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Psychology Group Testing INTERVIEW LAST DAY

1. TAT 1st Day 2nd Day Personal BD CONF

2. WAT 1. GD 7. IO
3. SRT 2. PE 8. CT
4. Self 3. PGT 9. FGT
Description 4. GOR
5. HGT
6. Lecturette

PABT - Pilot Aptitude Battery Test

TAT - Thematic Apperception Test
WAT - Word Association Test
SRT - Situation Reaction Test
GD - Group Discussion
PE - Planning Exercise
PGT - Progressive Group Task
GOR - Group Obstacle Race
HGT - Half Group Task
IO - Individual Obstacle
CT - Command Task
FGT - Final Gp Task

1. Intelligence Test. This test is administered to all the candidates at the SSB in
order to find out the basic int of a candidate. This test has now become the first part of
screening test. All the questions are of objective type where multiple choice answers are
provided. Questions of int are of two type i.e Non Verbal and Verbal. Two set of papers
are reqd to be attempted and each set may contain a max of 50 questions, in which case
the timing allotted is 25 mins per set. If the questions are less in Nos in any set the time
also would be correspondingly reduced. The first set may be exclusively Non Verbal
which is imdt followed by the Verbal set or vice versa or both the sets may be a mix of
verbal and non verbal. Rough work is permitted in the space which would be indicated to
you by the duty psychologist. There is no negative marking. Before commencement of
the test, few examples would be done for the benefit of all the candidates. No markings
in the question booklet and therefore the answer should be marked against the matching
ser No in the answer booklet, in the printed answer sheet which would be issued
separately to you.


(a) Be quick in attempting the test. Write from the beginning and Imp
maintain progressive track of time, otherwise you would not be able
to complete the test in the given time, which would result in low
score and grading. Therefore, sit smartly and be alert during the
(b) In the first round attempt only those questions which strikes you V-Imp
straight away and thereafter, go for a second round, third round
etc. Only then you would be able to complete the test and score
(c) Est the logic in the question before you look for an answer. At
times if two answers appears similar, get back to the question and
look for addl logic so that you can spot the correct answer.
(d) In case the fwd apch or calculation is difficult for you, go from the Imp
answer backward by trial and error method in order to find the
correct ans. However this method is time consuming and therefore
resort to this method only in the last round.
(e) Be careful that the answer ser no corresponds to the correct VV-Imp
question No and that there is no mix up.
(f) Practice exercises on int against time from any book of int (except V-Imp
Bank, PO Books). The more you would be familiar with the variety
of problems which would result in higher score and grading.

2. Lecturette. It is the last task on the first day of the Gp Testing Techniques. In
this test each member of the gp turn will gets an opportunity to give a short talk to the rest
of his group members. The time allotted for the talk is 3 minutes and time for the
preparation is also 3 minutes. When a speaker completes 2 ½ minutes, the GTO who is
seated at the back would sound a bell or gives a tap which indicates that the speaker is
now left with half a minute to conclude his talk. In case the speaker continues beyond 3
mins, the GTO would ring a second bell and directs the speaker to take his seat. The
topics for the lecture are of gen nature and the speaker in his own turn is given the choice
to select one topic from a list of four topics which would be issued to him in the form of a
lecture card. During preparation you are not permitted to note any thing and therefore all
that you prepare should be retained in your memory, as far as the language is construal,
speak in English and if permitted by the GTO, you may speak as a mix of English and
Hindi. This task is carried out outdoor under a shady tree in the case of Army and Naval
bds while AF bds you does in indoor.


(a) Be careful while choosing the topic from the card i.e select that topic Imp
where in your knowledge is the most and not base your selection as
per the imp of the topic.
(b) Take time to select the topic but once selected, do not change the
topic during the preparation stage (After selecting the topic keep the
card upside down).
(c) The preparation stage is very imp because the out come of your VV-Imp
lecture would depend as to how systematically you are prepared. So
plan for a brief intro at the beginning and the brief conclusion at the
end. As far as the body of the lecture is concerned, divide it under
suitable sub heading and under each sub head, list it out in point form
in your memory. This method would ensure that your topic is
adequately and analytically covered and you would also find it easier
to re call the points while speaking.
Ex-1 - Problem Topics
I. Introduction
II. Causes

