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 NOTES   Aids  to  construction,  generally.  

  Apart   from   its   language   courts   may   refer   to   the   following   in  
CONSTITUTION   construing  the  constitution:    
  •   history  
Constitution  is  a  fundamental  law  which  sets  up  a  form  of  government   •   proceedings  of  the  convention  
and  defines  and  delimits  the  powers  thereof  and  those  of  its  officers,   •   prior  laws  and  judicial  decisions  
reserving   to   the   people   themselves   plenary   sovereignty.   A   •   contemporaneous  constructions  
constitution  is  a  system  of  fundamental  laws  for  the  governance  and   •   consequences  of  alternative  interpretations  
administration   of   a   nation.   It   is   the   paramount   and   fundamental   law    
of  the  nation.   These  aids  are  called  extraneous  aids  because  though  their  effect  is  
  not   in   precise   rules   their   influence   describes   the   essentials   of   the  
Primary  purpose  of  constitutional  construction.   process  
The   primary   task   of   constitutional   construction   is   to   ascertain   the    
intent   or   purpose   of   the   framers   of   the   constitution   as   expressed   in   Realities  existing  at  time  of  adoption;  object  to  be  accomplished  
the   language   of   the   fundamental   law,   and   thereafter   to   assure   its   History   basically   helps   in   making   one   understand   as   to   how   and   why  
realization.  The  fundamental  principle  of  constitutional  construction   certain  laws  were  incorporated  into  the  constitution.  
is  to  give  effect  to  the  intent  of  the  framers  of  the  organic  law  and  of    
the  people  adopting  it.     In   construing   constitutional   law,   the   history   must   be   taken   into  
  consideration  because  there  are  certain  considerations  rooted  in  the  
It  has  been  said  that  the  Constitution  has  one  fundamental  purpose   historical  background  of  the  environment  at  the  time  of  its  adoption  
which  is  to  protect  and  enhance  the  people’s  interests,  as  a  nation    
collectively  and  as  persons  individually.  The  interpretation  of  it  should    
be  done  with  a  view  to  realizing  this  fundamental  objective.     Proceedings  of  the  convention  
  RULE:  If  the  language  of  the  constitutional  provision  is  plain  it  is  not  
Constitution  construed  as  enduring  for  ages   necessary  to  resort  to  extrinsic  aids  
A  constitution  should  be  construed  in  the  light  of  what  actually  is,  a    
continuing   instrument   to   govern   not   only   the   present   but   also   the   EXCEPTION:  when  the  intent  of  the  framer  doesn’t  appear  in  the  text  
unfolding   events   of   the   indefinite   future.   A   constitution   must   be   or   it   has   more   than   one   construction.   Intent   of   a   constitutional  
construed  as  a  dynamic  process  intended  to  stand  for  a  great  length   convention  member  doesn’t  necessarily  mean  it  is  also  the  people’s  
of  time,  to  be  progressive  and  not  static.   intent.  The  proceedings  of  the  convention  are  usually  inquired  into  
  because  it  sheds  light  into  what  the  framers  of  the  constitution  had  in  
The  constitution  must  be  viewed  as  a  continuously  operative  charter   mind  at  that  time.  
of   the   government.   It   must   not   be   interpreted   as   demanding   the    
impossible   or   the   impractical;   or   as   affecting   the   unreasonable   or   Contemporaneous   construction   and   writings   -­‐   may   be   used   to  
absurd.  Courts  should  always  endeavor  to  give  such  interpretation   resolve  but  not  to  create  ambiguities  
that   would   make   the   constitutional   provision   consistent   with    
reason,  justice  and  the  public  interest.   In  construing  statutes,  contemporaneous  construction  is  entitled  to  
  great   weight   however   when   it   comes   to   the   constitution   it   has   no  
  weight  and  will  not  be  allowed  to  change  in  any  way  its  meaning.  
How  language  of  constitution  construed.    
