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QUARTER 2, WEEK 5 (1 Day)

EN10VC-IIf-26: Detect bias and prejudice in the material viewed
 Differentiate bias and prejudice
 Give ideas about bias and prejudice
 Perform the given activities actively

A. Topic: Bias and Prejudice (Celebrating Diversity through World Literature)
B. Reference: Module 2, Lesson 4 LM: pp. 196-199 TG: pp. 179-180
C. Materials: Powerpoint presentation, envelope and pictures, manila paper, marker
D. Introduction: Bias/prejudice is a tendency to believe that some people, ideas, etc.,
are better than others that usually results in treating some people
Value Integration: Empathizing with Others
A. Engagement/ Motivation (10 mins.)
1. Divide the class into 4 groups.
2. Give each group an envelope containing a picture of a signage.
3. Have them analyze the given picture.
4. (after analyzing) Pass on the given picture to the other group until each
group can see and analyze all the given pictures.
5. Let each group present their ideas to the class.
(the pictures of the signage can be found on page 197 of the LM)
B. Exploration/ Presentation (5 mins.)
1. Review the previous poem titled “Laura” using the N.E.W.S strategy.
2. Present/Raise motive questions to the class related to the activity.
- Have you experienced fighting for something or defending yourself
against other people’s biases? How did you react to it?
- Do you think it is right to have biases? Why?
- What could be the reason for the prejudice/bias?
C. Explanation (30 mins.)
1. Present to the class the meaning of bias and prejudice.
2. Explain the difference between bias and prejudice.
3. Give examples about bias and prejudice for better understanding.
Enrichment Activity (Boardwork)
- Can you think of words that you could associate with prejudice/bias? Write
them in the word web.


4. Check the student’s activity.

5. Divide the class into 3 groups.
6. Let each group perform the following activities.
Group 1: Make a slogan about bias and prejudice.
Group 2: Look for a song that has something to do with bias and prejudice and
sing it to the class.
Group 3: Dramatize a short scenario related to bias and prejudice.

Rubrics for Slogan Making

Rubrics for Sing a Song

1 2 3 4 Score

Rubrics for Dramatization

Story Dramatization

Criteria Score

Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement

4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pts

Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement

*Student presents their *Student presents their *Student presents their *Student presents their
character with exceptional character with energy and character with some energy character with slight energy
energy and enthusiasm. enthusiasm. and enthusiasm. and enthusiasm.

*Student clearly *Student distinguishes the *Student attempts to *Student distinguishes the
distinguishes the character(s) from self distinguish the character(s) character(s) from self
character(s) from self through voice or movement. from self through voice or through voice and
through voice and movement. movement.
movement. *Student stays in character
while actively engaged in *Student stays in character *Student stays in character
*Student stays in character the performance. through most of the scene. for parts of the scene.
throughout the entire
Story Presentation

Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement

*The audience is able to *The audience is able to *The audience is able to *The audience is able to
clearly follow a detailed follow a partially detailed follow most parts of the follow some parts of the
story from beginning to story from beginning to story, but details are story; many details are
end. end. lacking. lacking.

*Character's motivations *Characters motivations are *Characters motivations are *Characters motivations are
are clear and make sense clear and usually make usually clear, but do not occasionally clear but are
within the context of the sense within the context of always make sense. confusing.
story. the story.

Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement

*Student is very well *Student is prepared for *Student is mostly prepared *Student is partially
prepared for their their presentation. for their presentation. prepared for their
presentation. presentation.
*Transitions are smooth. *Transitions are usually
*Transitions are seamlessly smooth. *Transitions were a little bit
worked into the confusing.
Volume & Articulation

Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement

*Student's voice was loud *Student's voice was loud *Student's voice was loud *Student's voice was rarely
and clear throughout the and clear for almost the and clear for parts of the loud and clear for the
entire presentation. entire presentation. (almost presentation. presentation.
loud/clear) (a little too quiet/ sloppy) (very quiet/sloppy)
Use of Props & Set

Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement

*Use of props/set greatly *Use of props/set enhances *Use of props/set slightly *Use of props/set did not
enhances the audience's the audience's enhances the audience's inhibit the audience's
understanding of the plot understanding of the plot understanding of the plot understanding of the plot
and characters. and characters. and characters. and characters.

*Student was comfortable *Student was usually *Student was sometimes *Student was
with using the items. comfortable with using the comfortable with using the uncomfortable with using
items. items. the items.

D. Elaboration (7 mins.)
1. What is bias and prejudice?
2. Why is detecting biases important?
3. How can we avoid biases?
IV. ASSESSMENT (8 mins.)
Instructions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Any kind of erasure will
invalidate your answer.

1. It is an unfair feeling of dislike for a person or group because of race, sex, religion
and etc.
A. bias
B. legal
C. judgment
D. prejudice

2. It is a tendency to believe that some people, ideas, etc., are better than others that
usually results in treating some people unfairly.
A. bias
B. legal
C. judgment
D. prejudice

3. When someone is in favor of or against one thing compared with another, usually
in a way considered to be unfair.
A. bias
B. legal
C. judgment
D. prejudice

4. Which of the following is true?

A. Prejudice is open-mindedness.
B. Prejudice is that being receptive.
C. Prejudice is where someone is willing to accept opinions, beliefs, or behaviors.
D. Prejudice is a feeling of like or dislike for someone or something especially when
it is not reasonable or logical.

5. Which of the following would be an example of bias?

A. Millions of people around the world consider Tom Cruise to be a very talented
B. In one of the most high-profile trials of the 20th century, O.J. Simpson was
Acquitted of murder. Many people remain biased against him years later, treating
him like a convicted killer anyway.
C. during the time of slavery, white men and women held unfavorable views against
African Americans and, in turn, discriminated against them through slavery,
segregation, and other heinous acts.
D. If someone is walking in a secluded area in the night, and a group of senior citizens
who are walking with canes in hand, come from the opposite side, the person will
not feel threatened. However, if instead of senior citizens, three teenagers dressed
in jeans and t-shirts with lots of metal chains around their neck are approaching
from the other side, the person might feel threatened a bit, even without any kind of
provocation from their end.

1. D
2. A
3. A
4. D
5. B

Prepared by: REXON C. DUNQUE

T-II / Ponot NHS

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