WAP2000 Overview

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June 2002

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Portions of the Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit contain technology used under license from the World
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Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio

Audience.................................................................................................................................... 7
Typographical Conventions....................................................................................................... 7
Related Documents................................................................................................................... 8

WML Overview ...................................................................................................9

Entities....................................................................................................................................... 9
Tags......................................................................................................................................... 10
Elements.................................................................................................................................. 10
Attributes ................................................................................................................................. 11
Comments ............................................................................................................................... 12
Variables.................................................................................................................................. 12
Case Sensitivity....................................................................................................................... 12
WML Structure ........................................................................................................................ 13

Deck and Card Elements.................................................................................15

card Element ........................................................................................................................... 15
template Element ............................................................................................................... 17
access Element ....................................................................................................................... 18
Access Control Example .................................................................................................... 19
Secure WML....................................................................................................................... 20
Managing Cards and Decks .................................................................................................... 20
Deck2a.wml Example......................................................................................................... 21

Event Elements ................................................................................................23

do Element .............................................................................................................................. 23
ontimer Element ...................................................................................................................... 24
onenterforward Element .......................................................................................................... 25
onenterbackward Element....................................................................................................... 25
onpick Element........................................................................................................................ 26
onevent Element ..................................................................................................................... 26

Task Elements..................................................................................................27
go Element .............................................................................................................................. 27
prev Element ........................................................................................................................... 28
refresh Element ....................................................................................................................... 29
noop Element .......................................................................................................................... 29

Naming Variables .................................................................................................................... 31

Setting Variables ..................................................................................................................... 32
Substituting Variables.............................................................................................................. 32
Variable Example .................................................................................................................... 33

User Input Elements........................................................................................ 35

input Element .......................................................................................................................... 35
select Element ......................................................................................................................... 38
Single-Choice List .............................................................................................................. 40
Multiple-Choice List ............................................................................................................ 41
Formats for User Input ............................................................................................................ 42

Anchors and Images ....................................................................................... 45

anchor Element ....................................................................................................................... 45
img Element............................................................................................................................. 46

Text Formatting Elements............................................................................... 49

Emphasis................................................................................................................................. 49
Text Wrapping and Alignment ................................................................................................. 49
table Element .......................................................................................................................... 50
Special Characters .................................................................................................................. 52
Text Formatting Examples ...................................................................................................... 53
First Text Formatting Example ........................................................................................... 53
Second Text Formatting Example...................................................................................... 54

WMLScript........................................................................................................ 57
WMLScript Standard Libraries ................................................................................................ 57
WML and WMLScript Examples.............................................................................................. 58
Example: Random Number Generator............................................................................... 58
WML code (random.wml)................................................................................................. 58
WMLScript Code (random.wmls) ..................................................................................... 59
Example: Currency Converter............................................................................................ 59
WML Code (currency.wml) .............................................................................................. 59
WMLScript Code (currency.wmls) ................................................................................... 60
Example: Mortgage Payment Calculator ........................................................................... 62
WML Code (mortgage.wml) ............................................................................................. 62
WMLScript Code (mortgage.wmls) .................................................................................. 63
Example Description ........................................................................................................ 63

Push Message Framework.............................................................................. 65

Service Indication Content Type ............................................................................................. 66
SI Content Type Format..................................................................................................... 66
Service Loading Content Type ................................................................................................ 67
SL Content Type Format.................................................................................................... 68
Cache Operation Content Type............................................................................................... 69
CO Content Type Format................................................................................................... 69
Multipart Content ..................................................................................................................... 70
Example: Stock Quote Push Application ........................................................................... 71
Modeling the Phone Presentation Format ......................................................................... 73
The WML Presentation Format........................................................................................ 73
Developing the Stock Quote Generation Servlet ............................................................... 73

Stock Quote Generation Servlet ...................................................................................... 73
Push Initiator Program ....................................................................................................... 76
Registering for the Stock Quote Service ............................................................................ 80
The HTML Registration Form .......................................................................................... 80
The Stock Registration Servlet ........................................................................................ 81
Notes on the Push Application ........................................................................................... 82

WAP Security ...................................................................................................83

Nokia SoftID WIM.................................................................................................................... 83
Example: WIM Security Application ........................................................................................ 84
SignDeck.java Module ....................................................................................................... 84
CryptoScript.java Module ................................................................................................... 87
WML Display ...................................................................................................................... 88

Appendix A: June 2000 WAP Conformance .................................................91

Fully Supported Specifications ................................................................................................ 92
Partially Supported Specifications........................................................................................... 92
SPEC-PushOTA-19991108 ............................................................................................... 92
SPEC-ServiceInd-19991108 .............................................................................................. 93
SPEC-PushMessage-19990816 ........................................................................................ 93
SPEC-WDP-19991105....................................................................................................... 93
SPEC-WCMP-19990804.................................................................................................... 93
SPEC-WTAI-19991108 ...................................................................................................... 93
SPEC-WBXML-19991104.................................................................................................. 94
SPEC-WML-19991104....................................................................................................... 94
SPEC-WAESpec-19991104............................................................................................... 94
Unsupported or Non-Applicable Specifications....................................................................... 95

Glossary ...........................................................................................................97


This guide introduces various aspects of WAP technology in a convenient, easy to read manner. It
thus provides an overview of developing WAP applications that use the two major content types:
WML and WML Script. In addition, there are chapters about other WAP technologies for
implementing Push messages (Service Indication (SI), Service Loading (SL), Cache Operation, and
Multipart) and for WTLS and WIM Security.
This manual provides numerous examples of both client- and server-side WAP applications.
This guide is intended for WAP application developers and is provided as an accompaniment to the
Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit User's Guide. The User's Guide provides a comprehensive description of
the Toolkit user interface.
This guide is not intended to serve as a comprehensive reference manual relating to the
technologies presented. It is essential for all application developers to download relevant WAP
specifications from the WAP Forum web site at http://www.wapforum.org/. Some of these
specifications are listed in the Preface in the section titled "Related Documents."

Typographical Conventions

Notation Explanation

Courier Text that you enter, program code, file and directory
names, function names.

Courier Bold Uniform Resource Locators and commands to be

typed exactly as shown.

Italic References to other guides and documents, new


Bold Names of Windows menus, commands, buttons and


Preface WAP June 2000 Overview

Related Documents
The following Nokia document describes the Toolkit user interface.
n Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit User's Guide

The following specifications, in addition to several others, are created and maintained by WAP
Forum. They are freely available at http://www.wapforum.org/.
n WAP Architecture Specification
n WAP Wireless Application Environment Overview Specification
n WAP Wireless Application Environment Specification
n WAP Wireless Markup Language Specification
n WAP WMLScript Language Specification
n WAP WMLScript Standard Libraries Specification
n WAP Binary XML Content Format Specification
n WAP Wireless Session Protocol Specification
n WAP Push Architectural Overview
n WAP Push OTA Specification
n WAP Push Access Protocol Specification
n WAP Push Proxy Gateway Specification
n WAP Service Indication Specification
n WAP Service Loading Specification
n WAG User Agent Profile (UAPROF) Specification

WML Overview

Wireless Markup Language (WML) is a markup language that is based on the Extensible Markup
Language (XML) and is used for creating content destined for display on wireless mobile devices.
A WML source file has a MIME content type of text/vnd.wap.wml. An encoded or compiled
WML file has a MIME content type of application/vnd.wap.wmlc.
A WML file, whether encoded or not, is called a deck. A deck is the smallest unit of WML that a web
server can send to a user agent for processing in the mobile device.
The basic constituent of a WML deck is the card, which specifies a single interaction between the
device's user agent and the user. When a user agent receives a deck, it typically activates the first
card in the deck, though it can be directed to any particular card in the deck.


Card Card
Card Card
Card Card
Card Card

WML is a case-sensitive language, that is, Speed and speed are different entities. WML also
converts one or more contiguous newlines, carriage returns, tabs and spaces to a single space. To
make the examples contained here easier to follow, we have formatted them with newlines and
tabs. However, note that this formatting is not required for WML to be valid.
WML inherits most of its syntactic constructs from XML. For detailed information on the syntactical
issues of XML, refer to the XML Specification.

WML text can contain numeric or named character entities that specify specific characters in the
document character set. Entities are used to specify characters in the document character set which
must either be escaped in WML or which may be difficult to enter in a text editor. For example, the
ampersand (&) is represented by the named entity &. All entities begin with an ampersand
and end with a semicolon.

WML Overview WAP June 2000 Overview

A tag is a language element descriptor. A tag describes an element and contains an element type
name and a unique identifier. A tag could also include attributes describing other properties.
WML consists of content surrounded by formatting tags, each enclosed in a pair of angle brackets,
< and >.

<tag> This starts an element. The start tag can contain attributes.

</tag> This ends an element.

<tag/> This is an empty element, for example <br/>, indicating a line break.

Elements specify all markup and structural information for a WML deck. Elements may contain a
start tag, content, other elements, and an end tag. Elements have one of two structures:
<tag> content </tag>
- or-
Elements containing content and other elements are identified by a start tag <tag> and an end
tag </tag>. An empty-element tag <tag/> identifies elements with no content.
The following table lists some commonly used WML elements:

Category WML elements

Deck and cards wml


Events do

Tasks go

WAP June 2000 Overview WML Overview

Category WML elements


Variables setvar

User input input


Anchors, images, and timers a


Text formatting br
pre (WAP 1.2 and 1.3)

You use WML elements to create the various components of a card. You might have a component
that creates a connection between one document and another, or between one part of a document
to another part. This type of component is called a link. Or, you might need a component that is
simply part of getting a job done. This type of component is called a task.
WML elements fall into different categories to handle these different components, as explained in
following sections.
For detailed information on the WML elements, refer to the WAP Wireless Markup Language
Specification (see the section titled "Related Documents").

Many WML elements allow you to include attributes in them. Attributes specify additional
information for an element. You always specify attributes in the start tag of an element, using the
following syntax:
<tag attribute1="value1" attribute2="value2" attribute3="value3"...>
You separate each option-value pair by white space, which may be a tab, newline, carriage return,
or space character. You must enclose the value in double quotation marks (").

WML Overview WAP June 2000 Overview

Note that attribute names must be lowercase.

Some attributes are mandatory. For example, the go element requires the href attribute:
<go href="http://www.acme.com"/>
Other attributes are optional and may have default values. For example, the align attribute is
optional for the img element. If you do not specify the align attribute, its value defaults to

WML comments follow the XML commenting style and have the following syntax:
<!-- a comment -->
Comments are intended to be used by the WML author and are not displayed to the user by the user
agent. Note that WML comments cannot be nested.

Parameters can be set for WML cards and decks using variables. To substitute a variable into a card
or deck, the following syntaxes are used:
Parentheses are required if white space does not indicate the end of a variable. Variable syntax has
the highest priority in WML, that is, anywhere the variable syntax is legal, an unescaped ‘$’
character indicates a variable substitution. Variable references are legal in any PCDATA and in any
attribute value identified by the vdata entity type.

Case Sensitivity
XML is a case-sensitive language, and WML has inherited this characteristic. No case folding is
performed when parsing a WML deck. This implies that all WML tags, attributes and contents are
case sensitive. In addition, any enumerated attribute values are case sensitive.
For example, the following attribute values are all different:
n id="Card1"
n id="card1"
n id="CARD1"

WAP June 2000 Overview WML Overview

WML Structure
A valid WML deck is a valid XML document and therefore must contain an XML declaration and a
document type declaration (in this case for WAP 1.1) as follows:
<?xml version="1.0"?>

A WML deck begins and ends with the wml element, while all other elements lie between these
start and end tags:
...all other elements...

The following is a simple WML deck containing a single card. Note that the line numbers are used
for reference purposes only and are not part of the actual code.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- 1 -->
"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml12.dtd"> <!-- 3 -->
<wml> <!-- 4 -->
<card id="First_Card" title="First Card"> <!-- 5 -->
<p> <!-- 6 -->
The first WML example <!-- 7 -->
</p> <!-- 8 -->
</card> <!-- 9 -->
</wml> <!-- 10 ->

The following is a line-by-line explanation of this example:

1 The first line specifies the XML version number.

2 The second line specifies the SGML public document identifier.

3 The third line specifies the location of the WML document type definition (DTD). The DTD can be
located in the network, or you can store it locally to make accessing it faster.

4 The fourth line defines the header of the WML deck. All WML decks must begin with a <wml>
tag and end with a </wml> tag.

5 The following lines define a card containing a start and an end tag and text to be displayed to
the user.

6 The last line is the deck footer. The user agent treats everything between the deck header and
the deck footer as a single WML deck.
When a user agent loads the deck, it is displayed as shown below.

WML Overview WAP June 2000 Overview

Deck and Card Elements

The following table briefly explains the elements you use to define the cards within a deck.

Element Explanation

wml Defines a deck and encloses all the information and cards in
the deck.

card Indicates the general layout and user schemes in the user

template Declares a template for cards in the deck.

head Contains information relating to the deck as a whole,

including meta-data and access control elements.

access Specifies access control information for the entire deck.

meta Contains generic meta information relating the deck.

card Element
The card is the basic unit of navigation within a deck. It is possible to move from one card to
another within the same deck or to move to another deck. Unless specified otherwise, upon
navigation to another deck, the first card is displayed.
The following is a simple card:
<card id="card_name" title="title">
Text containing <i> information </i>.

The following table describes the elements and attributes displayed in the above card.

Deck and Card Elements WAP June 2000 Overview

id="card_name" Specifies a name that allows you to navigate to

the card from other cards in the same deck.

title="title" Specifies advisory information on the card.

<p> Specifies a paragraph.

<i> Specifies italic text emphasis.

The following table lists other attributes of the card element.

newcontext="false" If you set this attribute to true, the browser

context is re-initialized upon entry to this
card. The browser context is used to manage
all parameters and user agent states,
including variables, the navigation history and
other implementation-dependent information
related to the current state of the user agent.

ordered=boolean Gives an indication to the user agent about

how the card content is organized.

onenterforward="href" Navigates to the location specified by href.