The  primary  source  from  which  to  ascertain  constitutional  intent  or   Writings  of  delegates  –  has  persuasive  force  but  it  depends  on  two  
purpose  is  the  language  of  the  constitution  itself.  The  presumption  is   things:  
that   the   words   in   which   the   constitutional   provisions   are   couched   •   if   opinions   are   based   on   fact   known   to   them   and   not  
express  the  objective  sought  to  be  attained.   established  it  is  immaterial  
  •   on   legal   hermeneutics,   their   conclusions   may   not   be   a  
It   is   a   well-­‐established   rule   that   the   language   of   the   constitution,   as   shade  better  in  the  eyes  of  the  law.  
much   as   possible,   should   be   understood   in   the   sense   it   has   in    
common  use  and  that  the  words  in  constitutional  provisions  are  to  be   Previous  laws  and  judicial  rulings  
given   their   ordinary   meaning   except   where   technical   terms   are   •  framers  of  the  constitution  is  presumed  to  be  aware  of  prevailing  
employed.   judicial  doctrines  concerning  the  subject  of  constitutional  provisions.  
  THUS  when  courts  adopt  principles  different  from  prior  decisions  it  is  
Note:  Do  not  construe  the  constitution  in  such  a  way  that  its  meaning   presumed  that  they  did  so  to  overrule  said  principle.  
would  change    
  Consequences  of  alternative  constructions  
What  if  the  words  used  have  both  general  and  restricted  meaning?   •   consequences   that   may   follow   from   alternative   construction   of  
Rule:   general   prevails   over   the   restricted   unless   the   contrary   is   doubtful  constitutional  provisions  constitute  an  important  factor  to  
indicated.   consider  in  construing  them.  
  •  if  a  provision  has  more  than  one  interpretation,  that  construction  
  which  would  lead  to  absurd,  impossible  or  mischievous  consequences  
  must  be  rejected.  
  •   e.g.   directory   and   mandatory   interpretation:   Art.   8   Sec   15(1)  
  requires  judges  to  render  decision  within  specific  periods  from  date  
  of  submission  for  decision  of  cases  (construed  as  directory  because  if  
  otherwise  it  will  cause  greater  injury  to  the  public)  
Constitution  construed  as  a  whole    
Provision   should   not   be   construed   separately   from   the   rest   it   should   Generally:  
be   interpreted   as   a   whole   and   be   harmonized   with   conflicting   Whether  a  statute  is  to  be  given  a  strict  or  liberal  construction  will  be  
provisions   so   as   to   give   them   all   force   and   effect.   Sections   in   the   depending   upon   the   nature   of   the   statute,   the   purpose   to   be  
constitution  with  a  particular  subject  should  be  interpreted  together   subserved   and   the   mischief   to   be   remedied,   and   a   strict   or   liberal  
to  effectuate  the  whole  purpose  of  the  Constitution.   interpretation  will  be  given  a  statute  that  will  best  accomplish  the  end  
  desired  and  effectuate  legislative  intent.  
Mandatory  or  Directory    
The   established   rule   is   that   constitutional   provisions   are   to   be   Strict  construction,  generally

construed  as  mandatory,  unless  by  express  provision  or  by  necessary   Strict   construction   is   that   construction   according   to   the   letter   of   a  
implication,   a   different   intention   is   manifested.  It   is   a   general   rule   to   statute,   which   recognizes   nothing   that   is   not   expressed,   takes   the  
regard  constitutional  provisions  as  mandatory  and  not  to  leave  any   language   used   in   its   exact   meaning,   and   admits   no   equitable  
discretion  to  the  will  of  a  legislature  to  obey  or  to  disregard  them.  This   consideration.   It   does   not   mean   giving   a   statute   its   narrowest  
presumption  as  to  mandatory  quality  is  usually  followed  unless  it  is   meaning  of  which  it  is  susceptible.  Nor  does  it  mean  that  words  shall  
unmistakably  manifest  that  the  provisions  are  intended  to  be  merely   be   so   restricted   as   not   to   have   their   full   meaning.   Scope   of   statute  
directory.  The  reason  why  provision  of  the  constitution  are  generally   shall   not   be   enlarged   by   implication,   intendment,   or   equitable  
regarded  as  mandatory  is  that  in  a  constitution,  the  sovereign  itself   consideration  beyond  the  literal  meaning  of  its  terms.  
speaks  and  is  laying  down  the  rules  which  for  the  time  being  at  least    
are   to   control   alike   the   government   and   the   governed.   Its   provisions   Liberal  construction,  defined.

