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Aspek-aspek Geokimia dalam

Biohidrometalurgi dan

Siti K. Chaerun
Geomicrobiology-Biomining & Biocorrosion Laboratory, Microbial Culture Collection
Laboratory, Biosciences & Biotechnology Research Center (BBRC)
Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Mining & Petroleum Engineering
Institut Teknologi Bandung;
Cell phone: 087878590709 (WhatsApp)
The order of geological matter. Chemical elements combine to make minerals, minerals combine to make rocks,
and rocks combine to make the Earth

Elements Minerals Rocks Earth

Diorite is the name used for a group of coarse-grained igneous rocks.

This specimen clearly shows the familiar "salt and pepper" appearance
of diorite, produced by white plagioclase contrasting with black
hornblende and biotite. This specimen is about two inches across.
The lithosphere of the Earth

Microbes Rock/Minerals

Organic and inorganic

Physical, chemical and biological

Perlite rock
Microbes dissolve rock minerals
through the corrosive action of
metabolic products,
such as NH3, HNO3, and CO2 (forming
H2CO3 in water), and oxalic, citric, and
gluconic acids they excrete.
Organic compounds formed by
microbes can cause distinct weathering.
Clay minerals
One of the examples of how microbes can affect weathering
of minerals is the following reactions:

CO2 production in the metabolism of heterotrophic microbes

O2 production in oxygenic photosynthesis by cyanobacteria, algae, and lichens

inhabiting the surface of rocks.
• Batuan: materi anorganik yang padat dan
komposisi yang homogen yang terdiri dari 2
atau lebih mineral.
1. Batuan beku (igneous):
2. Batuan sedimen (sedimentary)
3. Batuan metamorf (metamorphic)
Batuan Beku
• Hasil dari pendinginan magma (materi batuan yang meleleh)
dari kerak dan/atau asthenosphere.
• Proses pendinginan bisa cepat bisa lambat.
• Pada pendinginan lambat, bermacam mineral akan
mengkristalisasi pada waktu yang berbeda-beda disebabkan
oleh titik leleh yang berbeda-beda.
• Pada proses kristalisasi, meneral-mineral tsb tumbuh dan
berkembang membentuk batuan yang dengan jelas kristalnya
dapat dibedakan (e.g., granite)
• Pada pendinginan cepat, proses kristalisasi berjalan cepat
pula dan batuan yang terbentuk mempunyai kristal yang
sangat kecil yang tidak bisa dilihat dg mata telanjang (e.g.,
Granite, Mont Blancmassif, Walis, Switzerland. This
granite has large (white feldspatic phenocrysts. Coin Vesicular basalt at Sunset Crater, AZ. US quarter for
of 1 euro (about 2,3 cm diameter) for scale. scale.

Phenocrysts: kristal yang cukup besar yang bergabung dengan batuan beku
Batuan sedimen
• Hasil akumulasi dan kompaksi sedimen yang
terutama mengandung materi mineral yang berasal
dari batuan lain.
• Mungkin juga hasil sementasi sedimen anorganik
yang terakumulasi oleh karbonat, silikat, aluminum
oksida dan besi (II) oksida. Zat sementasi mungkin
berasal dari aktivitas mikroba. Transformasi sedimen
ini menjadi batuan sedimen disebut “lithification”.
• Contoh batuan sedimen: limestone (CaCO3),
sandstone (quartz, clay) dan shale (claylike, fine-
grained sediment)
Batuan metamorf
• Hasil dari perubahan batuan beku atau batuan
sedimen disebabkan oleh panas dan tekanan
• Contoh: marble/marmer (dari limestone),
slate (dari shale), quartzite (dari sandstone),
gneiss (dari batuan granite).
• Biasanya merupakan senyawa anorganik yang biasanya
kristal dan kadang-kadang amorphous (tidak berbentuk
dan tidak kristal). Contoh. Sulfur (S0), quartz (SiO2),
biotite ([K(Mg.Fe.Mn)3AlSi3O10(OH)2].
• Bisa juga digunakan untuk senyawa organik tertentu di
alam (e.g., asphalt dan coal)
• Mineral primer (igneous mineral) adalah mineral hasil
kristalisasi selama proses pendinginan magma, dan
mineral sekunder adalah mineral hasil perubahan kimia
(weathering atau diagenesis). Mikroba berperan penting
dalam perubahan mineral primer ke sekunder. Mineral
“authigenic” adalah mineral ynag terbentuk dari
presipitasi dari suatu larutan.
• To understand sustainable development for metals
production, a brief background of metal resources is
• Generally, metal resources can be classified into two
main groups:
a) Naturally occurring resources, providing the
majority of metals for industries
b) Second hand resources e.g. industrial wastes and
used materials
• An ore contains metals in the form of minerals or an
aggregate of minerals, as well as gangue minerals.
Gangue is undesired minerals which are associated
with ore and are mostly non-metallic in nature.
Ores are divided into:
• i) High grade ores, i.e. the ones in which metal
concentration is relatively high.
• ii) Low grade ores, are those with a low
concentration of metals, like shale and schist
– Schist is a medium-grade metamorphic rock with
medium to large grains of mica flakes in a
preferred orientation
• Shales are sedimentary rocks formed during the latter part of
the Cambrian era and up to the first part of the Ordovician
era, approximately 540–480 Ma ago (Falk et al., 2006).
• Their color is commonly some tone of gray, brown, green or
black due to the presence of some organic pigments in
microbes inhabiting the shales.
• These are composed chiefly of kaolin, mica etc. but are too
fine grained to permit the cognition of their mineral
constituents by the eye alone.
• The introduction of quartz caused an increase in the size of
their grains and transform them into sandstones.
• Shale deposits containing the elements Fe, K, Si and Al are
most susceptible to microbial transformation, making a study
of these deposits both economically and environmentally
There are mainly two types of shales on
the basis of organic matter
• Oil shale
• Black shale
Oil shale
• Sedimentary rocks containing up to 50% organic matter along
with a considerable amount of oil, can be processed to produce
oil and other chemicals and minerals.
• Oil shale contains significant amounts of petroleum like oil and
refined products like gasoline, fuel oil and many other products
due to the presence of organic material like kerogen
• Oil shales include organic rich shales, marls (or marlstone is a
calcium carbonate or lime-rich mud or mudstone which contains
variable amounts of clays and silt), and clayey limestones and
dolomites with varying contents of organic matter as high as
50% in some very high grade deposits.
• Organic matter is present in combination with high contents of
oil and other volatile components with no free hydrocarbons
which indicated that oil shales are immature sources of oil
Black shale
• These shales contain relatively lower amounts of organic material than
the oil shale.
• Its black color is due to organic matter of algae, bacteria and other life
forms that lived in the sea at that time
• It can be considered as discarded ore used for building purposes for the
manufacturing of cement, fertilizer and as a plant stimulant
• The black shale ores vary from others in mineralogical as well as chemical
properties and in recovery of metals.
• These are mainly represented by copper contents not more than 5.5%
and other metals like silver (0.01%).
• Roughly 3 to10 time greater metals contents are present in bituminous
shale ore than carbonate and sandstone forms. The former is therefore
considered as a natural polymetallic concentrate.
• Black shale is sometimes known as alum shale, which is mainly
composed of clay minerals such as illite and montmorillonite, smectite
and chlorite in combination with fine particles of quartz and mica.