Occurs when the user navigates into a card
using a go task.

onenterbackward="href" Navigates to the location specified by href.

Occurs when the user navigates into a card
using a prev task.

ontimer="href" Navigates to the location specified by href

after a specified amount of time.

xml:lang Specifies the natural or formal language in

which the document is written.

id Provides an element with a unique name

within a single deck.

class Affiliates an element with one or more


WAP June 2000 Overview Deck and Card Elements

template Element
The template element enables you to specify that certain task elements (listed below) be
executed whenever any card in the deck is entered. The task specified by the template element will
be executed unless that task is overriden by another task element specified within the card.
A do element’s scope covers the wml element in which it is defined. If you define it in a deck’s
template, it applies to the whole deck, that is to every card in that deck. If you define it in a
card, it applies only to that individual card. Note that when a do element appears inside another
element, the element with the narrower scope takes precedence.
You can include the following elements in a template:
n do
n onevent
n onenterforward
n onenterbackward
n ontimer
In the following example, a deck-level do element indicates that a prev task should execute on
receipt of a particular user action.
n The first card inherits the do element specified in the template and will display the do to the
n The second card overrides the deck-level do element with a noop. The user agent will not
display the do element when displaying the second card.
n The third card does not override the deck-level do element because it uses a different name
<do type="options" name="Prev" label="Previous">
<card id="First_Card">
<do type="accept" name="Next" label="Next">
<go href="#Second_Card"/>
<!-- deck-level do not overridden. The card exposes
the deck-level do as part of the current card. -->
Card 1
<!-- rest of the card -->

Deck and Card Elements WAP June 2000 Overview

<card id="Second_Card">
<do type="accept" name="Next" label="Next">
<go href="#Third_Card"/>

<!-- deck-level do is overridden with NOOP.

It is not exposed to the user. -->
<do type="options" name="Prev">

Card 2
<!-- rest of the card -->
<card id="Third_Card">
<!-- deck-level do is not overridden because the
following <do> element uses a different name
attribute -->

<do type="options" name="do1" label="options">

<go href="/options"/>
Card 3
<!-- rest of the card -->

access Element
When you specify a URL, you gain access to all the variables it uses. To give you control over this
potential security risk, WML supports access control performed with the access element.
You can use the access element in the deck header to specify access control for the entire deck.
The following is a simple example using the access element:
<access domain="domain" path="path"/>
<card id="card1">
Card content

WAP June 2000 Overview Deck and Card Elements

The following table describes the elements in the above example:

<head> Start tag of a head element. A head element can

contain an access and a meta element.

<access> Start tag of an access element.

domain="domain" A deck’s domain and path attributes specify the

path="path" other decks that can access it.
n For example, given the following access control attributes:
n The following decks would be allowed to access this deck:
— The following decks would not be allowed to access this deck:
n The default access control settings let you access any URLs in the same domain. The WAP user
agent uses the domain and path attributes to determine which URLs can access the deck. The
user agent uses a prefix match to compare the URLs of decks trying to access your deck with
the attribute values you define.
The following table lists the elements that let you navigate between decks and the associated
access settings the target deck must specify.

Element Access requirements

prev None.

go href="href" The deck located at the specified href must specify

domain and/or path attributes that match the URL
of the requesting deck.

Access Control Example

In the following example, the access element is used to restrict access to the deck containing
this element. Only decks in the network location “mycompany.com/WML” are allowed access to
this deck.
<!-- NOTE: The domain and path must be customized
for the network location of your WML decks -->

Deck and Card Elements WAP June 2000 Overview

<access domain="mycompany.com" path="/WML"/>


Secure WML
The following WML elements and attributes help to reduce security risks when creating WML

Element Attribute Explanation

access domain Enables access to specified decks. A deck's

path domain and path attributes specify the
other decks that can access it.

go sendrefere Specifies whether the user agent should provide

r the URL of the current deck when requesting
the specified URL. Setting
sendreferer="true" causes the device
to specify the deck URL in the
HTTP_REFERER request header.

Managing Cards and Decks

You are not required to put all the cards used by one of your services in a single deck. In fact, it is
recommended to limit the size of your decks, since different devices have different memory
restrictions. You should learn the memory limitations of the mobile devices your application will be
servicing and take them into consideration when determining an appropriate number of cards for a
WML deck.
Also, when a card has more lines than the user agent can display at once, the user must scroll down
to view all of the lines. For this reason, it is recommended to divide the information into multiple
cards so the user can navigate quickly through the information.
One of the Toolkit sample files, deck2a.wml (found in the \samples subdirectory of the
installation directory), demonstrates dividing deck content into multiple cards.
Deck2a.wml also uses the template element to define a backward navigating task that will
apply to all cards in the deck. The template element enables you to specify actions that will be
executed whenever each card is entered unless commands specified within that card override the
actions specified by the template element.

WAP June 2000 Overview Deck and Card Elements

Deck2a.wml Example
In card1 the template task is overridden with a no-operation task. The third card includes a go
task that specifies the URL of the deck2b.wml. When the user activates the go task, the user
agent navigates to the deck and displays its content.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<do type="prev" name="Previous" label="Previous">
<card id="card1" title="First Card" newcontext="true">
Card 1 ... <br/>
<do type="accept" label="Next Card">
<go href="#card2"/>

<!-- Must override the DO/PREV in the template to

prevent the PREV element from going back to
the previous deck -->

<do type="prev" name="Previous">

<card id="card2" title="Second Card">
Card 2 ... <br/>
<do type="accept" label="Next Card">
<go href="#card3"/>
<card id="card3" title="Third Card">
Card 3 ... <br/>

<!-- NOTE: the following DO element will go to a new

deck. The name of this deck is embedded in the URL.-->

<do type="accept" label="Next Deck">

<go href="deck2b.wml"/>

Event Elements

Several WML elements can generate intrinsic events when the user interacts with them. These
intrinsic events indicate state transitions inside the user agent. WML defines the four intrinsic
events described in this section.
The following table briefly describes these elements.

Element Explanation

do Provides a general mechanism for performing

actions on the current card.

ontimer Specifies an intrinsic event that occurs when a

timer expires.

onenterforward Specifies an intrinsic event that occurs when the

user enters a card under specific circumstances.

onenterbackward Specifies an intrinsic event that occurs when the

user navigates into a card by using a URI retrieved
from the history stack.

onpick Specifies an intrinsic event that occurs when the

user selects or deselects an item in which the event
is specified.

onevent Binds a task to a particular intrinsic event.

postfield Specifies a field name and value for transmission to

an origin server during a URI request.

do Element
A card element can contain do elements that assign a task to a certain key. The following is a
simple example of a do element:
<do type="tasktype" label="label" name="name" optional="false">

Event Elements WAP June 2000 Overview

Entity Explanation

<do> The start tag of the do element. Do elements

may appear inside the card and template
elements. Note that you may specify only one
task for one do element.

type="tasktype" Specifies the type of task to execute. For example,

accept navigates to the next card, and prev
returns to the previous card.
The type attribute is required.

label="label" Specifies the label for the soft key.

name="name" Specifies the name of the do task binding.

optional="false" If you set this attribute to true, the user agent

may ignore this element.

ontimer Element
The timer element declares the existence of a card timer, which is started upon card entry and
stopped upon card exit. This timer can be used to process inactivity or idle time. The value of a timer
will decrement from the initial value, triggering the delivery of an ontimer event when the timer
reaches the value zero. It is a WML syntax error to have more than one timer in a card.
The timeout value is specified in units of one-tenth (1/10) of a second. However, note that you
should not expect a particular timer resolution.

Component Explanation

<timer> Start tag of the timer element.

name="name" Specifies the name of the variable to be set with

the value of the timer. The variable named by the
name attribute will be set with the current timer
value when the card is exited or when the timer

value="50" Specifies the timeout value in units of one-tenth

of a second. This attribute indicates the default
value of the variable named in the name
attribute. This attribute is required.

WAP June 2000 Overview Event Elements

The timer element is used in conjunction with the ontimer entity, which is specified in the
card element in the format ontimer="/next". The ontimer entity specifies a URL to fetch
upon timer expiration.
The following is a simple example of how to use the timer element:
<card id="cardname" ontimer="/next">
<timer name="key" value="50"/>
Hello World!

Note the following:

n Each time the card of the example above is entered, the timer is reset to the value specified by
the value attribute..
n If name is not set, the timer is set to a value of 5 seconds.
n The text “Hello World!” is displayed for five seconds, after which the user agent goes to the URL
The ontimer entity can be specified in the card or template elements.

onenterforward Element
The onenterforward event occurs when the user navigates to a card using a go task or any
other method with identical semantics.

The onenterforward entity can be specified in the card or template elements.

onenterbackward Element
The onenterbackward event occurs when the user navigates into a card using a prev task or
any method with identical semantics. In other words, the onenterbackward event occurs when
the user navigates into a card by navigating to a URL that has been retrieved from the history stack.

The onenterforward entity can be specified in the card or template elements.

Event Elements WAP June 2000 Overview

onpick Element
One of the attributes of the options element is onpick, having the format

In a multiple-selection option list, when the user selects or deselects the option having the
onpick attribute, the user agent navigates to the URL specified by the onpick attribute.

onevent Element
The onevent element binds a task to one of the three previously discussed intrinsic events--
ontimer, onenterforward, or onenterbackward--using the format <onevent
Using the onevent element gives you more control over user agent behavior. An onevent element
is implemented within a parent element, specifying the full event binding for a particular intrinsic
event. For example, consider the following WML code:
<onevent type="onenterforward">
<go href="/url"/>

The above code is equivalent to the following:

<card onenterforward="/url"> Hello </card>

Task Elements

A do element can specify tasks that the user agent is to do when the user presses a key or
navigates to a card or deck. The go, prev, noop and refresh tasks of WML are described in the
following table.

Task Explanation

go Indicates navigation to a location specified by href. If the

href names a WML card or deck, it is displayed.

prev Indicates navigation to the previous URI in the history stack.

refresh Indicates an update of the user agent context as specified by

the setvar tags.

noop Indicates that nothing should be done.

go Element
The go element directs the user agent to the location specified by an href. If the href names a
WML card or deck, it is displayed.
The following is a simple example using the go element.
<go href="#card2"/>

The following table describes the elements used in the above example.

<go> Start tag of a go element, indicating navigation to the

URI specified by href.

href="URI" Specifies the destination, for example, the location of the

card to display. This attribute is required.

The following table lists other attributes of the go element.

Task Elements WAP June 2000 Overview

sendreferer=boolean If set to true, the user agent must specify, for

the server’s benefit, the URI of the deck
containing this task.

method="post|get" Specifies the HTTP submission method.

Currently, the values of get and post are
accepted and cause the user agent to perform
an HTTP get or post respectively.

enctype="ContentType" When the method attribute is post,

enctype specifies one of the two content
encoding types: application/x-www-
form-urlencoded (the default) or
multipart/form-data (WAP 1.2 only).
When the method is get, only the content
type application/x-www-form-
urlencoded is allowed.

accept-charset="chset" Specifies the list of character encodings for

data that the web server must accept when
processing input. The default value is
unknown. The user agent uses the character
encoding that was used to transmit the WML
deck containing this attribute.

id Provides an element with a unique name

within a single deck.

class Affiliates an element with one or more


prev Element
The prev element declares a prev task, indicating navigation to the previous URI on the history
stack. A prev performs a pop operation on the history stack.
The following table lists attributes of the prev element.

id Provides an element with a unique name within a single deck.

class Affiliates an element with one or more classes.

WAP June 2000 Overview Task Elements

refresh Element
The refresh element declares a refresh task, indicating an update of the user agent context
as specified by the setvar element. Side effects of the state changes that are visible to the user
(for example, a change in the screen display) occur during the processing of the refresh task.

noop Element
The noop element specifies that nothing should be done, that is, “no operation”. You will find this
a useful element when you want to override template action.


Parameters can be set for all WML content. This gives you flexibility in creating cards dynamically,
changing displayed content, and navigating based on user input. WML variables can be used instead
of strings; their current value is substituted at runtime.
Variables allow you to create dynamic decks and cards based on user input.
You use the setvar element to specify a variable.

Naming Variables
WML variable names consist of a US-ASCII letter or underscore followed by a zero or more letters,
digits, or underscores. Any other characters are illegal. Note also that variable names are case-
sensitive. Parentheses are required anywhere the end of a variable cannot be inferred from the
surrounding context, for example, if the variable ends with an illegal character such as a white
space. The following examples demonstrate legal variables:
This is a $var
This is another $(var).
This is an escaped $(var:e).
Long form of escaped $(var:escape).
Long form of unescape $(var:unesc).
Short form of no-escape $(var:N).
Other legal variable forms: $_X $X32 $Test_9A
A side effect of the parsing rules is that the literal dollar sign must be encoded with a pair of dollar
sign entities. A single dollar sign entity, even when specified as &#x24;, results in a variable
In order to include a $ character in a WML deck, it must be explicitly escaped by using the
following syntax:
Two dollar signs in a row are replaced by a single $ character. For example:
This is a $$ character.
would be displayed as:
This is a $ character.
To include the $ character in URL-escaped strings, specify it with the URL-escaped form %24.

Variables WAP June 2000 Overview

Note that variable names are case sensitive. This means that variable1, Variable1 and
varIABle1 are all different variables.

