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ES 15 – Fluid Mechanics 2nd Semester S.Y.

Third Long Exam May 7, 2015

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY PLEDGE: On my honor, I will not give nor receive inappropriate aid in this examination.
1. Turn all mobile phones OFF during the entire examination period. Any form of cheating will be strictly penalized.
2. Do not write at the back and put a box on your final answer/s.
3. Show clearly all pertinent solutions and state the assumptions made, if any.

Part I. Answer the following questions concisely.

a. What is streamlining? Discuss how it is done by comparing the effect of friction and pressure drag in a
body. [15%]
b. In general, why are fluid flow problems involving turbulent flows more difficult than laminar flow
situations? [15%]

Part II.
The figure below shows a detention pond that drains to a lake through a 400-m long, 0.5-m diameter
horizontal straight circular pipe, e=1mm. The pipe inlet and outlet (K inlet=Koutlet=1.0) are located some
distance above bottom, to prevent erosion.
a. Set up a relationship between the velocity V in the pipe and the difference in water levels, z. [20%]
b. It is desired to maintain the pond at a level 1.0m above the lake level. Determine the flow inside the
pipe for this condition (design condition). [15%]
c. Your classmate suggests that a smaller diameter pipe can be used if the pipe was installed with a
slope from the pond towards the lake instead of being horizontal to produce the same flow.
Assuming that the length will be unchanged, is s/he correct? Explain. [5%]

Part III.
Cawong River in Calaca, Batangas normally flows at about 25m3/s and the channel’s cross-section
resembles the figure below. The main channel is silty while the floodplains are dominated by heavy
vegetation. During Typhoon Ondoy, a record flow rate of 1000m3/s was estimated. Assuming a flat
topography all throughout, with bed slope 0.5%, estimate the maximum flood depth y2 during this event.

ES 15 – Fluid Mechanics 2nd Semester S.Y. 2014-2015
Third Long Exam May 7, 2015

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