• The oxide mineral class includes those minerals in

which the oxide anion (O2-) is bonded to one or
more metal ions.
– The hydroxide bearing minerals are typically included
in the oxide class.
– The minerals with complex anion groups such as the
silicates, sulfates, carbonates and phosphates are
classed separately.
• X2O (Cu2O = cuprite) and XO (MgO = periclase,
ZnO = zincite)
• X2O3 (Hematite Fe2O3)
• XO2 (Rutile TiO2)
• XY2O4 (Magnetite Fe3O4 (Fe2+Fe3+2O4)),
Chromite FeCr2O4
• Hydroxide subgroup: Manganite MnO(OH),
Goethite αFeO(OH)
Mineral sulfida
• The sulfide minerals are a class of minerals
containing sulfide (S2−) as the major anion.
• Some sulfide minerals are economically
important as metal ores.
• The sulfide class also includes the selenides,
the tellurides, the arsenides, the antimonides,
the bismuthinides, the sulfarsenides and the
• Sulfide minerals are inorganic compounds.
• The most abundant sulfide minerals are pyrite
• Other iron sulfide minerals include marcasite ,
pynhotite, arsenopyriie (FeAsS), chalcopyrite
• Due to their widespread distribution in sulfidic
ore bodies, the biogeochemistries of iron and
sulfur are of fundamental importance in
biomining environments.
• The oxidation state of iron in all sulfide
minerals is +2 (i.e. ferrous iron) with the
exception of greigite (Fe3S4) where it occurs in
both ionic states (+2 and +3).
Fe (Iron).....Amphoteric
• Aerobic (pH >= 5): Fe+2 Fe+3(precipitates)
• Anaerobic (pH >= 5): Fe+3 Fe+2
• Acid solution (pH<=5): Fe0 Fe+2
• Neutral-Slightly alkaline solution:
-Form Fe+3(precipitates)
-Jika ada H2S: Fe+3 FeS2
Bacterial Cell Fe+3
Aerobic condition
Neutral pH (Insoluble form in solution)
Chelation describes a particular way that ions and Microbes
molecules bind metal ions

Soluble form in solution

a ligand /lɪɡənd/ is an ion or molecule (functional
group) that binds to a central metal atom to form a
coordination complex


Transport into cell

Fe+2-Siderophores (enzymatically)

Fe+2 ---assimilated into protein


Siderophores (Greek: "iron carrier") are small, high-affinity iron chelating compounds secreted by microorganisms
such as bacteria, fungi and grasses. Siderophores are amongst the strongest soluble Fe3+ binding agents known.
Examples of siderophores

Aerobactin (Bacteria)

Rhodotorulic acid
thin oil films

Reddish grown microbial mats

Field view of sampling point at Toyotomi hot springs

Mekanisme disolusi mineral

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