2019 02 01 Physics Times

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Physics Times February 19

Physics Times February

By: ESWAR REDDY ALLA (Bangalore)

B. MADHU (Bangalore)

We come across phase and phase difference in  Consider that xz plane as a screen on which the
many chapters of physics, which are SHM,waves particle shadow is formed by using two parallel
& alternating currents etc. Sometimes problems sources of right placed along y-axis as shown.
related to phase are extemely complicated.
In this article we have represented SHM with
projected uniform circular motion (UCM). This
approach helps to solve many problems easily.
In Part-2 of this article we discuss meeting of two
bodies that exicute SHM along a line.
 A simple harmonic motion (SHM) is an oscillatory
motion in which the restoring force is found to be
propotional to the displacement of the particle from
the mean position. The displacement equation for
such a particle is
x  A sin(t   )
where A is the amplitude
t   is the phase
 is the phase constant
 To understand the significance of this equation
we compare SHM with uniform circular motion  From the figure we can clearly understand that the
UCM. motion of the particle shadow along any of the
 Let us assume that a particle is moving in a circle of diameters is oscillatory with amplitude A.
radius A with a constant angular velocity ω in xy We consider the motion of shadow on x-axis as a
plane, with origin as the centre of rotation and its function of time
instantaneous angular position is measured with x  A sin(t   )
respect to (-)ve y-axis .The particle is making an Note: We can measure the angle with respect to any
angle  at t  0 . axis but we have taken -y axis arbitrarly.

Physics Times February

 We can show that SHM is equivalent to the motion Method-2

of the shadow of another particle which is revolving x  A sin(t  0 )
in a circle with constant angular velocity. The
comparision between two motion is A  5
At t  0  A sin 0  0  ,
2 6 6
As the particle is moving towards right side

0 

x  A sin(t  )
2. A particle is executing SHM of amplitude A and
starts from x  and moves towards mean
position. Find its displacement equation as a
function of time.
Sol: The motion of the particle is represented on circular
1. A particle undergoes SHM along x-axis at t=0, the path.
state and position of particle is given in the figure.
Write the x-coordinate of the particle as a function
of time.

Method 1: The corresponding circular motion is shown
in the figure

 A/ 2
cos ( ) 
3 A

  
x  A sin  t   
 2 3
3. Write equation of motion for the particles
undergoing SHM with amplitude A and angular
frequency  under the given conditions.
A/ 2 1 
sin 0    0  ,
A 2 6

x  A sin( t  )

Physics Times February

Sol: The corresponding circular motion is shown in

A/3 1 1
the figure cos       cos 1
A 3 3

1 1
phase difference   2  2 cos ( )
5. Two particles undergo SHM with amplitude A and
angular frequency  . The initial phase difference
is  -Find minimum and maximum distance between
the particles.
Sol: Method 1:
The equations of two particles can be represented
as x1  A sin( t ) ; x2  A sin(t   )
( x1  x2 )  A[sin(t )  sin( t   )]

At t = 0  A[sin(t )  sin  t cos   cos t sin  ]

  A[sin  t (1  cos  )  cos  t sin  ]

. x1  A sin(t  )
3   
 A[sin t (2sin 2 )  cos  t 2sin cos ]
2 2 2 2
x2  A sin(t  )
3   
x1  x2  2 A sin( )[sin(t ) sin( )  cos( t ), cos( )]
2 2 2
x3  A sin( t  )
3  
x1  x2  2 A sin( ) cos( t  )
2 2
x4  A sin( t  )
3 
The resultant amplitude is AR  2 A sin( )
4. Two praticles execute SHM of same amplitude and 2
same time period , about same mean position but 
with a phase difference between them. At an instant Maximum seperation  2 A sin( )
A Minimum seperation =0
they are found to cross each other at x  .
3 Method 2: The two particles can be represented on
Find the phase difference between them. circular path as shown in the figure.
Sol:The motion of the two particles is represented on
circular path.

Physics Times February

The projections of P1 and P2 represent SHM’s of x2  x1 Max  A12  A2 2  2 A1 A2 cos 

two particles. The length of P1 P2 from the triangle
x2  x1 Min  0
Method 2:
 The two particles are represented on the two
P1 P2  2 A sin( )
circular paths having radii A1 and A2 as shown in
When the praticles are in rotation then the line
the figure
joining P1 P2 also rotates. When the line becomes
horizontal then its projection on x-axis becomes
maximum so the maximum distance
between the particles is ( x1  x2 ) Max  P1 P2
When the line joining P1 P2 becomes vertical then
its projected length become zero on x-axis, so the
distance between the particles is
( x1  x2 ) Min  0
6. Two praticles having amplitudes A1 and A2
undergo SHM on same line with same  . The initial
phase difference is  Find maximum and minimum
distance between particles
Form the cosine rule we get
Sol: Method 1: Let x1  A1 sin(t )
P1 P2  A12  A2 2  2 A1 A2 cos 
x2  A2 sin(t   )  A2 (sin t cos   sin  cos t )
x2  x1  sin t ( A2 cos   A1 )  A2 sin  cos t When P1 P2 becomes horizontal then the seperation
between the particles become maximum since its
 sin  tA cos   A sin  cos  t
projected length on x-axis becomes maximum when
x1  x2  A sin(t   ) P1 P2 becomes vertical then the seperation between
where A cos   A2 cos   A1 (i) the particles become zero since its projected length
A sin   A2 sin  (ii) on x-axis become zero.
from the above two eq’s x2  x1 Max  P1 P2

A  A12  A2 2  2 A1 A2 cos  x2  x1 Min  0

Physics Times February 19


1. In a simple pendulum if iron sphere is replaced by (a) Increase (b) Decrease

a wooden sphere of same mass time period. (c) Remains unchanged (d) Become erratic
(a) Increases 6. The period of a simple pendulum is doubled, when
(b) Decreases (a) the mass of the bob is doubled
(c) Remains same (b) Its lengths is doubled
(d) The pendulum does not oscillate (c) The mass of the bob and the length of the
2. A pendulum clock is taken to the bottom of a pendulum are doubled
deep mine. Will it gain or lose time ? How should (d) Its length is made four times
its length be altered to correct the time? 7. What effect occurs on the frequency of a pendulum,
(a) Looses time, length to be increased if it is taken, from the earth’s surface to deep into a
(b) Looses time, length to be decreased mine?
(c) Gains time, length to be increased (a) First increases, then decreases
(d) Gains time, length to be decreased (b) Decreases
3. A simple pendulum is making oscillations with its (c) Increases
bob immersed in a liquid of density n times less (d) No effect
than the density of the bob. What is its period? 8. A simple pendulum is suspended from the ceiling
of a lift. When the lift is at rest its time period is T.
1 With what acceleration should the lift be
2 l
(a)  1 (b) 2 accelerated upwards in order to reduce its period
1   g ng
 n to T/2 (g acceleration due to gravity)
(a) g (b) 4 g (c) 3g (d) 2g
1 nl 9. How does the time period of pendulum vary with
(c) 2  1 g
n  (d) 2 length
4. The period of a simple pendulum suspended from L 1
(a) (b) L (c) 2L (d)
the ceiling of a car is T when the car is at rest. If the 2 L
car moves with a constant acceleration the period 10.Simple pendulum is executing simple harmonic
of the pendulum motion with time period T . If the length of the
(a) Remains same pendulum is increased by 21%, then percentage
(b) Decreases increase in the time period of the pendulum is:
(c) Increases (a) 13% (b) 22% (c) 10% (d) 50%
(d) First increases then decreases 11. A pendulum has time period T in air. When it is
5. A simple pendulum has a hollow sphere containing made to oscillate in water, it acquired a time period
mercury suspended by means of a wire. If a little
mercury is drained off, the period of the pendulum T '  2T . The density of the pendulum bob is
will equal to (density of water=1)

Physics Times February

(a) 2 2 (b) 2 3l
 2 v4  2
(c) 2 (d) None of these (a) 2 l  g  2  (b) v2
 r  g
12. The time period of a simple pendulum is T. The r
pendulum is oscillated with its bob immersed in a
liquid of density  . If the density of the bob is  2l
2l 2
and viscous effect is neglected, the time period of (c) 2 (d)  2 v2 
the pendulum will be ( g  v2 / r)
g  2 
 r 
1/2 1/ 2
    16. A simple pendulum of length L is suspended from
(a)   T (b)   T the top of a flat beam of thickness L/2. The bob is
     
pulled away from the beam so that it makes an angle
1/ 2 1/2
       30 with the vertical, as shown in the figure. It
(c)   T (d)   T is then released from rest If  is the maximum
    
13. The bob of a simple pendulum is displaced from its angular deflection to the right, then
equilibrium position O to a position Q which is at
height h above O and the bob is then released.
Assuming the mass of the bob to be m and time
period of oscillations to be 2.0 sec, the tension in
the string when the bob passes through O is

(a)     2 (b)   
(c)    (d)   2
17. If a simple pendulum of length L has maximum
(a) m( g   2 gh ) (b) m( g   2 gh )
angular displacement  , then the maximum kinetic
 energy of bob of mass M is
2   2 
(c) m  g  3 gh  (d) m  g  2 gh  Mg 1 Ml
    (a) (b) 2 g
14. The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum of
length l suspended from the roof of the vehicle 
which moves down without friction on an inclined (c) MgL sin (d) MgL (1  cos  )
plane of inclination  , is given by: 18. A and B are fixed points and the mass M is tied by
strings at A and B. If the mass M is displaced
l l
(a)  (b) 2 slightly out of this plane and released, it will execute
g cos  g cos  oscillations with period. (Given, AM=BM=L,
1 l 1 l
(c) (d)
 2 g cos  2 g cos 
15. A simple pendulum of length l and having a bob of
mass M is suspended in a car. the car is moving on
a circular track of radius R with a uniform speed v.
If the pendulum makes small oscillations in a radial
direction about its equilibrium position, what will
be its time period?

Physics Times February 19

( L2  d 2 )1/ 2 L
(a) 2 (b) 2
g g

(2d 2 )3/ 2 ( L2  d 2 )1/ 2

(c) 2 (d) 2
g g
19. A simple pendulum has a length l. The inertia and
2l 2 2l
gravitational masses of the bob are mi and mg (a) 2 (b) 2
g g
respectively. Then the time period T is given by
l l
mi l mg l (c) 2 (d) 2
(a) T  2 m g (b) T  2 2g g
g mi g

l mi  mg  l
(c) T  2 m  m  g (d) T  2
i g g

20. A smooth ring of mass m1 is lying on a rigid 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a

6. d 7. b 8. c 9. b 10. c
horizontal string. A bob of mass m2 hangs from 11. c 12. a 13. b 14. b 15. a
the ring by an inextensible light string of length l. 16. a 17. d 18. a 19. a 20. d
Find the angular frequency of oscillation of the 21. c

1.Sol: Conceptual
2.Sol: As we go down to the bottom of mine g value
decreases. So T increases and we say that it looses
time since it makes lesser number of oscillations in
a given standard time.

3.Sol: T  2
ml Ml g'
(a) 2 (b) 2
Mg mg g ' is the effective acceleration due to gravity
Inside the liquid the effective weight is
Ml ml
(c) 2 (d) 2 mg '  mg  Fb   sVg  lVg
( M  m) g ( M  m) g
21. Two light strings, each of length l, are fixed at s
 sVg '   sVg  Vg
points A and B on a fixed horizontal rod xy. A small n
bob is tied by both strings the strings are making
angle 45 with the rod. If the bob is slightly  1
g '  g 1  
displaced normal to the plane of the strings and  n
released then period of the resulting small
oscillation will be: l
 T  2
 1
g 1  
 n

Physics Times February 19

11.Sol: The effective acceleration of a bob in water

4.Sol: T  2  
g'  g '  g 1   where  and  are the density
 
g '  g 2  a2 of water and the bob respectively. Since the period
Where a is the acceleration of the car of oscillation of the bob in air and water are given
As g '  g  T decreases l l
5.Sol: The CM of the (bob + liquid) system goes down as T  2 and T '  2
g g'
and hence l increases. So T also increases.
l T g' g (1   /  )  1
6.Sol: T  2 T  l     1  1
g T' g g  
7.Sol: Since, frequency  g , and g decreases therefore T 1 1 1
Putting  . We obtain,  1     2
frequency also decreases. T' 2 2 
1 12.Sol:
8.Sol: T  2 .
g 1 l   
1/ 2

T '  2  2   T
g eff (    )g     
2 l l
T'  T '  2
2 g 4g
the lift should be accelerated by 3g upwards  l 
because the total acceleartion g+3g pseudo  T  2 
 g 
13.Sol: Tension in the string when bob passes through
L lowest point
9.Sol: Time period T  2
mv 2
10.Sol: The time period of a simple pendulum of a T  mg   mg  mv ( v  r )
length l is given by
2 2
Putting v  2 gh and    
l T 2
T  2 (1)
g we get T  m( g   2 gh )
Where g is acceleration due to gravity.. 14.Sol: The vehicle goes down with acceleration
Where length of pendulum increases by 21% g sin  . so the pendulum is in noninertial frame
We have l '  1.21l and Pseudo force acts on it.
 T '  2 (2)
Dividing Eq. (1) by Eq. (2), we get
T 1
  T '  1.1T
T 1.21
Hence, increase in time period So the only resultant force on the bob is mg cos  .
1.1T  T  0.1T The effective acceleration is
Percent increase in time period g '  g cos 
  100  10% l
T T  2
g cos 

Physics Times February

15.Sol: The bob is subjected to two simultaneous,

accelerations perpendicular to each other viz
acceleration due to gravity g and radial acceleration
aR  towards the centre of the circular path.

