Personal Relationship

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Whennie Alayza P.



In today's world, the need to belong is necessary. We need
someone to talk to and to rely on whenever we are having a bad
day. Having someone who understands you keeps you warm and
feel assured that you are not alone, that you have someone by
your side who will always be there through good and bad times.

A personal relationship can be defined as a bond that is shared

between individuals who help each other grow and share
emotional, physical and social connections towards one another.
In my opinion, you can only form a bond with another person if
you are very familiar with them and if you have close connections.
Mutual experiences and frequent interactions help these bonds to
grow and strengthen.

For me, personal relationship is very broad and complex. It varies

depending on who you share the connection to. An example of
personal relationship I can cite is the family relationship. Although
it varies greatly from person to person, family relationship surely
is one of the strongest bonds anyone can have. Sharing the same
blood strengthens the relationship with them plus the bondings
we have surely contributes to our connection. Dining together is
one of our bondings which makes us connected. Telling each
other's day and sharing stories and jokes is a very good way of
strengthening our bonds. Having fun with them is very easy
because I feel connected with them. Although we fight over petty
things sometimes, I can't just ignore the fact that they are my
family, that we share the same blood and that we will always be
connected with each other.

Another example of personal relationship that I can give is the

one I have with my friends. My friends are those who I share a
special connection with by having mutual experiences together
and sharing same traits that makes us connected. I have that
strong bond with them that I can't explain. I can share to them my
secrets that I never share to others. They understand me most of
the time. They can easily know what I feel as if they can read my
mind. We often share the same sentiments about something. I
feel like we almost have the same brain waves because our body
language is enough for us to know what each of us is thinking. We
are together through fun times and sad times. We always got
each other's back. I am having so much fun when I'm with them. I
can say that my relationship with them is intimate. I think this is
because of the countless memories and experiences we shared
that makes our relationship grow.

Based on these experiences, I can really say that personal

relationship needs communication. Communicating with one
another helps relationship to grow stronger. Frequent
communication helps to understand each other better and keeps
us updated about how was each other's day. Communication is
essential to every relationship because it is one of the things that
keeps you emotionally connected with each other.

I can also say that personal relationship is important. It helps us

to live a greater life. It helps us to express ourselves more freely
and confidently, knowing that we have people who always got our
back. It gives us assurance that we can go on with our life and
problems are just life's challenges that we can never fail because
we have many people cheering for us. As a conclusion, personal
relationship is essential in living a great life and in coping with all
the challenges that life will bring to us.
Whennie Alayza P. Venzon



Love is very broad and complex. It cannot be defined with only a
sentence or paragraph. It is defined differently by different
periodicals, dictionaries, authors and even ordinary people. I
guess it is mainly because each one of us experiences different
kinds of love. The kinds of love we had and the number of times
we loved someone makes our definition of love more complicated.
For example, I can define love as something hurtful. You can
easily give in to love but you can hardly get out from its trance.
It's like a mud. The longer your feet has stucked, the harder you
get out. My definition of love was influenced by my past
experiences, as to how hurtful it is to love someone and how hard
it is to find reasons just for you to stay. I have learned that falling
inlove is easy. It is staying in love that is hard.

Love, on the other hand, is associated with intimacy. Intimacy is a

close relationship where mutual acceptance, nurturance and trust
are shared at some level. It is the transparency of each. In my
opinion, it is how you cross the dangers of getting to know
someone while you enter and reside in the zone of vulnerability.
You take your mask off and show who you really are to your
partner. For example, I have this kind of intimacy with my
bestfriend. She knows me more than anyone else. She knows my
deepest secret. Even when I don't tell her everything, she knew
what I am keeping away from her. She has her own way of
knowing everything of me. Maybe that's what attachment and
transparency is. I didn't even hesitate to tell her everything. I
guess it is all about trust. It is the trust that makes the fear of
being vulnerable or naked, and especially your fears of being
exposed as a flawed individual disappear. Once you self-disclose,
the potential for intimacy can be realized.
Love and intimacy go hand in hand. Once you love a person, you'll
come to overcome your fear of vulnerability and be intimate with
your partner. For me, intimacy develops along with love and
intimacy requires that you have the ability to be your true self
with the other person. You can't be really inlove if you can't be
transparent with your partner. That only means that you don't
have trust with the other person to self-disclose, to show the real

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