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John Dewey was the most significant educational

thinker of his era of the 20th century. As a

philosopher, social reformer and educator, he
changed fundamental approaches to teaching and
learning .

His ideas about education sprang from a philosophy

of pragmatism and were central to the Progressive
Movement in schooling. In light of his importance, it
is ironic that many of his theories have been
relatively poorly understood and haphazardly
applied over the past hundred years.
John Dewey
Believed that children acquired self-
discipline and self-reliance by becoming
aware of their mistakes and repeating a
particular task until it was done correctly.

Believed that structure enhanced the

child's freedom. Known for Montesorri
Method which is a method of educating
young children that stresses development
Maria Montesorri
(1870-1952) of a child's own initiative and abilities
especially through practical play.
• Is the founder of the pedagogical theory
came with five formal steps in teaching
known as Herbatian Method:

-Comparison and Abstract
Johann Friedrich Herbart
(1776-1841) -Generalization and Application
• German educator who was founder of
the kindergarten and one of the most
influential educational reformers of the
19th century.
Philosophy of education which is
encompassed by the for basic
components of free self-activity,
Friedrich Froebel creativity, social participation and motor
Significant contributions to early
childhood education was his theory of
introducing play as a means of engaging
children in self-activity for the purpose
of externalizing their inner natures life.

Friedrich Froebel
His work on animal behavior and the
learning process led to the theory of
connectionism and helped lay the
scientific foundation for modern
educational psychology.

Edward Lee Thorndike

Thorndike contributed a great deal to
psychology. His influence on animal
psychologists, especially those who focused
on behavior plasticity, greatly contributed to
the future of that field. His contribution to
measurement influenced philosophy, the
administration and practice of education,
military administration, industrial personnel
Edward Lee Thorndike
administration, civil service and many public
and private social services
• Made significant contributions to human
cognitive psychology and cognitive
learning theory in educational psychology,
as well as to history and to the general
physical of education.
He contributed important ideas regarding
(a) modes of representation, (b) the
importance of teaching and learning
Jerome Bruner
“optimal structure” , (c) the spiral
curriculum, and
(d) learning through acts of discovery in
order to rearrange and transform what is
learned “in such a way that one is enabled
to go beyond the evidence so reassembled
to additional new insights”

Jerome Bruner
He is probably best known as the
original of programmed instruction and
teaching machines, and behavior
modification techniques.

Believer of the idea that human free

will was actually an illusion and any
human action was the result of the
Burrus Frederick Skinner consequences of that same action.
• Published the Taxonomy of Educational
• Made contributions to the classification
of educational objectives and to the
theory of mastery of learning. He also
directed a research team which
conducted a major investigation into the
development of exceptional talent
whose results are relevant to the
Benjamin Bloom question of eminence, exceptional
achievement, and greatness.
• Believed that students have a great
ability to handle these acceleration
techniques, but recognized how they
can burden students and instructors. In
addressing the postwar needs of the
time he suggested these steps for
accelerating education: 1) The obtaining
of college credit for experiences other
than course-taking, 2) The colleges more
Sidney Pressey effectively taking responsibility to assist
(1888-1979) the returning veterans,
• 3) Guidance programs being set up for
those involved in accelerated programs,
4) Considering the students and how
they would handle part-year versus all-
year programs, and 5) The colleges need
to consult with the students about their
ideas for improvement.
Sidney Pressey
Search 2 Contributors of

? Educational Technology
and share its contribution
to the class next meeting
• Creativity & Innovation: The ability to think and work
creatively with others and to implement new ideas
• Critical Thinking & Problem Solving: The ability to reason,
make judgments, solve problems, and evaluate and
synthesize information
• Communication & Collaboration: The ability to articulate
thoughts and ideas through various media and in different
contexts and to work effectively with diverse groups and
• TPACK, is a useful model for educators as they
begin to use digital tools and strategies to
support teaching and learning. This model,
developed by educational researchers Mishra
and Kohler (2006), is designed around the
idea that content (what you teach) and
pedagogy (how you teach) must be the basis
for any technology that you plan to use in your
classroom to enhance learning.
• The circles in the TPACK diagram
represent content
knowledge, pedagogical
knowledge, and technical
knowledge. The areas where the
circles overlap — where the three
kinds of knowledge combine —
• Content Knowledge - is teachers
knowledge about the subject
matter to be learned or taught.
• This knowledge would include
knowledge of concepts, theories,
ideas, organizational frameworks,
knowledge of evidence and proof
as well as established practices,
and approaches towards
developing such knowledge.
• Pedagogical Knowledge - is
teachers deep knowledge about
the processes and practices or
methods of teaching and learning.
• This form knowledge applies to
understanding how students
learn, general classroom
management skills, lesson
planning and student assessment
• Technology Knowledge - is
always expanding and changing.
• It is very hard to have a definition
for technology knowledge
because any definition of
technology knowledge is in
danger of becoming outdated by
the time text has been published.

• Pedagogical Content Knowledge
(PCK) is the knowledge that
teachers have about their content
and the knowledge that they have
about how to teach that specific
• Knowing how best we teach our
content matter
• Technological Pedagogical
Knowledge (TPK) is the set of
skills, identified by Mishra and
Kohler in 2006, which teachers
develop to identify the best
technology to support a particular
pedagogical approach.
• Ability to choose technological
tool based on the learning
• Technological Content
Knowledge (TCK) is the set of
skills, also identified by Mishra
and Kohler in 2006, which
teachers acquire to help identify
the best technologies to support
their students as they learn
• Our ability to put content and
technology together
ADVANTAGE: • Having good content knowledge,
using effective teaching strategies,
and knowing what and how to
integrate technology would increase
students’ motivation and behavior
to create a learning environment
that encourages positive social
interaction, active engagement in
learning and self-motivation in
learning - MFA
- http://mfauzanansyari/

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