From figure, h  L  L cos   L(1  cos  )

Potential energy at A  Mgh  MgL(1  cos  )
Potential energy at B  0
1 2
Kinetic energy at A  mv  0 [ As v  0]
2 2
2  v2 
 Effective acceleration eff  g    Mechanical energy at A  0  MgL(1  cos  )
Let K B is the kinetic energy at B
 Time period of the simple
Mechanical energy at B  K B  0
l According to conservation of mechanical energy
pendulum T  2
aeff at A and B, we get
0  MgL(1  cos  )  K B  0
l l
 2 2
 2  K B  MgL(1  cos  )
 v2  v4
g   g2  18.Sol: The motion of M is SHM, with length
CM  L2  d 2
16.Sol: Take the lowest point of the pendulum as the
reference line to measure P.E ( L2  d 2 )1/ 2
T  2
P.Ei  P.E f (when the bob is at extreme positions) g

L L 
mg ( L  L cos  )  mg   cos  
2 2 
1 cos 
1  cos   
2 2
cos  1
 cos  
2 2

3 19.Sol: Torque acting on the bob  l  (mg )l sin 

As   300 cos  
or (mi l 2 )  (mg g )l
cos   3  1
 mg g  2
  cos 1 (0.732)  420 or     m l     
 i 
    2
17.Sol: Here, mass of the bob=M 2
mg g 2 mi l
Length of the pendulum =L where,   m l  T    2 m g
i g

Physics Times February

20.Sol: Both will oscillate about their centre of mass. where l1 can be given as Ml1  ml2 and l1  l2  l
the oscillation of M is same as a simple pendulum
of mass M and length l1 . The time period of both ml
l1 
particles are same. Let it be T. M m

Then, T  2
( M  m) g

21.Sol: The effective length of the bob is

2g l
   T  2
l 2g
T  2

Physics Times February

1. The focal length f of a mirror is given by (a) Same hm different R (b) Same hm and R
1 1 1 (c) Different hm same R (d) Different hm and R
 
f u v where u and v represent object and 4. Position vector of a particle moving in xy plane at
image distance respectively. Then 
time t is r  a (1  cos t ) iˆ  a sin t ˆj. The path
f u v of the particle is
(a) f  u  v
(a) A circle of radius a and centre at (a, 0)
f u v   u  v  (b) A circle of radius a and centre at (0,0)
(b)    (c) An ellipse
f u v uv
(d) Neither a circle nor an ellipse
f u v 5. Four particles each of mass m are placed at the
(c) f  u  v vertices of a square of side l. The potential energy
of the system is
f u v u v 2Gm 2  1  2Gm 2  1 
(d) f  u  v  u  v  u  v (a)   2  (b)   2 
l  2 l  2
2. A body travels with uniform acceleration a1 for time
t1 and with uniform acceleration a2 for time t2, then
the average acceleration is 2Gm 2  1  2Gm 2  1 
(c)  2   (d)  2  
l  2 l  2
a1t1  a2 t2 a1t12  a2t22
(a) (b)
t1  t2 (t1  t2 ) 2 1 1
6. If g  (instead of 2 ), then the relation
R3 R
a1  a2 (a1  a2 )t1t2
(c) (d) between time period of a satellite near earth’s
2 t1  t2 surface and radius R will be
3. A person sitting in the rear end of the compartment (a) T  R 2 (b) T  T
throws a ball towards the front end. The ball follows (c) T 2  R (d) T 2  R 2
a parabolic path. The train is moving with uniform
7. In planetary motion the areal velocity of position
velocity of 20 ms 1 . A person standing outside on
vector of a planet depends on angular velocity  
the ground also observes the ball. How will the
and the distance of the planet from sun (r). If so the
maximum heights (hm ) attained and the ranges (R) correct relation for areal velocity is
seen by the thrower and the outside observer
compare each other? dA dA
(a)  r (b)  r
dt dt

Physics Times February

11. A simple pendulum of length l and having a bob of

dA dA
(c)  r 2 (d)  2 r mass M is suspended in a car. the car is moving on
dt dt a circular track of radius R with a uniform speed v.
8. Two particles A and B are situated at a distance d = If the pendulum makes small oscillations in a radial
2m apart. Particle A has a velocity of 10 m/s at an direction about its equilibrium position, what will
angle of 60 and particle B has velocity v at an be its time period?
angle 30 as shown in the figure. The distance d 3l
 2 v4  2
between A and B is constant. The angular velocity (a) 2 l  g  2  (b) v2
 r  g
of B with respect to A is: r

2l 2
(c) 2 (d)  2 v2 
( g  v2 / r)
g  2 
 r 
5 10
(a) rad / s (b) rad / s 12. A bead of mass m can slide on a frictionless wire as
3 3
shown in figure. Because of the given shape of the
(c) 5 3 rad / s (d) 10 3 rad / s wire near P, the bottom point, it can be approximated
9. A small wheel fixed coaxially on a bigger one of as a parabola. Near P, the potential energy of the
double the radius. The system rotates about the bead is given U  cx 2 where c is a constant and x
common axis. The strings supporting A and B do is measured from P. The bead, if displaced slightly
not slip on the wheels. If x and y are the distances from point P will oscillate about P. The period of
travelled by A and B in the same time interval, then oscillation is

(a) 2 m / 2c (b) 2 c / m
(c) 2 2c / m (d) 2 m / c
13. Three simple harmonic motions, of equal amplitudes
A and equal time periods, along the same line
combine. The phase of the second motion is 60
ahead of the first and phase of the third motion is
60 ahead of the second. The amplitude of
(a) x  y (b) x  2 y resultant motion is -----.
(c) y  2 x (d) None of these A
(a) (b) 3A (c) 2 2A (d) 2A
10. A bob of mass M attached to an inextensible string 2
of length l is suspended from a vertical support. 14. The displacement x of a particle executing a certain
The bob rotates in a horizontal circle with an periodic motion is given by y  25sin(4t )cos2 (5t ).
angular speed  rad/s about the vertical support.
About the point of suspenstion This expression may be considered to be the
(a) Angular momentum is conserved superposition of n independent harmonic motions.
(b) Angular momentum changes in magnitude but What is the value of n?
not in direction (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
(c) Angular momentum changes in direction but 15. The equation of state for a gas is given by
not in magnitude PV  nRT  V where n is the no of moles and
(d) Angular momentum changes both in direction  is a positive constant. The initial pressure and
and magnitude temperature of one mole of the gas contained in a

Physics Times February

cylinder is P0 and T0 respectively. The work done cm and second was obtained at 63.2 cm, then
maximum possible error in velocity of sound is
by the gas when its temperature is three times the
(consider actual speed of sound in air is 332 m/s)
initial value isobarically will be
(a) 110 cm/sec (b) 204 cm/sec
2P0 T0 R (c) 80 cm/sec (d) 58 cm/sec
(a) P0T0 R ln 2 (b)
P0  20. If 1 and  2 ( 1 ) are the lengths of an air column
P0To R
(c) P   (d) None of these for the first and second resonance when a tuning
0 fork of frequency n is sounded on a resonance
16. An insulated container has two chambers separated tube, then the minimum distance of the anti-node
by a valve. Chamber I contains an ideal gas and from the top end of the resonance tube is
the chamber II has vacuum. If the gas expands then
1   2
predict the incorrect option (a) (b) 2( 2  1 )
 2  31
(c) (d) 1/ 2(21   2 )
21. A source S of acoustic wave of the frequency 1700
Hz and a receiver R are located at the same point.
(a) It does not represent isothermal process At the instant t = 0, the source starts from rest to
(b) It does not represent adiabatic process move away from the receiver with a constant
(c) Isobaric process acceleration . The velocity of sound in air is
(d) Temperature remains constant v  340m / s. If   10m / s 2 , the apparent
17. A resistance coil connected to an external battery
frequency that will be recorded by the stationary
is placed inside an adiabatic cylinder fitted with a
receiver at t = 10s will be
frictionless piston of mass m and containing an
(a) 1700 Hz (b) 1.35 KHz
ideal gas. A current i flows through the coil which
(c) 850 Hz (d) 1.27 KHz
has a resistance R. At what speed must the piston
move upward in order that the temperature of the 22. Consider a progressive wave y  2sin(10t  5 x)
gas remains unchanged? Neglect atmospheric where x and t are in cm and seconds respectively.
pressure. The velocity of the particle at x = 0 and t = 0s
(a) 15 cm/s (b) 5cm/s
(c) 20 cm/s (d) 10 cm/s
23. Two similar wires of frequency n1 and n2 are joined
to make one wire. Its frequency will be:
1 1 1
(a) n  n1  n2 (b) n  n  n
1 2

i2m i2 R 1 1 1 1 1 1
Rmg mg  
(a) (b) (c) (d) (c) n n1 n2 (d) n1  n 2  n 2
i2 Rg mg i2 R 1 2

18. An ideal refrigerator has a freezer at a temperature 24. Three waves of equal frequency having amplitudes
of 13C. The coefficient of performance of the 10 m, 4 m, 7  m arrive at a given point with
engine is 5. The temperature of the air (to which

heat is rejected) will be successive phase difference of , the amplitude
(a) 325 K (b) 325C (c) 320C (d) 39C 2
19. If in an experiment for determination of velocity of of the resulting wave (in μm) is given by
sound by resonance tube method using a tuning (a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) 6
fork 512 Hz, first resonance was observed at 30.7

Physics Times February

25. A star is moving towards the earth with a speed of

T  60C to30C ? temperature of the
4.5 106 m/s. If the wavelength of a certain line in
surrounding is 20C
the spectrum received from the star is 5890Å it’ss (a) 10 min (b) 20 min (c) 1 min (d) 30 min
apparent wavelength will be about 31. A metal rod of length 2m has crosssectional area
 c  3 10 m/s 
3A and 2A as shown in the figure. 100 and 120
0 0 0 temperature are maintained at the ends respectively.
(a) 5978 A (b) 5890 A (c) 5896 A (d) The temperature at middle point C is
26. When an unpolarized light of intensity I 0 is
incident on a polarizing sheet, the intensity of the
light which does not get transmitted is
1 1
(a) I0 (b) I0 (c) Zero (d) I 0
2 4
(a) 120C (b) 108
27. Two walls of thickness d1 and d 2 and thermal
(c) 180 (d) 360C
conductivities k1 and k2 are in contact. In the 32. Colour of shining bright star is an indication of its
steady state, if the temperature at the outer surfaces (a) Temperature (b) Mass
are T1 and T2 , the temperature at the junction is (c) Size (d) Distance
33. A body with an initial temperature 1 is allowed to
k1 d1T1  k2 d 2T2  k1d1  k2 d 2  cool in a surrounding which is at constant
(a) k d  k d (b)  T  T  T1T2
1 1 2 2  1 2  temperature of 0  0  1  . Assume that
 k1T1d 2  k2T2 d1  k1T1  k2T2 Newton’s law of cooling is obeyed. Let k =
(c)  k d  k d  (d) d  d constant. The temperature of the body after time t
 1 2 2 1  1 2
is best expressed by
28. A black body is at a temperature of 5760 K. The
energy of radiation emitted by the body at (a) 0   i  0  e kt (b)  1  0  e kt

wavelength 250 nm is U1 and at wavelength 500 (c)  i  0   n  kt  (d) 1e kt  0

nm is U 2 . Wien’s constant, b  2.88 106 nmK . 34. In the given figure, equivalent resistance between
Which of the following is correct A and B will be

(a) U 2  U1 (b) U1  0
(c) U 2  0 (d) U1  U 2
29. A wire of length 1.0 m and radius 103 m is carrying
a heavy current and it is assumed to radiate as a
black body. At equilibrium its temperature is 900 K
while that of the surroundings is 300 K. The 13 14 1 3
(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 
resistivity of the material of the wire at 300K is 11 9 14 11
2 108 ohm  m and its temperature coefficient 35. To get a maximum current through a resistance of
of resistance is 7.8 103 C 1. Find the current in 2.5 , one can use m rows of cells each row having
the wire. Given n cells. The internal resistance of each cell is 0.5 .
  5.68 10 Wm K . 8 2 4 What are the values of m and n, if the total number
(a) 36 A (b) 26 A (c) 16 A (d) 6 A of cells are 20?
(a) m = 2, n = 10 (b) n = 2, m = 10
30. A liquid takes 5 minutes to cool from 80C to50C. (c) m = 4, n = 5 (d) m = 5, n = 4
How much time will it take to cool from

Physics Times February

36. A potentiometer has uniform potential gradient. The

specific resistance of the material of the
potentiometer wire is 10-7 .m and the current
passing through it is 0.1 ampere; cross-section of
the wire is 106 m 2 . The potential gradient along
the potentiometer wire is
(a) 10 6 V / m (b) 10 4 V / m
(c) 10 2 V / m (d) 108 V / m
37. In the given circuit of figure with steady current,
 R2 E
the potential drop across the capacitor must be (a) (b)  R 2 E

 R2 E
(c) 2 R 2 E (d)
40. Effective capacitance between A and B in the figure
shown is (all capacitances are in  F )

2V V V
(a) (b) V (c) (d)
3 3 2
38. A metallic shell has a point charge ‘q’ kept inside
its cavity. Which one of the following diagrams 13 3
(a) F (b) F
correctly represents the electric lines of forces? 11 14
(c) 21 F (d) 23 F
41. Find the charge on 2F capacitor in the given
(a) (b)

(c) (d) (a) 12C (b) 4C (c) 8C (d) 2C
42. For a series RLC circuit R  X L  2 X C the
impedence of the circuit and phase difference
39. One fourth of a spherical shell of radius R is (between) V and i will be
removed as shown in the figure. An electric field E
exists parallel to the XY plane. Find the flux through (a) 5 X C , tan 1  2  (b) 5 R, tan 1  
the remaining part of the sphere. 2

5R 5R 1
(c) , tan 1  2  (d) , tan 1  
2 2 2

Physics Times February

43.The r.m.s. current in an AC circuit is 2 A. If the t1 t1 +t2

wattless current be 3 A, what is the power factor?  a1dt+


a2 dt
a1t1+a2 t2
 a  =
1 11 1 t1+t2 t1+t2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2 3 3 2 3.Sol: The motion of the train will affect only the
44. The electrical conductivity of a semiconductor horizontal component of the velocity of the ball.
increases when electromagnetic radiation of Since, vertical component is same for both
wavelength shorter than 2480 nm is incident on it. observes, the hm will be same, but R will be
The forbidden band energy for the semiconductor
is (in eV) different.
(a) 0.5 (b) 0.9 (c) 0.7 (d) 1.1 4.Sol: x  a 1  cos t   a cos t    x  a 
45. To saturate a Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)
y  a sin t
(a) I B  I C(sat )
  x  a   y2  a2
(b) VCC must be at least 10V
5.Sol: The four particles are shown in the figure.
(c) I B 
(d) The emitter must be grounded

1. d 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. c
6. a 7. c 8. a 9. c 10. c From figure
11. a 12. a 13. d 14. b 15. b AB  BC  CD  AD  l
16. c 17. c 18.d 19. c 20. c
21. b 22. c 23. b 24. a 25. d  AC  BD  l 2  l 2  l 2
26. a 27. c 28. a 29. a 30. a Total potential energy of the system of four
31. b 32. a 33. a 34. a 35. a particles each of mass m placed at the vertices A,B,C
36. c 37. c 38. c 39. a 40. a and D of a square is
41. a 42. d 43. d 44. a 45. c  G  m m   G  m m 
U   
 AB   AC 

 Gmm   Gmm 
   
 AD   BC 
uv f u v   u  v 
1.Sol: f  ,     Gmm   Gmm 
uv f u v uv    
 BD   CD 
v u u v
    4Gm2 2Gm2 2Gm2  1 
v u uv uv    2 
l l 2 l  2
2.Sol: Average acceleration
6.Sol: Gravitational force provides the required
 t1 +t2 
centripetal force
  Function of a  dt m2 R  mg
= 0

( t1+t2 ) 0
GMm 42 GM
m 2 R    4  T  R2 .
R3 T2 R

Physics Times February

7.Sol: The areal velocity is

2  v2 
dA L dA  Effective acceleration a  g   
   vr  r 2 eff
dt 2m dt R
8.Sol: If distance between them remains constant, then  Time period of the simple
v cos 30  u cos 60
pendulum T  2
3 1 10 aeff
v  10  v 
2 2 3
l l
  (v sin 30  u sin 60 ) / d  2 2
 2
v  2 v4
g   g2 
 10  1 10  3 R2
   2
 3 2 5
  rad / s. 12.Sol: U  Cx 2
2 3
9.Sol: Let ω is the angular velocity of the wheel dU 2c
F   ma  2cx  a   x
v A  Rω & vB  2Rω dx m

vB  2v A  y =2 x 2c 2 m
  T   2
10.Sol: Angular momentum of the pendulum about m  2c
the suspension point O is
13.Sol: vector diagram of amplitudes is given below.

