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A brief summarize of conversion disorder treatments

Altungy Labrador, P.

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Little is known among the majority Nowadays, there are different

of therapists about the Conversion approaches for disorder treatment,
Disorder, and even less about the depending on the theoretical model used
existent treatments. The idea of this for the intervention. Traditionally in our
article is to explain the main treatments discipline, therapist used to select just
that have been used so far in the clinical one theoretical approach and only their
psychology, and the strengths and treatments, in a kind of “fight” against
weaknesses of each one. The number of other psychological models that could
studies in this field is not as exhaustive explain the disorder from other points of
as it should be, considering the view.
prevalence of this disorder in the However, nowadays most of
population. Although since Janet’s time therapists acknowledge that a holistic
there have not been remarkable point of view of the disorders is so
developments in the field, in the last much useful than a restrictive one. This
decades, cognitive-behavioural therapy, new (and unthinkable some decades
along with pharmacological therapy, ago) view of the psychology, as a
have been used in conversion disorder holistic discipline in which a disorder
treatment with high effectiveness. can be explained from different models,
Neuropsychological studies have is what currently we can find in
offered new explanations for the conversion disorder treatment. So,
disorder, due to neuroimage use. although we present the treatments
Considering the information available classified under the model which
about the disorder in the last ten years, “created” them, never forget that in
conversion disorder can be considered present psychology, therapies from
as an extreme stress response, so new different approaches are used together.
treatments should consider this
characteristic in order to improve the a) Psychodynamic treatments
information known so far.

Psychoanalytic treatments were the The main idea for these therapists
first in being used. Considering mental was that, through intensive dialogue,
disorders as mainly caused by disorder could be solved. Therapist
repression, therapists tried to work should be direct patient’s
undercover those repressed emotions in thoughts, in order to help him to bring
the patient, in order to allow them to stressful feeling to conscious.
express their emotions in a healthy way. One of the techniques used by these
The main tool used by them was, as is therapists was hypnosis. For its
widely known, the psychoanalytic complexity and importance in
dialogue, in which the therapist tried to conversion disorder treatment, it seems
bring the repressed thoughts from the proper dedicate a specific part for its
mind’s unconscious to the conscious. explanation.
This way from the unconscious to the
conscious part of the mind is not an II. Hypnosis
easy job, so the use of complementary
techniques to the dialogue seems Despite other times considered as
strongly necessary. It is in this context one of the most effective treatments, in
in which we include the two techniques the recent decades this psychological
that, in our opinion, represent the most tool has been discredited, since the
important ones along with the dialogue cognitive-behavioural establishment as
per se. the paradigmatic one in psychology.
Although not completely disappeared,
I. Psychoanalytic therapy its use has been reduced mainly to
psychodynamic therapists and some
Rooted in Freud’s theories, psychiatrists (quite unknown among
psychoanalytic therapy has been widely psychologists that most of psychiatrists
used along last century and, of course, have a psychodynamic orientation). But
for treating conversion disorder this general tendency it seems to be
patients. Given that the first different in conversion disorder
“psychological” definitions of the treatment. May it be due to the still
disorder were made by psychoanalytic scarce knowledge about the disorder,
therapists, it is clear why the main hypnosis is still considered as a useful
conversion disorder therapies follow treatment for these patients. But if we
this psychological model. talk about hypnosis, first it is necessary

