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Table of Contents

I. Executive Summary
II. Overview the business
III. The needs
IV. Vision, Mission, Values
V. Market profile

A. Research and Analysis

B. Marketing Plan
(a.) Product
(b.) People/ Target Market
(c.) Pricing
(d.) Promotion
(e.) Public Relation

Production and Technical Plan/Operation Plan

Organization Plan


a. Financial Plan
I. Capitalization
II. Monthly expenses
III. Projected revenue for three (3) years only
IV. Project of Cost Revenue for three (3) years

Social impact

I. Long Term Desired Outcomes

II. Social input to the Community
III. Business input in the Community


Antique Vocational School Status Shake brings you the sweetest and tastiest shakes

which are Filipino-made. Selling different kinds of flavors like chocolate, ube, taro, vanilla,

melon, and caramel, etc. Founder Mary Kristine Laude saw students and people whom crave for

shakes. We believe that through selling shakes, we can fulfill the customer satisfaction and we

can give them the greatness that they want.



We name our business “Status Shake” because our product is labeled on what the

customer’s status is because we believe that we could attract costumers through it .


The information below shows the problem/need of the business plan based on the

gathered data.

Because of high demand of shakes, our store is ready and is open to bring you the finest

and satisfying product.


Having different kinds of flavors and cup sizes can make the customers choose their own

kind of flavors that can help them satisfy themselves.


We offer shakes that are labeled based on your relationship status and if the customers

buy the shake that suits their status they are able to write their own feelings, quotes, and

message in the cup.


The information below shows the vision, mission and values based on the prepared

product concept.

Vision: “We envision costumer with happiness and with the greatness provided by our

very own delicacies”

The “Status Shake” will be known as the most satisfying store in Bugasong and will expand

more branches in the whole Antique and after that, the Status Shake will be known as the top

selling shake in the whole country.

Mission: “To provide fun and exciting activities and good service by our staffs to whoever

buy to us”

Status Shake, at good service provides fresh products that customers would enjoy. Will forever

give a remarkable taste to everyone. The crew of this product will give a power for its best

services and a blending flavors of shakes that can satisfy the customer’s cravings.

Values: “We value morality and unity passionate in heart and mind quality for all

costumers responsibility and leadership.

We work as one with strong leadership, fairness and equality of conduct, excellence and

responsibility for the benefit of the shake lovers out there.


-With the growing population of the Philippines 108,668,498 to be exact as years have

passed and the unstable rate of the Philippines economic growth which has slowed in the first

half of 2019. Amidst rising global uncertainties, the Philippine economy remains strong and is

projected to grow to 5.8% in 2019, before recovering to 6.1% and 6.2% in 2020 and 2021,

respectively. Also, the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) Holdings PLC

forecasts that by 2050, the Philippines will become the 16th largest economy in the world, the 5th

largest economy in Asia, and the largest economy in Southeast Asia. People have conducted

business since ancient times; historically, business have involved mercantile operations, trade

guilds, or shared agricultural production. It is defined as an organization or enterprising entity

engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities. It can be for-profit entities or non-

profit organizations that operate to fulfill a charitable mission or further a social cause. It can

range from a sole proprietorship to an international corporation. The term business also refers to

the organized efforts and activities of individuals to produce and sell goods and services for


The country’s food service industry has continued to improve over the past years due to

the stronger consumer’s purchasing power, influenced of today’s fast-place lifestyle. Restaurants

led the sector with 6,652 establishments, which accounted for 24.6% of the total number of

establishments followed by Fast food chains with 4,477 establishments (16.6%), followed by

refreshment stands, kiosks and counters with 3,772 establishments (14%). The students could

also contribute to the cause of our government to fully strengthen the food services industry in

the Philippines. We could contribute by means of starting the business and provide our own

product in the market where plays the big role in helping to grow and generate employment in
the country. Status Shake was based on the different status of each person. Our friendship or

group is comprised by people with different status or hugot in life. We made Status Shake to

build friendship between the owners and the costumers and also to inspire other people that the

recipe behind successful business are cooperation and trust to each other. ‘Status Shake’ is

owned and managed by Mary Kristine Laude, Cheryl Anne Laude, Vince Galleros, Kent

Magaro, Claira Lopez, Jireh Espartero, John Pediangco, Aliah Matunding, Freanne Magdato,

Allyssa Maghari and John Gabriel Nietes. It is located at Barangay Ilaya, Bugasong, Antique.

It’s target market are the students, teachers and shake lovers.

status Shake doesn’t only offer a wide variety of tasty shakes and services but also

could help to contribute to increase the foodservice rate in the growing urbanization across the

country, Filipinos are having more busy lifestyles that pushed them to buy cooked foods or

simply dine out. Status shake offers variety of shakes that can satisfy the costumers craving. We

rest assured the good variety of shakes and we offerred activities that could help the buyers in

terms of mental health awareness wherein they would pick their own status shake cups that are

labeled according to the different status and they could choose whether they would write their

own #hugot that they have and we will be posting their pictures in our Facebook page and we

will be giving freebies to those costumer with the most number of shake that she/he had bought.

Status shake attracts the Generation Z who comprises one third of the country’s population and

recognized as the biggest spenders.

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