 By treating the SHMs as vector

is along the direction shown. r is defined from O
 Aˆ 3A ˆ A 3A ˆ
to the body and v is along tangential direction. A1  Aiˆ ; A2  i j ; A3   iˆ  j
As the bob is in rotation the angular momentum 2 2 2 2
changes its direction. The resultant amplitude is AR  Aiˆ  3 Ajˆ
11.Sol: The bob is subjected to two simultaneous,
accelerations perpendicular to each other viz AR  2 A
acceleration due to gravity g and radial acceleration
1  cos10t 
v2 14.Sol: y  25sin 4t  
aR  towards the centre of the circular path.  2 
25 25
 sin 4t  sin 4t cos10t
2 2
25 25
or y  sin 4t  sin(14t )  sin(6t )
2 4
25 25 25
or y  sin 4t  sin14t  sin 6t
2 4 4

Physics Times February 19

Actual speed of sound

25 25 25
or y  sin 4t  sin14t  sin(6t ) v0  332m / s  33200cm / s
2 4 4
So it is superposition of 3 SHMs. Thus n = 3 Hence error  33280  33200  80cm / s
15.Sol: Given PV  nRT  V (i) 20.Sol: Let x is the correction l1  x   / 4
 ( P  )V  nRT
l2  x 
nRT 4
( P  ) l2  3l1
 x
nRdT 2
dV 
( P  )

Now work done is  dW   PdV

From (i) PdV  nRdT  dV

 dW   nRdT   dV

  nRdT 
 (nRdT )
3T0 3T
 21.Sol: vS  u  at  0  10 10   100
 nR  dT  nR  dT ( P  P0  constant)
P0   T0 Apparent frequency

 nR 2T0 P0  v   340 
 nR 2T0   nR 2T0    f  1700  1313.6 Hz.
P0   ( P0  )  v  vs   340  100 
hence n  1 22.Sol: y  2sin(10t  5 x)
R 2T0 P0 y
 W  20 cos(10t  5 x)
( P0  ) t
16.Sol: In free expansion Q  0, T  0, but it at t  0, x  0  v p  20cm / s
doesn’t represent isothermal and adiabatic
processes. Temperature remains constant and it 1 T
does not represent isobaric process. 23.Sol: n   n1l1  n2 l2  k
2l 
17.Sol: The input electrical power and output
mechanical powers must be same mg  v  i 2 R. k k k
l1  l2  ltotal   
18.Sol: Coefficient of performance n1 n2 n

T2 (273  13) 260 1 1 1

 5    
T1  T2 T1  (273  13) T1  260 n n1 n2

 5T1  1300  260  5T1  1560 24.Sol: The amplitude of the waves are a1  10  m,
 T1  312 K  39C a2  4  m, and a3  7  m and phase difference
19.Sol: Using   2(l2  l1 ) 
between Ist and IInd wave is and that between
 v  2n(l2  l1 ) 2

 v  2  512(63.2  30.7)  33280cm / s 

2nd and 3rd wave is . Then, phase difference

Physics Times February

between I st and 3rd is  .

 2rl T 4  T04 
The phasor diagram for the resultant amplitude is

4 4
 5.68  108  2 103  1  900    300  
 
25.Sol: As the star is approaching the wavelength will  73.6W
have blue shift that is apparent frequency increases
and apparent wavelength decreases. The apparent L
P  I 2 R  I 2
wavelength is A
 u  4.5  106  L
 '   1    5890  1    5802Å  I2 0 1  
 c  3 108  A

26.Sol: I  I 0 cos 2 
I 2  2  108 1  7.8  103  900  300  
I0 73.6  2
Intensity of polarised light   103 
I0 I0 or I = 36A.
Intensity of untransmitted light  I 0 
 30.Sol: From Newton’s law of cooling
2 2
27.Sol: In series both walls have same rate of heat 1    0 
flow t log  2 
K  1  0 
Where K is a constant and 0 is the temperature
of the surroundings
1  50  20 
5 log  
K  80  20 
1  30  20 
t log  
Let T is the temperature of the junction K  60  20 
dQ k1 A T1    k 2 A    T2  1
  log e 2
dt d1 d2 5 K
 
t 1
 k1d 2 T1     k2 d1    T2  log 22
k1 d 2 T1  k 2 d1T2
  t  10minutes.
k1 d 2  k 2 d1
31.Sol: Let  is the temperature of the mid point
28.Sol: Maximum amount of emitted radiation
(1   ) A1 (   2 ) A2
b 
corresponding to   l1 l2
(100   )3 A (  120)2 A
2.88  106 nmK 
m   500nm 1 1
5760 K
300  3  2  240
So U 2 corresponds to maximum emitted radiation
U 2  U1 300  240  2  3  540  5    108C
32.Sol: According to Wien’s displacement law a hot
29.Sol: P  A  T  T0 
4 4
body emits different wavelengths at different

Physics Times February

From Eq’s (i) & (ii) we get

33.Sol:   k    0  , where k = constant. m  2, and n  10
36.Sol: Potential gradient is
 d t
    k .dt i 0.1107
i   0 0
  102 V / m
A 106

ln    0      kt 37.Sol: In steady state, no current flows through the
capacitor segment. The steady current in the outer
ln    0   ln  i  0   kt loop is

  0 2V  V V
i  (Anti-clockwise).
 e  kt 2R  R 3R
i  0

   0   i  0  e kt .
34.Sol: Wheatstone bridge principle is not valid for
the given circuit we can apply delta star

VB  VA  iR  V  V ( Anti clockwise

VB  VA  
38.Sol: Electric field is perpendicular to the
equipotential surface and is zero every where inside
the metal.
39.Sol: The net flux through the remaining curved
surface is equal to the flux through the two plane
surfaces 1 & 2 as shown in the figure.

13 remaining part   flat surfaces  1  2

 RAB  
E  R2
35.Sol: Here mn  20 (i) 1  2 
2 2
For maximum current R  E R 2
m curved 
2.5  n  (ii)

Physics Times February

40.Sol: The given circuit is not a wheatstone bridge.

To find equivalent capacitance we assume a battery
connected between A and B. Let the potential of
(+) ve terminal be  and that of (-ve) terminal be
0V. Let x and y be potentials at the two junctions

By applying Kirchoff’s law

q q
16V   6V  0
2F 3F

From the junction rule q  12C

1    1 y   1 0  y 42.Sol: X L  R, X C  R / 2
x  (i)
111 3 R
X  XC 2 1
1    1 x   2  0   x  tan   L 
y  (ii) R R 2
11 2 4
From Eq’s (i) & (ii) we get    tan 1 1/ 2 
5 4 Also
x &y
11 11 2 R2 5
Z  R2   X L  X C   R2   R
q 4 2
The equivalent capacitance is Ceq 
 43.Sol: Let  is the angle made by V w.r.to i
Where q is the total (+) ve charge supplied by the
q  1 F    x   1 F    y  
q 13 The Wattless current is irms sin 
Ceq   F
 11
41.Sol: The circuit has two independent loops. The 3
iWL  irms sin   3  2sin   sin  
net charge inside an independent loop must be 2
zero. The independent loop should have two
terminals of the battery inside it. 1
   600  cos   cos 600 
hc 12000 1
44.Sol: E   0
e  
 0.5eV
 24800 A 2

Physics Times February

Properties of solids
1. One end of a slack wire (young’s modulusY, length
L and cross - section area A) is clamped to rigid (d)
wall and the other end to a block (mass m) which
rests on a smooth horizontal plane. The block is 2. A nurse measures the blood pressure of
set in motion with a speed v . What is the maximum asesated patient to be 190 mm of Hg [2016]
distance the block will travel after the wire becomes (a) The blood pressure at the patient’s feet is
taut? [2015] less than 190 mm of Hg
(b) The actual pressure is about 0.25 times
mL 2mL the atmospheric pressure
(a) v (b) v (c) The blood pressure at the patient’s neck is
more than 190 mm of Hg
mL mv (d) The actual pressure is about 1.25 times the
(c) v (d) L atmospheric pressure
3. Water containing air bubbles flows without
turbulence through a horizontal pipe which has a
Fluid mechanics region of narrow cross-section. In this region the
1. Figures below show water flowing through a bubbles [2014]
horizontal pipe from left to right. Note that the (a) Move with greater speed and are smaller than
pipe in the middle is narrower. Choose the most in the rest of the pipe
appropriate depiction of water levels in the vertical (b) Move with greater speed and are larger in size
pipes. than in the rest of the pipe
[2018] (c) Move with lesser speed and are smaller than
in the rest of the pipe
(d) Move with lesser speed and are of the same
(a) size as in the rest of the pipe

1. A particle released from rest is falling through a
thick fluid under gravity. The fluid exerts a resistive
force on the particle proportional to the square of
(b) its speed. Which one of the following graphs best
depicts the variation of its speed v with time

(c) (a) (b)

Physics Times February 19

Units & Dimensions

1. Young -laplace law states that the excess pressure
inside a soap bubble of radius R is given by
(c) (d)
P  where  is the coefficient of surface
2. Assume that the drag force on a football depends
only on the density of the air velocity of the ball Tension of the soap. The E o tv o s number E0 is
and the cross-sectional are a of the ball. Balls of a dimensionless number that is used to describe
different sizes but the same density are dropped in the shape of bubbles rising through a surrounding
an air column. The terminal velocity reached by fluid, it is a combination of g, the acceleration due
ball of masses 250 g and 125g are in the ratio. to gravity,  , the density of the surrounding
[2018] fluid,  and a characteristic length scale L which
(a) 21/ 6 (b) 2 1/3 (c) 21/ 2 (d) 2 2/ 3 could be the radius of the bubble. A possible
expression for E0 is [2013]
Surface Tension
1. Air (density  ) is being blown on a soap film g  L3  gL2 gL2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(surface tension T) by a pipe of radius R with its  L3 g  
opening right next to the film. The film is deformed
and a bubble detaches from the film when the shape Thermal expansion of solids and liquids
of the deformed surface is a hemisphere. Given that 1. Thermal expansion of a solid is due to the [2016]
the dynamic pressure on the film due to the air (a) symmetric characteristic of the inter atomic
1 2 potential energy curve of the solid
blown at speed v is  v ,the speed at which the (b) asymmetric characteristic of the inter atomic
potential energy curve of the solid
bubble is formed is
(c) double well nature of the inter atomic
potential energy curve of the solid
T 2T 4T 8T (d) Rotational motion of the atoms of the solid
(a) (b) (c) (d) 2. A horizontal steel rail road track has a length of
R R R R
100m when the temperature is 25 C . The track is
2. Consider a bowl filled with water on which some
black paper powder have been sprinkled uniformly. constrained from expanding or bending. The stress
Now a drop of liquid soap is added at the centre of on the track on a hot summer day, when the
the surface of water. The picture of the surface temperature is 40 C , is (Note: the linear coefficient
immediately after this will look like [2017] of thermal expansion for steel is 1.1105 /  C and
the young’s modulus of steel is 2 1011 pa)
(a) 6.6  107 pa (b) 8.8  107 pa
(a) (b)
(c) 3.3  107 pa (d) 5.5  107 pa
3. Consider two thermometers T1 and T2 of equal
length which can be used to measure temperature
over the range 1 to 2 . T1 contains mercury as the
thermometric liquid while T2 contains bromine. The
(c) (d) volumes of the two liquids are the same at the
temperature 1 . The volumetric coefficients of
expansion of mercury and bromine are 18 105 K 1

Physics Times February 19

and 108 105 K 1 , respectively. The increase in (b) The ballon undergoes simple harmonic motion
length of each liquid is the same for the same   air   He l
increase in temperature. If the diameters of the with period 2   
capillary tubes of the two thermometers are  air g
d1 and d 2 respectively, then the ratio d1 : d 2 would (c) The ballon undergoes simple harmonic motion
be closest to [2014]   He l
(a) 6.0 (b) 2.5 (c) 0.6 (d) 0.4 with period 2     
4. A solid expands upon heating because [2014]  air He g
(a) The potential energy of interaction between (d) The ballon undergoes conical oscillations with
atoms in the solid is asymmetric about the
equilibrium positions of atoms.   air   He l
(b) The frequency of vibration of the atoms period 2     
 air He g
(c) The heating generates a thermal gradient 3. A simple pendulum of length  is made to oscillate
between opposite sides. with an amplitude of 45 degrees. The acceleration
(d) A fluid called the caloric flows into the due to gravity is g.Let T0  2 l / g. The time
interatomic spacing of the solid during heating
there by expanding it. period of oscillation of this pendulum will be
Oscillations (a) T0 irrespective of the amplitude
1. Which of the following plots represents
(b)Slightly less than T0
schematically the dependence of the time period
of a pendulum if measured and plotted as a function (c)Slightly more than T0
of its oscillations? (Note: amplitude need not be (d) Dependent on whether it swings in a plane
small) [2017] aligned with the north -south or east-west
4. A simple pendulum is attached to the block which
slides without friction down an inclined plane
(ABC)having an angle of inclination  as
(a) (b) shown.While the block is sliding down the
pendulum oscillates in such a way that at its mean
position the direction of the string is [2014]

