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This study included 1000 child in the preschool age (from 2-5
years) 520 of them were boys (52%) and 480 were girls (48%) with a
boys to girls ratio of about 1: 1.08 this is shown in the following table and

Tab l e 7: S ex distribution among the studied children.

S ex No. P ercent age Z test P val ue
Boys 520 52%
Gir l s 480 48% 1.266 0.103 NS
Tot al 1000 100%

The num ber of boys m or e t han t he num ber of gi r l s but

t he di ff er ence i s not si gni f i cant .

Fi g. 4: S ex d i st ri bu t i on am ong t he st udi ed chi l dren.


The age of patients ranged between 2-5 years and the distribution of
age groups were shown in the following table (8) and figure (5).

Tabl e 8: Age di st ri b u t i on am ong the st udi ed chi l dren.

Age in years No. P ercent age

2 year s 295 29.5 %

3 year s 187 18.7 5 %

4 year s 264 26.4 %

5 year s 254 25.4 %

Tot al 1000 100 %

In t hi s random sam pl e t he com m enst age i s 2 year s

fol l owed by 4 year s t hen 5 year s and the l east i s 3 year s.

Fi g. 5: Age d i st ri b ut i on am ong the st udi ed chi l dren.


Tab l e 9: Resu l t s of the i nit i al and the second dipst i ck

t est s of th e st u d i ed ch i l dren.
Initial dipstick 2nd dipistick
P o s i t i v e re s u l t s (at the start) (2 weeks later)
n = 152 (15.2%) n = 39 (3.9%)
Hematuria 57 5.7% 12 1.2%
Proteinuria 35 3.5% 10 1%
Mixed hematuria and proteinuria 4 0.4% 2 0.2%
Glucose 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
Nitrite test 10 1% 3 0.3%
Leucocyte 46 4.6% 12 1.2%

T he com m onest f i ndi ng i s hem at ur i a f ol l owed by

l eucocyt e t hen pr ot ei nuri a t hen ni tr i t e and t he l east i s
m i xed hem at uri a and pr ot ei nur i a and no gl ucosur i a.


Fi g. 6: Resu l t s of the ini t i al and 2 n d di pst i ck t est s of

th e st u d i ed ch i l d ren .

Table 10: The difference between the initial and 2 nd dipstick testes of
the studed children.

Positive Negative Total Z test P value

Follow up
2 w later No % No % No %

Positive results
Hematuria 4.6 0.001 HS
12 21 44 79 57 100
Proteinuria 2.37 0.009 HS
10 28.6 25 71.4 35 100
Mixed hematuria 0.0 0.5 NS
2 50.0 2 50.0 4 100
and proteinuria
Nitrite test 1.12 0.13 NS
3 30 9 70 10 100
Leucocyte 5.6 0.001 HS
12 26 34 74 46 100


Statistical analysis revealed that there was significant difference

between the first and secend dipstick as regard hematuria, proteinuria and
leucocytes but no significant difference as regard mixed hematuria and
proteinuria and nitrite test.

Fig. 7: The difference between the initial and 2 nd dipstick testes of the
studed children.


All cases positive for the second dipstick test were subjected to
microscopic urine analysis and the results of examinations gives positive
results in 24 cases (2.4%) from total children screened (1000) . In these
cases the results were as follows:
Tab l e 11: Resu l t s of m i croscopi c uri ne anal ysi s.

Fi n d i n g No. P ercent age f rom

tot al screend
chi ldren ( 1000)
Hem at ur i a 7 0.7%
P r ot ei nur i a 0 0%
Mi xed hem at ur i a 1 0.1%
and pr ot ei nur i a
P ur i a 12 1.2%
Cr yst al s 4 0.4%
Tot al 24 2.4%


T he com m onest f i ndi ng i s pur i a f ol l owed by hem at ur i a

t hen cr yst al s and t he l east is m i xed hem at ur i a and
pr ot ei nur i a and no i sol at ed pr ot ei nur i a.

Tab l e 12: Age d i st ri b ut i on am ong posi t i ve and negat i ve

ch i ld ren .