III. Remedies/Solution
IV. Conclusion
Ex-2 - Debatable/Controversial Topics
V. Introduction
VI. Merits or Advantage
VII. De Merits or Disadvantage
VIII. Conclusion
(d) Stand erect in front of the audience in a stand-at-ease position and Imp
face them squarely. Thereafter, the legs should not move but hands,
shoulders and head may move to make it more expressing.
(e) Address the GTO and the members before commencement of the talk
– “Respected GTO Sir and dear friends”.
(f) Announce the topic in an interesting way. V-Imp
(g) Speak loudly and clearly with body language also modulate your voice VV-Imp
and vary your pitch while speaking (Moderate speed to be maintained)
(h) Your effort should be to cover more No of points briefly rather than VV-Imp
dwelling on a couple of points for a larger duration.
(j) The pts put across should carry depth or maturity and not shallow level V-Imp
(k) Avoid peculiar gestures or mannerism while speaking because it Imp
distracts the audience.
(l) Do not repeat your points because it leaving a bad taste on the
audience. Therefore in case you forget a point switch on to the next
point without much of a delay
(m) Maintain eye contact with the audience throughout the talk. Therefore VV-Imp
showing your looks from one wing of the audience to the other end to
and fro.
(n) Have a hidden smile and display higher energy levels while speaking. VV-Imp
If possible you may incl some humor if the topic demands.
(o) Incl examples, proverbs, quotations, factual data and current VV-Imp
knowledge related to the topic. This would not only make the lecture
interesting but also would reveal your gen awareness to the GTO.
(p) In your conclusion do give a personal opinion or a critical view on the VV-Imp
(q) Speak for the full time but if that is not possible due to lack of pts, try Imp
and speak for atleast 2 ½ mins that is till the first bell is sounded by the
(r) A good effective lecture is a combined effect of – “WHAT YOU SPOKE VV-Imp
(s) Speakers are not born but the ability to speak well is a quality which VV-Imp
one develops through repeated exposure or opportunity he avails.
From the SSB preparation point of view, atleast practice 3 to 4 times a
day in a standing posture in order to be a good speaker.
(t) Read newspapers and good periodicals regularly. Also watch TV V-Imp
news, discussion pgmes and talk shows regularly. This habit would
enhance your gen awareness and at the SSB would help you in
lecturette, Gp discussion and personal interview.

Lecturette Topics

Indo-US Relationship Indo – Pak Relationship Indo-US Nuclear deal

US as the only Super India’s Economic growth India’s growth is world
Power matters
TV and Its effects on Our defense preparedness Sex Edn

Law and Order situ in India Sports and Games in India Competitive Exam
Western Influence on Population in India Human Rights
Indian Culture
Imp of Reading Cross border terrorism India’s foreign policy
Indian Cricket team Beauty contest Drug Addiction
Role of women in India Co-Education Dowry System
National Integration Physical fitness Environment
Indian Railways India’s Nuclear Capability Our Edn Sys
Reservation policy Indian Films Tourism in India
Coalition Govt Our Judicious Corruption in India
Youth frustration Most memorable Mother Terassa
Kiran Bedi Sania Mirza Amitabbachan
Tendulkar Dravid Indian Scientist
India’s Missile Pgme Computer edn Info tech
Internet Renewable sources of Generation Gap
NCC Investigating journalism Terrorism
My best friend Yoga Senior citizen in India
Our constitution Child Labour Child Marriage
Our police force Joint Jam Vs Nuclear Jam Criminal excess in politics
Social wk Love marriage Vs Arrange AIDS
Pollution MNCs BPO or Call Centre
Train Journey Bus/Road Journey

3. Group Discussion. It is the first task in the Group Testing tech. In this task the
group members (Six to ten members) are put through two rounds of discussion. The Gp
is seated in a full circle in a clock wise direction as per the seniority of chest Nos and the
GTO is seated any where outside the circle. The discussion is of an informal nature
where in the candidates are free to express their views on the topics of discussion allotted
by the GTO. Being informal any member can spk at any stage and as many No of times
he desires. There is no requirement for the gp to reach any conclusion. The topics
allotted for discussions are of gen nature but debatable or controversial or a topic having
large No of varied views. This would ensure differences of opinion there by generating

an active discussion. Speak in English and if permitted by the GTO you may speak in a
mix of English and Hindi. It is conducted indoor in the AF bd while Army bds conducts it
outdoor. It is conducted in two parts as given below :-

(a) Part I. GTO allots two topics and gives about ½ min to the gp to
choose one topic for discussion. The selected topic is repeated by the GTO and
there after he allows twenty mins of discussion time, at the end of which he
abruptly stops the discussion and with out delay starts part two

(b) Part II. In this part only one topic is offered by the GTO which he
repeats and again allows twenty mins of discussion time, at the end of which he
abruptly terminates the task.