talking about suggestion/self- dissociative symptomatology” (Roelofs
suggestion. et al., 2002). Conversion disorder
It was Janet who coined the term patients were compared with a control
autohypnosis (Janet, 1907), which is a group. The results (table 8) showed that
synonym for the nowadays more used conversion disorder patients were more
concept self-suggestion. He purposed susceptible to hypnotic suggestions than
that, in conversion disorder, patient control patients. As well, it was
would autohypnotize himself in order to observed that the more susceptible a
relief himself from the strong stress he patient was to hypnotic suggestion, the
felt (Roelofs et al., 2002). This more symptoms he displayed. But,
autohypnosis was the reason why, despite of these results, Roelofs et al.
consequently, patient displayed (2002) purpose hypnotic suggestion
somatoform symptoms (patient would susceptibility as a risk factor for
have hypnotized himself some areas of developing conversion seizures, but not
his brain, and the “hypnosis” of these a determinant factor. Even more, they
areas would cause therefore the found that conversion patients were not
symptomatology). only more susceptible to hypnotic
So, having that in mind, it seems suggestions, but to nonhypnotic
quite obvious which would be the suggestions (indirect suggestions) as
disorder treatment: hypnotize the patient well. So, in the light of these results,
again in order to allow the therapist to hypnotic suggestion cannot be
unmake the patient self-hypnosis, bring considered as a determinant factor but
his repressed stress out and, as result, as a risk factor. Despite of it, Roelofs et
allow him to express it properly. al. (2002) study shows a strong support
Some studies have been done in the for hypnosis therapy in conversion
past decades, in order to find support for disorder patients.
these previous assumptions (Goldstein
et al., 2000). Roelofs et al. made a b) Cognitive-Behavioural treatments
research under two main assumptions.
The first one was that “patients with Despite conversion disorder is a well
conversion disorder are highly known disorder since Egyptians time, it
susceptible to hypnosis” The second is astonishing the lack of research in the
assumption was that “hypnotic treatments field. Apart from the
susceptibility is related to the

psychodynamic treatments mentioned patients’ shows, as it was explained
before, which have been studied previously. So, what therapists have
nowadays, are a bunch of treatments
Table 8. Roelofs hypnosis study used for PNES in general, but almost no
Control Conversion one of them specifically tested in
patients patients
(n=50) (n=50) conversion disorder patients. Anyway, a
Measure M SD M SD Effect
brief explanation of these treatments
SHSS-C* 3.9 2.6 5.6 3.1 0.6 from the cognitive-behavioural
SDQ-20* 23.0 3.8 30.5 8.5 1.2
DES 9.1 7.9 11.7 11.0 0.3 approach is given.
DIS-Q 1.8 0.5 1.8 0.7 0.0
Deeply rooted in learning theories,
*Taken from Roelofs et al. (2002).
SHSS-C: Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility behavioural postulates have also
Scale: Form C. integrated cognitive assumptions to
SDQ-20: Somatoform Dissociation their model, with the result of the
paradigmatic psychological model
DES: Dissociative Experiences Scale.
nowadays. Because of that, treatments
DIS-Q: Dissociation Questionnaire.
will show traces from the very

specifically for conversion disorder, traditional learning postulates, to the

there are only other few examples of most recently cognitive psychological

treatments specifically developed or assumptions.

studied for conversion disorder. Which As the name indicates, cognitive-

we can find for its treatment from a behavioural treatments will be

cognitive-behavioural approach, are integrated by two different but

therapies for Psychogenic Nonepileptic simultaneous techniques: the

Seizures (PNES), among which we can behavioural and the cognitive. But, as

classify conversion disorder. PNES are the name is, the intervention process is

a group of mental seizures characterized integrated as well. For that, we talk

for showing several different like- about Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy

neurological seizures, which, indeed, (CBT).

are not caused by neurological disorders This therapy is focused in two

but psychological ones. The term processes: the primary and secondary

“nonepileptical” is used because a high gain that the patient gets due to his

percentage of the symptomatology is disorder. As it has been explained,

almost identical to which epileptic patient gets two main benefits from his
disorder: self-relief (primary gain) and

