Predix The Industrial Internet Platform Brief PDF

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The Industrial IoT Application Platform

The Industrial IoT Application Platform

Table of Contents
Executive summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

IIoT and the digital transformation opportunity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Digital transformation requires new thinking and new technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Application development and deployment remains a daunting task . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Selecting an industrial application platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Predix Platform: the Industrial IoT application platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Purpose built for industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Enabling distributed intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
One platform delivering multiple outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Predix Edge: building operational intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Building smart devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Connect to assets and data of any vendor or vintage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Predix data at the edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Manage the device lifecycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Predix Cloud: delivering essential industrial services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Microservices architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Core industrial services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Flexible depolyment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Asset models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Digital twins: a single source of truth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Industrial big data fabric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Data integration builds context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Analytics and machine learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Mobility and the digital worker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Geospatial intelligence for enhanced insights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 2

Build and run applications: developing smarter to innovate faster . . . . . . . . . . . 19
High productivity development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Automate the plumbing: solving the data integration challenge for IIoT . . . . . . . . 19
Simplify IIoT development through reusable services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
High control development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Industrial-grade cyber security: building end-to-end trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Multi-layered protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Secure platform and apps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Governance, compliance, and certification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Business continuity plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Data retention and deletion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Continuous monitoring and incident response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Application Spotlight: Predix Asset Performance Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Growing the ecosystem together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Why choose GE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

To learn more . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Appendix A: Predix Platform Security Governance and Certification . . . . . . . . . 27

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 3

Executive summary
Digital, data-driven services promise to transform its own manufacturing and IT operations.
industrial operations with innovations in productivity
and efficiency. In a recent report, 85% of IT and OT Key attributes of the Predix Platform
decision makers recognize these benefits with many • Built around an asset-centric digital twin,
adopting new and/or disruptive technologies within creating actionable insights from asset data and
their business. This includes embedded sensors, big analytics
data, cloud, analytics, and digital twins.
• Provides a comprehensive edge-to-cloud
Yet only 13% surveyed has a mature digital industrial architecture that optimizes workloads across
transformation plan in place. Leading digital varying operating infrastructure
industrial companies, however, have learned that
• Supports high control and high productivity
platform adoption can enable them to manage
development to support industrial developers
this highly disruptive change and enable the digital
and subject matter experts
industrial transformation opportunity.
• Runs SaaS applications such as Predix Asset
But not all platforms are the same. GE has packaged
Performance Management (Predix APM) that
its broad industry experience into comprehensive
increases asset reliability and availability
Industrial Internet of the Things (IIoT) platform, Predix
Platform. Predix Platform is purpose-built for deriving • The result of GE’s billion+ dollar investment in
specific industrial insights and outcomes across its own digital transformation
diverse and highly regulated industrial markets. Predix Platform equips industrial organizations
Rather than taking on the entire burden, companies with everything they need to rapidly build, securely
can now use Predix Platform to build applications deploy, and effectively run IIoT applications from
on its sophisticated infrastructure, and draw on the edge to cloud, turning asset data into actionable
lessons learned from deploying the platform within insights.

IIoT and the digital transformation opportunity

Borne from the IIoT opportunity, digital companies are adopting disruptive technologies—
transformation for industries such as power, oil and like the rapid explosion in sensors together with
gas, aviation and transportation is about extracting ultra-low-cost connectivity, storage and processing,
additional value from a companies’ operations. By
harnessing data from physical assets and plants, an
organization can derive operational benefits. These
benefits include gains in operational insights and
On average, 85% of executives regard
increased team collaboration, leading to process digital transformation as crucial to their
improvements, cost savings, product enhancements
and new data-rich, digital services. This follows
organization’s future, yet only 13% have
the broader digital transformation trend in which a plan in place to get there.


Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 4

integrated within an IoT platform—that change the evident that while the potential for IIoT is very strong
way companies operate and deliver services. among industry executives, scoring 78.3 (out of 100),
IIoT is estimated to be as large as $14.2 trillion to the company readiness significantly lags, scoring 55.2
global GDP by 2030. However, the evolution of digital (out of 100). This disconnect between outlook and
transformation within industrial markets remains company readiness presents both a challenge and
slow. Based on a recent research study of 250 IT opportunity for companies seeking to benefit from
and OT decision makers conducted by GE , it was IIoT.

The benefits of IIoT and digital industrial

transformation are widely recognized among IT
and OT decision makers (ITDM/OTDMs), but will
take time to realize potential.

Digital transformation requires new It’s important to also consider:

thinking and new technology • Industrial data generated by sensors embedded
Even the most established and well-run companies within assets is growing twice as fast as any other
often underestimate the challenges involved in sector. Yet today, less than 3% of that data is
transitioning towards digital transformation. Most tagged and used in a meaningful fashion
struggle because they misjudge the complexity, • Once collected, these massive datasets
pervasiveness, and organizational impact of the are frequently fragmented and siloed into
challenge, such as duplicated operational technology repositories and systems limiting usage
(OT) and information technology (IT) systems, as well elsewhere
as the technology needed to underpin that shift.
• The data remains largely unexplored as business
Many industrial organizations need to leverage the
outcomes are ill-defined. Readying the data
massive amount of data being generated by assets
for analysis is a laborious and time-consuming
as well as OT (SCADA, Historian), IT (CRM, ERP), and
process, and data science projects lack asset-
external (location, weather) systems. However,
centric analytics to derive the data’s true value.
operationalizing this data within an application
remains a challenge. • Existing applications may be too old or
monolithic, restricting usage of the industrial


3 The overall index and sub-indices are scored from 0-100, with 0 indication a lack of readiness to transform and 100 indicating complete transformation.

