity of this
any position in the union; Act shall automatically result in the cancellation
of union registration of such labor organization;
g. No officer, agent or member of a labor (As amended by Section 16, Republic Act No.
organization shall collect any fees, dues, or 6715, March 21, 1989)
other contributions in its behalf or make any
disbursement of its money or funds unless he is k. The officers of any labor organization shall not
duly authorized pursuant to its constitution and be paid any compensation other than the
by-laws; salaries and expenses due to their positions as
specifically provided for in its constitution and
h. Every payment of fees, dues or other by-laws, or in a written resolution duly
contributions by a member shall be evidenced authorized by a majority of all the members at a
by a receipt signed by the officer or agent general membership meeting duly called for the
making the collection and entered into the purpose. The minutes of the meeting and the list
record of the organization to be kept and of participants and ballots cast shall be subject
maintained for the purpose; to inspection by the Secretary of Labor or his
duly authorized representatives. Any
i. The funds of the organization shall not be irregularities in the approval of the resolutions
applied for any purpose or object other than shall be a ground for impeachment or expulsion
those expressly provided by its constitution and from the organization;
by-laws or those expressly authorized by written
resolution adopted by the majority of the l. The treasurer of any labor organization and
members at a general meeting duly called for every officer thereof who is responsible for the
the purpose; account of such organization or for the
collection, management, disbursement, custody
j. Every income or revenue of the organization or control of the funds, moneys and other
shall be evidenced by a record showing its properties of the organization, shall render to the
organization and to its members a true and
correct account of all moneys received and paid p. It shall be the duty of any labor organization
by him since he assumed office or since the last and its officers to inform its members on the
day on which he rendered such account, and of provisions of its constitution and by-laws,
all bonds, securities and other properties of the collective bargaining agreement, the prevailing
organization entrusted to his custody or under labor relations system and all their rights and
his control. The rendering of such account shall obligations under existing labor laws.
be made: For this purpose, registered labor organizations
may assess reasonable dues to finance labor
1. At least once a year within thirty (30) relations seminars and other labor education
days after the close of its fiscal year; activities.
Any violation of the above rights and conditions
2. At such other times as may be of membership shall be a ground for cancellation
required by a resolution of the majority of the of union registration or expulsion of officers from
members of the organization; and office, whichever is appropriate. At least thirty
percent (30%) of the members of a union or any
3. Upon vacating his office. member or members specially concerned may
report such violation to the Bureau. The Bureau
The account shall be duly audited and verified shall have the power to hear and decide any
by affidavit and a copy thereof shall be furnished reported violation to mete the appropriate
the Secretary of Labor. penalty.
Criminal and civil liabilities arising from violations
m. The books of accounts and other records of of above rights and conditions of membership
the financial activities of any labor organization shall continue to be under the jurisdiction of
shall be open to inspection by any officer or ordinary courts.
member thereof during office hours;
● Qualifications
n. No special assessment or other extraordinary When, how, and under what conditions does an
fees may be levied upon the members of a labor employee become a union member? The
organization unless authorized by a written answer depends on the union’s constitution and
resolution of a majority of all the members in a by-laws inasmuch as Article 249 gives a labor
general membership meeting duly called for the organization the right to prescribe its own rules
purpose. The secretary of the organization shall for acquisition or retention of membership.
record the minutes of the meeting including the Nonetheless, under Art. 277 an employee is
list of all members present, the votes cast, the already qualified for union membership starting
purpose of the special assessment or fees and on his first day of service.
the recipient of such assessment or fees. The Qualifying for union membership does not
record shall be attested to by the president. necessarily mean inclusion in the coverage of
the CBA. The reverse is equally true:
o. Other than for mandatory activities under the membership in the CBU does not automatically
Code, no special assessments, attorney’s fees, mean membership in the union.
negotiation fees or any other extraordinary fees
may be checked off from any amount due to an To sum up:
employee without an individual written Inclusion in the CBU depends on the
authorization duly signed by the employee. The determination of its appropriateness under Art.
authorization should specifically state the 234 and Art. 255.
amount, purpose and beneficiary of the
deduction; and
Inclusion or membership in a union depends on expiration of the incumbent officers’
the union’s constitution and by-laws, without term.
prejudice to Art. 277(c). - If the officers with expired term do not
Inclusion or coverage in the CBA depends on call an election, the remedy​, according
the stipulations in the CBA itself. to Rule XII, is for at least 30% of the
members to file a petition with the DOLE
● Rights and Duties Regional Office.