Setting Variables
There are a number of ways to set the value of a variable.
n The setvar element, which can be specified in the following task elements:
— go

— prev

— refresh

n The input element, which sets the variable (specified by the name attribute) to whatever the
user enters.
n The select element, which sets the variable (specified by the value attribute) based on the
user's choice of options..
Note that the user input is written to variables when the user commits the input to the input or
select element.
The VAR element specifies a variable name and value, for example:
<setvar name="location" value="$(X)"/>
Note the following when setting variables:
n You can change variable values set with WML using WMLScript and vice versa, meaning that
WML and WMLScript use the same variables.
n You can use the newcontext attribute to clear all the variable values of the current browser

Substituting Variables
You can substitute variable values into formatted text, option values, and URL attributes in WML
elements. However, note that only textual information can be substituted, that is, no substitution of
elements or attributes is possible. The substitution of variable values happens at runtime in the user
agent. As the substitution is merely a string substitution operation, it does not affect the current
value of the variable. If an undefined variable is referenced, it results in the substitution of the
empty string.
The following table describes how you can substitute variable values.

WAP June 2000 Overview Variables

Variable Reference Explanation

$var or Substitutes the value of var. The user agent

$(var) escapes the variable using URL escaping
conventions in the appropriate context.

$(var:e) or Substitutes the value of var, escaping non-

$(var:escape) alphanumeric characters according to URL
encoding conventions.

$(var:unesc) Substitutes the value of var, unescaping non-

alphanumeric characters according to URL
encoding conventions.

$(var:N) or Substitutes the value of var, without escaping

$(var:noesc) non-alphanumeric characters.

Note that the use of a conversion during variable substitution does not affect the actual value of
the variable.
If no conversion is specified, the variable is substituted using the conversion format appropriate for
the context. The onenterbackward, onenterforward, href and src attributes default to
escape conversion; elsewhere, no conversion is done. Specifying the noesc conversion disables
context-sensitive escaping of a variable.

Variable Example
The following example demonstrates the use of tasks and variables in WML decks and cards. Note
that the variables will not be set until the user navigates to the second card of the deck.
<card id="card1" title="First Card" newcontext="true">
Card 1 Contents... <br/>

<!-- The following variables will not be defined

until the other card in this deck is entered. -->

card1 var1 = $(card1_var1) <br/>

card2 var1 = $(card2_var1) <br/>
<do type="accept" label="Next">
<go href="#card2">
<setvar name="card1_var1" value="val_1"/>

Variables WAP June 2000 Overview


<card id="card2" title="Second Card">

<onevent type="onenterforward">
<setvar name="card2_var1" value="val_2"/>

Card 2 Contents... <br/>
card1 var1 = $(card1_var1) <br/>
card2 var1 = $(card2_var1) <br/>

<do type="prev" label="Previous">

When you navigate to the first card of the deck, the following user interface is displayed:

n Note that the variables have not yet been set.

n When you press Options to navigate to the second card, the variable card1_var1 is set.
n Upon entry to the second card, the variable card2_var1 is set and the browser context is
refreshed. Now the user agent displays the following user interface:

User Input Elements

The user input elements provide a mechanism for capturing user input. The following table lists
these elements.

Element Description

input Specifies a text entry obect.

select Allows the user to choose from a list of options. WML

supports both single-choice and multiple-choice lists.

option Specifies a single choice option in a select element.

optgroup Lets you group related option elements in a hierarchy to

facilitate layout and presentation by the user agent.

fieldset Lets you group related fields and text.

Unlike the user input paradigm in HTML where a user enters content in fields and finally clicks a
Submit button to send the input off to the server, WML does not have a specific Submit button
input element. Rather, WML input is sent to the server when the user selects the soft-key label
associated with the <do> element.

input Element
The input element specifies a text entry object. You can determine the format of the string the
user enters and place default text in the entry field.
The following is a simple example using the input element:
Entry: <input name="varname" default="default"
format="fmt" emptyok="boolean" size="input_size"

The following table lists the input attributes used in the above example.

User Input Elements WAP June 2000 Overview

name="varname" The name of the variable to set with the result of

the user’s text input. This attribute is required.

default="default" Specifies a default text string, which appears in

the entry field.

format="fmt" Specifies an input mask for user input entries. The

default format allows the user to enter any

emptyok="boolean" If emptyok is set to true, no user input is

required; if false (the default), the user must enter

size="input_size" Specifies the width, in characters, of the text

input area.

maxlength="max_char Specifies the maximum number of characters that

" the user can enter in the text entry area. The
default is unlimited.

The following table lists other attributes of the input element.

tabindex="number" Specifies the tabbing position of the input field.

The tabbing position indicates the relative order
in which elements are traversed when tabbing
within a single WML card.

value="value" Specifies the value of the variable named in the

name attribute. The default and value
attributes are identical in their behavior and

type="input_type" Specifies the type of the text input area. The

allowed values are text and password. In
text type, input is displayed to the user in a
readable form. In password type, input of each
character is echoed in an obscured form. Note
that password input is insecure and critical
application should not be dependent on it. The
default type is text.

title="title" Specifies a title for the input element. The title

may be used in the presentation of this object.

WAP June 2000 Overview User Input Elements

accesskey="key" Assigns an access key (phones typically use a

singular character "0"-"9" or "*" or "#") to the
input element, thus allowing the user to activate
a particular element by using a single key.

xml:lang Specifies the natural or formal language in which

the document is written.

id Provides an element with a unique name within a

single deck.

class Affiliates an element with one or more classes.

The following deck defines a card requesting the user to enter a name and a card displaying the
name entered.
<card id="Card_1" title="Card 1">
<do type="accept">
<go href="#Card_2"/>
Enter your name: <input name="username"/>

<card id="Card_2" title="Card 2">

Hello $(username)!
This deck generates the following interface in the user agent (as shown on a 6150 model phone):

User Input Elements WAP June 2000 Overview

The deck operates as follows:

1 When you navigate to the card, the prompt asks you to enter your name. Press Options to see
the selections. Press Select to go to input card.

2 In the input card that appears, enter your name by using your computer keyboard or the
keypads of the simulation phone. When you are done, press OK.

3 The first card appears again, with the name you entered. Press OK to go to the second card of
the deck.
The name attribute specifies a variable name to which the phone stores the text that the user
enters in the text entry field. To substitute a variable value at runtime, you must add a dollar sign
($) in front of the variable name.

select Element
A select list specifies a list of options that the user can choose from. WML supports both single-
choice and multiple-choice lists.
The following is a simple example using the select element:
<card id="card1" title="Currency" newcontext="true">
Amount: <input format="*N" name="amount"
<select name="from" value="USD" title="From:">
<option value="DEM">German Mark</option>
<option value="FRF">French Franc</option>
<option value="FIM">Finnish Markka</option>
<option value="USD">US Dollar</option>
<select name="to" value="FIM" title="To:">
<option value="DEM">German Mark</option>
<option value="FRF">French Franc</option>

WAP June 2000 Overview User Input Elements

<option value="FIM">Finnish Markka</option>

<option value="USD">US Dollar</option>
<br/>= <u>$(conversion)</u>
<do type="accept" label="Calculate">
<go href="currency.wmls#convert('conversion',
<do type="help" label="Help">
<go href="#card1_help"/>

The following table describes the attributes of the select element used in the above example:

multiple="boolean" When set to TRUE, multiple user selections are

permitted; when FALSE, only a single user
selection is allowed. The default value is FALSE.

name="varname" The name of the variable that receives the value

of the chosen item.

default="default" The default value of the variable specified by the

name attribute. If the name variable already
contains a value, the name attribute is ignored.

title="title" A title for the select element, which can be

used in the presentation of this object.

The following table lists other attributes of the select element.

iname="varname" The name of the variable that is set with the

index result of the user selection. When the user
selects an item, the user agent sets the variable
specified by iname to the number of the chosen
item. The number 1 specifies the first item, the
number 2 the second item, and so on. The number
0 indicates that no option is selected.

ivalue="default" The index of the option element selected by

default. If the variable specified by the iname
attribute is not set when the card is displayed, it
is assigned the entry selected by default. If the
variable already contains a value, the ivalue
attribute is ignored.

User Input Elements WAP June 2000 Overview

tabindex="number" Specifies the tabbing position of the input field.

The tabbing position indicates the relative order
in which elements are traversed when tabbing
within a single WML card.

xml:lang Specifies the natural or formal language in which

the document is written.

id Provides an element with a unique name within a

single deck.

class Affiliates an element with one or more classes.

Single-Choice List
The following example illustrates a simple single-choice list with a default value. Note the
n The “dog” option would be pre-selected if the “I” variable had not been previously set.
n If the user were to choose the “cat” option, the variable “I” would be set to a value of “2”.
Please choose your favorite animal:
<select iname="I" ivalue="1">
<option value="D">Dog</option>
<option value="C">Cat</option>
This deck generates the following interface in the user agent (as shown on a 6150 model phone):

WAP June 2000 Overview User Input Elements

Multiple-Choice List
The following example specifies a multiple-choice list. Note the following:
n The “dog” and “cat” options would be pre-selected if the variable “I” had not been previously
n If the user were to choose the “cat” and “horse” options, the variable “X” would be set to “C;H”
and the variable “I” would be set to “2;3”.
Please choose <i>all</i> of your favorite
<select name="X" iname="I" ivalue="1;2"
<option value="D">Dog</option>
<option value="C">Cat</option>
<option value="H">Horse</option>
This deck generates the following interface in the user agent (as shown on a 6150 model phone):

User Input Elements WAP June 2000 Overview

Formats for User Input

The format attribute allows you to specify the type and case of characters that the user can
enter. You can use a combination of the following special characters:

Character Explanation

A Allows any uppercase alphabetic or punctuation character, that

is, uppercase non-numeric character.

a Allows any lowercase alphabetic or punctuation character, that

is, lowercase non-numeric character.

N Allows any numeric character.

X Allows any uppercase character.

x Allows any lowercase character.

M Allows any character. The user agent may choose to assume that
the character is uppercase for the purposes of simple data entry,
but must allow entry of any character. This is the default format.

m Allows any character. The user agent may choose to assume that
the character is lowercase for the purposes of simple data entry,
but must allow entry of any character.

*f Allows any number of characters; f is one of the above format

codes and specifies what kind of characters can be entered. Note
that this format can only be specified once and must appear at
the end of the format string.

nf Allows n characters where n is a number from 1 to 9; f is one of

the above format codes and specifies what kind of characters can
be entered. Note that this format can only be specified once and
must appear at the end of the format string.

WAP June 2000 Overview User Input Elements

Character Explanation

\c Displays the next character, c, in the entry field. Allows quoting

of the format codes so they can be displayed in the entry area.

For example, let us suppose that you use the format specifier
\(3N\). This instructs the user agent to automatically insert a
left parenthesis before the user has entered anything, and a right
parenthesis after the user has entered three digits.

The following example is a card that prompts the user for a first name, last name and age. Note
that in the Age field the user can enter a two-digit number.
First name: <input type="TEXT" name="first"/><br/>
Last name: <input type="TEXT" name="last"/><BR/>
Age: <input type="TEXT" key="age" format="NN"/>

Anchors and Images

anchor Element
The anchor and a elements specify the head of a link. The tail of a link is specified as part of
other elements, for example, a card name attribute. Note that it is a WML syntax error to nest
anchored links.
You can use anchors anywhere formatted text is legal, except for option elements.
An anchored link must have an associated task that specifies the behavior when the anchor is
selected. You must anchor one of the following task elements to a link:
n go
n prev
n refresh
Note that it is a WML syntax error to specify more than one task in either an anchor or a
The a element is a short form of the anchor element and is bound to a go task without variables.
For example, the following markup
<anchor>follow me
<go href="destination"
is identical semantically to the following markup
<a href="destination">follow me</a>

The following is a simple example using the anchor element:

<card id="name" title="title">
Normal text and a
<anchor title="link_title" accesskey="#">link!
<go href="url"/>

Anchors and Images WAP June 2000 Overview

The following table describes the elements used within the anchor element in the above example
(note that the anchor element can also specify the xml:lang attribute:

<go> Specifies a task binding to the link.

title="link_title" Specifies a brief text string identifying the link.

For it to work well with a broad range of user
agents, keep your labels under 6 characters.

accesskey="#" Assigns the access key "#" to the link specified by

the href attribute, thus allowing the user to
activate the link by pressing the "#" key..

The following WML deck includes a link to file.wml. When the user activates the link, the user
agent navigates to file.wml and sets the specified variable.
<card id="links" title="Links">
This is normal text, but here is a
<anchor title="LINK">link!
<go href="dir/file.wml">
<setvar name="var_name" value="var_value"/>
The deck generates the following text in the user agent:

img Element
The img element indicates that an image is to be included in the text flow. The following is a
simple example using the img element.
<card id="card_name" title="title">
This text flow presents an
<img alt=”Picture not available”

WAP June 2000 Overview Anchors and Images

src=”http://three.com/picture.wbmp” />
that I designed myself.

The following table describes the attributes of the img element used in the above example.

alt Specifies alternate text to display in the event that

the user agent is unable to display images.

src Specifies the URI of the image to be displayed.

The following table describes other attributes of the img element.

localsrc=file- Specifies an alternate internal representation of the

name image. If this image exists, it is used instead of the
image specified by the src element.

hspace=length Specifies the amount of white space to be inserted to

vspace=length the left and right (hspace) and above and below
(vspace) the image. The default is 0. The length value
can be expressed as a percentage of the available

Align=(top | Specifies image alignment within the text flow. Top

middle | bottom) means that the top of the image aligns with the top
of the current text line; middle meand the the middle
of the image aligns with the middle of the text line;
and bottom means the bottom of the image aligns
with the bottom of the text line.

height=length These attributes provide a hint to the user agent

width=length (which may ignore them) as to the size of the
incoming image so that it might set aside the space
for it while continuing to process incoming text.

xml:lang These three attributes may be used with the img

id element; they are described elsewhere.

Text Formatting Elements

The following sections describe using WML elements to format text that is displayed on the user
agent screen.

The emphasis tags specify text emphasis markup information. The emphasis tags are described in
the following table.

em Render with emphasis.

strong Render with strong emphasis.

i Render with an italic font.

b Render with a bold font.

u Render with underline.

big Render with a large font.

small Render with a small font.