4 GE estimates

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 5

data. Adding functionality for new users such Selecting an industrial application
as plant operators requires extensive re- platform
programming that can take years, and integration
From connecting machinery or sensors at the edge
with other applications or systems involves
and performing local analysis, to storing, securing,
external services that make it cost prohibitive
and analyzing the data in the cloud, an IIoT platform
• Cloud-based applications cannot always plays an important role. Many features and functions
accommodate local operating requirements, can be shared across various applications. Inevitably,
potentially exposing asset operators to each application must produce differentiating
unscheduled downtime and safety events insights via contextually relevant analytics, used by
• Diverse software development practices can lead various stakeholders across operations, IT, and the
to performance variability across different parts business.
of the organization Key platform requirements include:
• Asset-centric – build then expand the asset
Application development and
model to include assembly lines and factories, or
deployment remains a daunting task
vehicles and fleets of vehicles; report and initiate
The barrier to entry remains high for building actions at the asset and sensor level; exploit
Industrial-grade applications in large part due to the asset knowledge as reusable machine learning
complexities of data integration and management.
Gartner estimates that 75% of IIoT application • Edge-to-cloud – intelligent system that spans
projects will take twice as long as expected due edge, on-premises, and cloud; supports a variety
primarily to challenges related to the underlying of deployment options based on available
data of an application. In fact, research has shown hardware resources; integrated together or used
that approximately 60% of a data analytics projects independently to optimize workload execution
budget is associated with data integration, and half of • Distributed architecture – support varying
those projects will either fail or go over budget. architectures; centralizes big data processing
Unlike other industries, the challenges faced by in the cloud to take advantage of compute and
industrial enterprises are unique as the talent required storage; performs data analysis at the edge, close
to solve these challenges is highly specialized. For to the device, to support latency and bandwidth
example, take a maintenance engineer that deals constraints
exclusively with gas turbines. They have deep • Data fabric and data management – ingest
tribal knowledge in the turbine that they may have multi-terabyte streams of time series data from
serviced for decades. Capturing that unique and assets located in harsh and distributed physical
valuable knowledge in a pervasive manner allows an environments; support big data processing
organization to reuse and extend it for new turbines frameworks such as Spark; deploy analytics to
being brought online. That’s why establishing an operational data in motion
application platform within the business that is • Insightful analytics – react rapidly to incoming
flexible, scalable, and reusable across a variety of use data; explore and exploit historical data for
cases is critical. insights; evolve asset-centric digital twin models

5 Gartner press release –

6 Gartner press release –

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 6

of assets and systems; better predict asset health system integrators and ISVs; speed innovation by
and performance using machine learning leveraging others domain expertise, applications,
• Flexibility and extensibility – integrate with and services; open to support different markets
a variety of assets, industrial controls systems, and business outcomes
and data; rapidly create and extend applications That’s why GE built Predix Platform. Based on
without the costs and risks of integrating decades of industrial experience, GE recognized
separate modules; support deployment options common themes in the emerging digital
to meet varying needs transformation movement, and designed an
• Embedded cyber security – so developers don’t application platform that targets industrial use
have to build it in as an after-thought; support cases. Specifically, the platform supports innovative
various industry standards and governance whilst applications and analytics that turn real-time
adhering to data retention policies; continuous operational data into actionable insights. Predix
monitoring for availability, safety, and compliance Platform equips customers with the tools they need
to rapidly build, securely deploy, and effectively
• Ecosystem oriented – tap into a network of operate industrial applications.
experienced, certified practitioners, such as

Predix Platform: the Industrial IoT application

Predix Platform is the distributed application and powerful analytics and industrial applications, such
services platform for building and running powerful as Predix APM (see Spotlight section for more on
digital industrial solutions. Predix APM), to improve operations, lower costs,
The platform connects data from physical assets to and develop and monetize new data-driven services.

Predix Platform is built around an asset-centric digital twin, which differentiates the platform from others.

Purpose built for industry • Distributed intelligence – A cloud and edge

technology stack that work together to support
Predix Platform incorporates decades of operational
complex, distributed applications and analytics
domain expertise as essential industrial capabilities
that are specifically designed for the unique • Asset connectivity and management – Collect,
requirements of industrial companies: process, and securely transfer data from assets to
analytics and applications in the cloud

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 7

• Digital twins – Software–based, dynamic digital a distributed application platform, Predix Platform
representations of physical assets and systems provides a deployment architecture that spans cloud,
that take advantage of industrial-grade analytics on-premises, and edge. Edge-to-cloud deployment
to model and optimize real-word assets models are complementary and typical industrial
• Analytics and machine learning – Rich, robust, applications need both in order to maximize insights.
industrial-grade analytics capabilities that Edge computing addresses the limitations of a cloud-
generates insights across the entire life cycle of only deployment model and addresses the following
industrial assets use cases:
• Big data fabric – Flexible options for ingestion, • Reduced latency for mission-critical control
analytics execution, and storage for streaming systems and applications that must execute near
and big data processing the asset
• Security – Stringent security measures that are • Governance or regulatory compliance where
designed into the fabric of the platform, forming data cannot leave the premises, locality, or
a continuously monitored, protected platform otherwise be in proximity to certain data or
for operators and developers to secure industrial people
innovation • Bandwidth and network costs where compute
• Application development and extensions – is more economical at the edge
Application development environments that Comprised of two complimentary software
support high productivity (4GL, low code stacks—one for edge computing and one for cloud
environment) and high control (full stack computing—these stacks work together to optimize
development) workload execution using a variety of deployment
Enabling distributed intelligence options: on an intelligent connected asset, controller,
Industrial operations are often located in harsh gateway, edge server, or in the cloud. When used
environments. And for many companies, connecting together, Predix Platform enables data ingestion,
to remote assets and securely transferring analysis, intelligence gathering, and control at the
operational data remains a significant challenge. As place where it’s needed.