(a) GD being the first task in the group testing, the need to do well V-Imp
because if GD goes well there is a tendency to do well in other indoor
task. Moreover the GTO carrier his initial impression of you from GD.
Also the members gets to know each others ability initially from GD.
Besides one addl GD has now become a part of screening also.
(b) Participate actively in both the parts which means speak as may No of V-Imp
times as possible.
(c) Take initiating even at the time of selecting of topic in Part I so that you
succeed in getting the topic of your choice.
(d) Try and be the first to enter the discussion in both the parts. If that is
not possible try and be the second or third or fourth to enter the
(e) The points put across by you should have depth or maturity and not V-Imp
shallow level views.
(f) Speak loudly, clearly and convincingly with body language, otherwise V-Imp
your views will go unheard in a group and will have no impact on other
(g) Support all that you speak with valid reasons. V-Imp
(h) Each time you speak, come out with a new point or a fresh argument VV-Imp
i.e do not repeat what you have said earlier or what others have
already said.
(j) Do not be rigid with your views but do accept others views also i.e V-Imp
incase your views are better, try to convince but incase others views
are better then your please accept it thereby displaying quality of
social adjustment.
(k) Do not loose temper or display aggressive tendency through words or Imp
gestures. Therefore be polite even when you oppose the views of
(l) Do not drag your point, because if you do so others would get irritated
with you. Therefore put across your views briefly with valid reasons.
(m) Speak in one breath without long halt or pause because if you do so,
others would interept you.
(n) Do not interrupt others while he is in the process of giving a point but
you may do so if he is dragging.
(o) Give examples, proverbs, Quotations, factual data and current VV-Imp
knowledge related to the topic. This method would reveals your gen
awareness to the GTO and you would also find it easier to convince
(p) Half way through the discussion in both the parts, encourage the weak Imp
members to participate.
(q) Do not indulge in speaking to only those two sitting in your either side
but generally look at everybody.

(r) Avoid looking at the GTO when the discussion is in prog.

(s) Atleast once during the entire discussion appreciate a good point Imp
conveyed by any member.
(t) Do not over dominate but remain in the focus of discussion. V-Imp
(u) Remember a good effecting participation in GD means – “WHAT YOU VV-Imp
(v) Read newspapers and good periodicals regularly. Also watch TV V-Imp
news, discussion pgmes, talk shows regularly. This habit would help
you in getting the correct point at the appropriate time during the

4. Word association Test. It is the second test in psy wherein the candidates are
reqd to make meaning full sentences with the words which would be exposed to them
one at a time. Normally a set of WAT consists of sixty words and each word is turn wise
exposed for 15 seconds during which the candidates observe the word, frame a sentence
and write it down. Words are simple routine words of common usage. The tense form of
the word may be changed to suit the sentence. Words in block capital letters are either
proj on a screen or physically shown by a helper on a hard board. Change of each word
is indicated by the duty psy by sounding a bell. Space for each of the sentence in the
answer booklet is restricted to one line.


(a) Be quick in attempting WAT other wise you may miss No of words Imp
or most of your sentences would remain incomplete (Try and
attempt more than 50 words).
(b) The word should appear in sentence in any tense form.
(c) Make meaningful sentence carrying depth or maturing and avoid V-Imp
shallow level views.
(d) Finalise the sentence in your mind before you commence writing in V-Imp
order to ensure a neat presentation without too many cutting or
over writings which otherwise would indicates that you work on
(e) Always remember that it is through the sentence that you are going V-Imp
to reveal your qualities.
(f) Sentences could be open sentence, gen sentence, sentence in first
person or sentence in third person.
(g) If it is through a third person, proj it through a male gender (Name,
He, Him, His) and not through females or animals or plants or
lifeless objects
(h) The sentence should display positive attitude, optimistic nature and VV-Imp
personal involvement.
(j) Sentences should be realistic and not fantasy or wishful oriented. VV-Imp
(k) Even words with a negative content should be converted into VV-Imp
positive thoughts or action.
(l) Avoid making just a statement of fact which reveals no quality.
(m) Avoid proverbs or quotations or std phrases.
(n) It is not the length of the sentence but the content or the matter V-Imp
conveyed through the sentences which is imp.
(o) Avoid making vague sentence which lacks clarity of thoughts.
(p) “Should” may be used only in the gen sense.
(q) “We” may be used only in gen sense but not in plural sense.
(r) Avoid using words like “may”, “try”, could, would, should, etc
because their usage itself is not definite.
(s) Preferably write in the past perfect or present perfect tense so that Imp
you can show the end results.
(t) You may prefix adjecting or use emphatic words to raise the level Imp