(c) (d)

(a) At angle  to the perpendicular to the inclined

plane AC .
2. A light balloon filled with helium of density  He is (b) Parallel to the inclined plane AC.
tied to a long light string of length  and the string (c) Vertically downwards
is attached to the ground. If the balloon is displaced (d) Perpendicular to the inclined plane AC
slightly in the horozontal direction from the 5. A body is executing simple harmonic motion of
equilibrium and released then. amplitude a and period T about the equilibrium
[2016] position x = 0. large numbers of snapshots are taken
(a) The ballon undergoes simple harmonic motion at random of this body in motion. The probability
of the body being found in a very small interval x
  air l to x + |dx| is highest at [2012]
with period 2      g
 air He 

Physics Times February 19

Centre of mass & conservation of momentum

(a) x   a (b) x   a / 2 1. Two masses m1 and m2 are connected by a
(c) x = 0 (d) x   / 2 massless spring of spring constant k and
unstreched length  . The masses are placed on a
6. If the speed (v) of the bob in a simple pendulum is
plotted against the tangential acceleration (a), the frictionless straight channel – which we consider
correct graph will be represented by [2011]
1] our x-axis. They are initially at rest at x = 0 and x =
 , respectively. At t = 0, a velocity of v0 is suddenly
imparted to the first particle. At a later time t0 , the
centre of mass of the two masses is at
m2 
(a) x  m  m
1 2

m1 m2 v0 t
(b) x  m  m  m  m
1 2 1 2

m2  m2 v0 t
(c) x  m  m  m  m
1 2 1 2

m2  m1v0 t
(d) x  m  m  m  m
1 2 1 2

(a) I (b) II (c) III (d) IV

7. A bead of mass m is attached to the mid-point of a
taut, weightless string of length  and placed on a
frictionless horizontal table [2010]
Properties of solids
1. a

Fluid mechanics
1. a
1 2.
2.d 3
Under a small transverse displacement x, as shown,
if the tension in the string is T, then the frequency Viscosity
of oscillation is 1.a
1. 2.b

1 2T 1 4T Surface tension
(a) (b) 1.d
1 2.c
2 m 2 m

1 4T 1 2T Units & Dimensions

(c) (d) 1. c
2 m 2 m
8. A book is resting on shelf that is undergoing
vertical simple harmonic oscillations with an Thermal expansion of solids and liquids
amplitude of 2.5 cm. What is the minimum 1
1.b 2.c
2 3.d
3 4.a
frequency of oscillation of the shell for which the
book will lose contact with the shelf ? (Assume Oscillations
1.a 2. c 3
3.c 4.
4.d 5.
that g  10 m / s 2 ) [2010] 6 ..a 7. b 8. b
(a) 20 Hz (b) 3.18 Hz (c) 125.6 Hz (d) 10 Hz

Physics Times February 19

Centre of mass & conservation momentum Viscosity

1. d 1.Sol: Here the forces that act on the particle are weight,
viscous force and buoyancy force.We can neglect
the buoyancy force.The acceleration of the particle
Properties of solids  k1  k2 v 2
1. Sol: Intially wire is slack so it does not have any
deformation energy. When block is given some Where k1 & k2 are (+)ve constants.
velocity it move due to kinetic energy. Internal
force get developed in the wire and KE start dv
Initially v  0  0
decreases and deformation energy of wire dt
increases. When the block comes to rest So the graphs (b) & (d) can be eliminated
The velocity increases and reaches a constant
1 2 1
mv  Y  ( strain) 2  A  L value called as terminal velocity.The correct graph
2 2 is (a).
1 2 1 x
2 2.Sol: The buoyancy force on the ball is neglected.
mv  Y     A  L Given that the viscous force on the ball depends
2 2 L
on  a ,  r 2 and v .
xv 2
AY f  c a r 2 v  k  a m 3 v
At terminal velocity
Fluid mechanics
f  mg
1.Sol: From equation of continuity and Bernoulli
equation 2 1
mg  k a v m 3  v m 3
Av  Constant
1 1
1 2 1
P  v   gh  Constant v1  m1  3  250  3 3
2     2
v2  m2   125 
As area of cross section is small velocity is large
and hence pressure is small. So the level in the
middle tube is lower comparable to the other two Surface tension
tubes. 1.Sol: The force exerted by the air on the bubble of
2. Sol:
2 1 2
Blood pressure is gauge pressure  190 mm Hg radius R is ( R )  v .
atmospheric pressure  760mm Hg The pressure force is balanced by the surface
Actual pressure tension force.
 190  760 mm Hg  950
1 2
 R2  v  2(2 R )T
mm Hg  1.25  760 mm Hg 2
1 8T
[At very high temperature c  E ]no v
0 R
3.Sol: According to Bernoulli theorem In the region 2. Sol: Due to soap bubble surface tension is reduced
of narrow cross section of pipe, KE of fluid will be therefore in that area black paper powder will sink
greater and pressure energy will be lesser.  less So the correct option is (c)
pressure results into larger in size of air bubble
and greater KE results its greater speed

Physics Times February 19

Units &Dimensions 2. Sol:

1.Sol: The given problem can be solved with the help
of dimensions.The dimensions of the given
physical quantities are
  ML3
g  LT 2
  MT 2
Given that E0 is a dimension less quantity. So the
possible expression is
 gL2 The toraque about point O is
E0 

 0  V (  Air   He ) g  sin 
Torque produced by the tension is zero.
Thermal Expansion of Solids and Liquids
1.Sol: Thermal expansion of a solid is due to a  0  V (  Air   He ) g  
symmetric characteristic of interatomic potential For small angular displacement ( )
energy curve of the solid
2.Sol : When a body is constrained from expanding or I   V [  Air   He ]g  
bending then on heating thermal stress gets
 HeV  2  V [  Air   He ]g  
developed in it.
Given that
  air   He  g
T1  25 C T2  40 C   
  He  l
  1.1105 /  C
Stress  Y T   He  l
T  2  
 2  1011  1.1  105  (40  25)   air   He  g

 3.3  N / m2  3.3 107 N / m 2 3. Sol: The general expression for time period of
Oscillations of the pendulum is
 3.3  107 pa .
3.Sol: Given that l  2 
T  2 1  
Increase in length of each liquid is same g  16 
l1  l2 For small 
VHg VBromine
 l
d 2
d 22 T0  2
1 g
V    V  
0 Hg 0 Bromine   2 
 2 T  T0 1  
d d T  T0
1 2
 16 
d1 1 4.Sol: We consider the forces acting on the pendulum
  0.4 w.r.to the block. As the block goes down with
d2 6
acceleration g sin  then Pseudo force acts up the
1.Sol: Here we consider air drag on the pendulum.
Time period will increase as the amplitude increases.

Physics Times February 19

Also cos   2
x2   

2 2
Given   x   x2 
4 4

The unbalanced force mgcos is balanced by the 2Tx

a  (negative sign for restoring force)
tension. So the string must be Perpendicular to the 
m 
incline. 2
5.Sol: the body moves very slowly at the
extremes so the probability of finding the particle  4T 
 a    x also this is similar to the equation
is highest at extreme position.  m 
6.Sol: The acceleration and velocity in SHM are
of SHM i.e. a  2 x
a  2 x
4T 1 4T
v   A2  x 2    f 
m 2 m
v 2  2  A 2  x 2  8.Sol: Book will loose contact with the shelf when
a = g and it at the top most position where the
v 2  2 A 2  2  displacement is maximum.
Now a  2 x  g  2 A ( A  Amplitude)
v2   2 A2 
2 g
2  also f 
A 2
v2 a2
 1
2 A 2 4 A 2 1 g
f 
This represents equation of an ellipse 2 A
g  10m / s 2 and A  2.5 102 m
 f  3.18 Hz

Centre of Mass & Conservation of Momentum

1.Sol: The initial velocity and position of cm are
Let the angle made byT with the vertical be  then m1v0  0 m  0   m2   
F.B.D. vCM  , xiCM  1
m1  m2 m1  m2
The position of CM as a function of time is.
xCM  xiCM  vCM t

 m2   m1v0 t
 xCM   
The restoring force is 2T cos   ma  m1  m2  m1  m2

Physics Times February 19


1. Unit of measurement
A fixed measurement chosen as a standard of measurement to measure a physical quantity is called a unit.

(I) Some special units for length:

1 Pa  760 torr
 Angstrom  A   10
0 10
m  10 8 cm

 Nanometre(nm)  109 m  10 A0
 Fermi  1015 m
 Micron  106 m
 Mile = 1.6 km
 One Light year  9.46 1015 m
 One light year is distance travelled by light
in one year in vacuum or air.
(II) Some special units for mass
Quintal = 100 kg
Metric ton = 1000 kg
Atomic mass unit (a.m.u) = 1.67  10 27 kg .
(III) Special units of pressure
5 N
1 atm = 760 mm of Hg  1.013 10
30 m2
Physics Times February 19

2. Error
Error is the amount of uncertainty that is present in
the measurement made with a measuring
instrument. It is the difference between the
measured value and the true value.
(I) Error in case of addition
Suppose a physical quantity z is sum of the
physicalquantities x and y, z = x + y.
Maximum possible error in z is z  x  y

 x  y 
Percentage of error in z     100
 x y 
(II) Error in case of subtraction
Suppose a physical quantity z is the difference
of the physical quantities x and y, z = x – y
Maximum possible errors in z is z  x  y

 x  y 
Percentage of error in z     100
 x y 
(III) Error in case of multiplication
Suppose a physical quantity z is the product of
the physical quantities x and y, i.e., z = xy
dz dx dy
Maximum relative error z  x  y

(IV) Error in case of division

Suppose x, y & z are physical quantities such
Maximum percentage error in z is
dz  dx dy 
 100      100
z  x y 
(V) Error in case of quantity rised to different
Suppose a physical quantity z depends on the
quantities A, B & C.
A p .B q
Let z 
Maximum percentage error in z is

dz  A   B 
100  p  100  q   
z  A   B 

Physics Times February 19

3. Significant Figures cm has four significant figures. This is

 Significant figures refer to the digits of a number expressed as 4.500 cm
that are used to express it to the required degree of or 4.500  103 mm or 4.500  103 km
accuracy, starting from the first non-zero digit.
4. Rules to count signif icant f igur es or 4.500  10 2 cm
(I) Rule - A 6. Rounding off the number
 All non-zero digits in a given number are The process of omitting the non-significant digits
significant without any regard to the location and retaining only the desired number of significant
of the decimal point. digits, incorporating the required modifications to
Eg: 64.82 6.482 all have the same number the last significant digit is called 'rounding off the
(four) of significant figures. number'.
(II) Rule - B 7. Rules for Rounding off Numbers
 All zeros occurring between two non-zero (I) Rule-A
digits are significant without any regard to the  The preceding digit is raised by 1 if the
location of decimal point. immediate insignificant digit to be dropped is
Eg: 206.008 or 2.06008 has also got six more than 5.
significant figures. Eg : 5728 is to be rounded off to three significant
(III) Rule C figures. Here 8 is the non-significant digit to be
 If the number is less than one, all the zeros to dropped and is more than 5. Hence 5728 = 5730.
the right of the decimal point but to the left of (II) Rule-B
the first non-zero digit are not significant.  The preceding digit is to be left unchanged if
Eg: In the number 0.000608 the three zeros to the immediate insignificant digit to be
the right of decimal point and upto 6 are not dropped is less than 5.
significant. Eg: 5728 is to be rounded off to two siginificant
(IV) Rule-D figures. Here the immediate or first non-
 All zeros to the right of a decimal point are significant digit to be dropped is 2(along with 8
significant if the number is more than one. also) and is less than 5. Hence 5728 = 5700.
Eg:70.00 contains four significant digits. (III)Rule-C
(V) Rule-E  If the immediate insignificant digit to be
 All zeros to the right of the last non-zero dropped is 5 then there will be two different
digit after the decimal point are significant. cases
Eg: 0.007800 has four significant figures. The (i) If the preceding digit is even, it is to be
zero between decimal point and 7 is not unchanged and 5 is dropped.
significant from rule-3. But the zeroes after Eg : 6.7258 is to be rounded off to three
eight are significant. significant figures. The digit to be
(VI) Rule-F dropped here is 5 (along with 8) and the
 All zeros to the right of the last non-zero digit preceding digit 2 is even and hence to be
in a number having no decimal point are not retained as two only.
significant. 6.7258 = 6.72
Eg: (i) 4060 contains three significant figures (ii) If the preceding digit is odd, it is to be
as the zero to the right of six is not raised by 1.
significant. Eg: 6.7158 is to be rounded off to two decimal
(ii) 40,6000 has also got only three significant places. As the preceding digit 1 is odd, it is
figures. to be raised by1as 2.
5. Scientif ic notation 6.7158 = 6.72
 It gives a convenient way of expressing a number Vectors
with correct number of significant figures. 8. Scalar
 We express numbers as powers of 10. A physical quantity that can be completely
Eg: Suppose a distance measured in cm as 450.0 described only by a numerical value with proper
. units is called as a scalar.
. 32
Physics Times February 19

Eg - Mass, time, energy etc.  

of application of a and b , then OB represents
9. Vector resultant vector.
Physical quantities that need direction besides
a numerical value (the numerical value often
14. Magnitude and direction of the resultant
being called magnitude) along with specified vector
units to get explained and obey the law of vector
addition are known as vector quantities.
Eg - Displacement, velocity, acceleration, etc
10. Identical vectors
Two vectors are said to be identical, if and only
if their magnitudes and directions, both are
same. In right angle triangle
11.Negative of a vector ABD, BD = bsinθ and AD = bcosθ
If two vectors are equal in magnitude and In right angle triangle ODB
opposite in direction then one is the negative of
the other. OD = a + bcos and BD = bsinθ