Use the strong and em tags where possible. It is not recommended to use the b, i and u tags
except where explicit control over text presentation is required.

Text Wrapping and Alignment

To start a new line in display text, simply insert a <br/> tag where you want to start the line. Note
that adding a carriage return or line feed has no effect: the WML compiler treats it as a single
The p element establishes both the line wrap and alignment parameters for a paragraph. WML has
two line-wrapping modes for visual user agents: breaking (or wrapping) and non-breaking (or non-
wrapping). The current line wrap mode controls how lines too long to fit on the screen are treated.

Text Formatting Elements WAP June 2000 Overview

n If mode="wrap" is specified, the line is word-wrapped onto multiple lines. In this breaking
mode, line breaks should be inserted into a text flow as appropriate for presentation on an
individual device, and any space between words is a legal line breaking point.
n If mode="nowrap" is specified, the line is not automatically wrapped. In this non-breaking
mode, the user agent must provide a mechanism to view entire non-wrapped lines (horizontal
scrolling, for example, or some other user-agent-specific mechanism).
Any space between words is a legal line break point. The non-breaking space entity (&nbsp; or
&#160;) indicates that the user agent must not treat the space as a space between words. It is
recommended that you use &nbsp; to prevent unwanted line breaks. The soft-hyphen character
entity (&shy; or &#173) indicates a location that may be used by the user agent for a line break.
If a line break occurs at a soft-hyphen, the user agent inserts a hyphen character (&#45;) at the
end of the line. In all other operations, the soft-hyphen entity is ignored. Note also that a user
agent may ignore soft-hyphens when formatting text lines.
The p tag establishes both the new wrap and alignment parameters for a paragraph. If the wrap
mode is not specified, it is identical to the line–wrap mode of the previous paragraph in the current
card. If the text alignment is not specified, it defaults to left.
Empty paragraphs, such as an empty element or an element with only insignificant white space,
should be considered as insignificant and ignored by visual user agents. Insignificant paragraphs do
not impact line-wrap mode. If the p element in a card does not specify a line-wrap or alignment
mode, that mode defaults to the initial mode for the card. The user agent must insert a line break
into the text flow between significant p elements.

table Element
You use the table element, with the tr and td elements, to create sets of aligned columns of
text and images. The table elements determine the structure of the columns. The elements
separate content into columns, but do not specify column or intercolumn widths.
The user agent makes a best effort to present the information in a manner appropriate to the
device. Note that you cannot nest table elements. Tables are constructed using the following
three elements.

table Creates sets of aligned columns of text

and images.

tr Used with the table element,

specifies the start of a single table row.

td Used with the table element,

specifies table data (a table cell) within
a table row.

WAP June 2000 Overview Text Formatting Elements

The alignment of the text and images within a column is specified by the align attribute. You
can align the contents of a column center, left, or right. The align attribute value is interpreted as
a list of alignment designations, one for each column. You specify center alignment with the value
"C", left alignment with the value "L", and right alignment with the value "R".
The first designator in the list applies to the first column, the second designator to the second
column, and so on. The default alignment is applied for any column for which an alignment
designation is omitted. For left-to-right languages, the default alignment is left. For right-to-left
languages, the default alignment is right.
You must use the columns attribute to specify the number of columns for the row set. The user
agent must create a row set with exactly the number of columns specified by the columns
attribute value.
If the actual number of columns in a row is less than the value specified in the columns attribute,
the row must be effectively padded with empty columns. The orientation of the table depends on
the language: for left-to-right languages, the leftmost column is the first column in the table.
Columns are added to the right side of a row to pad left-to right tables. Columns are added to the
left side of a row to pad right-to left tables.
If the actual number of columns in a row is greater than the value specified by the columns
attribute, the extra columns of the row must be aggregated into the last column, such that the row
contains exactly the number of columns specified. A single inter-word space must be inserted
between two cells that are being aggregated.
Depending on the display characteristics, the user agent may create aligned columns for each table,
or may use a single set of aligned columns for all tables in a card. To ensure the narrowest display
width, the user agent should determine the width of each column from the maximum width of the
text and images in that column. A non-zero width gutter must be used to separate each non-empty
The following example contains a card with a single column group, containing two columns and
three rows.
<table columns="2" align="L">
<tr><td>One </td><td> Two </td></tr>
<!--row missing one cell -->
<!-- row with too many cells -->

The following table describes the elements and attributes of the table element used in the above

Text Formatting Elements WAP June 2000 Overview

<tr> Specifies a container to hold a single table row.

Table rows may be empty (for example, all the
cells in the row are empty). Empty rows are
significant and must not be ignored.

<td> Specifies a container to hold a single table cell

data within a table row. Table data cells may be
empty. Empty cells are significant, and must not
be ignored. The user agent should make a best
effort to deal with multiple line data cells that
may result from using images or line breaks.

columns="2" Specifies the number of columns for the row set.

align="L" Specifies the layout of text and images within the

columns of a row set.

Special Characters
WML supports both named and numeric character entities. Note that all numeric character entities
are referenced with respect to the document character set (Unicode) and not to the current
document encoding (charset). This means that the notation &#123; always refers to the same
logical character, independent of the current character encoding.
WML supports the following character entity formats:
n Named character entities, such as &amp; and &lt;
n Decimal numeric character entities, such as &#123;
n Hexadecimal numeric character entities, such as &#x12;
The following table illustrates the seven named character entities that are particularly important in
the processing of WML.

Entity Notation Explanation

quot &#34; quotation mark

amp &#38; ampersand

apos &#39; apostrophe

lt &#60; less than

WAP June 2000 Overview Text Formatting Elements

Entity Notation Explanation

gt &#62; greater than

nbsp &#160; non-breaking space

shy &#173; soft hyphen (discretionary hyphen)

! Note: The semicolon (;) is part of the escape sequence for a special character.

To include a special character, simply use the escaped notation described in the table above. For
example, the following code includes a less than character (<) in the escaped form &#60.
<card id="Card_1">
Numerically 5 &#60; 10
This would generate the following screen display:

Text Formatting Examples

First Text Formatting Example

The following WML illustrates the use of text emphasis tags.
<card id="card1">
of Nokia's

Text Formatting Elements WAP June 2000 Overview

<strong> Wireless Application Protocol</strong>

<b> Toolkit</b>
When displayed, this card generates the following user interface:

Note that the user agent can only display a few lines at a time and so you must scroll down through
the display to see the last lines of the card.

Second Text Formatting Example

The following WML deck contains two cards. When the user presses the ACCEPT soft key labeled
“Next,” the user agent navigates to the second card of the deck and displays its content.
Note that the line numbers are used for reference purposes only and are not part of the actual code.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- 1 -->
"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml12.dtd"> <!-- 3 -->
<wml> <!-- 4 -->
<card id="First_Card"> <!-- 5 -->
<do type="accept" label="Next"> <!-- 6 -->
<go href="#Second_Card"/> <!-- 7 -->
</do> <!-- 8 -->
<p> <!-- 9 -->
Select <b>Next</b> to display the <!-- 10 -->
next card.
</p> <!-- 11 -->
</card> <!-- 12 -->
<card id="Second_Card"> <!-- 13 -->
<p> <!-- 14 -->
This card contains the following: <!-- 15 -->
</p> <!-- 16 -->
</card> <!-- 17 -->
</wml> <!-- 18 ->

In the user agent, the above WML generates the following display:

WAP June 2000 Overview Text Formatting Elements

The following is a line-by-line explanation of this example:

1 Lines 1-3 define the document prologue that identifies the XML subset. This prologue must be
included at the beginning of every WML deck, that is, before every <wml> tag.

4 The fourth line defines the header of the WML deck. All WML decks must begin with a <wml>
tag and end with a </wml> tag.

5 The fifth line of the deck specifies the header of the first card. Like decks, cards require begin
and end tags, for example, <card> and </card>.

Most WML elements allow you to specify attributes. Attributes are entered in the form
attribute=value, where attribute is the attribute name and value is an alphabetic
or numeric value that you specify.

6 The sixth line defines an action, which specifies what the user agent should do when the user
presses a specified function key. The type attribute identifies the key (accept) and the label
attribute a label name (Next) for the specified key.

7 The seventh line specifies the action related to the specified key. The href attribute identifies
the target href destination, for example, the card named card2.

8 Lines 8 terminates the do element.

9 Lines 9 and 10 insert a paragraph break and then some text to display.

11 Lines 11 and 12 close the paragraph and terminate the first card.

13 Lines 13-17 specify a second card that displays some text, and line 18 terminates the deck.


This chapter discusses the features of the Wireless Markup Language Script (WMLScript) language
and how to use them.
WMLScript is part of the WAP application layer, and you can use it to add client side procedural
logic to WML cards and decks. The language is based on ECMAScript, but it has been modified to
better support low bandwidth devices such as mobile phones.
WMLScript can also be used as a standalone tool.
With WMLScript, you can supplement the functions of WML in the following ways:
n You can check the validity of user input.
n You can access facilities of the user agent. For example, on a mobile phone, allowing the
programmer to make phone calls, send messages, add phone numbers to the address book, or
access the SIM card.
n You can generate messages and dialogs locally, thus allowing alerts, error messages,
confirmations etc to be seen faster by the user.
n You can build extensions to the user agent software and configure a user agent after it has
been deployed.
For a detailed presentation of WMLScript, refer to the WAP WMLScript Language Specification (see
the section titled “Related Documents”).

WMLScript Standard Libraries

The following table briefly describes the WMLScript standard libraries.

Library Description

Float This library contains a set of typical arithmetical floating-

point functions that are frequently used by applications.

String This library contains a set of string functions.

WMLScript WAP June 2000 Overview

Library Description

URL This library contains a set of functions for handling absolute

URLs and relative URLs.

WMLBrowser This library contains functions that WMLScript uses to access

the associated WML context.

Dialogs This library contains a set of typical user interface functions.

WML and WMLScript Examples

This section contains three examples of WML and WMLScript applications. The first generates a
random number; the second converts currency values; the third calculates mortgage payments.

Example: Random Number Generator

This example uses a WML file (random.wml) containing two cards and one WMLScript file

n The first card (card1) calls the WML script random.wmls and requests the function
getRandom that generates a random number.
n The second card (card2) shows the result of the WMLScript operation.

n The script file random.wmls generates a random number and returns the result to the second
card of the WML deck.

WML code (random.wml)

<!-- random.wml -->
<card id="card1" title="Random Example">
<p align="center">
Select Random
<do type="accept" label="Random">
<go href="random.wmls#getRandom()"/>
<card id="card2" title="Random Result">
Result: $(RESULT)

WAP June 2000 Overview WMLScript

WMLScript Code (random.wmls)

The script function sets "r" to a random number between 0 and 100. It then calls a function from
the WMLBrowser library to set $(RESULT) to this number "r". It then calls another function from the
WMLBrowser Library to display the second card where the RESULT variable will be displayed with its
new value.
extern function getRandom () {
var r = Lang.random(100);
WMLBrowser.setVar("RESULT", r);

Example: Currency Converter

The following WML and WMLScript example demonstrates an application that converts currency
values between US dollars, German Marks, French Francs and the Finnish Markka.
This example code is also provided as the currency.wml and currency.wmls files in the
\samples subdirectory under the Toolkit installation directory.

WML Code (currency.wml)

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="card1" title="Currency" newcontext="true">
Amount: <input format="*N" name="amount" title="Amount:"/>
<select name="from" value="USD" title="From:">
<option value="DEM">German Mark</option>
<option value="FRF">French Franc</option>
<option value="FIM">Finnish Markka</option>
<option value="USD">US Dollar</option>
<select name="to" value="FIM" title="To:">
<option value="DEM">German Mark</option>
<option value="FRF">French Franc</option>
<option value="FIM">Finnish Markka</option>
<option value="USD">US Dollar</option>
<br/>= <u>$(conversion)</u>
<do type="accept" label="Calculate">
<do type="help" label="Help">
<go href="#card1_help"/>
<card id="card1_help" title="Help">

WMLScript WAP June 2000 Overview

<onevent type="onenterforward">
<go href="currency.wmls#getInfoDate('date')"/>
The currency rates were obtained from the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York on $(date).
<do type="prev" label="Back">

WMLScript Code (currency.wmls)

* Return the date when the data was generated.
*@param varName - the variable to store the results
extern function getInfoDate(varName) {
WMLBrowser.setVar(varName,"October 29 1998");
* Calculate the exchange rate
*@param varName - the variable to store the results
*@param amount - the amount to convert
*@param from - the original currency
*@param to - the currency to convert to
*@return a string containing the converted amount; or an error
* if "from" and/or "to" is not supported.
extern function convert(varName,from,to,amount) {
var multiplier = 0.0;
var returnString = "Not Available";
var result;
if (from == "DEM") {
* German Mark
var DEM_FIM = 0.328728;
var DEM_FRF = 0.298331;
var DEM_USD = 1.653500;
if (to == "DEM")
multiplier = 1.0;
else if (to == "FIM")
multiplier = DEM_FIM;
else if (to == "FRF")
multiplier = DEM_FRF;
else if (to == "USD")
multiplier = DEM_USD;

WAP June 2000 Overview WMLScript

} else if (from == "FIM") {

* Finnish Markka
var FIM_DEM = 3.042032;
var FIM_FRF = 0.907533;
var FIM_USD = 5.030000;
if (to == "FIM")
multiplier = 1.0;
else if (to == "DEM")
multiplier = FIM_DEM;
else if (to == "FRF")
multiplier = FIM_FRF;
else if (to == "USD")
multiplier = FIM_USD;
} else if (from == "FRF") {
* French Franc
var FRF_DEM = 3.351981;
var FRF_FIM = 1.101889;
var FRF_USD = 5.542500;
if (to == "FRF")
multiplier = 1.0;
else if (to == "FIM")
multiplier = FRF_FIM;
else if (to == "DEM")
multiplier = FRF_DEM;
else if (to == "USD")
multiplier = FRF_USD;
} else if (from == "USD") {
* US Dollar
var USD_DEM = 0.604778;
var USD_FIM = 0.198807;
var USD_FRF = 0.180424;
if (to == "USD")
multiplier = 1.0;
else if (to == "FIM")
multiplier = USD_FIM;
else if (to == "FRF")
multiplier = USD_FRF;
else if (to == "DEM")
multiplier = USD_DEM;
if (multiplier != 0.0) {
* Make the calcualtion
result = amount / multiplier;
returnString = String.toString(result);
returnString = String.format("%.2f", returnString);

WMLScript WAP June 2000 Overview

* Return the results to the browser

Example: Mortgage Payment Calculator

The following WML and WMLScript example demonstrates a simple application for calculating
mortgage payments. This example code is also provided as the mortgage.wml and
mortgage.wmls files in the \samples subdirectory under the Toolkit installation directory.