of the quality.
(u) You may bring out more than one inter related quality by using the
conjunction “and”.
(v) If a word has more than one meaning or a symbiotic meaning, you
may use it in any sense.
(w) Have a variety in your sentence so constr within a gp of 8 – 10 V-Imp
sentences (4 or 5 open, sentences and one each of other variety)
(x) Becareful when you make a sentence in first person i.e with ‘I’ & V-Imp
“My” because if used in a wrong sense, it would convey pride or
egoistic tendency.

Gen Tips for Psychology

(a) All the testing item in psy is against time. So the need to be quick in observing or
reading, thinking and writing otherwise you would not be able to complete the test in
given time.

(b) Display positive attitude, optimistic nature and personnel involvement in your
response or reaction.

(c) Avoid showing business inclination or interest in money matters or profit oriented

(d) Hand writing should be legibly (readable).

(e) Atleast carry 3 blue colour fast moving ball point pens for the test.

5. PGT (Prog Group Task). Though it is the third task, it is the first outdoor task
in the gp testing tech. In this task the gp as a whole is reqd to tackle a set of four
obstacles which is arranged in the increasing order of difficulty. Each obstacle depicted
by the GTO by a set of parallel lines called as the shart line and the finish lines and the
ground between the two is placed out of bound. However, certain structures are available
in this ground which could be utilized for crossing. Also at the initial start line certain
helping materials are provided which could be made use for crossing. So the reqmt is
making use of the helping mtrl in conjunction with the available structures without
touching the ground and reaching the finishing line. Helping mtrls are generally in the
form of plank, log (balley), ropes. These helping mtrls are issued only once at the initial
start line. There is a reqmt of retrieving this helping mtrl at every stage in order to put it to
further use. In addn a common gp load is also given at the initial start line which
becomes the gp resp to take it along till the final finish line. At times a tree or a branch of
a tree if available within the obst area is also allotted for use for crossing if reqd. Total
time for this task is 40 to 45 mins. Before commencement of task, the GTO will explain
certain rules which are reqd to be observed during all the outdoor task. He would also be
physically showing the obstacles before starting the task. It is the leaderless gp task.


(a) Out of Bound Rule. The ground between the shart line and the finish line is out
of bound for both men and helping mtrls.

(b) Gp Rule. Unless all the members of the gp alongwith the load and helping mtrl
reach the finish line of the previous obst, they cannot proceed to the start line of the next
obst which means the gp is tackling only one obst at a time.

(c) Distance Rule or Four Feet Rule. Any distance between any two points is
four feet or more, you are not permitted to jump across. Either bridge the gap or reduce
the gap to make it less than four feet so that you could jump. This distance of restriction
is applicable both in the horizontal as well as vertical plain. However in case you decide

to swing with the help of a rope, you may do so any distance because swinging in any
case is not jumping.

(d) Colour Rule.

(i) White. Any one and everything can touch what is painted white.

(ii) Red. Nothing can touch what is painted red.

(iii) Black. It has no spl significance.

(d) Fourth Colour. The GTO during his briefing will specify as to which
is the fourth colour applicable to his bd. It could be any one colour, may be
yellow or blue or pink or green or brown. The significance of this colour is only
men can touch it but not the helping mtrls.

(e) Rules for the helping mtrls

(i) You are not permitted to tie any two rigid helping mtrls together with the
help of a rope but there is no objection in keeping it one over the other as long
as it is not tied to each other.

(ii) Any no of helping mtrl can be separately be tied even at the same time to
any No of structures.

(iii) Any No of ropes can be tied to each other.

Penalty. Incase you break any of the above rules, even unintentionally.
You are reqd to get back to the previous pt prior to the breaking of the rules.
And thereafter either repeat it or change your idea so that you do not break the
rules again and again. This remedial action you should do it on your own without
being told to you by the GTO.