 OB= OD 2 +BD 2  ( a  b cos  ) 2  (b sin  ) 2

 
Thus the magnitude of a  b i.e.,
 
12. Addition of vectors a  b  a 2  b 2  2ab cos 
 
Consider the two vectors a and b shown in the In triangle OBD
  BD b sin 
figure (i) & (ii). To find a  b , put the initial point tan   
  OD a  b cos 
of b on the terminal point of a , as shown in the
figure (iii). The vector joining the initial point of  b sin  
 Thus   tan 1   where  is the angle
  a  b cos  
a to the terminal point of vector b is the sum
 
   made by the resultant vector with a.
of a and b , i.e., a  b .
15. Resolution of a Vector

13. Parallelogram Law of Vector Addition

rx  r cos  (i)
ry  r sin  (ii)
If two vectors are represented by the two sides of From equations (i) & (ii)
a parallelogram with same initial point, then their
resultant i.e., sum is represented by that diagonal  ry 
r  rx2  ry2 ,   tan 1  
of the parallelogram whose initial point coincide
 rx 
with the initial point of the vectors. If O is the point

Physics Times February 19

16. Unit vector rx2  ry2  rz2

 cos 2   cos2   cos 2   1
Let a  a1iˆ  a2 ˆj  a3 kˆ r2
 Where cos  , cos  & cos  are called as
a  a12  a22  a32
direction cosines.
unit vector in the direction of a
18. Addition of vectors (Analytical Method)
a1iˆ  a2 ˆj  a3 kˆ
 aˆ 
a12  a22  a32

iˆ, ˆj, kˆ are the unit vectors along x, y and z axes

iˆ  ˆj  kˆ  1. 
a  a cos  iˆ  a sin  ˆj, and
17. Representation of a vector in terms of 
its rectangular components b  b cos  iˆ  b sin  ˆj,
  
r  rx iˆ  ry ˆj a  b  (a cos  b cos  )iˆ  (a sin  b sin  ) ˆj
19. Scalar product (dot product)
The scalar product of two vectors are written as
   
a  b and is defined as, a  b  ab cos  where 
 
is the angle between the a and b , Scalar Product
of Unit Vectors
 ˆi  ˆi = ˆj  ˆj = kˆ  kˆ =1 (   0)
i.e., r  r cos  iˆ  r sin  ˆj
ˆi  ˆj = ˆi  k=
ˆ ˆj ˆi =jˆ  kˆ = kˆ  ˆi =kˆ  ˆj = 0

(  90)
(I) Geometrical meaning of dot product

The x component of r is rx  r cos 

The y component of r is ry  r cos 
  
The z component of r is rz  r cos γ. As a  b  ab cos 

r  r cos  ˆi  r cos  ˆj  r cos  kˆ  a(b cos  )  (a cos  )b
 In the figure shown a cos  is the projection of
r  rx2  ry2  rz2   
a on the b and b cos  is the projection of b
rx ry r 
cos   , cos   & cos   z on a.
r r r (II) Properties of dot product
Squaring and adding the equations give    
Dot product is commutative A  B = B  A

Physics Times February 19

Dot product is distributive over the addition of 

iˆ  iˆ  ˆj  ˆj  kˆ  kˆ  0
        
A  (B+C)=A  B+A  C If a  a1iˆ  a2 ˆj  a3 kˆ and b  b1iˆ  b2 ˆj  b3 kˆ
20. Vector product (cross product) iˆ ˆj kˆ
   
The vector product of two vectors (a and b ) then a  b  a1 a2 a3
  b1 b2 b3
are written as a  b  ab sin  nˆ , where a and b
 
are the magnitudes of a and b respectively and  (a2b3  a3b2 )iˆ (a3b1  a1b3 ) ˆj (a1b2  a2 b1 )kˆ
 is the angle between them, value of  lies Properties of vector product or cross product
between 0    180 and n̂ is the unit vector  Cross product of two vectors does not obey
perpendicular to the plane containing the vectors. the commutative law.
Cross Product of Orthogonal Unit Vectors    
A  B  B A
iˆ  ˆj  kˆ ˆj  iˆ   kˆ  Cross product of two vectors is distributive
over addition of vector
ˆj  kˆ  iˆ kˆ  ˆj  iˆ       
A × (B + C) = A × B + A × C
kˆ  iˆ  ˆj iˆ  kˆ   ˆj


1. Distance and displacement 3. Average speed

 The actual path length traversed by a body is  For a particle in motion (uniform or non-uniform),
called distance. the ratio of total distance travelled to the total
 The shortest distance between the initial and time of motion is called average speed.
final positions of a body is called displacement.
Total distance
Average speed = Total time

4. Instantaneous velocity
 The velocity of a particle at a particular instant
of time is called it’s instantaneous velocity.
 
s d s
Lt   instantaneous velocity
t 0 t dt

 For all the three paths from P to Q displacement 5. Average velocity

is same and distance is different for different Total displacement
paths. Average velocity =
Total time
2. Instantaneous speed 6. Instantaneous acceleration
 The speed of a particle at a particular instant of
 The acceleration of a particle at a particular instant
time is called its instantaneous speed.
of time is called its instantaneous acceleration.
s ds  
 Lt   instantaneous speed. v dv
t  0 t dt Lt 
t 0 t dt

Physics Times February 19

7. Average acceleration 9. Upward Projected body

It is the change in velocity by elapsed time (I) Equations of motion (upward (+) ve)
 v  u  gt
t 1 2
h  ut  gt
8. Equations of motion with uniform 2
acceleration: v 2  u 2  2 gh
v = u + at
1 hn  u   2n  1
s = ut + at 2 2
(II) Time of flight
1 Time of descent (t2 ) 
s  s  ut  at 2
v 2  u 2  2as Time of ascent (t1 )  u
u & s initial speed and initial displacement 2u
 Total time of flight T  t  t 
1 2
 Displacement in n th second of motion: g
(III) Maximum height
 1
sn = u + a n -  u2
 2 hmax 
10. Freely falling body

(I) Equations of motion (Downward (-)ve)

we have u = 0 , a = + g, v = gt
1 2
h gt
1 2
 As h  gt , i.e., h  t 2 , distance covered
in time t, 2t, 3t, etc., will be in the ratio of
12 : 22 : 32 ,

Physics Times February

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  
11. Relative Motion r AB  r A  r B
Relative velocity of particle A with respect to B, is   
the velocity with which A appears to move as seen v AB  v A  v B
by the B considering itself to be at rest. v AA or vBB is equal to zero.
Relative motion along a straight line  
v A & v B are velocities of A and B w.r.to ground

Physics Times February 19


1. Relative motion in two dimension   

d (v AB ) d (v A ) d (v B )
 Consider that there are two bodies A and B as = –
dt dt dt
shown in the figure.   
  a AB  a A  aB
rA = Position of A with respect to O

 Where a AB is the acceleration of A w.r.to B.
rB = Position of B with respect to O
 2. Motion of a swimmer (or Boat) in a River
rAB = Position of A with respect to B. (I) Shortest Time
 The net speed is given by vm = vmR  vR2

  
rAB  rA  rB
  
d (rAB ) d (rA ) d (rB )
= – .
dt dt dt
  
 vAB  v A  vB

Where v AB is the velocity of A w.r.to B The angle made by the velocity of the man is

Physics Times February

vmR (II) If rain is already falling at an angle  vertically

tan  = v 
with speed v R and an observer is moving

horizontally with speed v m finds that the rain drops
d d
 Time taken to cross the river is t =  .
v y vmR are hitting on his head vertically downwards.
 The drift is x = (vx) (t)
 d 
 x  vr  
 vmR 
(II) Shortest Path
 The net speed is given by vm = vmR  vR2   
Here v rm  v r  v m

   
v rm  vr sin  iˆ  vr cos  ˆj  vm iˆ
For the rain to appear falling vertically, the

horizontal component of v rm should be zero.
vr sin   vm  0  sin  

v rm  vr2  vm2

4. Projectile thrown at angle with horizontal

d d
 Time to cross the river, t = =
vy 2
vmR  vR2
and velocity vx is zero, therefore, the drift (x)
should be zero.
 Hence, to cross the river perpendicular (along
the shortest path) the man should swim at an
 Consider a projectile thrown with a velocity u
 1  vR  making an angle  with the horizontal.
angle of 2  sin  v  upstream from the Along x-direction
 mR 
Initial velocity ux = u cos 
direction of river flow. Further, since sin  < 1.
Velocity after time t, vx = u cos 
3. Man Walking in Rain Acceleration ax = 0

(I) If rain falling vertically with a velocity v R and Along y-direction
an observer is moving horizontally with a velocity Initial velocity uy = u sin 
 Velocity after time t,vy = u sin  – gt
v m , the velocity of rain relative to observer will be
 Acceleration ay = g
   2 2
v Rm  v R  v m or v Rm  vR  vm (I) Trajectory equation
x 1  x 
y = u sin  – g 
u cos  2  u cos  

 x2 
y  tan   x  
 R

Physics Times February

This is an equation of parabola. Here  is angle of projection with the inclined

(II) Time of flight plane
In this case:
2u sin 
T= g ax = - gsin  ux = ucos 

(III) Horizontal range ay = - gcos  uy = usin 

(i) Time of flight (T)
u 2 sin 2
g 2u sin  2u
 T = g cos  = g

(IV) Maximum height
(ii) Maximum height (H)
u 2 sin 2 
H= u 2 sin 2  u 2
2g  H = 2 g cos  = 2 g

Projectle thrown parallel to the horizontal
(iii) Range along the inclined plane (R)
2u 2 sin  cos(   )
 R= g cos 2 
(II) Down the incline

Horizontal direction
Initial velocity ux = u
Acceleration ax = 0
Vertical direction
Initial velocity uy = 0
Acceleration ay = g
(I) Trajectory equation
1 x In this case :
y= g 2 (Equation of trajectory)
2 u ax = gsin  ux = ucos 
(II) Time of flight ay = -gcos  uy = usin 
2h (i) Time of flight (T)
 t= g 2u sin  2u
T = g cos  = g
(III) Horizontal range 

(ii) Maximum height (H)

R =u u 2 sin 2  u 2
 H = 2 g cos  = 2 g
5. Projection on an inclined plane 

(I) Up the incline (iii) Range along the inclined plane (R)
2u 2 sin  cos(   )
 R= g cos 2 
6. Circular Motion
When a particle moves in a plane such that its
distance from a point remains constant then its
motion is called as the circular motion with respect
to that point.

Physics Times February 19

7. Angular velocity  11. Relative angular velocity

(I) Average Angular Velocity  If two particles are moving on the same circle or
different coplanar concentric circles in same
Total angle of rotation
av  direction with different uniform angular speed
Total time taken
A and B respectively, the angular velocity
(II) Instantaneous Angular Velocity
The rate at which the position vector of a of B relative to A for an observer at the centre
particle w.r.to the centre rotates, is called as will be
instantaneous angular velocity with respect d
to the centre. BA  B   A 
 d  Where  is the angle between position vectors
  lim 
t  0 t dt of A and B. So the time to complete one revolution
8. Angular acceleration  of one particle around the other particle is
(I) Average Angular Acceleration 2 2 TT
T   1 2
  1  rel B  A TA  TB
 avg  2 
t2  t1 dt
(II) Instantaneous Angular Acceleration 12. Relations among angular variables
Equations of rotational motion are
 
  lim    0  t (i)
t  0 t t
9. Relation between speed and angular 1
  0 t  t 2 (ii)
velocity 2
ds 2  02  2 (iii)
v  r
dt These are valid only if angular acceleration 
Differentiating again with respect to time, we is constant.
have 13. Centripetal Force
The necessary resultant force that acts towards
dv d
at  r  at  r  the centre is called the centripetal force.
dt dt
mv 2
dv F  m2 r
Here at  is the rate of change of speed r
14. Determining radius of curvature
(not the rate of change of velocity). This is called (I) When the Equation of the curve is given then
the tangential acceleration of the particle. the radius of curvature is
10. Radial and tangential acceleration
3/ 2
dv   dy 2 
at   rate of change of speed and 1    
dt   dx  
2 2 d2 y
v v
a r  r 2  r    dx 2
r r
The net acceleration of the particle will be Where y = f (x) is a given function
(II) When velocity and acceleration of the particle
2 2  dv  travelling along a curve are given then
a  ar2  at2   r   
 dt 

Physics Times February

Sometimes we write the radius of curvature (d) Any one of the above three situations may be
R correct depending upon the value of height
7. A particle is released from rest from a tower of height
V- velocity of the particle.
3h. The ratio of times to fall equal heights h, is
an or ar - Normal component of acceleration.
(a) 9 : 4 : 1 (b) 3 : 2 :1

(c) 3 : 2 : 1 (d) 1:  2 1 : 3 2 

8. If a particle travels n equal distances with speeds
v1 , v2 ,....vn then the average speed v of the particle
will be given by
1. The dimensional formula for pressure gradient is v1  v2  ....  vn
(a) v 
(a) [ ML-1T -2 ] (b) [ M 1 L-2 T -2 ] n
(c) [ M 1 L2 T -2 ] (d) [ M 1 L-1T -3 ] n(v1  v2  ....  vn )
2. If a unit vector is represented by 0.5iˆ  0.8 ˆj  ckˆ , (b) v  v  v  v  ....  v
1 2 3 n

then the value of ‘c’ is

(c) v  v12  v22  ....  vn2
(a) 1 (b) 0.11
(c) 0.01 (d) 0.39 1 11 1 1
   (d) v  n  v  v  ...  v 
3. If A  B  C , then which of the following  1 2 n 

statements is wrong? 9. A stone dropped from a building of height h and it

    reaches after t seconds on earth. From the same
(a) C  A (b) C  B
building if two stones are thrown (one upward and
      other downwards) with the same velocity u and
(c) C  ( A  B) (d) C  ( A  B)
they reach the earth surface after t1 and t2 seconds
 Permeability  respectively, then
4.   will have the dimensional formula
 Permittivity 
(a) t  t1t2 (b) t  t12t22
of :
(a) [ M 0 L0 T 0 A 0 ] (b) [ M 2 L2 T 4 A 2 ] t1  t2
(c) t  t1  t2 (d) t 
2 4 6 4 2 4 6 4 2
(c)  M L T A  (d)  M L T A 
10. A police jeep is chasing with velocity of 45 km/h. A
5. If unit vectors  and B̂ are inclined at an angle  , thief in another jeep is moving with velocity 153
km/h. Police fires a bullet with muzzle velocity of
then Aˆ  Bˆ is 180 m/s. The velocity with which it will strike the
car of the thief is
   (a) 250 m/s (b) 27 m/s
(a) 2sin (b) 2 cos (c) 2 tan (d) tan 
2 2 2 (c) 150 m/s (d) 450 m/s