are  binding  upon  all  departments  of  the  government.   Liberal   constructions   mean   such   equitable   construction   as   will  
  enlarge  of  a  statute  to  accomplish  its  intended  purpose,  carry  out  its  
Prospective  or  Retroactive   intent,   or   promote   justice.   It   does   not   mean   enlargement   of   a  
The   rule   is   that   a   constitution   should   operate   prospectively   only,   provision   which   is   clear,   unambiguous   and   free   from   doubt,   for   a  
unless  the  words  employed  show  a  clear  intention  that  it  should  have   statute  which  is  plain  and  clear  is  not  subject  to  construction.  Liberal  
a  retroactive  effect.   construction   is   that   construction   which   expands   the   meaning   of   a  
  statute   to   meet   cases   which   are   clearly   within   the   spirit   or   reason  
Applicability  of  Statutory  Construction  to  Constitutional   thereof  or  within  the  evil  which  the  statute  was  designed  to  remedy,  
Construction   or  which  give  the  statute  its  generally  accepted  meaning  to  the  end  
Some   of   the   rules   in   statutory   construction   are   applicable   to   the   that   the   most   comprehensive   application   thereof   maybe   accorded,  
construction  of  the  Constitution     without  being  inconsistent  with  its  language  or  doing  violence  to  any  
  of  its  terms.  Liberal  construction  means  that  the  words  should  receive  
Generally,  Provisions  of  the  Constitution  are  self-­‐executing  in   a  fair  and  reasonable  interpretation,  so  as  to  attain  the  intent,  spirit  
nature   and  purpose  of  the  law.    
 The  general  rule  is  that  constitutional  provisions  are  self-­‐  executing,    
except  when  the  provisions  themselves  expressly  require  legislations   Liberal  construction  applied,  generally.  
to  implement  them  or  when,  from  their  language  or  tenure,  they  are   The  literal  meaning  of  the  words  used  may  be  rejected  if  the  result  of  
merely   declarations   of   policies   and   principles.   A   self-­‐executing   adopting  said  meaning  would  be  to  defeat  purpose  of  the  law.  Liberal  
provision  is  one  which  is  complete  by  itself  and  becomes  operative   interpretation  so  as  to  save  the  statute  from  obliteration,  ut  res  magis  
without   the   aid   of   supplementary   or   enabling   legislation,   or   which   valeat   quam   pereat.   Construction   by   this   nature   and   the   act   of   the  
supplies  sufficient  rule  by  means  of  which  the  right  it  grants  may  be   court  in  engrafting  upon  a  law  something  which  its  believes  ought  to  
enjoyed   or   protected.   The   rule   is   that   in   case   of   doubt,   the   have  been  embraced  therein.  The  former  is  liberal  construction  and  
Constitution   should   be   considered   self-­‐executing   rather   than   non-­‐ is   a   legitimate   exercise   of   judicial   power.   The   latter   is   judicial  
self-­‐executing.   legislation  forbidden  by  the  tripartite  division  of  powers  among  the  
  three   departments   of   government,   the   executive,   the   legislative   and  
Three   Maxims   employed   as   aids   to   construe   constitutional   the  judicial.  A  statute  may  not  be  liberally  construed  to  read  into  it  
provisions.   something  which  its  clear  and  plain  language  rejects.  
It  has  been  held  that  there  are  at  least  three  maxims  of  construction    
that  are  employed  to  construe  constitutional  provisions.     Construction  to  promote  social  justice.  
  ―It  (social  justice  mandate)  is  meant  for  the  three  departments:  the  
Verba  Legis  –  “Plain-­‐meaning  Rule”   legislative,  executive,  and  judicial,  because  the  latter  two  are  no  less  
Wherever  possible,  the  words  used  in  the  Constitution  must  be  given   than  the  agencies  of  the  state  than  the  first.  Enhance  social  justice.  
their  ordinary  meaning  except  where  technical  terms  are  employed.    