WML Code (mortgage.wml)

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="card1" title="Mortgage Calc" newcontext="true">
Principal: <input format="*N" name="principal"
title="Principal:" value="150000"/>
Interest: <input format="*N" name="interest" title="Interest:"
Num payments:<input format="*N" name="num_payments" title="Num.
payments:" value="360"/>
Payment = <u>$(payment)</u>
<do type="accept" label="Calculate">
<do type="help" label="Help">
<go href="#help"/>
<card id="help" title="Help">
<u>Principal</u> - $$ amount<br/>
<u>Interest</u> - e.g. 7.5<br/>
<u>Payments</u> - e.g. 360 for 30 years<br/>
<do type="prev" label="Back">

WAP June 2000 Overview WMLScript

WMLScript Code (mortgage.wmls)

* Calculate a mortgage's payment
*@param varname the variable name to store the result
*@param principal the principal
*@param interest the interest rate
*@param num_payments the number of payments
*@return the payment
extern function payment(varname, principal, interest, num_payments) {
* Interest formulae:
* If (i != 0), then:
* pmt = principal * [i * (1+i)^n / ((1+i)^n - 1)]
* If (i == 0), then:
* pmt = principal / n
var mi = interest/1200; // monthly interest from annual percentage
var payment = 0;
if (mi != 0) {
var tmp = Float.pow((1 + mi), num_payments);
payment = principal * (mi * tmp / (tmp - 1));
} else {
if (num_payments != 0)
payment = principal / num_payments;
var s;
if (payment != 0)
s = String.format("$%6.2f", payment);
s = "Missing data";
* Send the result to the browser
WMLBrowser.setVar(varname, s);
* Make sure the browser updates its current card

Example Description

1 Open and Show the file mortgage.wml. The simulation displays the following:

WMLScript WAP June 2000 Overview

This card displays the default values for principal, interest, and number of payments.

2 Use the UP and DOWN arrows to select a field; then choose the Options soft key to change its

3 Choose Select to edit the principal amount. The following is displayed:

4 Edit the principal amount by choosing Clear to delete the last numeral entered and then
entering the desired value. Set the values similarly for the Interest and Num payments fields.

5 After entering all the values, select Calculate and then scroll down through the display to see
the last line which shows the monthly mortgage payment.

Push Message Framework

The Push Message Framework is a term used to describe all of the protocols, service interfaces, and
software entities, which together provide the capability of "pushing" data to user agents in a WAP
client device in an asynchronous manner, that is, without the end user specifically requesting to
receive this data.

Note that, because Push Gateway software has not been extensively deployed to date, Push
functions have not been extensively tested.

The Push Framework provides content providers the ability to make available to their mobile
customers new services such as automatic notification of new email, updated stock quotes, prepaid
bank balances, and so on.
The following figure depicts the Push Framework Architecture.

Push Framework Architecture

Push Message Framework WAP June 2000 Overview

In the Push Framework Architecture figure (above), the numbered arrows depict the sequence in
which the discrete events which comprise a Push Message transmission occur. Inside the arrows,
the content type of the transmission is labeled.
Typically, WML content is not pushed directly to a client user agent because its reception and
display could disrupt the user’s current browser activities. Instead, the Push Initiator program sends
a Push message, which contains a priority (or intrusiveness) level, a URL to fetch, and an alert
(typically text) message to display to the user.
This alert message is displayed at some point (that point depending on the intrusivenss level
specified) to the user. The text of the message presents the user with the opportunity to fetch the
URL which contains the WML content announced by the alert message.
A Push message can contain one of three content types: Service Indication (SI), Service Loading (SL),
and Cache Operation (C0). In addition, there is a composite type Push message, called Multipart,
which may contain one or more different content types, including a Push message content type. All
of these content types are discussed in some detail in the following sections.

Service Indication Content Type

The Service Indication (SI) content type provides the means to send an alert message to a client
asynchronously (without the client requesting it). When this descriptive message is displayed to the
user, the user can choose to load some WML content (specified by a URI that accompanied the push
message). The SI content type is an application of the Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0

SI Content Type Format

The SI media types are as follows:

Textual form: text/vnd.wap.si

Tokenised form: application/vnd.wap.sic

The root element of the SI content type is the si element, which requires at least one
indication element and an optional info element. The info element may contain multiple
item attributes, which are used to specify application-specific information not provided by the
attributes of the indication element. The following is an example of an si Push message:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
href= "http://stockquote.com/welcome.wml"
si-id= "cust-msg-num52"
created= "2000-03-31T15.28.19Z"
si-expires= "2000-03-31T23.59.59Z"
action= "signal-medium"

WAP June 2000 Overview Push Message Framework

View stock quotes now?

<item class=MoreInfo>
Your last update was Tuesday at 3 PM.

Attribute Description

The URI to a service application designed to provide the


si-id Unique identifier assigned to each SI message. This is used

in various activities that occur upon reception of a push
message and that are not necessarily visible to the end
user: activities such as handling of out of order messages
with the same si-id, replacement of an older push
message with a newer one having the same si-id,
deletion in the event the action attribute specifies delete.

created The date and time (in UTC format) of the creation of, or
last modification made to, the content specified by href.

si-expires The date and time when the SI expires and thereby can be
automatically deleted or marked as expired.

action The first four attribute values specify the level of

intrusivenss that the SI message will be allowed to have on
the end user, and the fifth, delete, specifies that any SI
messages with the same si-id must be deleted.

class This subelement of the info element specifies any item of

additional information as required by the application

Service Loading Content Type

The Service Loading (SL) content type provides the means to transmit to the mobile client device a
URI, which the client device then “pulls” from an origin server without the knowledge of the mobile
client user. This content type is an application of the Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0.
When the WML content is retrieved, it is passed to the user agent which then executes it. As this
WML content is interpreted by the WML user agent, the user may become aware of this activity at
this point.

Push Message Framework WAP June 2000 Overview

Because the user may be busy with other activities, this service loading mechanism also provides
the push application developer with the option to set the level of intrusiveness. The SL may also
direct that the pulled content be cached only and not displayed or executed, as a performance

SL Content Type Format

The SL media types are as follows:

Textual form: text/vnd.wap.sl

Tokenised form: application/vnd.wap.slc

The Service Loading content type is specified by the sl element, which takes one required href
attribute and an optional action attribute. The following is an example of an sl Push message:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
href= "http://www.stockquote.com/xyz.wml"
action= "execute-low"

Attribute Description

href The URI to the service application to be “pulled” and


action Attribute specifying what action the user agent should take
after “pulling” the service application. The three possible
values are:
(1) execute-low: the user agent loads the service application
into a new user agent context and executes it in the same
way as a method request initiated by the end user according
to the WAE specification in a non-intrusive manner.
(2) execute-high: same as execute-low except it MAY result
in user-intrusive behavior.
(3) cache: same as execute-low except instead of executing
the content, it is placed in cache, if cache exists; if there is no
cache, the application context is silently discarded.

WAP June 2000 Overview Push Message Framework

Cache Operation Content Type

The Cache Operation content type requests the user agent to invalidate one or more cache objects
that may reside in the user agent cache when the CO is received. A cache operation message can
either be pushed (server initiated) or pulled (client initiated); however, the effect on the user agent
is the same.
The Cache Operation WAP specification describes how the user agent should respond to cache
operation messages. It describes the rules to be followed in determining whether a URI specified in
the CO message matches an object or service found in the user agent cache. The rules involve URI
resolution as well as comparisons of the Date and Last-modified headers to determine when an
object or service in cache is out of date and should therefore be discarded.

CO Content Type Format

The CO media types are as follows:

Textual form: text/vnd.wap.co

Tokenised form: application/vnd.wap.coc

The CO content type is specified by the co element, which takes one or more attributes. There are
two permissible attributes: invalidate-object and invalidate-service. Both of these
attributes take a URI as its attribute value. The following CO message specifies both attributes:
<?xml version="1.0"?>

Attribute Description

invalidate Specifies a URI as a value. If a cache object with a

-object matching URI exists in the user agent cache, that object
is discarded from the cache.

invalidate Specifies a URI as a value. If a service with a matching

-service URI exists in the user agent cache, that service is
discarded from the cache.

Push Message Framework WAP June 2000 Overview

Multipart Content
A multipart message is a message containing multiple parts, each of which may have a different
content type. The multipart message is analogous to an envelope; it contains a set of headers and
an ordered list of component parts (its contents). Each part in turn consists of (1) a set of headers
that apply to that part (one of which is required to be a Content-Type header) and (2) its content.
The multipart message format may be used to improve the user's experience by minimizing latency,
or the time required to fetch content over the network. Thus, for example, a three-part multipart
message might consist of (1) a news flash indicating there is a weather update, (2) the text
containing a weather warning for a particular area, and (3) a map (WBMP image) of the affected
area. When the user’s client device receives the multipart message, it unpacks and stores each part
in the cache. Thus, the user, after having read the news flash, can read the weather warning and
view the map without waiting for these items to be retrieved over the network.
The Toolkit can display a multipart message, whether it is pushed to the Toolkit or is received as a
response to a request. The Toolkit can also create and save a multipart message using pre-existing
files, which may be WSP-encoded or simply text.
Note, however, that when saving a multipart file in WSP-encoded format (that is, with an envelope
content type of "application/vnd.wap.multipart.mixed," "application/vnd.wap.multipart.alternative,"
or "application/vnd.wap.multipart.related"), the individual parts must already be encoded. The
Toolkit will encode only the envelope and body part headers, not the body part content.
When a WAP browser (such as the Toolkit) receives a multipart message, it processes the message
according to the rules described in Table 1.
The MIME specifications (RFCs 2045 and 2046) define the multipart format and the three multipart
types supported by the Toolkit. The WAP specifications define a compact encoding of multipart files,
and the Toolkit enables you to create either MIME (unencoded) or WSP-encoded multipart content.
However, note that the nesting of multipart parts within other multipart parts is not supported.
The Toolkit handles three multipart content subtypes and behaves in conformance to the WAE
specifications as follows:

Table 1: Multipart Message Types

Subtype Description and Toolkit Behavior

Mixed A multipart message of type mulitpart/mixed or

application/vnd.wap.multipart.mixed is a collection of unrelated
parts of possibly various content types. Upon reception, the Toolkit
disassembles the message into its component parts and then
processes each part in order.

Each part is cached if its content type is supported by the Toolkit;

otherwise, that part is discarded. As the key to be associated with

WAP June 2000 Overview Push Message Framework

the part when it is stored in cache, the Toolkit uses the Content-
Location header if present; otherwise, it uses the X-Wap-
Content-URI header.

If this mixed-type message is a response to a request, the Toolkit

processes first any part whose Content-Location header matches
the request URL; otherwise, it processes the first part. (Processing
usually, but not always, means displaying in the Browser.)

If this mixed message is pushed to the Toolkit (not requested by

the Toolkit user), the Toolkit processes the first part in the same
way (usually displayed) as if it (the part) had been received
individually as a push message. Other parts without a Content-
Location or X-Wap-Content-URI header are discarded.

Related A multipart message of type multipart/related or

application/vnd.wap.multipart.related is a collection of parts
that are related in an unspecified manner. The Toolkit handles this
type in the same way as it handles the Mixed subtype (see above).

Alternative A multipart message of type multipart/alternative or

application/vnd.wap.multipart.alternative is a collection of parts
that are different representations of the same content. For
example, a message might contain JPEG, GIF, and WBMP formats
of the same image.

For both a pushed multipart message and for one received as a

response to a request, the Toolkit processes each part in order and
uses the first part whose content type it supports. Remaining parts
are discarded.

Example: Stock Quote Push Application

This example is an implementation of a stock quote update service that uses a Push message
(Service Indication). This example provides both client-side and server-side code. You can find the
two java files PushInitiator.java and StockServlet.java in the \samples\Push
subdirectory of the Toolkit installation directory (by default, C:\Program
This section describes the development of a WAP PUSH application. We’ll assume, for the sake of
this example, that you are working for a fictitious online stock broker company, StockTrade, who
wishes to provide its customers who use mobile devices with a new service that will transmit (push)
to them the current prices of a set of stocks on a periodic basis.

Push Message Framework WAP June 2000 Overview

Conceptually, we can envision this stock service as consisting of three major components (presented
in the order in which a developer is likely to develop them):
First, there is a Stock Generation program, which is activated when the customer chooses to be
updated with his or her latest stock quotes. This program reads the customer database to get the
list of stocks, then gets the current stock prices from another database or feed, constructs a WML-
formatted message containing the quotes, and transmits it to the customer phone via the WAP
gateway. This is a traditional "Pull" application.
Next, there is a Push Initiator Program that reads the customer database and, based on the
recorded preferences found, periodically generates a notification message and transmits (pushes) it
via a WAP Gateway to the customer phone. This message notifies the user that a stock quote page
is ready and, if the user accepts, will ask the phone’s browser to pull the page from our web server
via the WAP Gateway.
Finally, there is a Customer Registration program for subscribing to the service. For this, we will
design an HTML registration page and an accompanying registration servlet to process the
customer’s choices of stocks and update frequency. It will store these preferences in a standard
The following figure depicts the overall architecture of the StockTrade push application. The
following sections of this chapter present a description of the program components with
accompanying program code.
Push Proxy Gateway Web Server

Cstomer Registration
Radio tower

Customer Quote
Registration Stock Generation
Web Server CGI Program
Push Initiator Program


Push Application Architecture

WAP June 2000 Overview Push Message Framework

Modeling the Phone Presentation Format

We’ll start our design by modeling the format in which the stock quotes will be presented on the
customer phone. For this, we use the Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit to create a WML deck that
produces the correct look and feel on the mobile phone.
Below is the WML source for a single-card deck that we will use as a template for how we present
the customer’s list of stock quotes on the phone.

