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Electrostatics Charge Charge is that property of an object by virtue of electrostatic force of interaction on other objects, Charges are of two types () Positive charge (ii) Negative charge which it apply Like charges repel and unlike charges attract each other. Quantization of Charge Charge on any object can be an integer multiple of'a siallest charge (e). Q=tne where, n = 1,2, 3,..-and e= 1.6 x 107% ¢) Conservation of Charge Charge caneiéithér be er eated nor be destroyed, but can be transferred from one object to anoth er object. Recently a new Particle has ; been discovered called ‘Quark’, It contains charge + £ 4 eg The Protons and neutrons ae Combination of other entities called quarks, which h. ave charges 3° However, isolated quarks have no! been observed, so, quantum of charge is still e. Coulomb's Law of Electrostatics int Electrostatic force of interaction acting between two stationary P™ charges is given by are magnitude of point charges, r is the distance between is permittivity of free space, 2 1 _f107N as Ic? Here, ANE, Cc bal ‘Two lines can never intersect. Electric field lines always beginon @ positive charge and end ona negative charge and donot start.or stop in mid space. Electric Field Intensity (£) The electrostatic force acting per unit positive charge on & point iD electric field is called electric field intensity at that point. Electric field intensity E= lim = a7 0 do Its SI unit is NC or Vim and its dimension is (MLT*A™]- Fi tion It is a vector quantity and its direction is in the dire electrostatic force acting on positive charge. . . «give Electric field intensity due to a point charge q at a distance’ ise by re Am Ep r? Electric Potential (V) " * P or us Electric potential at any point is equal to the work done ea fel: positive charge in carrying it from infinity to that point 10 elec ad - Ww | ol V=— ectri¢ potential, q Be , gf unit . Is scalar quantity. are eae ise’ tential due to a point charge at a dig a pletric PO Vv liq Amey r is JIC or volt and its dimension ig (ML? Ta7y, is nce r is given by potential Gradient ‘The rate of change of potential with dis es ient. potential gradient av potential gradient = a tance in electric field is called Its unit is V/m. Relation between potential gradient and electric field intensity is given by ( r) di Equipotential Surface Equipotential surface is any | joining the poi Electra 1: netic Lines of Force a Which mD°S OF force are the imaginary lines drawn in electric field at Dect sitive test charge will move if it is free to do so. “Batig charge! force start from positive charge and terminate on nt drawn at any point on electric field represents the A tange} int. ic field at that porn’ of ee tines of foree never intersect each other. Two ee are always perpendicular to an e icing ey, Electric lines of force surface. Electric Flux (d) Electric flux over an area is equal to the total number of dete lines crossing this area. i Electric flux through a small area element dS is given by op =E-dS where E= electric field intensity and dS = area vector. Its SI unit is N-m?C. | Gauss’s Theorem ‘The electric flux over any closed surface is a times. the total chars £o } enclosed by that surface, i.e., e bg =§, B-dS=— 2q £0 If a,charge q'is placedvat the centre of a cube, then | total électric flux linked with the whole cube = 2 Eo electric flux linked with one face of the cube = —2— Chi i ; : total henge ring-shaped conductor with radius 20%, uniformly distributed around it. Let us at a point P that lies on the axis of the its centre, - 0 () Blectrie Field at Any Point on the Axis of a Ul! the electric field Le distance x from it eximum value of electric field Sess | plectric Field due to a Charged Spherical Shell | (2) At an extreme point (r > R) E=14 4m &y r? 6) At the surface of a shell (r = R) 14a E=—— 4 Ane, R% () Atan internal point (F< R) E=0 5d) Electrie Potential due to a Charged Conducting Spherical Shell > ©) Atan extreme point, (r > R) Ven ) At the surface of a shell, (r = R) v= liq 4ne, R (o) Atan internal ‘Therefore potential equal to the po (iv) Electric Field tential at its surface. point (r< R) 1 V= tre, R J inside a charged conducting spheriea) she is and Potential due to a Charge Non-Conducting Sphere ‘At an extreme point, (r> R) ; Fl . 