  Construction  taking  into  consideration  general  welfare  or  growth  of  
Ratio  Legis  Est  Anima  –  “The  reason  of  the  law  is  its  soul”   civilization.  
Where   there   is   ambiguity,   the   words   of   the   Constitution   should   be   Some  authorities  advocate  a  construction  which  seeks  an  expansive  
interpreted  in  accordance  with  the  intent  of  its  framers.   application   of   statutes   to   attain   the   general   welfare.   salus   populi   est  
  suprema  lex.  Statute  enacted  for  the  public  good  are  to  be  construed  
Ut  Magis  Valeat  Quam  Pereat  –  “   liberally.   Statuta   pro   publico   commodo   late   interpretantur.   An  
The   Constitution   is   to   be   interpreted   as   a   whole.   It   is   a   well-­‐ authority  on  the  subject  expounds  on  this  type  of  construction:    
established  rule  in  constitutional  construction  that  no  one  provision   ―The   statute   in   general   has   two,   articulate   organs   for   lawmaking  
of  the  constitution  is  to  be  separated  from  all  others,  to  be  considered   purposes   –   the   legislature   and   the   tribunal.   First   organ   makes   new  
alone,  but  that  all  the  provisions  bearing  upon  a  particular  subject  are   law,   the   second   attests   and   confirms   old   law.   Statutes   must   be  
to  be  brought  into  view  and  to  be  so  interpreted  as  to  effectuate  the   interpreted   in   the   light   of   the   growth   of   civilization   and   varying  
great  purposes  of  the  instrument.   conditions.    
STATUTES  STRICTLY  CONSTRUED   to   defeat   the   intent,   policy,   and   purpose   of   the   statute.   The   court  
  should   consider   the   spirit   and   reason   of   a   statute   where   a   literal  
Penal  statutes,  generally.
 meaning  would  lead  to  absurdity,  contradiction,  injustice,  or  would  
Penal  statutes  refer  to  those  laws  by  which  punishments  are  imposed   defeat   the   clear   purpose   of   the   law,   for   strict   construction   of   a  
for  violation  or  transgression  of  their  provisions.  Acts  of  the  legislature   criminal  statute  does  not  mean  such  construction  as  to  deprive  it  of  
which   prohibit   certain   acts   and   establish   penalties   for   their   the  meaning  intended.  
violation;   or   those   that   define   crimes,   treat   of   their   nature   and    
provide  for  their  punishment.  Penal  or  criminal  laws  are  those  which   Capable  of  two  interpretations,  one  which  will  operate  to  exempt  an  
impose   punishment   for   an   offense   committed   against   the   state,   and   accused  from  liability  for  violation  thereof  and  another  which  will  give  
which  the  chief  executive  has  the  power  to  pardon.  A  statute  which   effect  to  the  manifest  intent  of  the  statute  and  promote  its  object,  
decrees   the   forfeiture   in   favor   of   the   state   of   unexplained   wealth   the  latter  the  interpretation  should  be  adopted;  they  are  not  to  be  so  
acquired  by  a  public  official  while  in  office  is  criminal  in  nature.     strictly  construed  as  to  defeat  the  obvious  purpose  of  the  legislature.  
Penal  statutes  strictly  construed.
Penal   or   criminal   laws   are   strictly   construed   against   the   State   and   Statutes  authorizing  expropriations.  