The WML Presentation Format

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="card1" title="Stock Quotes">
<table columns="2" align="LL">
<tr><td><strong>Company</strong> </td>
<tr><td>Nokia </td> <td>$$5.50</td></tr>
<tr><td>Ericsson </td> <td>$$4.50</td></tr>
<tr><td>Motorola </td> <td>$$4.50</td></tr>

Developing the Stock Quote Generation Servlet

Next, we’ll write a servlet that generates the formatted page we’ve developed above. The servlet,
which we’ll call genQuote, will generate the formatted page in response to a standard HTTP
request to the StockTrade web server. It will expect the customer ID to be provided as a request
parameter in the form of a query string in the URL with the parameter variable name cust_id,
for example:
Our servlet searches the customer database for the stock list that this customer has registered for. It
then retrieves the stock quotes from a stock quote feed or database and generates a WML page
containing the quotes, which is then returned to the customer via the WAP gateway.

Stock Quote Generation Servlet

The java source for the StockServlet class is shown below.
* StockServlet receives the customer "id" on the
* request parameter list. It queries the
* customer database to get the list of stocks, then
* queries the stock database for the price

Push Message Framework WAP June 2000 Overview

* of each stock. It then formats this info as WML.

* Note: Only the GET command is supported. No error
* checking is included in this listing.
* From the Stock Quote Push Application chapter in the Nokia
* Developer's Guide for the WAP Toolkit.

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

public class StockServlet extends HttpServlet {

// throws ServletException, IOTException {

static private String TITLE = "Today's Stock Quotes";

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {

// Set response content type
// Get info from request
String id = req.getParameter("id");
PrintWriter out = null;
try {
out = res.getWriter();
} catch (Exception e) {
// Query customer database for list of favorite stocks
Customer cust = CustomerDatabase.get(id);
Vector list = cust.getStocks();
// Print WML preface, title, and table header
out.println( TITLE );
// start table
out.println( "<table columns=\"2\">");
// table header
out.println("<td><b>Stock Price</b></td></tr>");
// Iterate through stock list and query stock price

WAP June 2000 Overview Push Message Framework

// database for current price.

for (int i =0;i < list.size(); i++ ) {
String price = StockInfoDB.getPrice( (String)list.elementAt(i));
out.println( "<tr>");
out.println( "<td>" + list.elementAt(i) + "</td>");
out.println( "<td>" + price + "</td>");
out.println( "</tr>");
// Finish WML page.

* These are stub classes which would provide stock database info
* and track customer info.
class Customer {
private String id;
public Customer(String id) {
this.id = id;
public Vector getStocks() {
Vector v = new Vector(1);
return v;
class CustomerDatabase {
public static Customer get (String id) {
return new Customer(id);
class StockInfoDB {
public static String getPrice( String name ) {
return "Stock price of " + name;
We will need to configure the StockTrade web server to map URL requests to
http://www.stocktrade.com/getQuote to the StockServlet class. Refer to the
administration documentation for your particular web server to learn how to do this.
If you are running the Nokia WAP Server, you may also choose to configure the WAP server to map
the above URL to the StockServlet class directly, thus intercepting the URL and handling it without
involving a separate web server. Refer to the Nokia WAP Server Administration Guide for
information on how to configure servlets in the Nokia WAP Server.

Push Message Framework WAP June 2000 Overview

Push Initiator Program

Now, we’ll add the push component of our system. StockTrade promises to provide the desired stock
quotes to the customer's phone at the specified times (specified by the customer in the registration
process, described in the next section). When the phone receives the pushed message, the following
text dialog box will be displayed: "View stock quotes now?” To this question, the customer can
choose "Yes" or "No”. Clicking "Yes" causes the customer’s WAP browser to “execute” the push
message, which results in the fetching of the URL specified in the Push message. Clicking “No”
results in the message being stored for possible later viewing and execution.
We will use a Service Indication content push message, which, when executed on the phone,
generates a normal HTTP request to the URL we’ve set up in the last section
The following SI Push message is an example of what our program will generate:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
href= "http://stockquote.com/welcome.wml"
si-id= "cust-msg-num52"
created= "2000-03-31T15.28.19Z"
si-expires= "2000-03-31T23.59.59Z"
action= "signal-medium"
View stock quotes now?
<item class=MoreInfo>
Your last update was Tuesday at 3 PM.

The Push Initiator program reads the customer database to determine which customers have
requested the stock quote update service and how frequently each has requested the updates to be;
it then formats and transmits a Push message for each customer that needs to be updated.
The message is formatted as a PAP (Push Access Protocol) message containing a Service Indication
message in its content portion. The Service Indication content has the href attribute of its
indication element set to the above URL, with the customer id appended as the query string,
and its display message set to be the string "View stock quotes now?".
The java source to the Push Initiator stand-alone applet is shown below. It includes a helper class
that describes the Push Access Protocol message (PapMessage).
* This class is the Push Initiator applet for the
* stock update application.

WAP June 2000 Overview Push Message Framework

* It queries the customer database for the list of

* customers, then checks each customer record to see
* whether it is time to push the current prices to
* the customer phone via the Gateway.
* From the Stock Quote Push Application chapter of the
* Nokia Developer's Guide for the WAP Toolkit.

import java.util.*;

public class PushInitiator {

public static String SITE_URL =

private static Connection conn = null;
private static int g_id_counter = 0;

* @param PushGatewayAddress[:port]
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Check for argument list
if (args.length < 1) {
System.out.println("Usage: PushInitiator
String gatewayAddress = args[1];
conn = new Connection( gatewayAddress );
if (conn == null) {
System.out.println( "Can't contact Gateway " +
// Open customer database and retrieve customer list
Vector custList = CustomerDatabase.getList();
// Cycle through customers and send push messages to
// each one based on their update schedule.
for (int i =0;i < custList.size(); i++ ) {
Customer cust = (Customer)custList.elementAt( i );
if (cust.isTimeToUpdate()) {
PapMessage pm = new PapMessage();
String id = generateUniquePushId();
pm.setId( id );
pm.setRecipient( cust.getPhoneNumber() );
pm.setHref( SITE_URL + "?" + cust.getId() );
conn.send( pm );

Push Message Framework WAP June 2000 Overview

// the close writes timestamp back to
// database
conn.close(); // close Gateway Connection

private static String generateUniquePushId() {

return Integer.toString(g_id_counter);

* This class represents a Push Access Protocol
* formatted Message
class PapMessage {
static private final String MIME_BOUNDARY = "asdflkjqqwerpoiu";
static private final String DISPLAY_MSG = "New stock update.
See now?";
String id; // Message ID
String recipient; // Client phone number
String displayMsg; // Message displayed on phone
String href; // URL to fetch when message is activated
Date creationDate; // When we created message

PapMessage() {
this.creationDate = new Date();
this.displayMsg = DISPLAY_MSG;
this.id = null;
this.recipient = null;
void setId(String id)
{ this.id = id; }
void setRecipient( String recipient )
{ this.recipient = recipient; }
public void setDisplayMessage( String message )
{ this.displayMsg = message; }
void setHref( String href )
{ this.href = href; }
* Returns XML version of this message
public String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
// First, the Content Type
sb.append("Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="
+ MIME_BOUNDARY + "type=\"application/xml\"\n\n");

WAP June 2000 Overview Push Message Framework

// Now the Control section (PAP)

sb.append("--" + MIME_BOUNDARY + "\n");
sb.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\">\n");
sb.append("<!DOCTYPE pap PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD PAP
1.0//EN\" " +
sb.append("<push message push_id=\"" + this.id +
sb.append("<address address-value=\"" + this.recipient +
// Now the Content (an SI message)
sb.append("--" + MIME_BOUNDARY + "\n");
sb.append("Content-Type: application/xml\n");
sb.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\">\n");
// sb.append("<!DOCTYPE si PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD SI
1.0//EN\" "
// + "\"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/si.dtd\">");
// sb.append("<si>\n");
// sb.append("<indication\n");
// sb.append(" href=\" + this.href + "\"\n");
// sb.append(" si-id=\" + this.id + "\"\n");
// sb.append(" created=\" + this.Date.toString() +
// sb.append(" " + this.displayMessage + "\n");
// sb.append("</indication>\n");
// sb.append("</si>\n");
// sb.append("--" + MIME_BOUNDARY + "\n");
return sb.toString();

* Stub classes

class Connection {
private String host;
public Connection(String host) {
this.host = host;
public void send(PapMessage pm) {
System.out.println("Sending PAP message");
public void close() {}
class Customer {
private String name;
public Customer(String name) {
this.name = name;

Push Message Framework WAP June 2000 Overview

public boolean isTimeToUpdate() {

return true;
public void close() {}
public String getId() { return name; }
public String getPhoneNumber() { return "555-1212"; }
public void setUpdated() {}
class CustomerDatabase {
static Vector getList() {
Vector v = new Vector();
v.add(new Customer("SampleCustomer"));
return v;

Registering for the Stock Quote Service

Finally, we’ll write a simple customer registration mechanism that will maintain customer
information used by the Push Initiator program described in the previous section. The customer
registration mechanism consists of an HTML form that the customer accesses, fills in, and submits,
and a web server servlet that processes that form to create a new record in the customer database.
A customer registers for the new service by navigating via a web browser to StockTrade’s web site
and filling out an HTML form. In the form, the customer specifies the following items:
His or her mobile phone number. We will use the customer mobile phone number as the unique id
to identify each customer; real appplications may wish to use a more secure scheme.
One or more of five companies whose stock prices the customer wishes to updated on his WAP
phone. The customer ticks a check box for each desired company stock. Other selection
mechanisms (e.g., a separate Java applet) may be used to give the customer a fuller selection.
The frequency per day of the stock updates. In our simple example, our HTML page offers the
customer three choices: once a day, twice a day, or hourly during stock market business hours.

The HTML Registration Form

The HTML source for our registration page is shown below.
<b><u>Welcome to StockBroker's Stock Quote Registration Page</b></u>
<u>Instructions:</u> Customers are entitled to receive free stock
quotes, sent
to your mobile phone at intervals you specify.
To sign up, simply fill out the fields below and then click "Submit."

WAP June 2000 Overview Push Message Framework

<b>(1) Enter your phone number:</b> <input type=text
size=13 name="newid" value="phone number" >
<b>(2) Choose one or more of the following stock symbols:
<input type=checkbox name=stocklist value=ibm>IBM
<input type=checkbox name=stocklist value=nok>MSFT
<input type=checkbox name=stocklist value=cpq>CPQ
<input type=checkbox name=stocklist value=sun>NOK
<input type=checkbox name=stocklist value=msft>SUN
<b>(3) Choose how often you'd like to receive stock
<input type=radio name=freq value=hourly>Every Hour
<input type=radio name=freq value=twice>Twice A Day
<input type=radio name=freq value=daily>Once A Day
<input type=submit>

The Stock Registration Servlet

Now we need a program to handle the submission information from the HTML page shown above.
The RegisterServlet is another servlet that will be installed in the StockTrade web server. It receives
the customer ID and form selections as a set of parameters on the URL query string, which it parses
and stores in a local database.
* RegisterServlet receives the submission from a new
* stock quote customer and sets up a new customer
* The following parameters are expected:
* newid = Customer ID (phone number)
* freq = frequency of update ("daily", "twice" or
* "hourly")
* stocklist=list of stock names.
* Note: No error checking is included in this
* listing.
public class RegisterServlet extends HttpServlet
throws ServletException, IOTException {

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {

static private String TITLE = "Welcome to StockBroker's

Registration Page";
// Set response content type

Push Message Framework WAP June 2000 Overview

// Get info from request
PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
String newId = req.getParameter("newid");
if (newId == null) {
out.println("<HTML><HEAD>You must enter ");
out.println("your phone number!</HTML>");
// Allocate a new customer record or fetch
// existing one.
Customer cust = CustomerDatabase.newRecord( newId );
// Get the list of stock names from the argument list
// and parse them, adding to customer list.
String stockNames = req.getParameter("stocklist");
StringTokenizer tok = new StringToken( stockNames, ",");
while ( tok.hasMoreElements() ) {
cust.addStock( tok.nextElement();
// Commit customer record to the database.

Notes on the Push Application

A commercial-quality application of this type could rely on quite sophisticated server-side
functionality in order to provide a great number of options to the customer: for example, the ability
to choose any number of individual stocks, or to specify that quotes are to be delivered at specified
times of the day or night, or even at such time as any individual stock exceeded some dollar
However, because our purpose in providing this example is to describe the use of a particular WAP
technology – the PUSH protocols – in the context of the other required components of the
application, we have designed these other server-side components to be simple, offering miminal
features and choice.
Note that this application can be configured to operate via the possible communication channels
to the customer’s mobile phone: (1) connection-based unsecure, (2) connection-based secure, (3)
connectionless unsecure, and (4) connectionless secure. This configuration option must be
coordinated between the phone and its WAP Gateway server.

WAP Security

The WAP Forum has developed the following specifications to describe the security provisions
adopted for use in the wireless mobile device market. These are available at the WAP Forum's
download site.

