Final - B.Tech Report Format

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B. Tech Project -1
 Title page
 Certificate
 Acknowledgement
 Abstract
 Index
 Introduction about Project
o Overview of Project
o Scope of Project
o Purpose of Project
 Feasibility Analysis
o Technical feasibility
o Time schedule feasibility
o Operational feasibility
o Implementation feasibility
o Economic feasibility
 Basic hardware and software required or assumed
 Project Planning
o List of major activities of the, estimated time duration,
precedence relationship, etc.
o Schedule of Project (estimated time to complete the
 System Design
o Use case Diagram
o Class Diagram
o Data Dictionary
o Data Flow Diagram
o E-R Diagram
o Activity Diagrams
 Snap shot with brief description
 Further Enhancement
 Conclusion
 Reference and Bibliography
 About tools and technology

 Fonts should be remain constant “times new roman”, size 12,
throughout the report.

 However titles and subtitles can have different size.

 Also set proper margin
 Minimum 45 pages and maximum 80 pages.


Paper size: A4
Margins: Left – 1.5”, Right – 1”, Top – 1”, Bottom – 0.5”
Page No: At the center of the bottom (footer); format: – m –
Font: Times New Roman
Chapter headings: 14” Bold, Upper case
Main headings: 12” Bold & Underlined, Upper case
Sub headings: 12” Bold, Title case
Sub-sub headings: 12” Bold & Italics, Title case
Table, Fig. Nos: 12” Italics, Title case

Format for bibliography:

Authors, “Title”, (year), Publisher / publication, Price (if available)


 Some of the topics may not be applicable to some of the

projects in that case you can ignore some content or you can
add as per the requirement and guidance of your project

 Each student should attach a separate certificate in each of

the report (e.g. a group of three students shall attach 3
certificates in each copy of report.)

 Each student should have his/her individual copy of the

report. They also need to submit one copy to the

 College copy of report must be hard bounded.

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