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Good morning!

Let me introduce myself. My name is A’nna Wilcox. I’m hardworking and determined, and I

always try to improve things. When it comes to our school, I’m sure there’s things you would

want improved too. I could ask any one of you: What would you change?

What would you change?​ There would be a lot of different answers. Some answers would be

impossible to accomplish, but a lot would be doable. For example: What if students that don’t

drive didn’t receive an 8am tardy?

I want to be your voice. That’s easy to say, but difficult to actually implement. I want to hear

what you have in mind for this school. My plan is to implement an online suggestion system,

where you can at any time submit your ideas for improvement. I can’t promise all ideas will be

put in effect, but I can assure you that each and every idea will be heard and put into


As a part of the student council, I can close the gap that we as students often have with the

administration. What you might think of as simply a cool idea could actually be accomplished

with cooperation from both sides.

You guys deserve to have an impact on this school. My goal is for each and every one of you to

know something about our class that gives you pride. Allow me to make that a reality. Thank


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