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Running Head: Name of the Main subject

[Meta Data Analysis Summary]

[Student Name]

[University Name]

Meta Data Analysis Summary

It is assumed that all the students in an educational institution are entitled to be in a positive

environment. Many students who have any kind of disability or do not have any disability can

suffer from anxiety and depression in certain academic years and tasks (Grills-Taquechel,

Fletcher, Vaughn, & Stuebing, 2012). Hence, college faculty must stay aware of the factors

which cause these anxieties and depression and to take some steps to ease students’ depression.

In some specific conditions anxiety is a normal reaction but only a small level of anxiety can

be considered normal not severe level which can cause serious kinds of problems physically

and mentally (Lim, 2007).

There are various kinds of factors involved which can cause anxiety and depression to students

at college like academics, long distance of the college from home, rejection from friends, being

lonely etc. The main goal of using this metadata analysis was to determine the impact of anxiety

and depression in students and how they can cope with it. When academics of students suffer

then they face academics anxiety which also has a relationship with social anxiety of students

which puts a strong impact on the academics performance. When students face social anxiety

they get unable to ask for any kind of help in class and hesitates in taking part in any activity

and task.

For this purpose, it is necessary for teachers, college faculty and other authorities to always

keep a balance among students, promote the concept of sharing and doing help of everyone in

students, make frequently changing groups of students in different class participation activities

and do frequent consultations with students who face bad academic performance. In a study,

the researcher identified that ability, luck attribute, effort and capacity to solve difficult tasks

highly helpful for students and contribute to coping with depression and anxiety at college.


Grills-Taquechel, Fletcher, Vaughn, & Stuebing. (2012). Anxiety and reading difficulties in

early elementary school: Evidence for unidirectional- or bidirectional relations? . Child

Psychiatry & Human Development, 35-47.

Lim. (2007). Effects of attributions and task values on foreign language use anxiety. Journal

of Education and Human Development, 1-20.

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