Predix Platform services can be executed across edge and cloud to optimize workload execution

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 8

One platform delivering multiple These outcomes range from the reduction of
outcomes unplanned downtime to improved asset output and
operational efficiency. Companies can also create
GE has invested in building capabilities that can
differentiated services that generate new sources of
deliver outcomes across many different industries.

1 Scheduling &

Increase asset utilization

with predictive analytics,
improving performance, and
efficiency that can result in
7 Operations lower repair costs. 2 Connected Products
Replace the current “break-
Use key insights on an fix” model with a “predict-
enterprise-wide scale to and-prevent” services
resolve operational issues, approach by making
drive productivity, and TRANSPORTATION machines software defined.
increase efficiencies. POWER

7 2


6 Asset 3 Intelligent
Performance Environments
Management 5 4
Tap into LED solutions and
Achieve new levels of sensors in cities and
performance, reliability, and buildings to collect and
availability throughout the analyze data and enhance
life cycle of all assets everyone’s experience
(See Spotlight section) AUTOMOTIVE


5 Industrial Analytics 4 Field Service

Monitor asset health to
identify problems, then use Give workers the machine data,
predictive and prescriptive expertise, and processes they
analytics to boost need to schedule work orders,
productivity. make repairs and upgrades
more effective.

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 9

Predix Edge: building operational intelligence
Unreliable connectivity, lack of control, the high cost enables applications, analytics, and services to
of moving large volume of data, managing thousands execute close to the source of data, such as industrial
of devices, and meeting industry regulations are assets or historians. This close proximity to the data
challenges that Predix Platform addresses. However, offers a more intelligent methodology to analysis and
merely aggregating and filtering data prior to sending decision-making than a ’cloud-only’ approach.
to the cloud isn’t enough. Predix Edge technology

Predix Edge capabilities allow

execution close to the source
of data

Building smart devices Process data at the edge

Predix Machine powers the Predix Edge technology’s Predix Platform incorporates a complex event
ability to run workloads in close proximity to assets processing (CEP) and machine learning engine at
and data. Typically embedded as a software-stack the edge. Analytics can be authored in the cloud
within an intelligent device, Predix Machine can then deployed using Predix Edge Manager—enabling
run on a wide variety of hardware. It also provides low-latency applications and analytics execution
security, certificate management, authentication, at the edge while reducing data and bandwidth
and governance services. costs. When applied to data at the edge, operational
analytics ensure the efficient operation of assets
Connect to assets and data of any by detecting and acting upon anomalies. Those
vendor or vintage analytics can be improved over time based on
A Predix-enabled device bi-directionally connects historical analysis in the cloud to direct prescriptive
to industrial assets to collect data and send controls and signal predictive maintenance alerts.
control event/signals. It includes support for OPC-
UA, Modbus TCP and MQTT protocols and can be Manage the device lifecycle
extended using an SDK to support proprietary Predix Edge Manager is a cloud-based application
ones. Predix Platform also supports connections to that provides a single-pane view to manage the
historians and control systems. Direct-to-storage lifecycle of edge devices and edge applications. It
ingestion options are supported in the Predix Cloud allows fleet operators to manage a single or entire
for historian, time-series, and blob data. fleet of Predix-enabled devices, as well as the apps,

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 10

analytics, and configuration files deployed on those deploying and updating of software and
devices. The benefits of Predix Edge Manager include: applications.
• Scalable device management – Centralized • Better, faster operational insights – Allow
lifecycle management of thousands of edge operations teams to track, manage, and
devices from anywhere, anytime. communicate with all edge devices enabling
• Reliability and manageability – Optimize quick decisions about performance, availability,
and alert assignment.

Fleet-wide or individual device monitoring

and management

Application and Software Lifecycle Management Device Lifecycle Management

Deploy, install, and update software and application Securely commission or decommission devices
Schedule deployment and command execution for multiple devices Perform device configuration
Receive and disposition alerts from edge devices Create and administer device groups
Create custom commands Search and filter device lists based on attributes of interest
Debug devices by accessing device log files Monitor device health, settings, and history

Connectivity Management Device Lifecycle Management

Configure secure connectivity and communication with edge Manage authorized users
Manage device’s VPN connections Assign roles and responsibilities
Manage SIM connection Assign alerts to technicians for action
Monitor network and data usage (if on cellular network)

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 11

Predix Cloud: delivering essential industrial
Predix Platform is a multi-tenant secure platform compliance, and export controls.
optimized for industrial workloads. Predix Cloud Key elements of Predix Cloud include scalable, public-
provides hyper-scale elasticity, mission-critical cloud infrastructure abstraction and automation,
availability, and security support for data at rest and core platform-as-a-service components, robust data
in motion. Predix Cloud can handle vast amounts of fabric layer and a defined set of runtime, storage, and
Industrial Internet information, while also managing development services.
customer SLAs, security, support, governance,

