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Julián Andrés Campos Triviño As a leader
I am always realistic about
Strengths what is happening, both in
processes and goals so I
tend to be very responsible
solution-oriented to avoid non-compliance ID: 1081423453
with these and if
Realistic something happens I look 314 4665446
for a solution to the
problem @julian_andres_c

Many things annoy me quickly so
they do not go as I want and I think
AIESEC EXPERIENCE little passivity it will not go as I hope in addition to
Events that I find it difficult to pay attention 24/48
2018.1 Action Way – Medellin – Delegate Distracted to things if I do not like

2018.2 Action Way - Pereira - Delegate

Charges 25/48
These values connect me with the
TM MEMBER OGV 2018.1 Values legacy that I want to leave
Development of sales and communication skills.
Honest because with the leadership I
TL UNIVERSITY SALES 2018.2 hope to transmit them to my
Lead a team and operability. Responsibility members and that this will help 24/48
Leadership learning and a contribution of the them to be great leaders, besides
semester objective Tolerant that these values allow me to fight
OCVP DE ZONALITO 2018.2 to fulfill my goals 41/48
45 delegates

Stay true to yourself

1. This opportunity is so important in my life because it is really the most challenging thing that I
will have, since I have to organize my times, I will have to learn to lead a team, in addition to
getting them to feel the love that I feel for the organization.
Also this helps me both personally and professionally because it asks me for organization,
dedication, effort and responsibility; among many other things that are very important in my
I Colombian leadership organization

2. The tendencies of the city are students who wish to finish their careers through internship but
without the opportunity of these since the city does not offer them, besides that there are many
graduates who, due to lack of experience, find it difficult to access a job.
For a growth of the LC something primordial is to continue making a lot of pressure in the
universities, through the stans, saloneos, info sessions; and the other way is to approach
different points of social gatherings such as shopping centers or transport terminals in which we
can make presence through stans so as to arrive in different ways to a public that may not be
present in the partner institutions; which would allow our LC to offer quality experiences.
3. The reality of the local entity is that we have compliance in almost everything, but we fail in a very important
point that is the process time and our bottleneck in the part of sign up- applicant
The evolution can be realized after knowing in what we fail and making a contribution as a team to face the

4. From operations we will seek to have a much better process time compared to what we have now, because
we know we can improve and this will allow us to have compliance with the planning or even have an over
compliance which allows us to be on the increase in tier besides guaranteeing experiences of quality since this
is our priority with our clients; because if you have quality experiences, they will not be detractors and this will
also allow us to have sustainability.
Go all in for my entity
5. My main synergy would be UR since it is the one that allows us to get closer to our clients focus
that are the university students and which gives us the spaces in the Universities to be able to
approach and expose our product; the other synergy that would be with CDX because it would
allow us to work hand in hand with graphic lines which allow generating interest in the clients.
The current status with UR is very good, we work hand in hand without any problem since there is
good communication, in addition to guaranteeing us enough spaces to be able to make an
approach and with CDX until the moment there is no established synergy since until the date was
not established as an area.
In order for these two synergies to function, the most important thing is communication so that
there are no problems and good agreements are reached, or strategies to achieve a goal.

6. Providing for the reduction of unnecessary expenses, in addition to having an action plan for
any situation which may need financial support, having an adequate planning in face of the
reality of the local committee
7. the main thing is that as a team there is a union, that we not only see ourselves as a work
team, but as a type of friends or even family that we can trust, in which we give support
even though everyone knows what function has to be performed in the team, in addition to
all have a complete learning, this can be achieved through educational cycles and spaces
to share external to operational.

When you start to have operability is when the team begins to show results, in addition to
living the experience of challenge at the time of leaving your comfort zone and to get good
results at the time of the team this acting has to be followed of the tasks that are assigned,
motivation to the membership and recognitions to the membership so that it realizes that
their effort is really worthwhile, in addition to showing the importance of their contribution to
the local committee

Finally look at the results of each and the team, to notice all they have achieved so far, in
addition to encouraging members to continue their experience challenging themselves, in
addition to generating more results as their current role as a role to the What to take.

Go all in for OGV

1. You can work booths in shopping centers because they have a large flow of people and in
these you can make an approach in different ways, both as a conventional stand and a
thematic stand with different approaches so that people decide to approach and be potential
customers, to do this you can ask UR for help to manage the space and even support us to
achieve more people.

2. Campaigns can be made for our clients where we work with our cooperations in which we
offer certain extras or activities offered by our allied committee and thus generate some
expectation as if it were something limited to acquire, in order to advance the processes and
which is a striking way to have a good conversion rate.
3. Have an increase in the conversion rate of 50% between Open - Applicant since this is where
we have the main difficulty, because it is possible that concrete information is not delivered and
that causes people to register with erroneous information. You can work with the different
campaigns outside the universities and in the universities, in addition to doing a more detailed
follow-up to the members when they start to contact, this can be more effective if the members
generate state reports, with respect to our cooperation's. note that we do not have an adequate
synergy since these LCs may deliver quality experiences, but they do not have the profiles that our
clients look for, which is why we have a problem when doing the alignments; What I would look for
are committees that deliver quality experiences in addition to having the profiles we are looking
for, in order to meet the goal of cooperation and have a good synergy.
4. -Hello xxxxx good day, how are you? My name is Julian Campos from AIESEC in Popayan. I
was calling you because you left your data in our database and I would like to talk with you a
bit about your interest in taking an exchange with us.
-Hello Julian, well and you, if you were interested in taking an exchange with you but I want to
go to Brazil, can you?
-If indeed you can, and we have some very good projects in Sao Carlos, which we can look for
an alignment for your career and this offers you a development of your professional skills.
-I like the idea, but I want it to only last 6 weeks, is there a problem with that?
-There is no problem since our projects last between 6 to 8 weeks, so we can look for a project
that has the duration you want
-Very good; By the way, I have to get VISA, right?
-Really for the moment Brazil does not request VISA, so for that part there is no problem, you just
have to travel with your passport.
- Ok I understand and the part of the costs, how much is it? or what does it cover?
-The costs are $ 963,900 but that includes those $ 963,900 includes 5 things:
Lodging, can vary since you will be placed in a family house, student residence or exchange
house, food that varies from 1 to 3 meals depending on the city and the project that the
interchanger chooses, follow-up of his experience, preparation seminar, social project
but on your own are the airline tickets, international insurance, passport and extra money that
you will spend during your experience
-Vale I understand, I'll consider it and I'll tell you
-Ok, I'm waiting for any concern or something you might need
Application video:

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