Wireless Transport Layer Security Specification (WTLS). This document defines WTLS, which is a
security layer protocol operating above the transport layer protocol (WDP) and below the session
layer protocol (WSP). WTLS specifies an interface for establishing a secure connection between
client (mobile device) and server (WAP Gateway).
WMLScript Crypto Library Specification. This document defines the cryptographic functions and
the signed formats that a WAP Client is required to use in order to communicate with a secure
server (via WTLS).
Wireless Identity Module Specification (WIM). This document defines the functions that must be
supported by a tamper-resistant hardware device (such as a Smart Card or a Subscriber Identity
Module (SIM) of the type used in phones). These functions include, in particular, the storing of
private keys and certificates, as well as functions supporting their use in signing data that is to be
securely transmitted.
Public Key Infrastructure Definition (WPKI). This document describes the infrastructure and
procedures that are required to establish the trust relationships that make possible authentication
between servers and clients.
Additionally, there is an ongoing effort to define an appropriate user interaction model for E-
Commerce transactions. One group involved in this effort is the MeT CUE Task Force, which has
created a specification titled MeT Consistent User Experience. This document defines the concept
of a Personal Trusted Device (PTD) and then proceeds to recommend guidelines for presenting
security-related displays to the user who is also the owner of the PTD. (Version 1.0 of this
specification may be accessed at the URLhttp://www.mobiletransaction.org/documents.html.)

Nokia SoftID WIM

Toolkit supports the functionality specified in the WAP Forum specifications mentioned above.
Therefore, it is possible to attach a WIM device to your computer for use with the Toolkit.
However, in the event that you do not have access to a WIM hardware device, the Toolkit provides a
simulated device called Nokia SoftId. Nokia SoftID is a module containing all the cryptographic

WAP Security WAP June 2000 Overview

functions that are required in a WIM device, so you can develop and test secure applications using
Nokia SoftID as your device and have them perform exactly as they would if you were using a
hardware WIM device.
See Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit online help for further information on the use of both WIM
hardware and Nokia SoftID.

Example: WIM Security Application

The following sample security application is composed of two Java modules, SignDeck.java and
CryptoScript.java, which are given in separate sections below. You can find both of these files in
the \samples\Security directory in the Toolkit installation directory (by default,
C:\Program Files\Nokia\MobileInternet).
Note that in order to run the example you must have installed ServletRunner, which is a program
that simulates a server. Then, after you have compiled the Java files (the examples given here), you
can access the class files using the ServletRunner, provided they are placed under the appropriate
server directory. You can download ServletRunner at http://java.Sun.com/products/jsp/tomcat.
Following these sections is a section that provides the screen images that a user sees on a WAP
device as the application executes.
The purpose of this application is to demonstrate the use of the Crypto.signText() function,
which is provided in the WMLScript Cryptographic Library.
The SignDeck.java module generates WML code that displays on a WAP device a series of prompts
to a user who is in the process of ordering pizza over the Internet. Note that, in real-life, this WML
code would be generated on a servlet running on a server; however, for simplicity, the
SignDeck.java code given here simply imitates what a server might produce. However, it serves our
purpose by calling the WMLScript function Crypto.signText(), which a real servlet would
do, so we can then observe the signing process.
Within the SignDeck.java module, the following line contains a call to the WMLScript module
CryptoScript.java, passing to it the parameters that will be signed.
out.println("<go href='CryptoScript' />");

Then, the following line in the CryptoScript.java module contains the call to the signText
out.println("signed = Crypto.signText('Large pizza: $10.50, Soda:

The signed result is then returned to the SignDeck.java module in the signed variable.

SignDeck.java Module

WAP June 2000 Overview WAP Security

* @(#)SignDeck.java
import java.io.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

SignDeck builds the WML content required for invoking the WMLScript
Crypto.signText() function. It also receives the signed content and

public class SignDeck extends HttpServlet {

* Handle HTTP GET
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException, ServletException
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();

// WML Content to invoke sign script

out.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
out.println("<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \

out.println("<wml><card id='order'
title='Confirm Order'>");
out.println("You have ordered" + "<br/>");
out.println("Large pizza : $$10.50" +
out.println("Soda: $$2.50" + "<br/>");
out.println("<do type='options'
out.println("<go href='#Sign' />");
out.println("<card id='Sign'
title='Authenticate order'>");
out.println("Please sign the order" +
out.println("Large pizza : $$10.50" +
out.println("Soda: $$2.50" + "<br/>");
out.println("<do type='options'
out.println("<go href='CryptoScript#sign()' />");

WAP Security WAP June 2000 Overview

out.println("<do type='options' name='a'
out.println("<go href='example'
out.println("<postfield name='signed'

* Handle HTTP POST
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException, ServletException
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
// flag to indicate signature validation
boolean success = false;

// get the signature.

String signed =
FileWriter fout = new FileWriter("out");

// Verify Signature
// Call appropriate sign verification engine
// & update "success"
// success = verifySign(signed);
success = true;

/* WML Content to indicate success or

*/ failure..
out.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
out.println("<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"

out.println("<wml><card id='sign'
if(success) {
out.println("Thank you for the order" +
else {

WAP June 2000 Overview WAP Security

out.println("Not an authentic Signature." +


CryptoScript.java Module
* @(#)CryptoScript.java
import java.io.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

CryptoScript builds the content for the WMLScript
Crypto.signText()function. WMLScript will update the browser variable
with signed content.

public class CryptoScript extends HttpServlet {

* Handle HTTP GET
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException, ServletException
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();


// WMLScript Content for signText()

out.println("extern function sign() {");
out.println("var signed;");
out.println("signed = Crypto.signText" +
"('Large pizza: $10.50, Soda: $2.50',5,0,'');");


* Handle HTTP POST
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException, ServletException
doGet(request, response);

WAP Security WAP June 2000 Overview


WML Display
This section presents the series of screen images that the purchaser of pizza over the Internet sees
on the WAP device based on the application code presented above. The screens are presented in
order and are accompanied by explanatory text.

1 2 3
<card id='order' ...> <card id='sign' ...> <card id='sign' ...>
<do type='options'...>
<go href='Cryptoscript'/>

Screens 1 and 2 are generated by the execution of the SignDeck.java module; this module attempts
to simulate what an E-Commerce Transaction Server might generate. The security icon at the top
right of the display in screens 1 and 2 indicate that the originating requester of the user action is a
secure server.
When the user chooses the "Sign" option in screen 3, execution is passed to the CryptoScript.java
module. This module in turn passes the text to be signed to the WMLScript Cryptographic Library
function Crypto.signText().

4 5 6
Crypto.signText() Crypto.signText() Crypto.signText()
function function function

Screens 4 through 6 are generated by the Crypto.signText() function itself. The function
first prompts in screen 4 "Do you want to digitally sign the following text?", appending the
parameters passed to it at the end of the prompt.
When the user chooses OK (in screen 4), the function presents (in screen 5) to the user a list of
available certificates from which the user must choose one, which will be used in the signing. The
signing of text requires a non repudiation certificate, and the signText function locates this

WAP June 2000 Overview WAP Security

certificate in the WIM and presents it to the user. (Note that, in this example, which uses the Nokia
SoftID WIM, there is only one non repudiation certificate.)
After the user selects a certificate, the function prompts in screen 6 for a password. This password
enables the user to access the non repudiation certificate which is to be used in the signing of the
text. Note the lock icon in the upper right corner; this indicates that the request for this PIN
security information originates locally, that is, from the Personal Trusted Device (PTD).
Once the user has entered the password correctly, the function proceeds to digitally sign the text
passed to it and to return the signed content in the WML variable signed.

7 8
<card id='sign' ...> <card id='sign' ...>
<do type='options'...>

When the CryptoScript.java module returns the digitally signed text to the SignDeck.java module,
the user is presented with screen 7. This time the user chooses Submit, which results in the
transmission of the digitally signed text back to the server. Screen 8 displays a server-generated
WML message indicating that the server has received the digitally signed text and has successfully
verified the digital signature. This completes the transaction.

Appendix A: June 2000 WAP

The WAP Forum has published numerous specifications that describe the overall architecture and
detailed protocols that together define the Wireless Application Protocol framework.
The majority of these specifications (generally all except overview and architecture documents)
define features and functions and characterize these as mandatory or optional. A conforming
application must implement all mandatory functions and can implement optional ones.
Therefore, any WAP application, such as the Toolkit, can be measured as to its conformance by
comparing features implemented and those not implemented relative to the specifications. Though
most Toolkit users will not find it necessary to use the conformance tables supplied in this
Appendix, Nokia supplies it for those who may need to check various aspects of Toolkit
conformance to the specifications.
This appendix is divided into three sections. The first lists the names of those WAP specifications
that are fully supported by the Toolkit. Full support means that the Toolkit implements all ”required”
The second section lists those WAP specifications that are not supported at all. Nonsupport means
that the Toolkit implements none of the functions required by the specification.
The third section lists those WAP specifications for which the Toolkit provides support but which
also require comment or clarification. In this category, because there are so many specifications and
because most of these have lengthy lists of features, it is convenient to list, for each specification,
only those functions and features that are not supported or about which Nokia has a comment to
make. Thus, any function or feature not mentioned is supported.
Note too that, in the specifications, features are categorized as either ”Client Features” or ”Server
Features.” As the Toolkit is a client application, server features are not addressed at all in this
Also note, WAP specifications that apply solely to server-side applications (such as the WAP Push
Access Protocol) are not included in this Appendix.

WAP Security WAP June 2000 Overview

Fully Supported Specifications

WAP Specification File Name Comments

SPEC-WMLScript-19991104 Fully implemented on both the Toolkit default and

Nokia 7110 phone simulations, both as floating point

SPEC-WMLScriptLibs-19991104 Same as above.

SPEC-ServiceLoad-19991108 -

SPEC-WTP-19991105 -

SPEC-WSP-19990611 Fully supported except for extension code pages.

SPEC-UAPROF-19991110 Toolkit default simulation allows client to send user-

configurable Profile and Profile-Diff headers.

SPEC-CacheOp-19991206 -

SPEC-WMLScriptCrypto-19991105 -

SPEC-WTLS-19991105 -

SPEC-WIM-19991105 -

Partially Supported Specifications

The Toolkit supports all client functions specified with the following qualifications:

Item Code Item Description Toolkit Support Notes

OTAC_012 Secure port for WTLS for Not supported

connectionless Push

OTAC_031 Session initiation application Not supported

OTAC_040 Application addressing Not supported

OTAC_041 Application dispatching Not supported

WAP June 2000 Overview WAP Security

OTAC_050 Initiator authentication Not supported

OTAC_060 Client authentication Not supported

OTAC_070 Bearer selection Not supported

OTAC_080 Bearer control Not supported

OTAC_090 Security considerations Not supported

The Toolkit supports all functions specified with the following qualifications:

Item Code Item Description Toolkit Support Notes

SI_SEM_011 Handle the SI according to its All values except

action attribute value delete are ignored

SI_SEM_012 Different action attribute values can Displayed but ignored

be associated with logical indicators

The Toolkit displays but ignores all Push WAP headers in push messages except for the X-Wap-
Content-URI header, which is used in caching as described in the specification.

The Toolkit supports only UDP (IPv4), not GSM or CDMA bearers. Both source and destination
addressing are supported in UDP.

The client stack reports WCMP error messages as exceptions, and the Toolkit handles these
exceptions as any other network exceptions.
The Toolkit does not provide an interface to the WCMP Echo Request.

n The Nokia 7110 phone simulation supports none of this specification. WTAI calls are rejected as
either an attempt to open a malformed URL or as an attempt to open unknown content.

WAP Security WAP June 2000 Overview

n The Toolkit default phone simulation supports this specification with the following
— Of the three WTAI libraries (Network Common, Network Specific, and Public), only the Public
library is supported. The Public WTAI library consists of calls to WTAPublic.makeCall,
WTAPublic.sendDTMFTones, andWTAPublic.addPBEntry, and scripts containing these calls will
be properly encoded. Scripts containing calls to the other two libraries (Network Common and
Network Specific) will fail on compilation.
— The WTAI specification states that calls to the WTAI libraries can be made as function calls in
scripts or as URIs in decks. Because the Toolkit does not recognize the “wtai://” URI scheme, no
WTAI calls can be made from the URL component in the main window; however, such calls
made as function calls in WMLScript are recognized. In scripts, these function calls will always
return the proper standard error code for “Service not available or nonexisting function," that is,
the integer –3.

The Toolkit provides encoder and decoder support for all content types listed in Section 7.2 except
for the following: WML 1.0 (obsolete), WTA 1.0 (deprecated), and CHANNEL 1.1.

The Toolkit supports all mandatory functions for WML 1.1 through 1.3.
The following features are ignored: (1) the fieldset and meta elements, (2) the xml:lang
attribute in all elements, (3) the ordered attribute of the card element, (4) the tabindex
attribute, though tabbing can be done using the <space> and <shift-space> keystrokes in the
natural order of control elements within a card, and (5) the soft-hyphen character entity (&shy;).
The supported targets for the reference processing model are limited to WML and WMLScript in
either text or binary formats.
The Toolkit's binary encoder enforces WML whitespace rules as do other conforming WML encoders;
in addition, the Toolkit encoder (1) throws out any leading <br> elements and (2) collapses
contiguous <br> elements into one <br> element. WML decks encoded by the Toolkit encoder are
valid, as the Toolkit encoder adheres to all WML validation rules.

The Toolkit supports all mandatory features for the WAE User Agent as described in both WAP 1.1
and 1.2 except for the following:

Section Comments Image types supported are WBMP, GIF, JPEG, and PNG.

WAP June 2000 Overview WAP Security WTA Channel content is not supported.

7.1 VCard/vCal content is minimally supported: it is displayed to the user.

7.2.1 Datagram exchange of vCard/vCal content is not supported.

8 The Toolkit does not support the "suspend/resume" service; however, it sends
cachable headers to the WAP Gateway in the "connect service primitive." The
Toolkit always sends all cachable headers to the WAP Gateway and does not
keep track of headers already sent during Gateway session negotiation..