Built by industry, for industry

Microservices architecture Core industrial services

Predix Platform employs a microservices-based Predix Platform provides a rich set of industrial
architecture that supports a modular approach services for building, testing, running, and managing
to developing applications. Microservices deliver IIoT applications. These core services are provided as
functionality as granular building blocks, allowing microservices and offer functionality in the following
developers to quickly build, test, deploy, and—most areas:
importantly—scale applications. Microservices
are also great enablers for continuous delivery, • Asset – Services to create, import, and organize
allowing frequent releases for users while keeping asset models and their associated attributes
the rest of the system available and stable. Once • Data – Big data infrastructure that that includes
apps are deployed, updates are much simpler and integration, data ingestion, data processing,
more efficient, eliminating code recompilation and machine learning, data modeling, data
streamlining operations. visualization, and tenant-based encrypted data

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 12

• Analytics – Services to create, catalog, and This allows customers to securely connect existing
orchestrate analytics that will serve as the basis infrastructure—and new deployments— to the cloud
for applications to create insights about for data ingestion, running analytics, remote device
industrial assets monitoring, and management.
• Application security – Services to meet Asset models
end-to-end security requirements, including Asset models are central to Predix Platform. It is
authentication and authorization how data is collected and organized to create a
• Visualization/UI – Services to build browser- comprehensive and contextual digital view of the
based and native mobile device user interfaces asset that can be used for monitoring, analysis and
Predix Platform also provides a catalog of pre-built predictions? Predix Platform asset model provides a
industrial microservices available from GE and third unified construct to turn asset data into intelligence,
party partners. Developers can gain access to the which can be utilized across multiple systems and
platform ecosystem and a library of microservices applications—helping to drive differentiation.
available for application development and Predix Platform asset service enables developers
deployment. to create, store, and manage asset models that
define asset properties, as well as hierarchical and
Connectivity network relationships (parent, child, peer, etc.)
The design and initial deployment of connectivity between assets and other modeling elements. Asset
services can be complex and lengthy Predix
Connectivity services can eliminate the long lead
times and expense of designing and operating a
custom connectivity infrastructure.
Predix Connectivity offers seamless, secure, and
reliable end-to-end communication between Predix
Edge devices and Predix Cloud over various access
networks, including fixed line, cellular, and satellite


models are useful as they describe the structure

of subsystems, subassemblies, and components
of a unique asset. Asset models typically employ
common elements. For example, classifications
support different ways to identify and search for
assets, which can provide a richer view the asset
lifecycle within the business and who needs access.

Seamless, secure, and reliable end-to-end communications

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 13

The Predix Platform asset model is extensible, • Knowledge base of data sources and derived
allowing developers to create custom modeling insights. This knowledge typically includes time-
objects that meet their own unique environment. series sensor data and other asset data, such as
The asset model can be reused through digital twin work orders and design specifications, as well as
technology, providing a single source of truth about inferred relationships between types of data (e.g.,
the asset. between sensor data and work orders)
Digital twins: a single source of truth Digital twins running on Predix Platform build on
Digital twins are digital representations of physical the asset model. They become a single source of
assets and systems that enable companies to truth for all information related to an asset, including
understand, predict, and optimize the performance data about past and present state, condition,
of each unique asset. and performance. In addition, early warnings and
prediction could utilize not only the individual data,
A digital twin can represent a component, a but also data from similar digital twins—leveraging
functional asset, an integrated system of assets, the power of the platform. Digital twin industrial use
or a fleet of assets (e.g., a blade in a jet engine, a cases typically target maintenance and equipment
jet engine, an entire airplane, or a fleet of planes, health, predictive maintenance, and operations and
respectively). The level of representation is performance optimization.
determined by the targeted business outcomes,
e.g., reducing unplanned downtime of a compressor Take an aviation use case that uses digital twin
compared to optimizing airline fleet schedules. technology to generate predictive insights to aid
aircraft landing gear performance. The application
continuously compares actual data with predicted
data based on the digital twin (defined via the
Predix Platform Asset service and Predix Platform
Time Series service). For example, actual brake
pad temperature is compared against brake pad
temperature threshold. Deviations from normal
operations can be used to modify and continuously
optimize prediction models for required maintenance
intervals and catch outlier problems when they are
minimal so proactive maintenance can be scheduled.

A digital twin has three major elements:

• Asset model that describes the structure of
subsystems, subassemblies, and components,
often expressed as a hierarchy (e.g., in a turbine)
or a network (e.g., in an electrical grid)
• Analytics that predict, describe, and prescribe
the behavior of the asset, as well as enable
automated behaviors that allow twins to control
assets, including physics and machine learning
Each flight delay costs the airline between $25,000 and
$40,000. With the digital twin, current landing gear issues can
be diagnosed and the remaining useful life can be based on
historical data.

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 14

For asset manufacturers and asset operators, Predix tagged and used in a meaningful way. Industrial data
Platform digital twins offer a unique, highly accurate is also messier and moves at greater speed than
digital representation of their assets and systems enterprise data—arriving as multi-terabyte streams
across the design, build, run, operate and service in different formats and from multiple sources such
lifecycle, removing barriers to insight and innovation. as equipment sensors, assets, and control systems.
Furthermore, data is captured in repositories and
Industrial big data fabric systems that are typically siloed, making it difficult to
Data in the industrial world is growing faster than analyze and reuse.
any other sector, yet less than 3% of that data is