The rights and conditions of membership laid - The member’s frustration over the
down in Art. 241 may be summarized as follows: performance of the union officers, as
(1) ​Political right – the member’s right to vote well as their fear of a “fraudulent”
and be voted for, subject to lawful provisions on election to be held under the latter’s
qualifications and disqualifications. supervision, does not justify disregard of
(2) ​Deliberative and decision-making right – the the union’s constitution and by-laws.
member’s right to participate in deliberations on
Qualification (According to labor code)
major policy questions and decide them by
secret ballot. 1. No person who is not an employee or
(3) ​Rights over money matters – the member’s worker of the company or establishment
right against excessive fees; the right against where an independently registered
unauthorized collection of contributions or union, affiliate, local or chapter of a
unauthorized disbursements; the right to require labor federation or national union
adequate records of income and expenses and operates ​shall henceforth be elected or
the right of access to financial records; the right appointed as an officer of such union,
to vote on officers’ compensation; the right to affiliate, local or chapter.
vote on proposed special assessments and be 2. No person who has been convicted of a
deducted a special assessment only with the crime involving moral turpitude shall be
member’s written authorization. eligible for election as a union officer or
(4) Right to Information – the member’s right to for appointment to any position in the
be informed about the organization’s constitution union;
and by-laws and the collective bargaining
agreement and about labor laws. 10. Check-Off provision (Art. 113 (b))

Although not so denominated, Article 241 of the ART. 113. No employer, in his own behalf or in
Labor Code carries the character of a bill of behalf of any person, shall make any deduction
rights of union members. from the wages of his employees, except:
(B) For union dues, in cases where the right of
9. Election of Union Officers the worker or his union to check-off has been
- The officers of the union are elected by recognized by the employer or authorized in
the members in secret ballot ​voting. writing by the individual worker concerned
- The election takes place at ​intervals of
five years which is the term of office of Comments:
the union officers including those of a The Labor Code, in requiring an individual
national union, federation, or trade union written authorization as a prerequisite to wage
center. deductions, seeks to protect the employee
- The Implementing Rules (Rule XII, against unwarranted practices that would
Section 1) require the i​ncumbent diminish his compensation without his
president to create an election knowledge and consent.
committee within 60 days before
Nonetheless, service fee collected by the Union of collective bargaining or to any other conflict or
does not run counter to the express mandate of dispute between legitimate labor unions.
the law since the same are not unwarranted.
"Intra-Union Dispute" refers to any ​conflict
Also, the deductions for the union service fee
between and among union member​s, including
are authorized by law and do not require
grievances arising from any violation of the
individual check-off authorizations.
rights and conditions of membership, violation of
or disagreement over any provision of the
11. Disaffiliation
union's constitution and by-laws, or disputes
- The right of a local union to disaffiliate
arising from chartering or affiliation of union.
from its mother union is well-settled. It
has been repeatedly held that a local In inter/intra-union dispute the complaint may be
union, being separate and voluntary filed by a union or union members​; in a “related
association, is free to serve the interest labor relations dispute” the complaint may be
of all its members including the freedom filed by a party-in-interest who is not necessarily
to disaffiliate when circumstances so a union or union member. Whether the dispute
warrant. be of the first or the second category, the
complainant or petition, if it involves an
● Members independent union, a chartered local, or a
- An individual member or any number of worker’s association, shall be filed with the
members may disaffiliate during the DOLE Regional Office where the labor
“freedom period”. But disaffiliating the organization is registered. But if the complaint
union itself to the mother union must be involves a federation or an industry/national
supported by the majority members. If union, it shall be filed with the BLR itself.
done by minority of members even
during freedom period, this may cause Jurisdiction of the Bureau of Labor Relations
disloyalty. The minority members (BLR) [Art. 226] and other matters
breaking away at the wrong time may be
The Bureau of Labor Relations (BLR) no longer
expelled from the union, because of
handles “all” labor-management disputes; rather,
union security clause, may be removed
its functions and jurisdiction are largely confined
from their employment.
to union matters, collective bargaining registry,
● Unions
and labor education.
- The obligation of an employee to pay
union dues is coterminous with his
Section 16. Bureau of Labor Relations. - The
affiliation or membership.