Unsupported or Non-Applicable Specifications

WAP Specification File Name Comments

SPEC-WTA-19991108 -

SPEC-WTAIGSM-19991108 -

SPEC-WTAIIS136-19991108 -

SPEC-WTAIPDC-19991108 -

SPEC-PAP-19991108 This specification applies to servers, not

clients like the Toolkit.

SPEC-PPGService-19990816 This specification applies to servers, not

clients like the Toolkit.

SPEC-WAPOver GSMUSSD-19990715 -

SPEC-WDPWCMPAdapt-19991105 -


Application Programming Interface.

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ASCII is a standard developed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to define
computer-intelligible values for characters used in text. The ASCII set of 128 characters
includes upper-case and lower-case letters of the English alphabet, numbers, punctuation, and
33 control codes (such as tab, bell, carriage return). ASCII uses 7 bits to represent each
character. You may see ASCII characters identified by a decimal number from 0 to 127.
The standard ASCII character set uses just 7 bits for each character, consequently one bit of
each octet is not used. Larger character sets, known as extended ASCII or high ASCII, use all 8
bits, allowing as many as 128 additional characters to be defined. Numerous extensions to
ASCII have been devised and quite a few have become national or international standards.
Notable among them is a family of international standards, ISO-8859, that defines extensions
appropriate to certain language groups which ASCII alone cannot support. The most important
member of this group is ISO-8859-1, known as ISO Latin-1, which provides for the languages of
western Europe.

A syntactical component of an element that is typically used to specify a characteristic quality
of an element, other than type or content.

An author is a person or program that writes or generates WML, WMLScript or other content.

Bandwidth is the capacity that a telecommunications medium has for carrying data. For analog
or voice communication, bandwidth is measured in the difference between the upper and lower
transmission frequencies expressed in cycles per second, or hertz (Hz). For digital
communication, bandwidth and transmission speed are usually treated as synonyms and
measured in bits per second. The actual speed or transmission time of any message or file from
origin to destination depends on a number of factors. Most Internet transmissions travel at very
high speed on fiber optic lines most of the way. Switching en route, lower bandwidths on local
loops at both ends, and server processing time add to the overall transmission time.


Glossary WAP June 2000 Overview

A service that enables over the air transmission of digital data. Bearers support different
protocol-based data formats such as SMS (Short Message Service), CSD (Circuit Switched Data),
and so on.

Bearer Adapter
A software module (an implementation of WDP) that enables the WPS (Wireless Protocol Stack)
to work with a particular bearer.

A sequence of consecutive bits treated as a unit. On almost all modern computers, a byte is
comprised of 8 bits, though other numbers were formerly encountered. To avoid ambiguity, the
term octet is used in the language of international standards to refer to an 8-bit unit.
Large amounts of memory are indicated in terms of kilobytes (1,024 bytes), megabytes
(1,048,576 bytes), and gigabytes (approximately 1 billion bytes). A disk that can hold 1.44
megabytes, for example, is capable of storing approximately 1.4 million ASCII characters, or
about 3,000 pages of information.

Content encoding where the content is typically a set of low-level opcodes (ie, instructions) and
operands for a targeted hardware (or virtual) machine

A single WML navigational and user interface unit. A card may contain information to present
to the user or instructions for gathering user input, for example.

A device or application that initiates a request for connection with a server.

Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

A programming language that enables you to use forms on your web site.

Appending one string to another to make a new string. For example, the string “foo”
concatenated with the string “bar” gives the string “foobar”.

Content Dispatcher
The Content Dispatcher is a general purpose module designed to dispatch messages to the
destination content handlers (WML, WMLScript, Multipart, SI, and SL handlers). Upon startup,
the Content Dispatcher registers with the Application Dispatcher for all messages whose
content type is supported by the WAE.

Content Encoding
When used as a verb, content encoding indicates the act of converting a data object from one
format to another. Typically the resulting format requires less physical space than the original,

WAP June 2000 Overview Glossary

is easier to process or store, and is encrypted. When used as a noun, content encoding specifies
a particular format or encoding standard or process.

Content Generator
A service that generates or formats content. Typically content generators reside on origin

Circuit Switched Data.

A collection of one or more WML cards contained in a file of type wml. A WML deck is also an
XML document.

A network entity that is capable of sending and receiving packets of information and which has
a unique device address. A device can act as both a client or a server within a given context or
across multiple contexts. For example, a device can service a number of clients (as a server)
while being a client to another server

Document Type Definition (DTD)

The document type definition states which elements can be nested within others. A DTD
— The names and contents of all elements that are permissible in a certain document.

— How often an element may appear.

— The order in which the elements must appear.

— Whether the start or end tag may be omitted.

— The contents of all elements, that is, the names of the other generic identifiers that are allowed
to appear inside them.
— The attributes and their default values.

— The names of the reference symbols that may be used.

European Computer Manufacturer's Association. See http://www.ecma.ch/ for more

A script language developed by the ECMA and defined in the ECMA-262 specification.
ECMAScript is based on JavaScript. See http://www.ecma.ch/ for more information.

Glossary WAP June 2000 Overview

An entity in XML that describes the structure and content of information. Elements may
contain a start tag, content , an end tag, as well as one or more attributes.

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

The Extensible Markup Language is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard for Internet
markup languages, of which WML is one such language. XML is a restricted subset of SGML.

Graphical User Interface

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)

HTTP is the underlying protocol used by the World Wide Web. HTTP defines how messages are
formatted and transmitted, and what actions web servers and browsers should take in response
to various commands. For example, when you enter an URL in your browser, an HTTP command
is sent to the web server directing it to retrieve and transmit the requested web page.

Interprocess Communication.

A de facto standard language that can be used to add dynamic behaviour to HTML documents.

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension.

Multimedia Messaging Service. The capability within a WAP Client to receive and process
multimedia message types such as those providing for sound and video.

Message Type Module. A plug-in module containing a set of components that support a specific
messaging protocol. Used within the extensible, multi-protocol messaging framework
introduced in EPOC Release 5, the MTM handles all interaction with lower level communication
protocols such as TCP/IP.

Multipart User Agent (Mulitpart Handler)

A handler to process multipart content.

Origin Server
The server on which a given resource resides or is to be created, often referred to as a web
server or an HTTP server.

Push Access Protocol (PAP)

WAP June 2000 Overview Glossary

A protocol for specifying control information and content that is to be pushed to a client via a
Push Proxy Gateway (PPG).

Push Framework
A term describing the entire WAP push system and encompassing the protocols, service
interfaces, and software entities used to push content to a WAP client.

Push Initiator
The origin server that submits content to the Push Framework for delivery to a user agent on a
WAP client.

Push OTA Protocol

The Push "Over the Air" Protocol, which is the protocol used to convey push content from a
Push Proxy Gateway to a WAP client.

Push Proxy Gateway (PPG)

A server responsible for accepting Push content from a Push Initiator and transmitting it to a
WAP client.

Push Session
A WSP session that is capable of conducting Push operations.

Reference Implementation
Implementation of the Nokia WAP Client on a specific platform; Nokia provides a Windows NT
reference implementation.

Formatting and presenting information to the display of a mobile device.

A network data object or service that can be identified by a URL.

A device (or application) that passively waits for connection requests from one or more clients.
A server may accept or reject a connection request from a client.

Service Indication (SI)

One of the two content types used to develop a Push message.

Service Loading (SL)

One of the two content types used to develop a Push message.

Short Message System (SMS)

Glossary WAP June 2000 Overview

A protocol defined within the GSM standard that enables point-to-point transmission of short
messages. A short message is 140 bytes (or 160 characters) in length and uses a special 7-bit
character set; also, by means of concatenating messages, it can be used to transmit up to 31
KB of binary text or data.

Standardized Generalized Markup Language (SGML)

The Standardized Generalized Markup Language is a general-purpose language for domain-
specific markup languages. SGML is defined in the ISO8879 standard.

A tag is a generic term for a language element descriptor. WML consists of content surrounded
by formatting tags. Each tag is enclosed in a pair of angle brackets: < and >. Tags are generally
used in pairs, one to start the element and one to end it.

A device providing the user with user agent capabilities, including the ability to request and
receive information. Also called a mobile terminal or mobile station.

The act of converting from one character set to another, for example, conversion from UCS-2 to

UAPROF (User Agent Profile)

The UAPROF specification defines mechanisms for describing and transmitting information
about the capabilities of client devices and the preferences of the users of such devices. It
enables the end-to-end flow of a User Agent Profile (also referred to as Capability and
Preference Information, or CPI) between the WAP Client, intermediate network points, and the
Origin Server.

An encoding scheme for written characters and text. Unlike ASCII, which uses 7 bits for each
character, Unicode uses 16 bits, which means that it can represent more than 65,000 unique
characters, a huge increase over ASCII’s code capacity of 128 characters. Unicode was authored
and is maintained by the Unicode Consortium, a group comprised of major corporations and
institutions involved in international computing. The character repertory and the codes
assigned in Unicode are identical to those specified by ISO 10646, the international Universal
Character Set (UCS) standard.
The Unicode Standard, Version 2.0 defines codes for characters used in every major language
written today. In all, the Unicode standard currently defines codes for nearly 39,000 characters
from the world’s alphabetic, ideographic and syllabic scripts and symbol collections. The
Unicode repertory was derived from many pre-existing character set standards to which
previously unstandardized characters have been added. In particular, the first 256 code values
are identical to those of ISO 8859-1 extended to 16 bits. Unicode values are displayed as four
hex digits preceded by U+. For example, U+0041 is Latin upper case A.

WAP June 2000 Overview Glossary

URI (Uniform Resouce Identifier)

A URI identifies a resource on the Web such as a document, an image, a downloadable file, a
service, an electronic mailboxes, or other resources. A URI can refer to an Uniform Resource
Locator (URL) or an Uniform Resource Name (URN).

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

A URL specifies the address of a resource on the Web. The syntax of an URL consists of three
— The protocol, or the communication language, that the URL uses.

— The domain name, or the exclusive name, that identifies a web site.

— The pathname of the file to be retrieved.

A user is a person who interacts with a user agent to view, hear, or otherwise use a resource.

User Agent (UA)

A user agent is any software component running on a mobile device that interprets WAP
content identified by content type such as WML, WMLScript, and so on.

User Interface (UI)

The presentation layer of a software/hardware system through which a user interacts with the
system, for example, by entering or receiving data.

vCalendar, a WAP content type representing an Electronic Calendaring and Scheduling Format.

vCard, a WAP content type representing an Electronic Business Card.

Virtual Machine, or bytecode interpreter.

WAE (Wireless Application Environment)

The Wireless Application Environment specifies a general-purpose application environment
based fundamentally on World Wide Web technologies and philosophies. WAE specifies an
environment that allows operators and service providers to build applications and services that
can reach a wide variety of different platforms. WAE is part of the Wireless Application

WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)

The Wireless Application Protocol specifies an application framework and network protocols for
wireless devices such as mobile phones, pagers, and personal digital assistants (PDAs). The WAP

Glossary WAP June 2000 Overview

specifications extend mobile networking technologies (such as digital data networking

standards) and Internet technologies (such as XML, URLs, scripting, and various content

WBXML (Wireless Binary XML Content Format)

The WBXML specification defines a compact binary representation of XML. It is designed to
reduce the size of XML documents (such as WML cards) for more efficient transmission over a
wireless network. The binary format encodes the parsed physical form of an XML document,
that is, both the structure and content of document entitites within the document.

WDP (Wireless Datagram Protocol)

The WDP layer lies directly above the data-capable bearer services which are supported by the
various network types. WDP provides a common interface to upper layer protocols such as the
Security, Transaction, and Session layers, and thus enables these to function independent of the
underlying wireless network.

Web server
The server on which a given resource resides or is to be created. Often referred to as an origin
server or an HTTP server.

Wireless Identity Module (WIM)

A WIM is a tamper-resistant hardware module fitted to mobile client devices for the purpose of
storing and processing user identification and authentication data such as permanent private

WML (Wireless Markup Language)

The Wireless Markup Language is a markup language based on XML and is intended for use in
specifying content and user interface for narrowband devices, including mobile phones and

A scripting language used to program a mobile device. WMLScript is an extended subset of the
JavaScript scripting language.

Wireless Protocol Stack (includes session management and all the layers: WPS, WTP, WTLS and

WSP (Wireless Session Protocol)

The Wireless Session Protocol provides the upper-level application layer of WAP with a
consistent interface for two session services. The first is a connection-oriented service that
operates above the transaction layer protocol, and the second is a connectionless service that
operates above a secure or non-secure datagram transport service.

WTA (Wireless Telephony Application)

WAP June 2000 Overview Glossary

WTA specifies a framework for supporting wireless telephony applications: these are
applications which interface between an in-device WTA user agent and the network telephony

WTAI (Wireless Telephony Application Interface)

WTAI provides an interface consisting of library functions that are used by WTA user agents to
conduct telephony sessions with the telephony network. These functions enable such functions
as call and resource control, and they are available through both WML and WML Script
execution paths.

WTP (Wireless Transaction Protocol)

WTP is a “light weight” transaction-oriented protocol that is suitable for implementation on
“thin clients,” that is, mobile devices. It operates efficiently over wireless datagram networks
and provides the services necessary for the “request/response” interchange between a client
and a server, which is termed a “transaction.” It is message oriented and especially suited to
supporting “browsing,” which is a typical request/response interchange.

WTLS (Wireless Transport Layer Security)

WTLS is a security level protocol specified in the WAP architecture. The WTLS layer lies above
the transport protocol layer and provides to the WAP protocol layers above it a secure transport
service interface to the transport layer. It provides an interface for managing secure
connections, though applications may or may not take advantage of this capability.

XML (Extensibe Markup Language)

A World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard for Internet markup languages, of which WML
is one such language. XML is a restricted subset of SGML.


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