social attention (secondary gain). There -Phase B: make the patient
is a specific intervention for each one. conscious of the irrational automatic
As the primary gain is an internal thoughts that happen between the
cognitive process, the most suitable stressful event and the anxiety state.
therapy would be cognitive -Phase C: make the patient
restructuring, as purposed by Ellis or conscious of his feelings and his
Beck (we will explain their therapies anxious state, which come from
later). For the secondary gain, a those automatic thoughts.
behavioural approach seems more -Phase D: argue irrational thoughts
suitable, due to the social nature of this discovered in phase B.
process. -Phase E: lead patient (directly or
Cognitive restructuring can be traced indirectly) in the codification of new
back to the 50s, when Albert Ellis adaptative rational thoughts about the
postulated a revolutionary treatment for stressful event and its consequences.
anxiety and affective disorders. His -Phase F: help patient to codify the
treatment is known as Rational Emotive new feelings that result from the new
Behavioural Therapy (REBT) or ABC thoughts of phase E.
model (Ellis, 1957). Ellis purposed that After this brief explanation of
psychological disorders appeared due to Ellis’ model, now let’s show the
cognitive distortions of internal and main techniques that therapist can
external information. Hence, his use in order to achieve his goal:
treatment goal was showing patient that -First of all, an explanation of the
he was committing cognitive biases, and model is strongly recommended.
that those biases were the main reason -After that, therapist should teach
for his disorder. Ellis’ ABC model patient how to detect his
established the following phases for automatic irrational thoughts. It is
patient treatment (in order to adapt it to more difficult in the case of
conversion disorder treatment, ABC conversion disorder patients, due
model will be explained using stress as to their usually belle indifference
example): to their symptomatology.
-Phase A: establish the stressful -When patient realizes of those
events that happen just before thoughts, an argument is
patient’s anxiety state. necessary in order to help patient
to change them.

-Eventually, therapist must that maintains it. Because of that, it
encourage patient to consolidate is indispensable that therapist
the new thoughts. explains (properly to each patient)
Another approach to cognitive the disorder and the main reasons
restructuring is given by Aaron Beck. why it is maintained. It will give the
Originally created as a depression patient a feeling of control, which
therapy, his cognitive therapy (Beck, will be fundamental in the
1979) is nowadays widely used for conversion disorder treatment.
treating almost all kind of psychological 2. Training: it is necessary to train
disorders (Figure 2). His model, as the patient in how detect his
Ellis’s one, takes into account automatic automatic distorted thoughts. Maybe,
cognitive distortions, but includes other this is the phase in which therapist
variables, such basic cognitive schemes actions are more important. Through
and the revolutionary concept of Socratic dialogue, therapist should
cognitive triad (Beck, 1991). With the leads patient to realize those
basic cognitive schemes concept, Beck cognitions and incongruences that
somehow links the cognitive model may be in his speech. In conversion
with the already traditional Freudian disorder, this phase could be even
point of view. In addition, Beckian more important. As Janet said, la
therapy model is more accurate that belle indifference usually means the
Ellis’ REBT. The main points of the patient’s unacknowledged of neither
beckian therapy are the following: symptoms nor stressful events that
1. Psychoeducation: one of the most caused the present conversion
important assumptions in Beck’s disorder. So the acknowledge of
model is that a proper psychological either symptomatology and causing
understanding of the disorder is event are fundamental in this phase.
necessary for changing the factors

3. Behavioural experiments: people around the patient. In this case, it
finally, when patient has is necessary talking with patient family
acknowledge his symptomatology, it and close social sphere, and explain
is necessary to show him that he has them that no attention should be given
not lost his motor or sensorial to patient’s conversion
faculties, but are inhibited due to a symptomatology. Instead of it, attention
stress response. Video records, should be directed to those behaviours
automatic response elicitation and which are incompatible with conversion
consecutive response approaches are behaviours. Those techniques are
useful psychological tools in this known as extinction and differential
final phase. reinforcement, and their intrinsic
Until now, an explanation of how characteristic should be as well
resolve the primary gain has been given explained to the patient’s family and
to reader. It is time now for explaining friends.
the main approaches to secondary gain Once the main points of the CBT
solution. It this case, the therapy will have been shown, it is now turn for
follow a more traditional behavioural presenting some concrete examples of
approach. Secondary gain can be CBT application.
conceived as the attention that a patient LaFrance (LaFrance et al., 2009) set
gets due to his disorder. This gain is up a CBT program specific for patients
sustained by an operational conditioning with PNES, among 2002 and 2007, with
process. Disorder symptomatology is 21 patients, of whom 17 finished the
reinforced by the attention provided by treatment. The therapy consisted in 12