Bureau of Labor Relations shall set policies,
- A contract between an employer and the
standards, and procedures on the registration
parent organization as bargaining agent
and supervision of legitimate labor union
for the employees is terminated by the
activities including denial, cancellation and
disaffiliation of the local of which the
revocation of labor union permits. It shall also
employees are members
set policies, standards, and procedure relating to
collective bargaining agreements, and the
examination of financial records of accounts of
12. Intra-union & Inter-union dispute
labor organizations to determine compliance
● Jurisdiction of the Bureau of Labor
with relevant laws.
Relations (BLR) [Art. 226] and other
13. Cancellation of Union Registration
"Inter-Union Dispute" refers to any ​conflict
● Grounds
between and among legitimate labor unions
● Jurisdiction
involving representation questions for purposes
● Procedure D. Failure to submit the annual
financial report to the Bureau
Art. 238. Cancellation of registration; appeal. within thirty (30) days after the
The certificate of registration of any closing of every fiscal year and
legitimate labor organization, whether national or misrepresentation, false entries
local, shall be cancelled by the Bureau if it has or fraud in the preparation of the
reason to believe, after due hearing, that the financial report itself;
said labor organization no longer meets one or E. Acting as a labor contractor or
more of the requirements herein prescribed. engaging in the "cabo" system,
[The Bureau upon approval of this Code or otherwise engaging in any
shall immediately institute cancellation activity prohibited by law;
proceedings and take such other steps as may F. Entering into collective
be necessary to restructure all existing bargaining agreements which
registered labor organizations in accordance provide terms and conditions of
with the objective envisioned above.] (Repealed employment below minimum
by Executive Order No. 111, December 24, standards established by law;
1986) G. Asking for or accepting
attorney’s fees or negotiation
Art. 239. Grounds for cancellation of union fees from employers;
registration. H. Other than for mandatory
The following shall constitute grounds activities under this Code,
for cancellation of union registration: checking off special
A. Misrepresentation, false assessments or any other fees
statement or fraud in connection without duly signed individual
with the adoption or ratification written authorizations of the
of the constitution and by-laws members;
or amendments thereto, the I. Failure to submit list of
minutes of ratification and the individual members to the
list of members who took part in Bureau once a year or
the ratification; whenever required by the
B. Failure to submit the documents Bureau; and
mentioned in the preceding J. Failure to comply with
paragraph within thirty (30) days requirements under Articles 237
from adoption or ratification of and 238.
the constitution and by-laws or Grounds for Cancellation of Registration
amendments thereto; - Registration: act that converts a labor
C. Misrepresentation, false organization to a legitimate labor org
statements or fraud in - Cancellation: governmental act that
connection with the election of divest it of that status
officers, minutes of the election ○ Reverts to its character prior to
of officers, the list of voters, or registration
failure to submit these ○ Altho it does not cease to exist /
documents together with the list become an unlawful org, its
of the newly elected/appointed juridical personality as well as
officers and their postal its statutory rights and privileges
addresses within thirty (30) days are suspended
from election;
○ It loses its entitlement to the - Engaging in “cabo” system = cause for
rights enumerated in Art. 242 of cancellation of a union’s registration
the Labor Code - Cabo= a person / group of persons or to
○ It cannot demand recognition by a labor group which, in the guise of a
or bergaining w the employer labor org, supplies workers to an
○ Cannot file a petition for employer with or without any monetary
certification election & cannot or other consideration whether in the
strike capacity of an agent of the employer or
as an ostensible independent contract
- Grounds for cancellation of registration
of a labor org may be grouped into 3: The “reportorial requirements” of Administrative
1. Commission of any of the acts Cancellation
enumerated in art. 239, wc includes - Every legitimate labor union & worker
failure to meet the registration association has the duty to submit to the
requirements under articles 237 and 238 Regional Office / the Bureau, 2 copies of
2. Violation of any of the acts mentioned in each of the ff documents:
art 241, if the petition for cancellation is a) Any amendment to its
supported by at least 30% of the constitution and by-laws and the
membership minutes of adoption / ratification
3. Non-compliance w the reportorial of such amendments; w/in 30
requirements specified in rule 5 of D.O. days from its adoption or
No. 40-03; the cancellation based on ratification;
this ground is called ​administrative b) Annual financial reports w/in 30
cancellation days after the close of each
fiscal year / calendar year