Data Origination Data Ingestion Store & Process Analysis & Usage

Enterprise Datasets TIME SERIES
Message Service
Machine + Enterprise

Cloud Gateway

Real Time


Pipeline Mobile
Bulk Upload Access Ctrl

Predix Platform features an industrial-grade Data services manages infrastructure such as

data fabric encompassing data ingestion, big data pipelines, workload orchestration and job
data processing, and flexible storage. It supports scheduling. It has native support for Spark, Hadoop,
ingestion of virtually any streaming or batch data and serverless big data processing frameworks.
source; execution of streaming/batch analytics and Developers will find this useful when building
workloads using standard, in-memory or server less industrial applications that require real time
runtime engines; and a full range of structured and streaming data analytics at high volumes.
unstructured storage options. This allows customers
to choose from a variety of methods based on their Data integration builds context
specific needs. Key components of the data fabric OT Data typically exists as siloes in disparate
that are essential for industrial data processing and systems such as PLC, SCADA, MES, Historian, GIS,
management include event hub, analytics services, FADEC etc. Predix Platform includes data connectors
and data services: to connect to these sources, with the ability to build
Event hub provides data ingestion and a messaging new connectors. Production data can be extracted
bus for streaming analytics/workload execution and and the analyzed data correlated with other IT data
inter-process communication. Industrial applications (EAM, ERP) and external systems (such as weather
are event driven and the event bus provides a or location) to identify data patterns and critical
key resource for developers building real time operational anomalies. Adding this context can also
applications. support predictive maintenance, impact the supply
chain process and drive on-demand procurement of
Analytics services allow developers to deploy
a failed part.
analytics to data in motion to transform, analyze and
act on real-time operational data.

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 15

Analytics and machine learning Exelon and GE took a co-innovation approach to
create an analytic solution that could help them
Today’s industries must not only use data to make
better forecast excess wind power capacity, referred
stepwise improvements in efficiency, but also
to as ramp events, in time to sell the power that is
to support intelligent decision making based on
generated. Historically, Exelon’s wind forecasts were
predictive analytics. Not only can analytics help
not responsive enough to predict wind ramp events.
operators make real time decisions about critical
When wind farms had more capacity, they couldn’t
assets, advanced analytics and machine learning can
dispatch the additional power in the Midwest
lead to entirely novel opportunities like autonomous
Independent System Operator (MISO) market
process execution for fleets of assets or plant floor
because they could not anticipate quickly enough
that the power was going to be available. Together,
Predix Platform supports a comprehensive approach Exelon and GE’s data science team used Predix
to uncovering the relationships in industrial data by Platform’s high-control microservices environment
providing a rich, industrial-grade analytics library by using streaming/batch ingestion, Predix Platform
and framework to create machine learning analytics. weather and time series service, and analytics to
When these analytics are applied to data at the edge create a new physical and statistical wind power
for example, operational analytics can ensure the forecast model.
efficient operation of assets by detecting and acting
upon anomalies in near real time. Those analytics can
be improved over time based on historical analysis
in the cloud to direct prescriptive controls and signal
predictive maintenance alerts.
With Predix Platform, you can:
• Choose from pre-built Predix Platform industrial
• Build, test, and deploy machine learning models
• Leverage in-house expertise and open source
algorithms and tools
GE model forecast compared with actual generation and
• Deploy self-learning analytics at the edge or in original baseline forecast
the cloud
The wind forecasting application built on
Predix Platform analytics in action: Predix Platform leveraged horizontally scalable
Exelon wind forecasting solution microservices architecture making it scalable to
valued at $2M per year support a wider rollout. In the initial rollout (four
As a leading utility, Exelon and its various power wind farms), the application was able to consume
generation subsidiaries generate over 32 gigawatts data, run analytics in the cloud, and write back
(GW) of power annually. Managing and utilizing the results to the edge in just 18 seconds. The analytic
vast amount of data generated by their nuclear, fossil model successfully reduced under forecasting and
fuels, wind, hydro, and solar power assets has been enabled Exelon to sell power generated by short
a challenge. Exelon’s long-term vision is to centralize term ramp events. This reduction delivers a 1-3%
and standardize on Predix Platform to provide a annual energy production (AEP) gain, equivalent to
single source of truth for data across their enterprise, 70 MW of new capacity valued at about $2 million
equip their digital workers, and use advanced per year/site fleet wide.
analytics and data science to achieve operational See the full Exelon case study

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 16

Mobility and the digital worker to help minimize unplanned downtime and risk.
Customer conversations change—becoming less
The rise of mobile devices and digital technologies
about break-fix and more about future opportunities
are empowering employees to power a new breed
acting as a trusted advisor that deepens the
of opportunities. This ‘digital worker’ will be more
informed and connected to data than ever before—
improving field productivity, reducing costs, and With any application strategy adoption is key.
increasing customer satisfaction. Research demonstrates that the user experience will
make or break that strategy. However, that is easier
The challenge is how to leverage the power of
said than done. Employees may be using a variety
existing applications built over decades for mobile
of device types and vendors located in harsh and
devices. Many organizations will create new mobile
remote environments. These new industrial mobile
apps that will tap into the data streaming from
applications may suffer from connection limitations
the asset itself. Doing this will give operators new
based on the location. However, the user experience
insights and visibility into the state and performance
needs to continue to be seamless and consistent,
of the equipment directly from their mobile device.
irrespective of the connectivity challenges or the
Coupled with predictive analytics, local operators
devices used.
and field personnel are armed with more knowledge

Predix simplifies building of always-on,

mobile industrial applications across
many device types

Predix Platform provides a software developer kit mobile devices and enterprise data domains.
(SDK) and a rich set of cross-platform responsive Predix Platform offers a flexible and layered
components that provide a consistent look and feel, component system, with extensible services that
and work across multiple mobile devices, laptops, support advanced application behaviors including
desktops, and browsers. Developers can build mobile remote workflow and analytics. Designed to work
apps rapidly by using a common approach for both everywhere, the responsive design includes web
front-end devices and back-end services that connect components for online scenarios in addition to
with other Predix Platform services—such as Predix supporting a native experience using native controls
Machine—as well as with other enterprise systems. with off-line capabilities for optimal performance.
This allows developers to synchronize data between