individual one hour weekly sessions. Table 9. LaFrance CBT programme
The therapy was led by a therapist with Session number Description
more than ten years-experience. The Introduction Introduction for the
patient: understanding
sessions’ content is referred in table 9.
The results showed that “sixteen of the
Session 1 Making the decision to
twenty-one participants reported a 50% begin the process of

reduction in seizure frequency, and taking control

Session 2 Getting support
eleven of the seventeen completers
Session 3 Deciding about your
reported no seizures per week by their medication therapy
final CBT session”. Those results prove Session 4 Learning to observe
your triggers
that LaFrance CBT programme was
effective, and he himself says that these Session 5 Channelling negative
evidences open a door for conversion emotions into productive
disorder patients (although study was
Session 6 Relaxation training
not specific for conversion disorder
Session 7 Identifying your
patients). preseizure aura

Other significative CBT efficacy Session 8 Dealing with external

life stress
study was conducted by Goldstein
Session 9 Dealing with internal
between 2001 and 2007 (Goldstein et issues and conflicts
al., 2010). The aim of the study was Session 10 Enhancing personal
wellness: learning to
checking the effectiveness of a CBT
reduce tensions
programme applied to PNES patients
Session 11 Other seizure symptoms
(n=66). The importance of this study is Session 12 Taking control: an

that is one of the few which has a ongoing process

*Based on LaFrance et al. (2009).
control group, whose patients (n=33)
received Standard Medical Care (SMC),
The treatment idea was making
meanwhile the other 33 received the
patients conscious of their
CBT programme. Of the CBT
symptomatology and explaining them
programme group, 66.7% patients
the reasons why they appeared and why
attended to all sessions. The therapy
they persist. The therapy also addressed
consisted on 12 one hour-long weekly
treatment for low self-esteem, low
sessions, led by a CBT-trained nurse
mood or anxiety problems (this last one
is a very interesting one for conversion

disorder patients). Results show that recent years, our knowledge of brain
CBT programme was so much effective working increased dramatically. It has
in symptom reduction that SMC, which allowed us either to improve
is the one usually given to PNES pharmacological therapies, as well as
patients. understanding how they work.
Despite there is no exhaustive Have we seen the neurobiological
information about CBT effectiveness, it explanation for conversion disorder,
is also true that there is the one which referred to a cortical temporary seizure
has more support in the light of the in prefrontal cortex due to patient’s high
results. More research must be done in stress-repressed levels. In recent years
order to confirm this assumption but, another complementary explanation has
until then, CBT programmes seem to be been given by several researchers
the more accurate choice in conversion (LaFrance et al., 2010), an explanation
disorder treatment. based on the serotonergic system. Along
with conversion disorder, other
c) Pharmacological treatments psychological disorders are usually
present, disorders often related with
Conversion disorder treatment based depression or anxiety. Serotonergic
on a pharmacological therapy is a quite system is basically the main
newly one. Although pharmacological neurotransmitter system implicated in
therapy is not new in our discipline, last those disorders. LaFrance assumption
two decades have provided us with a was that, if treating comorbid disorders
deeper knowledge of how the pills work in PNES patients, its PNES symptoms
in our nervous system. Until the 70s- would be reduced as result. Its
80s, all the information relative to pharmacological treatment choice was
psychopharmacological therapy came using Serotonin Selective Reuptake
from essay and trial studies. When a Inhibitors (SSRIs), specifically
new medicament appeared, it was tested sertraline. This study is very important,
into clinical population, and the results due to be the very first Randomized
assessed. Sometimes those Control Trial (RCT) research performed
pharmacological therapies worked, but for studying pharmacological therapy
no exhaustive information about how effectiveness in PNES patients.
could be given. With neuroimaging and As referred previously, amygdala
biochemical techniques development in misregulation is believed to be the main