1 aq (a) Electric field intensity E= inert 0 1 (b) Electric potential V = ak On the,surface; (7 = R) (a) Fledtiic field intensity B=——-S 4m & R’ (b) Electric potential V = ne 4ne) R Inside the sphere, (r< R) 1 qr (a) Electric field intensity E = 2 AT Eg R (b) Electric potential V = 1 q(3R?-1°) —1_g@R =r AN Ep 2k At the centre of the sphere, (r = 0) (a) Electric field intensity E=0 1g () Electric potential v = 3 x 2° dne, Rh Electric Field Intensity due to an Infinite Line Charge ‘) " i Lr + ee eet + a ley 2n eg r where A is linear charge density and r is distance from the line charge. (vi) Electric Field Near an Infinite Plane Sheet of Charge 2&5 where o = surface charge density. If infinite plane sheet has uniform thickness, then s Bot £9 Electric Dipole An electric dipole consists of two equal and opposite point charges Separated by a very small distance. eg., a molecule of HCl, a molecule of water ete. ~~ 2a —— -q +q Electric Dipole Moment p= q x 21 Its ST unit is ‘coulomb-metre’ and its dimension is [LTA]. lt is a vector quantity and its direction is from negative charge towards Positive charge. Electric Field Intensity and Potential due to an Electric Dipole () On Axial Line . 2pr Electric field intensity E = RaG-oF Ifr >> 2a, then E= mar 1 P i tial V = = Electric potential ines a) Ifr>> 2a, then V = + 2 4m €or Gi) On Equitorial Line Electric field intensity H=1_.& P = — AR Eg (r? + a’ 4 +q aX 0 B #-— 2a—__; Ifr>>2a,then pot PB Amey r9 Electric potential V = 9 (ii) At any Point along a Line Making 6 Angle with viet! Axis Electric field intensity f= 1 P-y(1+3cos” 6) as 4ne, 7 ARS M » Aa, 7a, Noy S50. “ SN / Ay ‘ ial V=—t_ Blectric potential V =~ & _ 1 peosd Ifr>>2a,then V “he Torque . Torque acting on an electric dipole placed in uniform electric field is given by t=Epsin® or t= pxE When 0= 90°, then t,,.. = Ep When electric dipole is parallel to electric’ field, | it is in stable equilibrium and when it is anti-parallel to electric field, it is in unstable equilibrium. Work Done Work done is rotating an electric dipole in a uniform electric field from Male 6, to is given by 2 We= Ep (cos 0, — cos 05) Vinitially it is in ¢] rola the direction of electri ‘tating through an angle 0, W = Ep(1 Potential Energy wane pee of an electric dipole in a uniform electric field is given Cos @, Dipole j ae 'n Non-uniform Electric Field "sultant Glectric dip ole is placed in a non-uniform electric field, then a Net nee as well as a torque act on it. Alege? ON ele “tric fie © tric dipole = (aE, ~ qE,), along the direction of greater Theres Intensity, 7 ic field, then work done in — cos 6). ‘Ore a ae . i “eetric dipole undergo rotational as well as linear motion. Potential Energy of Charge System Two point charge system, contains charges g, and q, separateg aa y-_1 U% by, distance r is given by U = Three point charge system % N, In 2 % % =) | , F295, Wo 4nep LK T2 "3 Important Points © When charge is given to a soap bubble its size gets incréased: @ In equilibrium for-a charged soap bubble, pressure-due to surface tension = electric pressure due.to charging 2 or ? F-1(5) re) 4nP of q= 8nr[2e5T where, r is radius of soap bubble and Tis surface tension of soap bubble. Behaviour of a Conductor in an Electrostatic Field 9 Electric field at any point inside the conductor is zero. (ii) Hectic field at any point on the surface of charged conductors maine ‘4 oe to the surface density of charge at fF i ectrie potenti face density of charge. Potential does not depend uupon the su” Gii) Electrie potential at ta A oo ; tant and equal to potential: Point inside