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 17

Predix Platform mobile applications also support a behind the ‘things (or assets in the industrial
web view, giving the developer the ability to create world) performance. Areas such as field service,
truly cross-platform applications that will work on a transportation logistics, supply chain inventory
small phone or a large-screen web browser. management, and risk management can all harness
Specifically for Apple iOS devices, a Predix SDK for location to solve business problems by delivering
iOS provides developers the ability to build native location-based services.
apps that take full advantage of Predix Platform Predix Platform location and mapping services
industrial analytics and the power and ease of use of provide precise location-based information,
iOS. Predix SDK for iOS offers rich APIs, user interface unlocking deeper insights from any data set and any
elements, and Apple’s programming language, asset that has a location. Based on an address or a
Swift. Developers can easily connect to back-end latitude and longitude data pair, everything from the
services, access data offline, leverage the latest iOS local time to extensive location demographics can
technology, and incorporate best design practices. be discovered. By combining geospatial with Predix
Learn more at Platform asset and analytics services, businesses can
predix-mobile-apps-go-native-exclusively-ios gain a deeper understanding of the context behind
asset performance by locating the asset, which can
Geospatial intelligence for enhanced lead to a reduction in downtime, a more accurate
insights estimation of resolution time, and the ability to
assess impact based on weather conditions.
Every ‘thing’ has a location. Some of those ‘things’
move around —your online order will weave its way Additional services:
to you on trucks. Some ‘things’ stay in place—like • Use enhanced location data for more than 120
a 500MW gas turbine. In both cases, location is an countries
critical attribute. This is especially important when
• Add lifestyle and demographic insights to your
the data from individual ‘things’ is consolidated with
local search
the entire fleet of ‘things’. And when combined with
other data points to help deal with local weather • Integrate administrative call-routing information
conditions or to guide optimization strategies across into 911 processes and workflows
the business, the power of location is obvious. • Incorporate local tax rates into your billing,
Geospatial intelligence allows companies to commerce, payments and payroll applications,
have a deeper understanding of the context processes, or workflows

Electric cables are displayed

on a street map.

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 18

Build and run applications: developing smarter to
innovate faster
Application productivity and control are key for simplify the complexities of application development
developer teams to deliver industrial outcomes on such as data integration or managing an application’s
time and on budget. full lifecycle. Predix Studio gives customers the ability
Predix Platform provides two environments for to rapidly design, iterate, and deliver powerful IIoT
application development and runtime, enabling applications that address their digital industrial use
traditional full-stack developers, as well as OT “citizen cases with little coding required. Predix Studio relies
developers”, to create innovative applications that on both a visual application builder and a 4GL for
have the potential to revolutionize global industrial users to develop applications. It accelerates the IIoT
infrastructure. application development process by automating
and abstracting complex tasks common to all
High productivity development applications like data integration, data modeling, and
Predix Studio is a low-code, high productivity, services orchestration.
application development environment designed to

Utilities application
built in less than a
week using Predix

Automate the plumbing: solving the data from disparate sources, the underlying AI engine
data integration challenge for IIoT is able to find unique attributes and connections
between the data.
In order to develop smarter applications, there is
one thing that application developers must pay
Simplify IIoT development through
close attention to: the quality of their data and
reusable services
associated data models. Predix Studio solves the
data integration challenge through its AI-driven data Predix Studio relies on reusable mini-services called
management workbench to ingest, model, and map plugins to get started building an application. Despite
data. By applying machine learning algorithms to raw the unique qualities of every industrial environment,

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 19

there exists a common set of requirements to your data and test, resulting in a more iterative
for any industrial organization seeking digital application development process. This enables
transformation. These common set of requirements customers to rapidly install working examples of
were used to create the initial set of plugins available workbenches, data models, and analytics libraries
in Predix Studio for application development. This with little coding required.
catalog of plugins allow you to quickly configure it

Predix Studio allows you to: applications (see full list in Predix Cloud section),
• Start small and grow at your own pace including:

• Quickly and easily develop new applications • Asset services to create, import, and organize
without coding complexity asset models and their associated attributes

• Leverage a catalog of pre-built reusable plugins to • Data services to ingest, clean, merge, and
accelerate application development ultimately store data in the storage technology
that best suits the use case
• Easily deploy apps from Predix Studio to Predix
Platform runtime environment with a fully • Analytic services to create, catalog, and
integrated continuous integration/continuous orchestrate analytics to create insights about
delivery (CI/CD) workflow. your industrial assets within your application
• Application Security Services meet end-to-
High control development end security requirements for Predix applications
Predix Platform offers a full-stack, high-control including authentication, authorization, user
development experience. Application developers can management, tenant management, audit and
use a growing catalog of pre-built GE and third party credential vaulting. GE is also actively working
industrial microservices to build, test, and deploy within the blockchain community to evolve
industrial applications. Developers can integrate implementations for industrial use cases such as
their own DevOps tools to provide a continuous multiple stakeholders interacting with an asset.
development workflow that helps shorten the
development time.
Developing industrial applications is no easy task Why a platform is necessary to improve
as many organizations have great difficulty even
connecting to assets and analyzing the data. The
the productivity of developers
full stack development environment improves
productivity across the entire development
lifecycle by providing all the tools and resources
necessary to get started with building an industrial
application. Developers have their choice of As the destination for developers, offers
connectivity, databases, ingestion methods, analytic SDKs, tutorials, reference apps, training, certification,
services, storage, and deployment models. Predix forums, and a community code exchange that can
Platform offers industrial services that provide the help developers accelerate their development
core capabilities required by Industrial Internet experience.