liberally  in  favor  of  the  accused  cannot  be  enlarged  or  extended  by   The  power  of  eminent  domain  is  essentially  legislative  in  nature.  The  
intendment,   implication,   or   any   equitable   consideration.   The   legislature   may   not,   however,   by   itself,   exercise   such   power   by  
language  of  a  penal  statutes  cannot  be  enlarged  beyond  the  ordinary   enacting  a  law  directly  expropriating  a  particular  land  and  fixing  the  
meaning  of  its  terms  in  order  to  carry  into  effect  the  general  purpose   amount  of  just  compensation  thereof.  It  may  delegate  the  power,  by  
for  which  the  statute  was  enacted.  Resolved  in  favor  of  the  person   law,  subject  to  hearing  as  to  just  compensation  to  the  president,  local  
accused  of  violating  the  statute.     government   units,   or   a   public   utility   company.;   strictly   construed  
  against  the  expropriating  authority  and  liberally  in  favor  of  property  
No  person  should  be  brought  within  the  terms  of  a  statute  who  is  not   owners;  ―exercise  of  the  right  of  eminent  domain,  whether  by  the  
clearly  within  them,  nor  should  any  act  be  pronounced  criminal  which   state   or   by   its   authorized   agents,   is   necessarily   in   derogation   of  
is  not  clearly  made  so  by  the  statute.     private   rights,   and   the   rule   in   that   case   is   that   the   authority   must   be  
  strictly  construed;  right  to  freehold  inhabitants.  
The  rule  that  penal  statutes  are  strictly  construed  does  not  mean  that    
every  penal  law  must  be  so  narrowly  construed  as  to  defeat  the  law   Naturalization  laws.  
itself;  it  merely  means  that  they  are  not  to  be  construed  so  strictly  as   Laws  on  naturalization  are  strictly  construed  against  an  applicant  for  
to   nullify   or   destroy   the   obvious   purpose   of   the   legislature.   Be   citizenship   and   rigidly   followed   and   enforced.;   right   of   an   alien   to  
construed   with   such   strictness   as   to   carefully   safeguard   the   rights   of   become  a  citizen  by  naturalization  is  a  statutory  rather  that  a  natural  
the  defendant  and  at  the  same  time  preserve  the  obvious  intention   one,   and   it   does   not   become   vested   until   he   files   a   petition   and  
of  the  legislature.  It  will  endeavor  to  effect  substantial  justice.     establishes  by  competent  and  satisfactory  evidence  that  he  has  all  the  
  qualifications  and  none  of  the  disqualifications  specified  by  law.  
Careful  scrutiny  safeguards  the  rights  of  the  accused.  Two  reasonable    
but   contradictory   constructions,   that   which   operates   in   favor   of   a   Statutes  imposing  taxes  and  custom  duties.  
party  accused  under  its  provision  is  to  be  preferred.  The  principle  is   The  power  to  tax  is  an  incident  of  sovereignty  and  is  unlimited  in  its  
that  acts  in  and  of  themselves  innocent  and  lawful  cannot  be  held  to   range,   acknowledging   in   its   very   nature   no   limits,   so   that   security  
be   criminal   unless   there   is   a   clear   and   unequivocal   expression   of   the   against  its  abuse  the  is  to  be  found  only  in  the  responsibility  of  the  
legislative  intent  to  make  them  such.   legislature  which  imposes  the  tax  of  the  constituency  who  are  to  pay  
  it.  ;  ―power  to  tax  involves  the  power  to  destroy.‖  ;  tax  statutes  must  
Reason  why  penal  statutes  are  strictly  construed.   be  construed  strictly  against  the  government  and  liberally  in  favor  
Law  is  tender  in  favor  of  the  rights  of  an  individual;  the  object  is  to   of  the  taxpayer.  ;  the  statute  is  to  be  construed  strictly  against  the  
establish   a   certain   rule   by   conformity   to   which   mankind   would   be   subjection   to   tax   liability,   and   it   will   not   be   construed   as   imposing   a  
safe,   and   the   discretion   of   the   court   limited.   The   purpose   of   strict   tax  unless  it  does  so  clearly,  expressly  and  unambiguously  .    