(a) PGT being the first outdoor task the need to do well because, if PGT V-Imp
goes well there is a tendency to do well in all the outdoor task,
Therefore do not fear PGT.
(b) Participate actively throughout the outdoor task. i.e Physically remain V-Imp
active throughout and offer as many ideas as possible.
(c) Even if you are not getting ideas, remain in the active orbit of activity VV_Imp
and if you do so ideas will automatically come to you.
(d) Speak loudly, clearly and convincingly with body language otherwise V-Imp
what you speak will go unheard in a gp at wk.
(e) Display keen interest, enthusiasm, zeal, buoyancy and urgency VV-Imp
during the task. Also your own body moments should be smart and
energetic (Remember – You and your actions are visibly to the
(f) Be a co-operative member of the gp and help the gp to prog. V-Imp
Therefore do not be rigid with your ideas but do accept the good
ideas of others and help them physically un executing that idea.
(g) Do not loose temper or indulge in a quarrel or display aggressive Imp
tendency through words or action.
(h) Take initiative by doing things first when ever you get an opportunity. Imp
(j) Follow the rules and whenever you difficult take remedial action Imp
without hesitation.
(k) Take interest in the common gp loan occasionally.
(l) The last man at every stage is going to pass problems and therefore V-Imp

you make have to plan something now to take the last man along.
(m) Help the weaker member of the gp by encouraging then and if reqd V-Imp
by even offering physical help.
(o) Avoid looking at the GTO when the task in prog.
(p) When the prog of the gp gets hold up thing of the alternate solutions VV-Imp
open to you even if it means changing the route. Remember every
obst is designed with a min of three solution i.e along the left apch,
right apch and centre apch.
(q) To get ideas for utilize a structure look at the size and shape of the VV-Imp
structure and also look at the helping mtrls. The link you est
between the two would emerge as an idea to you.
(r) Do not derive satisfaction at the progress the gp in making but keep VV-Imp
asking yourself at every stage as to what is your contribution upto
that pt and if the answer you get is negative you can still do
(s) It is not only maj ideas but even minor ideas or a modification to a
maj idea should be given out properly.
(t) When the task is terminated and the GTO calls for ideas, offer as V-Imp
many ideas as possible.

6. Half Gp Task (HGT). In this task the gp is divided into a 2 equal ½ gp and
each half gp turn wise is reqd to tackles one outdoor obst of moderate difficulty. Since
the obst is the same for both the half gp, when one ½ gp is dong it, the second ½ gp is
not permitted to observe. Rest of the conduct and rules is same that of PGT. Each ½ gp
gets 10 mins for the teak.


(a) All the tips applicable to PGT is also applicable in this task.
(b) Being a moderate level task with only half the members, do well
and try to emerge as a leader.

7. Final Gp Task (FGT). Being the last leaderless gp task it is called as the FGT.
In this task the gps as whole is reqd to tackle one maj obstacle in 10 to 15 mins. Rest of
the conduct and rules is same that of PGT.


(a) All the tips applicable to PGT is also applicable in this task.

Command Task (CT). In this task each member of the gp turn wise gets an
opportunity to be nominated as a cdr and will be reqd to tackle one outdoor obst of
moderate difficulty independently. To assist the cdr he can choose any two or three
subordinates as specified by the GTO and they would be made available to him.
However the resp for the completion of the task is that of the cdr and not of the
subordinates (Only cdr will give ideas, orders and instructions). Therefore the GTO
during his briefing will warn all the members that in case you happen to be a subordinate
to any of the cdrs, behave like a true subordinate i.e just do what the cdr tells you and
nothing more. Rest of the conduct and rules is same that of PGT. Each cdr gets 10 mins
for the task. Each member would be given differently structured command task.


(a) Accept the responsibility willingly and cheerfully when GTO allot the Imp
(b) Make a judicious choice of your subordinate. i.e select those three

whom you feel are the best.`

(c) Even before the arrival of your subordinates your plan in outline should V-Imp
be ready, only then you would be able to complete the task in the
given time.
(d) Give a short briefing to your subordinates before starting the task and
the briefing should include your outline plan of action.
(e) Take pride in having got indp resp of a cdr, therefore display keen VV-Imp
interest, enthusiasm and urgency during the task. Also your own body
movements should be smart and energetic.
(f) Speak loudly and give clear cut orders and instructions so that V-Imp
subordinate have no doubt as to what is to be done.
(g) Follow the rules your self and ensure the subordinates also follow the
rule and incase of difficulty take remedial action without hesitation.
(h) Be firm but polite in your dealings with your subordinates. Therefore V-Imp
do not loose temper or display aggressive tendency.
(j) Evan as a cdr take initiative by doing important things first your self. V-Imp
(k) At no stage you should take suggestion or call for the opinion of your VV-Imp
(l) You should not only give orders and instructions but physically work VV-Imp
with your subordinates (Playing capt of a football team).
(m) Take quick and appropriate decision particularly when faced with VV-Imp
difficulty or when GTO adds problem. Since Command task also has
three solutions, remain cool and think of alternative solutions open to
(n) Read through the tips of PGT also because command task is also an V-Imp
outdoor task like PGT but the only difference is you are the Cdr.
(o) As a subordinate do not try to cheat even it is for helping the Cdr.
(p) Thank your subordinates when GTO tells you to sum them away after
the Command Task.
(q) When the task is terminated and the GTO calls for ideas offer as many V-Imp
ideas as possible.
(r) Do not get worried incase you are allotted a peculiar shaped command Imp

