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Name : Fitri Nur Aini

NIM : 18301241035

Class : Mathematics Education D 2018

Student E : The bell is ringing, class is about to start. We should go inside.
Student P : Let’s hurry up!

*In the classroom*

Teacher : Good morning, everyone!
All Students : Good morning, teacher!
Teacher : How are you today?
All Students : We’re fine, thank you!
Teacher : I’m happy to hear that. It’s so great to see you again..
Student C : Teacher, may I open the window?
Teacher : Certainly. It’s very hot in the classroom today.
*Student C open the window*

Teacher : Come in!
Paul : Good morning! I’m sorry I’m late. May I come in?
Teacher : Yes, please! You may go to your place.
Paul : Thank you, teacher!
*Paul sit down in his place*
*Teacher giving question to all student and start the class*
Teacher : Who can tell me what day is it today? Please raise your hand!
Teacher : Emma, stand up!
Emma : It’s Monday!
Teacher : Very good. Sit down.
Teacher : What date is it? Jason.
Jason : It’s September 17th.
Teacher : Speak louder, please! I can’t hear you
Jason : It’s September 17th.
Teacher : That,s right!
Teacher : Did you do your homework?
All Students : Yes, we did!
Teacher : Great! Let’s check it.
*Student check theirs homework*

*Teacher asking the student to open the book*

Teacher : Please open your books to page 20. Let’s read a text.
Student M : Teacher, may I ask you a question?
Teacher : Yes, please!
Student M : What does that word mean?
Teacher : Listen and repeat after me. Environment.
All Students : Environment.
Jason : I don’t understand. Can you repeat please?
Emma : How do you spell it?
Teacher : ENVIRONMENT. Please write down.
Paul : Excuse me, teacher. I don’t have a pencil. May I borrow one for my classmate.
Teacher : Yes, you may.
Teacher : Please come to the blackboard!
Teacher : Please write the days of the week on the blackboard!
*Kate write the days on the blackboard*
Teacher : Well done! You may go back to your place!

*All students talking*

Teacher : Please be quiet! Stop talking and pay attention! What happened? What was
that noise?
Emma : I’m sorry, teacher, I dropped my pencil case.
Teacher : It’s okay, please pick it up!
*Emma pick her pencil case*

Teacher : Who want to clean the blackboard?

Paul : I do!

Teacher : It’s break time. Good bye student!
Students : Good bye teacher!

*In front of the class*

Student C : Would you like to go outside in the school yard?
Jason : Yes that’s a very a good idea. Let’s go!
Emma : I’d rather have a snack. I’m very hungry.
*In the school yard*
Jason : What is your favorite subject?
Student H : My favorite subject is science. What about you?
Student C : I love English very much.
Jason : I really like Math it’s so awesome.

Student C : Break time is over. Let’s go back into the classroom.

*In front of the class*

Kate : What class is next?
Student M : Sport. Do you like sport?
Kate : Yes I do. But I like Music more, I love singing. What about you?
Student M : Sport is okay but my favorite class is Geography. I enjoy traveling.

Jason : What time is it?
Student C : It’s 12 o’clock. It’s lunch time. Let’s go to the cafeteria and have lunch.
Jason : Yes, let’s go I’am starving.

*In the cafeteria*

Student M : How your lunch, Paul?
Paul : It’s delicious! I like rice very much. What about yours?
Student M : It’s great! I have spaghetti it smells terrific.
Student M : The school is over. It’s time to go home.
Emma : What you like to come over to my place in the afternoon and play basketball?
Student M : Yes, I would love too.
Emma : Great! I can’t wait! See u later again!

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