- Having held illegal strike = not a reason c) Updated list of newly-elected
to cancel a union’s registration officers, together w the
○ Has adverse consequences appointive officers / agents who
particularly the officers are entrusted w the handling of
- Non-renewal of registration / permit will funds, w/in 30 days after each
not cause dismissal of he case filed by regular / special election of
the union officers or from the occurence of
○ Provided that when it filed the any change in the officers /
petition it had juridical agents of the labor org or
personality & the court had workers association;
acquired jurisdiction over the d) Updated list of individual
case members of chartered locals,
○ The case could be continued independent unions and
w/o need of substitution of workers’ associations w/in 30
parties days after the close of each
○ The decision to be rendered fiscal year; and
would only bind upon those e) Updated list of its chartered
union members who had not locals and affiliates or member
withdrawn from the case before organization, collective
its trial and decision on the bargaining agreements
merits executed and their effectivity
period, in the case of
Definition of Cabo federations or national unions,
w/in 30 days after the close of verification with its records. The Bureau
each fiscal year, as well as the shall send by registered mail with return
updated list of their authorized card to the labor organization
representatives, agents or concerned, a notice for compliance
signatories in the different indicating the documents it failed to
regions of the country submit and the corresponding period in
- Failure of the labor org to submit the which they were required, with notice to
reports mentioned above for 5 comply with the said reportorial
consecutive years authorizes the requirements and to submit proof
Bureau to institute cancellation thereof to the Bureau within ten (10)
proceedings upon its own initiative / days from receipt thereof. Where no
upon complaint by any party-in-interest response is received by the Bureau
within thirty (30) days from the release
Who files petition for cancellation of the first notice, another notice for
- Any party-in-interest may commence a compliance shall be made by the
petition for cancellation of registration Bureau, with warning that failure on its
- Except in action involving violations of part to comply with the reportorial
art. 241 requirements within the time specified
○ Can only be commenced by shall cause the continuation of the
members of the labor org proceedings for the administrative
constituting at least 30% of all cancellation of its registration.
the members
- Employer is a party-in-interest - Section 3. Publication of notice of
- The petition shall be under oath and cancellation of registration . - Where no
shall state clearly and concisely the response is again received by the
facts and grounds relied upon, Bureau within thirty (30) days from
accompanied by proof of service to the release of the second notice, the Bureau
respondent shall cause the publication of the notice
of cancellation of registration of the
Where to file petition labor organization in two (2)
- Cancellation orders issued by the newspapers of general circulation. The
Regional Director are appealable to the Bureau may conduct an investigation
BLR. within the employer's premises and at
- The latter’s decision is final and the labor organization's last known
executor, hence, not appealable to the address to verify the latter's existence
DOLE Secretary but it may be elevated - Additionally, certain procedural reqs
to the Court of Appeals by certiorari. apply particularly to cancellation due to
BLR decisions on cancellation cases failure to comply w reportorial
that originated at the BLR itself may be requirements
appealed to the Secretary and, again, ○ Applies mostly to mechanics,
by certiorari to the CA. such as publication of notices in
- Section 2. Procedure. - The Labor 14. Inquiry into a union’s financial activities
Relations Division of the Regional Office - Article 274 authorizes the Secretary of
shall make a report of the labor Labor and Employment or his duly
organization's non-compliance and authorized representative to inquire into
submit the same to the Bureau for the financial activities of any labor
organization on the basis of a complaint harmony and understanding
under oath, supported by 20 percent of between the parties; and
the membership in order to determine i. the relevance of labor laws and
compliance or noncompliance with the labor relations to national
laws and to aid in the prosecution of any development. The Secretary of
violation thereof. Labor shall also inquire into the
causes of industrial unrest and
15. Powers of the Secretary of Labor (Arts. 273 take all the necessary steps
& 274) within his power as may be
● Visitorial Power prescribed by law to alleviate
● Others the same, and shall from time to
Art. 273. Study of labor-management time recommend the enactment
relations. The Secretary of Labor shall of such remedial legislation as
have the power and it shall be his duty in his judgment may be
to inquire into: desirable for the maintenance
a. a. the existing relations between and promotion of industrial
employers and employees in the peace.
b. the growth of associations of Art. 274. Visitorial power.