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 20

Industrial-grade cyber security: building end-to-
end trust
For digital transformation to take hold, connecting profitability. Digital industrial companies therefore
critical OT infrastructure to existing internal demand a high level of security and data governance.
networks and systems is a necessity. From predictive From the moment data leaves the asset to the
maintenance and process reengineering to efficiency moment it is used in a cloud application, ensuring
and productivity improvements, forward thinking its availability, validity, and integrity is of primary
business leaders are looking to operational data concern.
to help identify new opportunities for growth and

• What risk may be introduced to

? existing systems?
• Implications to compliance,
regulatory and privacy posture?
• How can sensitive data be
protected with multi-system
• How is data separated from
other tenants?

Morgan Stanley: cyber security is

the top concern for IIoT adoption

Predix Platform is secure by design, meeting the Building security into the design of the platform
demanding risk management requirements of • Supporting more than 60 international security
industrial organizations. Built with defense-in-depth standards (see appendix A)
across every layer, Predix Security addresses the
security of the platform itself, the security of the • Designed with a defense-in-depth approach
applications it powers, the security of the software • Protecting data through tenant segregation and
development process, and the security of data that restricted access
flows through the platform. That’s why security is Extending the security into the application
embedded at every layer within Predix Platform. development process
Predix Security follows three principles: • Application security is an absolute requirement

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 21

• Secure development guidelines, tools, and Continuously monitored for availability, safety,
services help build secure applications and compliance
• Applications undergo stringent security testing • Continuously monitored for anomalies and
before release suspicious events
• Lifecycle view protects data flowing across the • Robust threat intelligence to identify imminent
platform threats
• Regular penetration testing of Predix defenses
• Rapid incident response to security events
Security is embedded at every layer within
Predix Platform

Exacting Security Predix Secure Development Secure from Asset

Standards Environment to Outcome

Meet security standards Application Security is

not optional
Build in Defense-to-Depth
Application tested
Segregate Customer Data during SDLC

Secure Data Sharing Across Secure Development tools

IT and OT

Multi-layered protection • To secure networks, Predix Platform leverages

firewalls to restrict network access and uses
Predix Platform is based on a gated community
dedicated intrusion protection technologies to
model open to tenants that belong to the industrial
monitor and detect network intrusion
ecosystem—reducing the risk of bad actors entering
the community. Support for various data governance, • Predix Cloud offers application security services,
federation, and privacy needs are included, as well as such as the user account and authentication
stringent security requirements such as perimeter (UAA) service, for applications to authenticate
security, data security, access control, and data users
visibility. • Predix Platform provides capabilities such as two-
• At the edge, Predix Machine provides security, party encryption, support for end-to-end chain of
authentication, attestation, and governance custody reporting for code, and data
services for endpoint devices

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 22

Defense-in-depth with multi-layered protection

Secure platform and apps model, all data is continuously replicated. Should
GE’s secure development lifecycle (SDLC) an incident occur, as each PoP is running Predix
framework includes tools, security-related Platform instances simultaneously, operations are
guidelines, and processes that help to secure Predix immediately transferred to another PoP for business
Platform applications and services during the continuity.
development process. This empowers developers
to: apply the appropriate architecture and design,
Data retention and deletion
understand threats and choose the right controls To ensure data privacy, Predix Platform employs
for protection, conduct proper security testing, and a data retention and deletion policy. This policy
remediate vulnerabilities before production outlines the responsibilities of all parties with
deployment. regard to managing the lifecycle of sensitive data
throughout the contract engagement. Tenants retain
Governance, compliance, and ownership of their data, with existing data retention
certification and deletion policies also adhered to.
GE’s holistic approach comprises international
standards, security controls from vertical markets, Continuous monitoring and incident
and regional variations. Predix Platform helps to response
ensure that an organizations fine grained controls Predix Platform is continuously monitored by
(specific to geography or industry) are in place, security analysts for anomalies and suspicious
validated, and audit-ready. This removes the cost events that may require incident response. GE’s
for an organization to design and build their own incident response program, including on-going
security controls. training, table-top exercises, pen testing, and
See Appendix A for a list of Predix Platform Security Governance vulnerability management, is enhanced by its threat
and Certification intelligence program. Predix Platform incident
Business continuity plan responders handle end-to-end coordination with
stakeholders for a swift, deterministic incident
Predix Platform is designed to minimize single
response from incident notification, investigation,
points of failure through the use of multiple points
forensics, and close-out.
of presence (PoPs). Deployed in an active-active

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 23

Application Spotlight: Predix Asset Performance
Predix Asset Performance Management (Predix uses advanced analytics to turn data into actionable
APM) is a suite of software and service solutions insights while fostering collaboration and knowledge-
designed to optimize the performance of your management across the organization. The suite
assets. Comprised of Predix Platform-powered works across all equipment, all OEMs, and all
SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) and on-premises apps, industries and across the plant and the fleet, and
Predix APM increases asset reliability and availability covers the full range of industrial asset needs: APM
while optimizing maintenance costs, minimizing Health, APM Reliability, APM Integrity, and APM
risks, and reducing total cost of ownership (TCO). Strategy. Learn more at
Predix APM connects disparate data sources and performance-management.

“Like GE, Pitney Bowes is in the

midst of its own physical and digital
transformation. With Predix APM apps
running on Predix Platform, we’re able to
extract and analyze data from our assets
faster than ever, and use that insight
to drive real business outcomes for
Pitney Bowes and its clients. GE knows
industrial machines and related data
analytics better than anyone.”