the conductor is con® | Electrostatic Shielding The process of protecting certain field from external electric field is called, electrostatic shielding. Electrostatic shielding is achieved by enclosing that region in a closed metallic chamber. Dielectric Dielectrics are of two types Non-polar Dielectric The non-polar dielectrics (like N, Os, benzene, methane) etc. are made up of non-polar atoms/molecules, in which the centre of positive charge coincides with the centre of negative charge of the atom/molecule: Polar Dielectric The polar dielectric (like H,0, CO., NH} etc) are made up of polar atoms/molecules, in which the centre of positive charge does not coincide with the centre of negative charge of the atom. Capacitor A capacitor is a device whichis ‘used\to store huge charge over it, without changing its dimensions. When an earthed a Conductor‘is placed near a charged conductor, then it °creases itspotential and therefore more charge can be stored over it. A capacitor is a pair of two conductors of any shape, close to each other and have equal and opposite charges. Capacitance of a conductor C = 7 lts SI unit is coulomb/volt or farad. Its other units are 1pF=10°F pF =1pF=10°F Its dimensional formula is (M71? T*A"}. Capacitance of an Isolated Spherical Conductor - C=4re,K R For air K = 4 C= Ane h= 168 Parallel Plate Capacitor The parallel plate capacitor consists of two metal plates each other and separated by a distance d. Paralig AE Capacitance C= = ; Ago For air capacitor Cy= = When a dielectric slab is inserted between the plates partially, then capacitance. its vil tort tet tte eee 1 => <—d— -7 c= ‘fo __ (2-4) K If a conducting (metal) slab is inserted betweén the plates, then ck Ag, (d= 1) When a. plates, ha, Ta OMe dielectric slabs are placed fully between tht Ago dg jcleetric slab is placed between th . when @ dielectric slab is en the plates of a capacito: induced on its side due to polarization of dielecnie nw , 1 Y=q}l-— a( K capacitors Combination () InSeries ‘ Ve Waele, 7 tance == + yt, 1 Resultant capacitance ce a a, e a ‘e0 In series charge is same on each capacitor, which is equal to the charge supplied by the source, If¥,, Vo, Vs,... are potential differences across the plates of the capacitors then total voltage applied by the source Vie 4.¥q+¥qt..< {i) In Parallel Resultant capacitance C= C, +C,+Cy +... Inparallel potential differences across the plates of éach{ capacitor issame, Ifa, 92, 93,... are charges on the plate’of capacitors connected in parallel then total charge given’by the source J = Oy dy #1 +... Electric Potential energy of a charged conductor or a capacitor is Biven by, =lygeloyreit U=5Va=5 Cv? =2 2 nie a 2 Redistribution of Charge * two isolated charged conductors are connected to each other “harge is redistributed in the ratio of their capacitances. Common potential V = 47% 92 _ GY, + CoVo G+Q, G+, =¥,)" Energy loss = 1GCV, = Vay < BY loss 2 (G+) Vay egy is lossed in the form of heat in connecting wires. iV with Sey all drops, each of capacitance C, charged to patents “aR go ‘i U coalesce to bey £ Surface charge density o and potential enereY “Ugle dion, Then for new drop Total charge = nq ' Total capacitance = n 70 Total potential = ay Surface charge density =n” o Total potential energy =n”? U Van-de-Graaff Generator It is a device used to build up very high potential difference ,j, order of few million volt. - fi + 1 Y - * ; hs ts working is based on two points a Ee oe ee of sharp points (corona discharge) ‘arge given to a spherical shell resides on its outer suit Lightning Conductor When a charged cloud passes } . n cloud passes to the earth through the tains the hare” buildi igh the building. This cau damage to the building. Thus to protect the tall puilding lightning, the lightning conductors, (which are pointed metal 7, passes over the charge on the clouds to earth, thus protecti=é © building. } ay

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