MKT 345-Final-2018

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a. Who are the key stake holders for ZEN PATH?

(10 points)

Key stake holders of ZEN PATH includes the people who use to live there and works at

monastery, local community of Coos Bay of which monastery use to draw resources, wealthy

sponsors who gives support to ZEN PATH for fulfilling expenses, some other people who use to

work there, some consumers who loves the things that are offered by monastery and some people

who gives help in performing the functions. The supporters of ZEN PATH are also monetary

stakeholders hence they can also give some aid to monastery if they makes a plan for


b. Let us assume that ZEN PATH chose to offer meditation seminars as the main source

of additional income. They will still try to get sponsors, but the seminars will be the

main source of new funds. What is the image that the monastery should project to the

diverse stakeholders given the new changes? Describe it in a short statement (20-

word limit). (10 points)

The image posed will be very beautiful of spreading love and peace by doing mediation at

seminars and monastery.

c. What social media should be used and how should they be structured to help ZEN

PATH deal with its financial constraints given the choice of offering seminars?

Provide a detailed list of the social media they should use, as well as how they should

use them. Be as specific as possible. For example, if they were to use Twitter, then

you should provide a sample tweet message. Listing all possible social media is not a

good answer. You may list several, but I would like to see how ZEN PATH should
rank the ones they should use based on their importance for this particular situation.

(50 points)

Using the social media for increasing sponsors and also for giving awareness to local and other

people about monastery is the best way for ZEN PATH. With the help of social media ZEN

PATH can reach to its targeted market. Following are some of the social Medias which can be

prove very helpful for this purpose in achieving their mission.

Twitter: Goodness is about character - integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity. More than

anything else, it is about how we treat other people.

Facebook: Generosity is about giving something to others for the sake of internal peace and


WhatsApp groups: Different kind of messages can be used for spreading awareness of helping

needy people.

YouTube: Different videos of meditation sessions and workshops can be uploaded.

d. Describe the key elements of the web site to maximize awareness, and attendance to

the services (meditation training) as well as to make ZEN PATH more attractive to

sponsors. (10 points)

Different kinds of websites can also be used for spreading awareness about the monastery.

Online websites can also prove very useful in it like Crowd rise, Facebook, YouTube etc because

they are using for social engagement of people and provides the facility of sharing. ZEN PATH

can also provide different kind of small mediation session on those websites for the awareness of

e. Once ZEN PATH started offering more meditation seminars, a philosophy professor

at a local university sent a sarcastic twitter message claiming that ZEN PATH should

change its name to DOLLAR PATH since they had become very commercialized.

The message has been re-tweeted a lot. How should ZEN PATH use reputation

management techniques and social media to defend themselves from a message that

may soon go viral? (10 points)

Fundraising events can also be used for increasing the funds but it doesn’t makes us sure that we

will get enough fund that are needed. But there is another way through which we can find some

handsome amount like if everyone have to pay some amount for attending the sessions of

mediation and for workshops it can meet the expenses of monastery.

f. What web analytics measurements should ZEN PATH use to assess if they have been

successful? (10 points)

 ZEN PATH can use to check number of entries for checking how many people attended

the workshops and mediation sessions by booking the tickets online.

 ZEN PATH can also check how many people are viewing their online sessions of


 ZEN PATH can also put a check how many people have shared their workshops.

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