Finding Positive Negative Total X2 P

test value
Age No % No % No %

2 year s 6 25.0 289 29.6 295 29.5 1.83 0.61

3 year s 7 29.2 180 18.5 187 18.7

4 year s 6 25.0 258 26.4 264 26.4

5 year s 5 20.8 249 25.5 254 25.4

Total 24 100 976 100 1000 100

S t at i st i cal anal ysi s r eveal ed t hat t her e was no

si gni f i cant di ff er ence bet ween t he age of posi t i ve and
negat i ve chi l dr en.


Fi g.8: Age d i st ri b ut i on am ong posi t i ve and negati ve

ch i ld ren .

Tab l e 13: S ex d i st ri b ut i on in posi t i ve and negat i ve

ch i ld ren .

Finding Positive Negative Total FET P

Sex No % No % No %

Male 4 16.7 516 520 52.0 10.89

Female 20 83.3 460 480 48.0 HS
Total 24 100 976 100 1000 100

Statistical analysis revealed that there was a statistical significant

difference between the affected cases as regards sex that is to say girls
were more commonly affected than boys .

Fi g. 9: S ex d i st ri b ut i on am ong posi t i ve and negat i ve

ch i ld ren .


F i g. 10: S ex d i st ri b ut i on am ong the posi t i ve chi l dren.

Tab l e 14: Comparison between boys and girls with persistent

urinary abnormalities as regards clinical data (Age,
weight, height, SBP and DBP).


Boys G i rl s t p
Vari ab l e
m ean  S D m ean  SD
Age 3.0  1.4 3.5  1.05 0.824 0.419
Weight 14.5  3.11 15.25  2.10 0.605 0.551
Height 91.75  10.99 94.5  7.83 0.603 0.553
SBP 88.75  4.79 90.0  3.63 0.600 0.555
DBP 0.522 0.607
52.5  6.46 54.0  5.03

S t at i st i cal anal ysi s r eveal ed t hat t her e was no si gni f i cant

di ff er ence bet ween boys and gir l s as r egar d age, wei ght ,
hei ght , S BP and DBP.

Fi g. 11: Comparison between boys and girls with persistent urinary

abnormalities as regards clinical data (Age, weight,
height, SBP and DBP).


Ur i ne cul t ur e was per f or m ed t o 12 chi l dr en ( wi t h pus

cel l s i n m i cr oscopi c ur i ne anal ysi s >20 WBCs/ hpf ) and it
was posi t i ve i n 8 cases ( one boy and 7 gi r l s)

Table 15 : The results of urine culture.

Cau si t i ve No. P ercent age
organ i sm
E .chol i 4 33.4%
P r ot eus 2 16.6%
P seudom onus 1 8.3%
Kl ebsi el l a 1 8.3%
No gr owt h 4 33.4%
Tot al 12 100%

The commonest organism detected is E.choli then Proteus followed

by Pseudomonus and Klebsiella.

Fig. 12 :The results of urine culture.


Table 16 : Sex distribution among cases of positive urine culture.

S ex No. P ercent age P val ue

Boys 1 12.5%
Gir l s 7 87.5% 0.001
Tot al 8 100%

Statistical analysis revealed that there was significant difference

between boys and girls as regard positive urine culture as girls more
affected than boys.


Ultrasound was performed to 24 children with positive microscopic

urine analysis and it was positive in 3 children.

Table 17 : Results of ultrasound examination among cases with

positive findings in microscopic urine analysis.
U/ S f in d i n g No. P ercent age
Nor m al 21 87.4%

Uni l at er al 1 4.2%
hydr onephr osi s
Bi l at er al 1 4.2 %
hydr onephr osi s
Cyst i t i s 1 4.2 %

Tot al 1000 100 %

Fig. 13: Results of ultrasound examination among cases with positive

findings in microscopic urine analysis.


Ultrasonographic examination revealed the presence of

abnormalities in 3 cases out of 24 cases subjected to ultrasonographic
examination, one of them showed bilateral hydroureter (1/24, 4.2%), the
other showed bilateral hydronephrosis (1/24, 4.2%), and the last showed
cystitis (1/24, 4.2%).

Voiding cystourethrogram was done to the case of hydroureter and

showed that it is grade 1 vesicoureteral reflux and also was done to the
case of hydronephrosis and showed that it is grade 2 vesicoureteral reflux.


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