6. A body is dropped from a certain height 11.A person sitting in an open car moving at constant
(a) The time taken to travel first half of the height is velocity throws a ball vertically up into air. The ball
less than that for second half falls
(b) The time taken to travel first half of the height is (a) Outside the car
greater than that for second half (b) In the car ahead of the person
(c) The time taken to travel first half of the height is (c) In the car to the side of the person
equal to that for second half (d) Exactly in the hand which threw it up

Physics Times February 19

12. A particle is projected with speed u that makes an of velocity in m/s is.
angle  with horizontal, the time at which the (a) 13.6 (b) 7.8 (c)18.5 (d) 12.5
velocity of the projectile is perpendicular to the 
15. A projectile is fired at an angle of 45 with the
initial velocity is horizontal. Elevation angle of the projectile at its
u u highest point as seen from the point of projection
(a) g cos  (b) g tan  is
(a) 45 (b) 60
u u sin 
(c) g sin  (d) 1  1  1
 3
g (c) tan   (d) tan  2 
2  
13. A particle covers equal distance around a circular
path, in equal intervals of time. Which of the
following quantities connected with the motion of
the particle remains constant with time?
(a) Displacement (b) Velocity
(c) Speed (d) Acceleration 1. b 2. b 3. d 4. c 5. a
14. A ball is thrown from ground level so as to just 6. b 7. d 8. d 9. a 10. c
clear a wall 4m height at a distance of 4m and falls 11. d 12. c 13. c 14. a 15. c
at a distance of 14 m from the wall. The magnitude

Physics Times February 19

1. Find the equivalent capacitance of the infinite (a) 333V (b) 236V
ladder shown in figure between the points A and
B. (c) 186V (d) 276V
4. In the figure shown, three AC voltmeters are
connected. At resonance,

(a) 1 F (b) 2 F (c) 3 F (d) 4 F

2. Find the value of R so that no deflection is noticed
in the galvanometer.

(a) V3  0 (b) V1  V2  0
(c) V2  0 (d) V1  0
5. Consider a conducting spherical shell of radius R.
A charge Q is given onto the surface of the sphere.
The total energy of the shell is
Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2
(a) 6 (b) 8 (a) (b) (c) (d)
4 0 4 0 R 8 0 R  0 R
(c) 4 (d) None of these
6. A space object has the shape of a sphere of radius
3. An elasticized conducting band is around a spherical R. Heat sources ensure that the heat evolution at a
balloon. Its plane passes through the centre of the constant rate is distributed uniformly over its
balloon. A uniform magnetic field of magnitude volume. The amount of heat liberated by a unit
0.04T is directed perpendicular to the plane of the surface area is proportional to the fourth power of
band. Air is let out of the balloon at 100cm3 / s at thermodynamic temperature. If the power liberated
an instant when the radius of the balloon is 6 cm. is same and radius is made half of the initial value
What is the induced emf in the band? then ratio of final temperature to initial temperature
(a) 2.19 (b) 0.414 (c) 1.414 (d) 4.19
7. The heat that flows from RHS to LHS, given T2  T1 .

3 (T2  T1 ) 3 (T2  T1 )
(a) 4 P1 P2V PT  P T (b) 4 P1 P2V PT  P T
1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1

Physics Times February

12. The pressure applied from all directions on a cube

is P. How much its temperature should be raised to
4 (T2  T1 ) 3 (T2  T1 )
(c) 3 P1 P2V PT  P T (d) 4 P1 P2 PT  P T maintain the orginal volume? The volume elasticity
1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 of the cube is B and the coefficient of volume
8. Two spherical vessels of equal volume, are expansion is 
connected by a narrow tube. The apparatus
contains an ideal gas at one atmosphere and at P P B PB
temperature 300 K. Now if one vessel is immersed (a) (b) (c) (d)
B B P 
in a bath of constant temperature 600 K and the 13. The focal length f of a mirror is given by
other in a bath of constant temperature 300 K. Then
the common pressure will be 1 1 1
 
f u v where u and v represent object and
image distance respectively. Then
f u v
(a) f  u  v

f u v   u  v 
(b)   
4 f u v uv
(a) atm (b) 1 atm
f u v
3 4 (c) f  u  v
(c) atm (d) atm
4 3
9. An ideal gas undergoes a reversible isothermal f u v u v
(d) f  u  v  u  v  u  v
expansion from a state i to f. The change in entropy
 S (i  f ) 14. A solid sphere rolls down two different inclined
(a) >0 (b) 0 planes of same height, but of different inclinations.
(c) Not defined for the process (d) < 0 In both cases, when sphere comes to bottom
10. A ball of mass 100 gm is released from a height (a) Speed will be different, but time of descent will
be same
h1 =2.5m from the ground level and then rebounds (b) Speed will be same, but time of descent will be
to a height h2 =0.625m. The time of contact of the different
(c) Speed and time of descent both are different
ball and the ground is t =0.01sec.The impulsive
(d) Speed and time of descent will be different in
force offered by the ball on the ground is :
both cases
(a) 105 N (b) 35.2 N (c) 20.8 N (d) 208 N
15. An engine pumps water continuously through a
11. Spherical particles of pollen are shaken up in water
hole. Speed with which water passes through the
and allowed to settle. The depth of water is
hole nozzle is v and k is the mass per unit length of
2 102 m. What is the diameter of the largest the water jet as it leaves the nozzle. Find the rate at
particles remaining in suspension one hour later? which kinetic energy is being imparted to the water.
Density of pollen  1.8  103 kgm 3 , viscosity of 1 3 1 2 v2 v3
(a) kv (b) kv (c) (d)
water  1102 poise and density of water 2 2 2k 2k
16. With what minimum speed v must a small ball should
 1  103 kg m 3 .
be pushed inside a smooth vertical tube from a
(a) 1.74 m (b) 2.4 m height h so that it may reach the top of the tube?
(c) 0.8 m (d) 3.54 m Radius of the tube is R.
(a) g  5 R  2h  (b) 2 g  h  2R 

Physics Times February

The carrier wave is given by

(c) 2g  2R  h (d) R
c  t   2sin  8 t  volts .
17. Two particles having position vectors 8 ˆj,  8iˆ The modulation index is
(a) 2 (b) 0.75 (c) 0.5 (d) 1.5

metres are moving with velocities v1  4iˆ  3 ˆj and 25. A parallel beam of light is incident on a prism angle
 A as shown in the figure. Find the angle θ
v2   iˆ  7 ˆj. If they collide after 2 seconds, the
between the two reflected beams R1 and R2 from
value of ' ' is two faces as shown.
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 8 (d) 6
 
18. Two vectors A and B are at angle of 60 with
each other. Their resultant makes an angle of 45
  
with A. If B  2 units, then A is (a) 3A (b) 4A
(c) 2A (d) None of these
(a) 3  1 (b) 3 (c) 3 / 2 (d) 3  1
26. When an unpolarized light of intensity I 0 is
19. A bone fragment found in a cave contains 0.21
incident on a polarizing sheet, the intensity of the
times as much 14
6 C
as an equal amount of carbon light which does not get transmitted is
in air when the organism containing bone died. 1 1
Find the approximate age of fragment t1/ 2 of (a) I0 (b) I0 (c) Zero (d) I 0
2 4
C  5730 years. 27. A 6000Å H  line emitted by hydrogen in a star is
4 4
(a) 1.3  10 y (b) 1.15  10 y observed to be red shifted by 10Å. Find the speed
(c) 1.4  10 y 4
(d) 1.24  10 y 4 with which star is receding away from the earth.

20. The wavelength of K line for an element of atomic (a) 5  105 m / s (b) 105 m / s

number 43 is . Then the wavelength of K line (c) 100 m / s (d) 5  103 m / s

for an element of atomic number 29 is 28. The masses m1 and m2 are suspended together
42 9 4 43 by a massless spring of constant k. When the
(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 
28 4 9 29 masses are in equilibrium, m1 is removed without
21. An oscillator is an amplifier with disturbing the system; the amplitude of vibration
(a) A large gain (b) Negative feedback is -
(c) Positive feedback (d) No feedback (a) m2 g / k (b) m1 g / k
22. In the Boolean algebra : A + B =
(m2  m1 ) g (m1  m2 ) g
(a) A  B (b) A  B (c) A  B (d) A  B (c) (d)
k k
23. An electromagnetic wave travels along z-axis.
Which of the following pairs of space and time 29. A wave equation is represented as
varying fields would generate such wave?   x  y    x  y 
r  A sin     cos  t    
(a) E x , B y (b) E y , B x (c) E y , Bz (d) E z , Bx   2    2 
24. A modulating signal is a square wave as shown in where x and y are in meters and t is in seconds.
the figure Then
(a) The wave is a stationary wave
(b) The wave is a progressive wave propagating
m t  1
along +x-a axis
inVolts 1 2 t s (c) The wave is a progressive wave propagating at
right angle to the +x-axis

Physics Times February

(d) All points lying on line y  x  are always

at rest.
30. A uniform disc of mass m and radius R is connected 2C
 C AB  1  C
with two light springs 1 and 2. The springs are 2C
connected at the highest point M and the CM ‘N’
of the disc. The other ends of the springs are rigidly
attached with vertical walls. If we shift the CM in C2  C  2  0
horizontal by a small distance, the disc oscillates
simple harmonically. Assuming a perfect rolling of
C  2F
the disc on the horizontal surface, find the angular 2.Sol: It is a Wheatstone bridge, therefore
frequency of oscillation. 11
 8R  R  8
33 8 R
3.Sol: Volume of the balloon at any instant, when radius
is r,
V   r3
2(4K1  K2 ) ( K1  2 K 2 ) 3
(a) (b) Time rate of change of volume,
3m 4m
dV dr
4(2 K1  2 K 2 ) 3(2 K1  2 K 2 )  4 r 2
(c) (d) dt dt
3m m
Time rate of change of radius of the balloon,
dr 1 dV

dt 4 r 2 dt
Flux through rubber band at the given instant,
1. b 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. c
  B( r 2 )
6. c 7. b 8. d 9. a 10. b
11. d 12. b 13. d 14. b 15. a d d
16. c 17. c 18. a 19. a 20. b Induced emf     ( B r 2 )
dt dt
21. c 22. c 23. a 24. c 25. c
26. a 27. a 28. b 29. d 30. a dr  1 dV 
 2 rB  2 rB  2 
dt  4 r dt 
B dV
2r dt
1.Sol: Let the capacitance between A and B is C. The dV
capacitance between P and Q is also C. The given As volume of the balloon is decreasing, is
circuit can be redrawn as shown inthe figure.
 induced    ( 100  106 )
2  6  102
 333V
4.Sol: At resonance, VL and VC are equal in magnitude
but have phase difference of 180 relative to each

Physics Times February

VLC  VL  VC  0 3 P1 P2V (T2  T1 )

 Q
Hence, voltmeter V2 read 0 volt. 4 ( PT1 2  P2T1 )

5.Sol: The energy of the shell is equal to the work 8.Sol: The number of gas particles remain constant
done by an external agent to bring the charge from ni  n f
 to the surface.
Let q be the charge already formed on the surface. P(2V ) P 'V P 'V 2 P P '  T1  T2 
     
The small work done dwext to bring dq from  to RT1 RT1 RT2 RT1 R  T1T2 
the surface is dWele    dU    U f  U i  2 PT2 2  1 600 4
P'    atm
(T1  T2 ) (300  600) 3
 qdq qdq 
   
 4 0 R 4 0     9.Sol: S 
 qdq In isothermal expansion T is constant and Q is
dWele 
4 0 R
(+)ve since the gas absorbs heat so S  0
qdq T
dWext   dWele 
4 0 R 10.Sol: F t  P  F t  m  v1  v2 
1 Q
v1  2 gh1
 W ert  qdq
4 0 R 0

v2  2 gh2
Wext 
8 0 R
m  2 gh1  2 gh2 
6.Sol: The heat radiated per unit time is Δt
dQ 11.Sol: After shaking different particles take different
 R 2T 4 times to settle down. Here all the particles have to
travel same distance. We assume that the particles
 R 2T 4  constant reach terminal velocity immediately but they have
different values because of different radii.
4 2
 T1   R2  s
    We know the terminal velocity v 
 T2   R1  t

T1  R2 
1/ 2
s 2 r 2 (   ) g 9s 
     r2 
T2  R1  t 9  2t (    ) g

1/ 2 1/ 2
Given s  2  102 m, t  3600 s
R   R 
T2  T1  1   T1  1     1 10 2 poise  1  10 3 kg m 1 s 1
 R2   R1 / 2  Substituting given values, we get
T2  2T1  1.414T1 9 2  10 2 1 10 3
r2   
7.Sol: 2 3600 (1.8  103  1 103 )  10
P2V2 3R  T1T2 ( P1  P2 ) 
Q    Cv (T2  T1 )   T2   100
RT2 2  PT  r  106 m  1.77  106 m
1 2  P2T1  32
Diameter D  2r  2 1.77 m  3.54 m

Physics Times February

12.Sol: If coefficient of volume expansion is  and  

Substituting the values of v rel and r from
rise in temperature is  then equation (i) and (ii) t = 2s, then on solving we get
P P P   8.
Volume elasticity B      18.Sol: The vector diagram is
V / V  B

uv f u v   u  v 
13.Sol: f  ,   
uv f u v uv

v u u v
   
v u uv uv
14.Sol: In pure rolling mechanical energy remain
conserved. Therefore, when heights of inclines are
equal, speed of sphere will be same in both the
cases. But as acceleration, a  sin  , therefore 2sin 60 3
tan 45  
acceleration and time to descent will be different. A  2 cos 60 A  1

mass dm A 1  3  A  3 1
15.Sol: K  length  dt
0.693 0.693
19.Sol:   t   1.209  104 y 1
1 2 t /2 5730
KE  mv
2 14
Let m0 is the initial mass of the C . After time t the
1  dm  2 1  dm dx  2 1 1
P  v     v  kvv 2  kv3 mass m  m0 e   t
2  dt  2  dx dt  2 2
16.Sol: Velocity of a ball to just reach the top of the 0.21 m0  m0 e  t
tube should be given by; 0.21  e  t    1.3  104 y
0  v 2  2 gh0 2
Where the velocity will be zero at topmost point. 1 2  Z1  1 
20.Sol:   2
  