construction  is  not  to  enable  a  guilty  person  to  escape  punishment    
through  a  technicality  but  to  provide  a  precise  definition  of  forbidden   A   tax   cannot   be   imposed   without   clear   and   express   words   for   that  
acts.   purpose.   Tax   or   customs   laws   may   not   be   extended   by   implication  
  beyond   the   clear   import   of   their   language,   nor   their   operation  
Acts  mala  in  se  and  mala  prohibita.   enlarged  so  as  to  embrace  matters  not  specifically  provided.  ;  
General  rule  is  that  a  penal  statute  will  not  be  construed  to  make  the    
commission  of  certain  prohibited  acts  criminal  without  regard  to  the   Reason   –   taxation   is   a   destructive   power   which   interferes   with   the  
intent   of   the   doer,   unless   there   is   a   clear   legislative   intent   to   the   personal  and  property  rights  of  the  people  and  takes  from  them  a  
contrary;  evil  intent  must  combine  with  an  act.  Actus  non  facit  reum   portion  of  their  property  for  the  support  of  the  government.;  burdens  
nisi  mens  sit  rea,  the  act  itself  does  not  make  a  man  guilty  unless  his   are  not  to  be  imposed,  nor  presumed  to  be  imposed,  beyond  what  
intention  were  so.  Actus  me  invito  factus  non  est  meus  actus,  an  act   the  statutes  expressly  and  clearly  import.  
done  by  me  against  my  will  is  not  my  act.  Mala  in  se,  criminal  intent,    
apart   from   the   act   itself,   is   required   but   in   those   which   are   mala   Statutes  granting  tax  exemptions.  
prohibita  the  only  inquiry  is,  has  the  law  been  violated.   Taxes  are  what  the  people  pay  for  civilized  society.;  lifeblood  of  the  
  nation.   The   law   frowns   against   exemptions   from   taxation.   Laws  
Limitation  of  the  rule.   granting  tax  exemptions  are  thus  construed  strictissmi  juris  against  
The   rule   that   penal   statutes   are   given   a   strict   construction   is   not   the   the  taxpayer  and  liberally  in  favor  of  the  taxing  authority.    
only  factor  in  the  interpretation  of  the  criminal  laws;  merely  serves  as    
an   additional   factor   to   be   considered   as   an   aid   in   ascertaining   the   Taxation  is  the  rule  and  exemption  is  the  exception.  The  burden  of  
meaning  of  penal  laws.  A  strict  construction  should  not  be  permitted   proof  rests  upon  the  party  claiming  exemption  to  prove  that  it  is  in  
fact   covered   by   the   exemption   so   claimed.   Statutes   granting   tax   STATUTES  LIBERALLY  CONSTRUED  
exemptions  are  construed  strictissimi  juris  against  the  taxpayer  and    
liberally   in   favor   of   the   taxing   authority.   Reason   –   to   minimize   the   General  social  legislation  
different  treatment  and  foster  impartiality,  fairness  and  equality  of   Implement   the   social   justice   and   protection-­‐to-­‐labor   provisions   of  
treatment  among  taxpayers.     the   Constitution   are   known   as   general   welfare   legislations.   These  
  statutes   are   construed   liberally.   General   welfare   legislations,   the  
For   exemptions   from   taxation   are   not   favored   in   law,   nor   are   they   courts  will  be  guided  by  more  than  just  an  inquiry  into  the  letter  of  
presumed.   They   must   be   expressed   in   the   clearest   and   most   the  law  as  against  its  spirit  and  will  ultimately  resolve  any  doubt  in  
unambiguous   language   and   not   left   to   mere   implications.   favor  of  the  persons  whom  the  law  intended  to  benefit.  
―exemptions   are   never   presumed,   the   burden   is   on   the   claimant   to    
establish   clearly   his   right   to   exemption   and   an   alleged   grant   of   Labor  laws,  tenancy  laws,  land  reform  laws  and  social  security  laws.  
exemption   will   be   strictly   construed   and   cannot   be   made   out   by   However,  while  general  welfare  legislations  are  construed  liberally  in  
inference  or  implications  but  must  be  beyond  reasonable  doubt.  In   favor  of  those  intended  to  be  benefited,  this  principle  holds  true  only  
other  words,  since  taxation  is  the  rule  and  exemption  the  intention  to   when  there  is  doubt  or  ambiguity  in  the  law  and  not  when  the  law  
make  an  exemption  ought  to  be  expressed  in  clear  and  unambiguous   itself  is  clear  and  free  doubt.  