employees and the effect of The Secretary of Labor and Employment or his
such associations upon duly authorized representative is hereby
employer-employee relations; empowered to inquire into the financial activities
c. the extent and results of the of legitimate labor organizations upon the filing
methods of collective bargaining of a complaint under oath and duly supported by
in the determination of terms the written consent of at least twenty percent
and conditions of employment; (20%) of the total membership of the labor
d. the methods which have been organization concerned and to examine their
tried by employers and books of accounts and other records to
associations of employees for determine compliance or non-compliance with
maintaining mutually the law and to prosecute any violations of the
satisfactory relations; law and the union constitution and by-laws:
e. desirable industrial practices Provided, That such inquiry or examination shall
which have been developed not be conducted during the sixty (60)-day
through collective bargaining freedom period nor within the thirty (30) days
and other voluntary immediately preceding the date of election of
arrangements; union officials. (As amended by Section 31,
f. the possible ways of increasing Republic Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989)
the usefulness and efficiency of
collective bargaining for settling - Visitorial power speaks of enforcement
differences; of law / regulations relating only to
g. the possibilities for the adoption financial activities and records of labor
of practical and effective orgs
methods of labor management - Needs a sworn complaint filed and
cooperation; supported by at least 20% of the
h. any other aspects of organization’s members
employer-employee relations
concerning the promotion of UNDER D.O. NO. 40-03
for examination of books of accounts
pursuant to art 274 shall be filed w the AND COORDINATION OF SPECIAL
Regional Office that issued its certificate ECONOMIC ZONES IN THE PHILIPPINES,
of registration / certificate of creation of
chartered local
pursuant to art 274: shall be field w the
- In the absence of allegations
pertaining to a violation of art
241 shall not be treated as an
intra-union dispute and the SEC. 37. Labor and Management Relations. -
appointment of an Audit Except as otherwise provided in this Act, labor
Examiner by the Regional /
and management relations in the ECOZONE
Bureau Director shall not be
appealable shall be governed by the existing Labor Code of
- complaint/petition for audit/examination the Philippines. Employees and personnel in the
of funds & book of accounts shall
ECOZONE enterprises shall receive salaries
prescribe w/in 3 YEARS from the date of
submission of the annual financial report and benefits and shall enjoy working conditions
to the Dept or from the date the same not less than those provided under the
should have been submitted as required Philippine Labor Code and other relevant laws,
by law, whichever comes earlier
issuances, rules and regulations of the
DUTY OF AUDIT EXAMINER: Philippine government and the Department of
- Submit his report and recommendations Labor and Employment
w/in 10 days from termination of audit
- Decision granting the conduct of audit is SEC. 38. Promotion of Industrial Peace. - In the
interlocutory and not appealable
pursuit of Industrial harmony in the ECOZONE,
- The decision denying/dismissing the
complaint/petition for audit may be a tripartite body composed of one (1)
appealed w/in 10 DAYS representative each from the Department of
- Audit examiner shall conduct an
Labor and Employment, labor sector and
inventory of all physical assets required
by the labor org business and industry sectors shall be created
In order to formulate a mechanism under a
16. Other Special Laws social pact for the enhancement and
● RA 7916, Chapter 4
preservation of industrial peace in the
[REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7916] ECOZONE within thirty (30) days after the
(as amended by Republic Act No. 8748) effectivity of this Act.
SEC. 39. Master Employment Contracts. - The Employment, shall promulgate appropriate
PEZA, in coordination with the Department of measures and programs leading to the
Tabor and Employment, shall prescribe a master expansion of the services of the ECOZONE to
employment contract for all ECOZONE help the local governments of nearby areas
enterprise staff members and workers, the terms meet the needs of the migrant workers.
of which provide salaries and benefits not less
than those provided under this Act, the SEC. 42. Incentive Scheme. - An additional

Philippine Labor Code, as amended, and other deduction equivalent to one- half (1/2) of the

relevant issuances of the national government. value of training expenses incurred In

developing skilled or unskilled labor or for
SEC. 40. Percentage of Foreign Nationals. - managerial or other management development
Employment of foreign nationals hired by programs incurred by enterprises In the
ECOZONE enterprises in a supervisory, ECOZONE can be deducted from the national
technical or advisory capacity shall not exceed government's share of three percent (3%) as
five percent (5%) of Its workforce without the provided In Section 24.
express authorization of the Secretary of Labor
and Employment.

SEC. 41. Migrant Worker. - The PEZA, in

coordination with the Department of Labor and

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