 Z  1 1  Z 2  1 
Here h0   2 R  h 
2 2
Thus v  2 g  2 R  h  2  43  1   42  9
    2  1 .
 1  29  1   28  4
17.Sol: The displacement vector  r between
particles p1 and p2 is
22.Sol: A=A and B = B
  
 r  r2  r1  8iˆ  8 ˆj 23.Sol: E x and B y would generate a plane electro-
 magnetic wave travelling in z-direction.
 r  (8) 2  (8)2  8 2 (i)
i,e., E is along x-axis and B is along y-axis.
The relative velocity is given by
   Am 1
v rel  v 2  v1  (  4)iˆ  4 ˆj 24.Sol:   A  2  0.5

v rel  (  4) 2  16 (ii) 25.Sol: The incident and reflected rays are

When they collide in time t

 
v rel 

Physics Times February

 ( x  y)   ( x  y) 
 A sin   cos t  
 2   2 
from the given equation the amplitude of the wave
  x  y 
is AR  A sin   
  2 
The amplitude becomes zero
  x  y 
AR  A sin     0
  2 
The angle between the two reflected rays is equal
to 2A.  x y
   n (n = 0, 1, 2,....)
26.Sol: I  I 0 cos 2   2 

I0  x y 2
Intensity of polarised light 
   x y 
2  2  

I0 I0 2
Intensity of untransmitted light  I 0 
 y  x
2 2 
27.Sol: As the light is getting red shifted the 2
wavelength increases. All the points that lie on the line y  x  are

 u always at rest.

 c 30. Sol: Let x is the displacement of CM from mean
u - refractive velocity of the star w.r.to the earth position.
 c 10  3  108
u   5  105 m / s
 6000
28.Sol: In equilibrium F  (m1  m2 ) g
By removing mass m1
F '  m2 g
Fr  F '  F  m2 g  (m1  m2 ) g
m1 g The torque about O is
kA  m1 g  A 
k    K 2 xR  K1 (2 x)2 R  I 
since the lower spring exerts force on the block
x 2x
only in the downward motion. tan     
29.Sol: The given equation represents the R 2R
superpostion of two progressive waves travelling d 2
along x and y axes given by K 2 R 2  4 K1 R 2  I
dt 2
r1   sin(t   x) &
2 d 2 R 2  K 2  4 K1 
 
dt 2  mR 2 
r2 
sin(t   y )   mR 2 
2  2 
r  r1  r2 2(4 K1  K 2 )
 .

Physics Times February

Alternating Currents
1. An ac voltmeter connected between points A and B the plane x  0 , x  a ; y  0 , y =b; z  0 ,
in the circuit below reads 36 V. If it is connected
z  c; with b  a  c . The slab is placed in air
between A and C, the reading is 39 V .The reading
and has a refractive index of n. The minimum value
when it is connected between B and D is 25V. What
of n such that all rays entering the dielectric
will the voltmeter read when it is connected
between A and D ? (Assume that the voltmeter at y  0 reach y  b is [2018]
reads true rms voltage values and that the source (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 2
generates a pure ac) [2015]
2. The image of an object O due to reflection from
surface of a lake is elongated due to the ripples on
water surface caused by a light breeze. This is
because the ripples act as tilted mirrors as shown.
Consider case where O and observer E are at the
same height above the surface of the lake. If the
maximum angle that the ripples make with the
(a) 481 V (b) 31V (c) 61V (d)
3361 V horizontal is  . The angular extent  of the image
will be [2018]
2. For a domestic AC supply of 220 V at 50 cycles per
second, the potential difference between the
terminals of a two pin electric outlet in a room is
given by [2011]
(a) V (t )  220 2 cos(100 t )
(b) V (t )  220 cos(50t )
(c) V (t )  220 cos(100 t )

(a) (b)  (c) 2 (d) 4
(d) V (t )  220 2 cos(50 t ) 2
3. It was found that refractive index of material of a
EM waves certain prism varied as 1.5  0.004 /  2 ,where  is
1. The following travelling electromagnetic wave the wavelength of light used to measure the
Ex  0,E y  E0 sin  kx  t  , refractive index. The same material was then used
to construct a thin prism of apex angle 10 .Angles
Ez  2 E0 sin  kx  t  is [2010] of minimum deviation of the prism were recorded
(a) elliptically polarised (b) Circularly polarised for the sources with wavelengths 1 and
(c) Linearly polarised (d) Unpolarised
2 respectively. Then [2017]
Ray Optics (a)  m (1 )   m (2 ) if 1  2 .
1. Consider a glass cube slab of dielectric bound by

Physics Times February

(b)  m (1 )   m (2 ) if 1  2 . (b) speed and frequency are different but
wavelength remains same.
(c)  m (1 )   m (2 ) if 1  2 (c) wavelength and frequency are different, but
(d)  m is the same in both the cases. speed remains same.
(d) speed, wavelength and frequency are all
4. A cubical vessel has opaque walls. An observer
(dark circle in figure below) is located such that
7. The flat face of a plano-convex lens of focal length
she can see only the wall CD but not the bottom.
10 cm is silvered. A point source placed 30 cm in
Nearly to what height should water be poured so
front of the curved surface will produce a [2014]
that she can see an object placed at the bottom at
(a) real image 15 cm away from the lens
a distance of 10cm from the corner C? Refractive
(b) real image 6 cm away from the lens
index of water is 1.33. [2015]
(c) virtual image 15 cm away from the lens
(d) virtual image 6 cm away from the lens
8. A concave mirror of radius of curvature R has a
circular outline of radius r. A circular disc is to be
placed normal to the axis at the focus so that it
collects all the light that is reflected from the mirror
(a) 10 cm (b) 16 cm (c) 27 cm (d) 45cm
from a beam parallel to the axis. For r<<R, the area
5. Electromagnetic waves emanating from a point A
of this disc has to be at least [2014]
(in air) are incident on a rectangular block of
material M and emerge from the other side as  r6  r4  r5  r4
shown. The angles i and r are angles of incidence (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d)
4R 4R 4R R2
and refraction when the wave travels from air to 9. The angles of incidence and refraction of a
the medium.Such paths for the rays are possible
monochromatic ray of light of wave length  at
an air -glass interface are i and r, respectively. A
parallel beam of light with a small spread  in
wavelength about a mean wavelength  is
refracted at thesame air -glass interface. refractive
index  of glass depends on the wavelength
 as  ( )  a  b /  2 where a and b are constants.
Then the angular spread in the angle of
refraction of the beam is [2014]
sin i 2b
(a) 3
 (b) 
 cos r 3

(a) if the material has a refractive index very nearly 2b tan r 2b(a  b /  2 )sin i
(c)  (d) 
equal to zero. a 3  b 3
(b) only with gamma rays with a wavelength smaller
10. A ray of light incident on a glass sphere (refractive
than the atomic nuclei of the material
(c) if the material has a refractive index less than index 3 ) suffers total internal reflection before
zero. emerging out exactly parallel to the incident ray.
(d) only if the wave travels in M with a speed faster The angle of incidence was [2013]
than the speed of light in vacuum. (a) 75 (b) 30 (c) 45 (d) 60
6. Monochromatic light passes through a prism. 11. A material is embedded between two glass plates.
Compared to that in air, inside the prism the light’s Refractive index n of the material varies with
[2014] thickness as shown below. The maximum incident
(a) speed and wavelength are different angle (in degrees) on the material for which beam
but frequency remains same. will pass through the material is- [2011]

Physics Times February 19

15. On a bright sunny day a diver of height h stands at

the bottom of a lake of depth H. Looking upward,
he can see objects outside the lake in a circular
region of radius R. Beyond this circle he sees the
image of objects lying on the floor of the lake. If
refractive index of water is , then the value of R
is [2012]
(a) 60.0 (b) 53.1 (c) 43.5 (d) 32.3 3 H  h  H  h
12. A point source of light is placed at the bottom of a (a) (b)
vessel which is filled with water of refractive index 7 7/3
µ to a height h. If a floating opaque disc has to be  H  h
placed exactly above it so that the source is (c) 3h 7 (d)
invisible from above, the radius of the disc should 5/3
be [2010]
ave Optics
h h 1. In a Young’s double slit experiment the amplitudes
(a) (b)
 1 2  1 of the two waves incident on the two slits are A
and 2A. If I 0 is the maximum intensity, then the
h h
(c) 2 (d) intensity at a spot on the screen where the phase
 1 2  1 difference between the two interfering waves is 
13. Three transparent media of refractive indices [2018]
1 , 2 ,3 respectively, are stacked as shown. A I0
ray of light follows the path shown. No light enters (a) I 0 cos 2 ( / 2) (b) sin 2 ( / 2)
the third medium. Then [2010]
I0 I0
(c) (5  4 cos( )) (d) (5  8 cos( ))
9 9
2. Two circularly shaped linear polarisers are placed
coaxially. The trans mission axis of the first polarizer
is at 30 from the veritical while the second one is
at 60 both in the clock wise sense. If an
unpolarisedbeamof light of intensity I  20W / m2
is incident on this pair of polarisers, then the
intensites, I1 and I 2 transmitted by the first and
(a) 1   2  3 (b)  2  1  3
the second polarises, respectively, will be close to
(c) 1  3   2 (d) 3  1  2 [2017]
14. A narrow parallel beam of light falls on a glass (a) I1  10.0W / m 2 and I 2  7.5W / m 2
sphere of radius R and refractive index µ at normal
incidence. The distance of the image from the outer (b) I1  20.0W / m 2 and I 2  15W / m 2
edge is given by [2010] (c) I1  10.0W / m 2 and I 2  8.6W / m 2
R  2   R  2  
(a) 2   1 (b) 2   1 (d) I1  15.0W / m 2 and I 2  0.0W / m 2
    3 . Electrons accelerated from rest by an electrostatic
potential are collimated and sent through a young’s
R  2   R  2  
(c) 2   1 (d) 2   1 double slit setup. The fringe width is w. If the
    accelerating potential is doubled then the width

Physics Times February 19

now close to [2016] 8. In a Young’s double slit set-up, light from a laser
(a) 0.5w (b) 0.7 w source falls on a pair of very narrow slits separated
(c) 1.0 w (d) 2.0 w by 1.0 micrometer and bright fringes separated by
4. A monochromatic light soure S of wavelength 1.0 millimeter are observed on a distant screen. If
440nm is placed slightly above a plane mirror M as the frequency of the laser light is doubled, what
shown. Images of S in M can be used as a virtual will be the separation of the bright fringes ?
source to produce interference fringes on the [2011]
screen. The distance of source S from O is 20.0 cm, (a) 0.25 mm (b) 0.5 mm (c) 1.0 mm (d) 2.0 mm
and the distance of screen from O is 100.0 cm (figure 9. In Young’s double slit experiment, the distance
is not to scale).If the angle   0.50 103 radians, between the two slits is 0.1 mm, the distance
between the slits and the screen is 1 m and the
the width of the interference fringes observed on
wavelength of the light used is 600 nm. The
the screen is [2016]
intensity at a point on the screen is 75% of the
maximum intensity. What is the smallest distance
of this point from the central fringe ? [2010]
(a) 1.0 mm (b) 2.0 mm (c) 0.5 mm (d) 1.5 mm

Dual Nature of Matter & Photoelectric, Effect

(a) 2.20 mm (b) 2.64 mm 1. The magnitude of acceleration of the electron in the
(c) 1.10 mm (d) 0.55mm
nth orbit of hydrogen atom is aH and that of singly
5. A beam of monoenergetic electrons,which have been
accelerated from rest by a potential U, is used to ionized helium atom is aHe . The ratio aH : aHe is
form an interference pattern in a young’s Double [2017]
slit experiment. The electrons are now accelerated (a) 1:8 (b) 1:4 (c) 1:2 (d) dependent on n
by potential 4U. The fringes width 2. Acarrot looks orange in colour because of the 
(a) remains the same carotene molecule in it . This means that the 
(b) is half the original fringe width carotene molecule absorbs light of wavelengths
(c) is twice the original fringe width [2017]
(d) is one -fourth the original fringe width (a) longer than 550 nm (b) shorter than 550 nm
6. An unpolarized beam of light of intensity I 0 passes (c) longer than 700 nm (d) shorter than 700 nm
3. An electron in a electron microscope with initial
through two linear polarizers making an angle of
30º with respect to each other. The emergent beam velocity v0 iˆ enters a region of staray transverse
will have an intensity
electric field E0 ˆj .The time taken for the change in
3I 0 3I 0 3I 0 I0 its de- Broglie wavelength from the initial value of
(a) (b) (c) (d)
4 4 8 8

7. A plane polarised light passed through successive  to 3 is proportional to [2017]
polarisers which are rotated by 30º with respect to
each other in the clockwise direction. Neglecting 1 1
absorption by the polarisers and given that the (a) E0 (b) E (c) (d) E0
first polarizer’s axis is parallel to the plane of
polarization of the incident light, the intensity of 4. Photons of wavelength  are incident on a metal.
light at the exit of the fifth polariser is closest to The most energetic electrons ejected from the metal
[2011] are bent into a circular arc of radius R by a
(a) Same as that of the incident light perpendicular magnetic field having a magnitude
(b) 17.5% of the incident light B. The work function of the metal is (Where
(c) 30% of the incident light symbols have their usual meaning) [2016]
(d) zero