  Workingman   ‘s   welfare   should   be   the   primordial   and   paramount  
  consideration.  Article  4  of  the  New  Labor  Code  which  states  that  “all  
Qualification  of  rule.   doubts  in  the  implementation  and  interpretation  of  the  provisions  of  
Not   absolute.   Where   the   provision   of   the   law   is   clear   and   the  Labor  Code  including  its  implementing  rules  and  regulations  shall  
unambiguous,  so  that  there  is  no  occasion  for  the  court  seeking  the   be  resolved  in  favor  of  labor.  Based  on  the  premise  that  the  statute  is  
legislative   intent,   the   law   must   be   taken   as   it   is,   devoid   of   judicial   ambiguous.  
addition  or  subtraction.  Law  provides  no  qualification  for  the  granting    
of  tax  exemption,  the  court  is  not  at  liberty  to  supply  one...;  does  not    
apply  in  the  case  of  tax  exemptions  in  favor  of  the  government  itself   Election  Laws.  
or  its  agencies.   Election   laws   should   be   reasonably   and   liberally   construed   to  
  achieve  their  purpose  –  to  effectuate  and  safeguard  the  will  of  the  
Statutes  prescribing  formalities  of  will.   electorate  in  the  choice  of  their  representatives  –  for  the  application  
Statutes  prescribing  the  formalities  to  be  observed  in  the  execution   of   election   laws   involves   public   interest   and   imposes   upon   the  
of  wills  are  strictly  construed;  a  will  must  be  executed  in  accordance   Commission   on   Elections   and   the   courts   the   imperative   duty   to  
with  the  statutory  requirements,  otherwise  it  is  entirely  void.;  apply   ascertain   by   all   means   within   their   command   who   is   the   real  
the  intent  of  the  legislators  and  not  that  of  the  testator,  and  the  latter   candidate  elected  by  the  people.  
‘s  intention  is  frequently  defeated  by  the  non-­‐observance  of  what  the    
statute  requires.   Elections   laws   may   be   divided   into   three   parts   for   purposes   of  
  applying  the  rules  of  statutory  construction.    
Exceptions  and  provisos.   1.   The   first   part   refers   to   the   provisions   for   the   conduct   of  
As  a  rule,  exceptions  should  be  strictly  but  reasonably  construed;  they   elections  which  elections  officials  are  required  to  follow.    
extend   only   so   far   as   their   language   fairly   warrants,   and   all   doubts   2.   The  second  part  covers  those  provisions  which  candidates  
should  be  resolved  in  favor  of  the  general  provision  rather  than  the   for  office  are  required  to  perform.    
exception.   The   court   will   not   curtail   the   former   nor   add   to   the   latter   3.   The  third  part  embraces  those  procedural  rules  which  are  
by  implication,  and  it  is  a  rule  that  an  express  exception  excludes  all   designed  to  ascertain,  in  case  of  dispute,  the  actual  winner  
others,  although  it  is  always  proper  in  determining  the  applicability  of   in  the  elections.  
this   rule   to   inquire   whether,   in   the   particular   case,   it   accords   with    
reason  and  justice.   “rules   and   regulations   for   the   conduct   of   elections   are   mandatory  
  before  the  election,  but  when  it  is  sought  to  enforce  them  after  the  
Similarly,  a  statute,  rule  or  situation  which  allows  exceptions  to  the   elections   they   are   held   to   be   directory   only,   if   that   is   possible,  
requirement  of  warrant  of  arrest  or  search  warrant  must  be  strictly   especially  where,  if  they  are  held  to  be  mandatory,  innocent  voters  
construed.  A  preference  is  an  exception  to  the  general  rule  and  it  is   will   be   deprived   of   their   votes,   without   any   fault   on   their   part.  
what  its  name  implies.   Generally,   ―the   provisions   of   a   statute   as   to   the   manner   of  
  conducting   the   details   of   an   elections   are   not   mandatory,   but  
A   proviso   should   be   interpreted   consistently   with   the   legislative   directory   merely,   and   irregularities   in   conducting   an   elections   and  
intent.   The   reason   is   that   the   legislative   purpose   set   forth   in   the   counting   the   votes,   not   proceeding   from   any   wrongful   intent   and  
general   enactment   expresses   the   legislative   policy   and   only   those   which  deprives  no  legal  voter  of  his  votes,  will  not  vitiate  an  election  
expressly   exempted   by   the   proviso   should   be   freed   from   the   or  justify  the  rejection  of  the  entire  votes  of  a  precinct.  
operation  of  the  statute.    