Roger Pilc, Chief Innovation Officer,

Pitney Bowes


Leveraging the power of the Industrial APM applications monitor your The goal of APM is to identify
Internet of Things, APM gives you a assets and alert you to potential maintenance strategies that
single, secure way to gather data from a problems and failures. Using balance risk, performance and costs,
wide variety of assets—with or without advanced analytics to leverage allowing you to replace scheduled
sensors—as well as other software vast amounts of equipment maintenance with just-in time,
systems, creating a comprehensive data, APM predicts equipment predictive maintenance. APM takes
and validated data repository APM problems before they happen so asset optimization to an entirely
applications provide a unified, complete, you can focus resources when innovation level, providing you the
and accurate view of the health of and where they are needed. quantitative foundation to implement
your equipment—at the asset, plant, And when issues do arise, APM a comprehensive, financially
and enterprise levels—anytime and provides comprehensive case and optimized set of asset management
anywhere. knowledge management and root strategies to give your business a
cause analysis to ensure that your unique competitive edge.
best practices are captured and
available for future use.

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 24

Growing the ecosystem together
With Predix Platform, GE is transforming the Platform ecosystem. Learn more at
industry. However, the vision is bigger than just
one company. Through partnerships with other GE is also a founding member of the Industrial
technology companies, ISVs, academia, consultants, Internet Consortium (IIC), an open membership,
and systems integrators, GE is sharing its expertise not-for-profit group of public and private institutions
and know-how by co-innovating to drive important that focuses on developing use cases and test beds;
advances in functionality—harnessing the potential sharing best practices, reference architectures,
of the Industrial Internet to deliver powerful and case studies; and influencing global standards
customer outcomes. The result is a growing Predix development to ensure interoperability.

Growing the Predix Platform

marketplace with GE and third
party apps

Why choose GE
GE saw a tremendous opportunity to transform the • GE’s billion+ dollar investment in its own digital
company to drive revenue and services growth, and transformation resulted in Predix Platform
reduce cost. To do that, it had to do things differently. • Decades of experience in industries from power
However, the software and tools required didn’t exist generation to manufacturing to healthcare world-
in the market. So, GE built Predix Platform, which wide has enabled GE to create a platform that
it now actively deploys in its own business, IT, and meets the unique needs of industry
manufacturing operations.
• GE secures and monitors 50 million data
Rather than taking on the entire burden, other elements of its customers’ industrial assets
organizations can now use Predix Platform to build every day, all in an effort to prevent unplanned
on its sophisticated infrastructure, and draw from downtime for its customers
its capabilities and the lessons learned from its
industrial experts. • GE actively nurtures a 40,000-strong developer
community and 1,000-strong alliances ecosystem

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 25

so that companies can build and leverage new
innovations at speed
• Only GE can enable industrial data science by
leveraging its physics and engineering-based
models to build machine learning algorithms
and offer data science services to help generate
insights from data

Learn more
About Predix To start developing on Predix

Learn more about GE Digital’s services and products at

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 26

Appendix A: Predix Platform Security Governance
and Certification
Predix Platform has adopted the ISO 27001/27 SOC 2 Type 1: Developed by The American Institute
002-based Information Security Management of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), a Service
System and the Cloud Security Alliance-based Organization Controls (SOC) report provides insight
Common Controls Matrix (CSA-CCM) for building on internal controls and risks to users and companies
its security governance and controls framework. regarding services provided by a third-party service
Through these processes, Predix enables support organization (e.g., GE Digital–Predix PaaS).SOC Type
for more than 60 regulatory and compliance 1 reports generate a point-in-time assessment
frameworks, including the following: reporting on the fairness of management’s
CSA/CCM 3.01: The Cloud Security Alliance Cloud description of the processes as well as advising on
Controls Matrix (CCM) is specifically designed to the design of the controls.
provide fundamental security principles to guide SOC 2 Type 2: Developed by AICPA, a SOC report
cloud vendors (and to assist prospective cloud provides insight on internal controls and risks
customers) in assessing the overall security risk to users/companies on services provided by a
of a cloud provider. The CCM provides a control third party service organization (e.g., GE Digital–
framework for understanding security concepts and Predix PaaS).SOC Type 2 reports on fairness of
principles that are aligned with the Cloud Security management’s description on the processes and
Alliance guidance in 16 domains. CCM also provides a design of the controls (tests of effectiveness of
customized relationship to other industry-accepted controls), throughout a specified period.
security standards, regulations, and controls HIPAA (protects): The Health Insurance Portability
frameworks such as: ISO 27001/27002, ISACA COBIT, and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects the privacy
PCI, NIST, PCI, and NERC CIP. of individually identifiable health information.
ISO 27001/27002: Developed by the International HIPAA compliance provides greater confidence to
Service Organization for Standards (ISO), these customers that stored and managed patient health
standards specify the requirements for establishing, information will be protected.
implementing, maintaining, and continually Export Controls/ITAR: The U.S government
improving information security within the regulates the transfer of information, commodities,
organization. Once certification is attained, users technology, and software considered to be
are comforted knowing that security standards are strategically important to the U.S., in the interest of
being followed, thereby reducing time and resources national security, economic, and/or foreign policy
needed to address customer-mandated audits and concerns. Non-compliance with export controls can
reviews. result in penalties, including the loss of government
contracts and ability to export goods.

Learn more at

Predix: The Industrial IoT Application Platform 27

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Predix: The Platform for the Industrial Internet

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