physiological problem in conversion verbalize both its feelings and the event
disorder, which leads to ACC which probably caused the disorder.
misregulation. Serotonin activity is Abreaction would work, theoretically,
narrowly related with amygdala as hypnosis does, and the rest of the
working. Increasing serotonin levels process would be the same. This
could help in improving PNES technique is among psychodynamic and
symptomatology. pharmacological techniques, but for the
Results showed that sertraline group central play that drugs have, it has been
reduced its PNES symptomatology in included here. Findings say that
comparison with placebo group, abreaction is a useful technique,
although limited sample size made moreover for patients with long-term
impossible to generalize the results. resistant disorder.
Despite of it, the development of a RCT
study is an important step in As it has been presented, there are
pharmacological conversion disorder different approaches for the
treatment research. Anyway, it seems intervention, depending mainly of the
plausible that future studies with proper explanation model used for the
sample size will confirm the results that comprehension of the patient situation.
LaFrance (2010) got. However, one thing in which almost
Along with pharmacological everyone seems to agree is in linking
treatment, CBT therapy is also conversion disorder with stress
necessary in order to actually improve (anxiety). In this line, CBT treatments
patient’s symptomatology. seem to be more or less the same which
Other treatment which could be would be used in other anxiety
included here is the abreaction disorders, and the results are quite good.
technique (Poole, Wuerz, Agrawal, Considering it, one question that comes
2010). Abreaction is a technique in to my mind is, would not be better to
which therapist interviews patient, who classify conversion disorder into anxiety
is under the influence of a drug. The disorders? It is true that the
idea of this method is to reduce the symptomatology is the characteristic of
patient’s consciousness in order to let it somatoform disorders, but the disorder
out the possible repressed feelings and origin seems to be in stressful events,
anxiety which could be maintaining the exactly as in anxiety disorders. The
disorder. Patient, in this situation, would point then is: what is more important for

the disorder classification and Psychology, 13: 38-44.
understanding, its causes or its -Goldstein LH, Chalder T, Chigwedere
symptoms? Maybe the answer of these C, Khondoker MR, Moriarty J, Toone
questions are into the own DSM and BK, Mellers JDC. Cognitive-behavioral
CIE classification criteria, which is therapy for psychogenic nonepileptic
considering symptoms, not causes, due seizures. Neurology 2010;74:1986-
to the impossibility of finding the 1994.
certain origin of several disorders. So, -Goldstein LH, Drew C, Mellers J,
although it could seem that the Mitchel-O'Malley S, Oakley DA.
conversion disorder would fix better Dissociation, hypnotizability, coping
into anxiety disorders group, styles and health locus of control:
symptomatology classification criteria characteristics of pseudoseizure
leads this disorder to somatoform patients. Seiure 2000;9:314-322.
classification group. -Janet P. The major symptoms of
Summarizing, further studies must be hysteria, 1907.
done in order to improve the present -LaFrance WC, Miller IW, Ryan CE,
knowledge available about conversion Blum AS, Solomon DA, Kelley JE,
disorder, especially about its treatments. Keitner GI. Cognitive-behavioral
These studies must follow the path therapy for psychogenic nonepileptic
started in the first decade of the present seizures. Epilepsy & Behavior
century, never forgetting the importance 2009;14:591-596.
of statistical demands. -Poole NA, Wuerz A, Agrawal N.
Abreaction for conversion disorder:
References systematic review with meta-analysis.
The British Journal of Psychiatry
-Beck, A. Cognitive Therapy: A 30- 2010;197:91-95.
year retrospective. American -Roelofs K, Hoogduin KAL, Keijsers
Psychologist 1991; 46:368-375. GPJ, Näring GWB, Moene FC,
-Beck, A. Cognitive Therapy of Sandijck P. Hypnotic susceptibility in
Depression. Guildford Press, 1979. patients with conversion disorder.
-Ellis, A. (1957). Rational Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Psychotherapy and Individual 2002;111:390-395.
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