  The  provisions  of  the  election  law  which  candidates  for  the  office  are  
  required   to   comply   are   generally   regarded   as   mandatory.  
  Qualifications   of   candidates,   requiring   the   filing   of   certificates   of  
  candidacy,  defining  election  offenses,  and  limiting  the  period  within  
  which  to  file  election  contests,  are  mandatory  and  failure  to  comply  
  with  such  provisions  are  fatal.  
  The  provisions  of  the  election  law  designed  to  determine  the  will  of  
  the   electorate   are   liberally   construed.   Technical   and   procedural  
barriers  should  not  be  allowed  to  stand  if  they  constitute  an  obstacle  
in  the  choice  of  their  elective  officials.  
Election   law   intended   to   safeguard   the   will   of   the   people   in   their  
choice   of   their   representatives   should   be   construed   liberally   to  
achieve  such  purpose.  
Election  protest,  which  should  be  liberally  construed  to  the  end  that  
the  popular  will  expressed  in  the  election  of  public  officers  will  not,  by  
reason  of  purely  technical  objections,  be  defeated.  
Rigid   application   of   the   law   that   will   preclude   the   court   from  
ascertaining  the  popular  will  should  be  rejected  in  favor  of  a  liberal  
construction  thereof  that  will  subserve  such  end,  where  a  rigid  and  
strict  application  and  enforcement  of  provisions  of  the  election  law  
will  safeguard  popular  will  and  prevent  transgression  of  suffrage  and  
the   mandate   of   the   majority,   the   provisions   will   be   given   strict  
construction.   Election   contest,   especially   appreciation   of   ballots,  
must   be   liberally   construed   to   the   end   that   the   will   of   the   electorate  
in   the   choice   of   public   officials   may   not   be   defeated   by   technical  
Rules  of  Court.  
The   Rules   of   Court,   being   procedural,   are   to   be   construed   liberally  
with  the  end  in  view  of  realizing  their  purpose  –  the  proper  and  just  
determination   of   a   litigation.   A   liberal   construction   of   the   Rules   of  
Court   requires   the   courts,   in   the   exercise   of   their   functions,   to   act  
reasonably  and  not  capriciously,  and  enjoins  them  to  apply  the  rules  
in  order  to  promote  their  object  and  to  assist  the  parties  in  obtaining  
a  just,  speedy  and  inexpensive  determination  of  their  cases,  means  
conducive  to  the  realization  of  the  administration  of  law  and  justice.  
Lapses   in   the   literal   observance   of   a   rule   of   procedure   will   be  
overlooked  when  they  do  not  involve  public  policy,  when  they  arose  
from  an  honest  mistake  or  unforeseen  accident,  when  they  have  not  
prejudiced   the   adverse   party   and   have   not   deprived   the   court   of   its  
Conceived   in   the   best   traditions   of   practical   and   moral   justice   and  
common  sense,  the  Rules  of  Court  upon-­‐splitting  technicalities  that  
do  not  square  with  their  liberal  tendency  and  with  the  ends  of  justice.  
The   literal   stricture   of   the   rule   has   been   relaxed   in   favor   of   liberal  
construction  in  the  following  cases:    
1.   where   a   rigid   application   will   result   in   a   manifest   failure   or  
miscarriage  of  justice.  
2.   where  the  interest  of  substantial  justice  will  be  served    
3.   where   the   resolution   of   the   emotion   is   addressed   solely   to  
the  sound  and  judicious  discretion  of  the  court  and    
4.   where   the   injustice   to   the   adverse   party   is   not  
commensurate   with   the   degree   of   his   thoughtlessness   in  
not  complying  with  the  prescribed  procedure.    

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