Notes About BLW

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 Cook without salt or sugar

 Eggs must be fully cooked through
 No honey (until after 1 yr.)
 No raw bran/bran products or high-fibre cereal
 No nut/peanut products until 2+
 No milk for drinking (in a cereal or cooking with it is fine)
 No pure juice (diluted is ok, but VERY diluted like 20% juice)
 No more than 2 slices of bread a day under 1 yr.

 Keep the food varied

 Full-fat dairy products
 Limit whole-grain products (because they're very filling)
 Cook veggies so they are soft (not al dent or soggy)-- boil, steam, or roast sticks of vegetables.
 Large fruits like melon and papaya can be cut into sticks or wedges
 Small fruit, like grapes should be cut in half lengthwise
 Apples, pears, and nectarines can be offered whole-- take a bite out first so it's easier for the baby to get to the flesh
 Leave some of the skin on most fruit and vegetables-- apples, pears, avocados, mangos, and potatoes work well with some
skin left on
 You can offer banana with some skin (wash it first though), trim it so an inch or so of banana is peeking out--when the
baby is more skilled offer it skinless
 Crinkle cutters make fruit and veggies easier to handle
 Keep some portions in the freezer in case you eat something you don't want your baby to share
 Beware of teething biscuits (sugar and additives)

Easy first finger foods

 whole steamed vegetables-- green beans, baby corn, sugar snap peas
 steamed florets of broccoli and cauliflower
 steamed, roasted or stir-fried veggie sticks, such as carrot, potato, eggplant, sweet potato, potato, parsnip, pumpkin,
squash, peppers, and zucchini
 Cucumber can be offered raw (also good for teething)
 Thick slices of avocado (not too ripe)
 Fruit such as pear, apple, banana, peach, nectarine, mango-- either whole or as sticks
 Sticks of firm cheese, such as cheddar or Gloucester
 Breadsticks
 Flat breads, such as chapattis, pita, and naan
 Rice or oat cakes or toast fingers-- on their own or with a homemade spread, such as hummus and tomato, or cottage
 falafels
 lentil patties
 rice balls (made with sushi or basmati rice with dhal)

Messier Foods!

 Fusilli, shells, and bows are easier to grip than smoother shapes-- offer some with sauce and some without
 Short-grained rice such as Thai rice, Japanese sushi rice or risotto are easy for babies to grab because it's sticky, but
ordinary rice is fine

 Hummus, guacamole, mixed bean, kidney bean and tomato, red peper and butter bean, cheese sauce, cream cheese and
yogurt with chives, yogurt, dhal, babaganoush

Breakfast Ideas

 Hot cereal: oatmeal, rice flakes, millet flakes, or quinoa flakes. (While cooking you can add stewed or grated apples or
pears, blueberries, dried apricots, dates, cranberries, or figs).
 Full-fat natural yogurt with fresh fruit. (You can let the baby stir in berries or stewed or pureed fruit in).
 Scrambled egg (well cooked)
 Cold cereal--dry or with milk
 Cheese on toast
 Baked beans on toast


 legumes; dried fruit like apricots, figs, and prunes; green leafy vegetables
 Consume vitamin C to help iron absorption

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