Physics Times February 19

2 to 0.9 V. The work function of potassium is

hc e2 B 2 R 2 hc  eBR  [2014]
(a)  me (b)  2me   
 2 me   2me  (a) 2.0 eV (b) 2.4 eV ((c) 3.0 eV (d) 2.8 eV
11. Photons of energy 7eV are incident on metals A
hc e2 B 2 R 2 hc  eBR 
2 and B with work functions 6eV and 3eV
(c)  me C 2  (d)  2 me   respectively. The minimum de Broglie wavelengths
 2me   2 me  of the emitted photoelectrons with maximum
5. An electron and a photon have same wavelength A
of 109 m. If E is the energy of the photon and p is energies are A and B , respectively where  is
the momentum of the electron, the magnitude of
nearly [2013]
E/p in SI units is [2016]
(a) 0.5 (b) 1.4 (c) 4.0 (d) 2.0
(a) 1.00 109 (b) 1.50 108 12. A stream of photons having energy 3 eV each
(c) 3.00 108 (d) 1.20 107 impinges on a potassium surface. The work
function of potassium is 2.3 eV. The emerging
6. A photon of wavelength  is absorbed by an
photo-electrons are slowed down by a copper plate
electron confined to a box of length 35h / 8mc . placed 5 mm away. If the potential difference
As a result, the electron makes a transition from between the two metal plates is 1 V, the maximum
state k=1 to the state n. Subsequently the electron distance the electrons can move away from the
transits from the state n to the state m by emitting potassium surface before being turned back is
a photon of wavelength  '  1.85. Then [2016] [2012]
(a) 3.5 mm (b) 1.5 mm (c) 2.5 mm (d) 5.0 mm
(a) n  4; m  2 (b) n  5; m  3
13.The Quantum Hall Resistance RH is a fundamental
(c) n  6; m  4 (d) n  3; m  1
constant with dimensions of resistance. If h is
7. A 160 watt infrared source is radiating light of Planck’s constant and e the electron charge, then
wavelength 50000Å uniformly in all directions. the dimension of RH is the same as [2011]
The photon flux at a distance of 1.18 m is of the
order of [2015] (a) e / h
(b) h / e 2
(c) h / e
(d) e / h2
(a) 10m2 s 1 (b) 1010 m 2 s 1
(c) 1015 m2 s 1 (d) 1020 m2 s 1
8. A 160 watt light source is radiating light of
 Alternating currents
wavelength 6200 A uniformly in all directions. The 1. a 2. a
photon flux at a distance of 1.8 m is of the order
of(Planck’sconstant 6.63 1034 J  s ) [2014] EMwaves
1. c
(a) 102 m2 s 1 (b) 1012 m2 s 1
(c) 1019 m2 s 1 (d) 1025 m2 s 1 Ray optics
9. A 1.5 kW (kilo-watt) laser beam of wavelength 6400 1.
1.b 2. c 3. c 4. c 5.c
Å is used to levitate a thin aluminium disc of same 6.
6.a 7.
7.b 8. a 9. c 10.
area as the cross section of the beam. The laser 11. b 12. b 13.d
13. 14. a 15 .a
light is reflected by the aluminium disc without any
absorption.The mass of the foil is close to [2014] Wave optics
1.c 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. b
(a) 109 kg (b) 103 kg(c) 104 kg (d) 106 kg 6. c 7.
7.c 8. b 9. a
10. When ultraviolet radiation of a certain frequency
falls on a potassium target, the photoelectrons Dual Nature of Matter & Photoelectric, Effect
released can be stopped completely by a retarding 1.
1.a 2. b 3. b 4.d
4. 5. c
potential of 0.6 V. If the frequency of the radiation 6. c 7.
7.d 8.
8.c 9. d 10. b
is increased by 10%, this stopping potential rises

Physics Times February

11.d 12.a 13. b

is other than 0 or then they are elliptically
So it is linearly polarized. The correct option is (c).
Alternating currents
Ray optics
1.Sol: When the light ray travels in xy plane


Voltmeter between A&B

VL  36 V (1)
Between A&C

V 2 L  V 2 R  39 (2)
Between B&D
In fig-(1) and fig (2)
V 2C  V 2 R  25 (3) If ray-1 reaches y  b all other rays striking the
From equations (1) & (2)
bottom face at any angle of incidence  90  will
VR  15V (4)
reach y  b
From Eqs (3)&(4) VC2  252  152
From the figure
Vc  20 V (5)   C
Between A& D

 C  C
Vrms  (VL  VC ) 2  VR2  481 V 2

2.Sol: Peak value  220 2 C 
  2n  100
 
sin C  sin  
V  t   220 2 cos 100t  4
1 1
EM Waves  n 2
1.Sol: Given that n 2
E y  E0 sin( kx   t ) 2.Sol:

Ez  2 E0 sin(kx   t )
The two components of electric field have phase
difference zero at a point say x = 0.
At x  0, E y  E0 sin  t
Ez  2 E0 sin t

If the phase difference between them is then
they are circularly polarized. If the phase difference

Physics Times February 19

An exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum

3 3
of the opposite interior angles. sin i   tan i 
In the triangle EAB 4 2 23
EBQ  AEB  EAB h  10 10
tan i   h  1  tan i  27cm
AEB  EBQ  EAB h
  ( 2   )  (1   ) 5.Sol:

  ( 2  1 )  2
Since O and E lie on same horizontalline
1   2    2
3.Sol:The refractive index of prism canbe determine
by knowing the Apex angle (A) and minium
angle of deviation ( m )
Meta materials are the materials for which refractive
 m  A  index is negative. Refraction diagram is shown in
sin i 2
  the figure.
sin r  A 6.Sol: On refraction of light, frequency remain
sin  
2 unchanged. However speed and wavelength get
  A
sin m
0.004 2 7.Sol: The effective focal length of a silvered lens
1.5  2 
  A is
sin  
2 1 1 2
 
1 F f m fl
m 
 Where fm is the focal length of silvered surface
  m (1 )   m (2 ) if 1  2 fm  
4.Sol: The angle made by the with vertical is 1 2 1
 
45 .After filling the Container with water the ray F 10cm 5cm
undergoes refraction as shown in the figure. Let The silvered lens behaves like a spherical mirror
his the height of the water to befilled.
1 1 1
 
u v F
1 1 1
   v  6cm
30 v 5
The image has to be real since it forms on the left
8.Sol: Consider a parallel ray that strikes the mirror as
shown in the figure. Let x is the height of the ray that
deviates from the focus. So radius of the disc that is
to be placed at the focus is equal to x .
from the figure

From the figure r  45 ,   1.33

By using snell’s law
4 3
sin i  sin r  sin i  (sin 45 )
3 4

Physics Times February

CP  CD  R (2b tan r )

PE  r r 
(a 3  b )
R 10.Sol: Let i is the angle of incidence and r is the angle
DO  R 
2 cos  of refraction as shown in the figure

CE  R 2  r 2

R2  r 2
cos  
 
 R   1 r2  2 
DO  R 1   R 1  1 
2 2
  2  R 2  
 2 R r   

1 r2  Snell’s law at the first refraction

DO  R   2  (1)
 2 4R  sin i  3 sin r
From the triangle AOB we get
180  i  2r  180
R  1 r2  2
FO  FD  DO   R   2  i  2r (2)
2 2 R  From eq’s (1) & (2) we get
r2 i  600 & r  300
 FO 
4R 11.Sol: 1.5  sin i  1.2 sin r
In AFO and POE 1.5
sin r  sin i
FO OE r R2 2 1.2
  
FA PE 4 Rx r As TIR should not take place
sin r  1
x (OE  OD )
2R 2 1.5
sin i  1
So the area of the disc is 1.2
 r6 sin i  0.8  i  sin (0.8)
 x2 
4R4 i  53.1  imax  53.1
9.Sol: From snell’s law 12.Sol: Let r be the radius of that disc beyond which
sin i   sin r the rays undergo TIR

 b 
sin i   a  2  sin r
  
Differentiating with respect to 
 b   b 
0  cos r dr  a  2   sin r  3 (2)  d 
    

 a 2  b   2b 
0  cos r dr  2   sin r  3  d 
     

2bd  tan r From snell’s law

dr 
 ( a 2  b )

Physics Times February

1 r 1 n1   , n2  1
  
sin C h2  r 2  1  (   1) 1  
 
v2 (2 R   R) R
 2 1 R (2   )
v2 
13.Sol: At first incidence light is deviated towards the 2(   1)
normal therefore  2  1 . At second incidence TIR R
Note : Even if we consider  2 R then we will
takes place therefore  2  3 ,  1
R2   
get v2  2   1
 
15.Sol: The light rays that undergo TIR are shown in
the figure

By applying the snell’s law at both the faces

1 sin 1  2 sin  2
2 sin  2  3 sin 90
By applying the snell’s law we get
 1 sin 1  3
1 3 R
sin C   
As sin 1  1  1  3  4 ( H  h) 2  R 2
3  1   2
3( H  h)
14.Sol: Consider a parallel beam that falls on the R
sphere. 7
Refraction through a spherical surface of radius of
curvature R is Wave Optics
1.Sol: The resultant intensity at a point on the screen
n2 n1 n2  n1
  in YDSE is
v u R
refraction at first surface I  A12  A2 2  2 A1 A2 cos 

n1  1 , n2   Given that A1  A , A2  2 A

 1  1 R I  5 A2  4 A2 cos   A2 [5  4 cos  ]
   v1 
v1  R  1 Given that I max  I 0  A2  4 A2  4 A2  9 A2

R I0
Here we assume that  2 R so the image of A2 
 1 9
the first surface acts as object for the second I0
surface. I [5  4 cos  ]
R 2R   R 2.Sol: The intensity of unpolarised light is
u2   2R 
 1  1 I 0  20 W / m 2

Physics Times February

After passing through the first polaroid    2.64mm

I 20 5.Sol: The de-Broglie wavelength of electron is,
I1  0   10W / m2
2 2 h h
After passing through the second polaroid.  
2mk 2mqV
I 2  I1 cos 2 30
2 
 3 V
 10   7.5 W / m2
 2  Potential becomes four times so wavelength
 
3.Sol: In Young ‘s double silt experiment the fringe becomes half
width is given by D
Fringe width (  ) 
D d
d Fringe width becomes half.
The de-Broglie wavelength is 6.Sol: Let I0 is the intensity of unpolarized light. After
passing through first polaroid its intensity becomes
h h
  I0
mv 2mq V . After passing through the second polaroid its
1 I0 3I
 intensity becomes cos 2  300   0
V 2 8
If V is doubled then 7.Sol: The intensity after passing through the fifth
  2  0.7 1  0.7w polaroid is
4.Sol: 4 3
I  I 0  cos 2    I 0     31% of I 0
8 .Sol: Fringe width  
v  c
If v is doubled then both  and  become half
  0.5 mm

S and S1 are the two sources 9 .Sol: Given that d  0.1 mm, D  1 m,   600 nm
Given that Intensity at point P is

  0.50 103 radian I  75% of maximum or I  3I 0

D = SO cos  +100 cm Where I 0 is the intensity of a single wave

 20  1  100  120cm  cos  1 I  3I 0  0

 I   I  0
 2 I 0  I 0 cos 
The distance between the two sources will be equal
to 1 
 cos    
d  2  SO sin  2 3

d  40  0.5  103 cm  2  102 cm 

Path difference d sin  
The fringe width is given by 2
D 440  109  120 102 dy   D
   y
d 2 102 102 D 2 2 d

Physics Times February 19

D 600  109 1 hc 1  eBR 

y  
6d 6  0.1 103  me   
 2  me 
y  1mm The correct option is (d)
5.Sol:Wavelength of electron and photon is 
Dual Nature of Matter & Photoelectric Effect
1.Sol: We know that the radius of the orbit and velocity hc
Energy of photon E 
of electron depends on atomic number z as 
1 h
r &v z Momentum of photon P 
z 
3 3 E  Pc
v2 3 a  z  1 1
z  H   H     
r aHe  zHe   2  8 E
  c  3  108 m / s
2.Sol:The wavelength of orange color is 510nm.So the
object absorbs colors From violet to yellow that is 6.Sol: Initially the electron is in ground state.In the
it absorbs light of wavelength less than 510nm. ground state
3.Sol: The de -Broglie’s wavelength is
The velocity of the electron after time t is

v  v 2y  v02 nn
For nth state l 
vy  u y  ayt 2
m m
qE0 For mth state l 
vy  0  t 2
Energy of electron in ground state

when   v0  3v0 P12 (h / 1 )2 h2
3 E1   
2m 2m 8ml 2
(3v0 )  v 2y  v02  vy2  8v02
h2 hc
E1  
qE0  35 h  35 (1)
 t  2 2 v0 8m  
m  8mc 

2 2 1 (h / n ) 2 h2 h2 n2
t mv0  t Similarly En   
qE0 E0 2m 2mn 8ml 2

mv hc
4.Sol: Radius of the particle R  qB En   n2 (2)
35 

eBR hc
Em   m2 (3)
Velocity of particle v  m 35 

From the equation of photoelectric effect. hc hc

Em  E n  1
 [m 2  n 2 ]
hc  35
   KEmax
 35 35 35
 m2  n2     19
1 1.85 1.85

Physics Times February 19

 m  4 and n  6 k .E2 = e × 0.9 = 0.9 eV

So option (c) is correct
hv  KEmax  
7. Sol: Given that P=160 W,   50000Å
Intensity at a distance r from the source is E1  0.6  

P 1.1 E1 = 0.9 + 
4 r 2 0.9  
The total number of photons crossing the 1.1     2.4eV
0.6  
sphere are
11.Sol: The E
Einstein’s Photoelectric equation is
P N P K .E  hv  
Nhv  2
4 r 2
4 r (hv)
K .E A  7eV  6eV  1eV
(N=no. of photons per sec per m 2 )
K .EB  7eV  3eV  4eV
P The de-Broglie’s wavelength is
4 r 2 hc
h h
 
N  6.9  10 20 m 2 s 1 mv 2mK .E
P h h
8.Sol: Intensity of light at 1.8 m is I  A  ; B 
4r 2 2mK .E 1 2mK .E 2
Nhv  N A K .E 2
4 r 2 4 r 2 (hv )  2
B K .E1
160  6200  1010 12.Sol: The kinetic energy of emitted photoelectrons
N 2
4   1.8   6.63  10 34
 3  10 8
K .E  3.0eV  2.3eV  0.7eV
 N  1.22 1019 m2 s 1 The distance it travels before it looses its K.E is
9. Sol: K.E =(e E) S
K .E K .E ( d )
S 
V eV

0.7eV  5mm
S  3.5mm
e  (1V )
13. Sol: Resistance
Force exerted by the radiation on the disc is V V i P
R  2  2
2 P 2  1.5 10 3 i i i
F   105
c 3.0  108 h
The radiation force balances the weight of the disc Energy  hv 
105  m 10  m  10 kg energy
Power 
10.Sol:Given that Vs  0.6V
10.Sol: t
KE1  e  Vs = 0.6 eV h
When frequency increase by 10% energy of photon P
also increases by 10%
e P h
E2  1.1E1 i  2  2
t i e
Physics Times February 19


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