9. Situation Reaction Test (SRT). It is the 3dr test in psy wherein the candidates
are reqd to write their reactions to a set of given situations issued to them in the form of
situation booklet. Normally a set of SRT consists of 60 situations in which case the time
allotted is 30 mins. All situation are with respect to a third person and therefore the
reaction also should be with respect to the same 3rd person. Space is ltd to a max of 3
lines No marking are to be made in the situ booklet and the reaction alone should be
written against the matching ser no in the answer booklet.


(a) Be quick in attempting SRT right from the beginning and maint a VV-Imp
progressive track of time otherwise you would not be able to complete
the test in the given time (Try and attempt more than 50 SRTs)
(b) Strictly ans in a serial order unless you have not understood the
(c) Read and understand the situation before you think of a reaction. At V-Imp
time you may have to read even between the lines.
(d) Situation the reaction in your mind before you commence writing in Imp
order to ensure a neat presentation without too many cuttings or over
writings which otherwise would indicate that you work an after
(e) Reaction should reveal positive attitude, optimistic nature and personal VV-Imp

(f) Reaction should be realistic and not fantasy as wishful oriented. VV-Imp
(g) Avoid vague reaction which lacks clarity. Therefore be specific in your
reaction where reqd.
(h) It is not the length of the reaction but the matter or the content Imp
conveyed in the reaction which is important
(i) You may use telegraphic language particularly when the reaction is Imp
long by using key words from the situation.
(k) Read through the tips of WAT also. Remember in WAT you could even
write the quality directly but in SRT your reaction reveal the quality.
(l) Preferably write in the present perfect or past perfect tense so that you
can show the end results.

10. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). It is the first test in psychology wherein
the candidates are reqd to write short stories associated with the picture which would be
exposed to them one at a time. Normally a set of TAT consists of 12 picture (11 + 1
blank) each picture is exposed for ½ min and immediately followed by four mins of writing
time for each of the story. When the picture is exposed the candidates are not permitted
to write and while writing the story, the picture is removed from observation. There is no
reqmt of giving any title to the story or drawing out any morale at the end of the story.
The pictures are either proj by a screen or physically lifted up by the help of a helper and
shown on a large display board, some pictures or part of a picture may lack clarity. Space
for each of the story in the answer booklet is resorted to ½ a page.


(a) TAT being the first test, the need to do well because psychologist V-Imp
while correcting the ans booklet carry the initial impression of you from
the booklet of TAT.
(b) TAT is also imp in screening. There is a reqmt of writing a story V-Imp
followed by discussion in screening also (Called as PPTD) i.e Picture
perception test and discussion.
(c) While viewing the picture itself the out line of your story should be VV-Imp
ready, only then you would be able to complete the story in a given
(d) Have a variety in your central ideas or themes in each of your story VV-Imp
and make it interesting to the reader.
(e) Each of your story should have a central character around which the V-Imp
story should revolve.
(f) There is no reqmt of describing the picture but the picture as such
should be linked to any stage of your story.
(g) There is no reqmt of giving a detailed description of the central
character and therefore introduce the hero into the story with a brief
description and thereafter let the story bring out his quality.
(h) Let only the hero be given a name. As fas as other characters are
concern you may refer to them through relationship or status or appts.
(j) You can imagine things or events taking place outside the frame of the VV-Imp
picture but the picture as such should be linked to any stage of your
(k) The centre character should be a person with positive attitude, VV-Imp
optimistic nature and displaying personal involvement.
(l) The Central idea should be realistic and not fantasy or wishful V-Imp
(m) Each of your story should have a definite end and therefore do not
leave the end to the readers imagination.
(n) Each of your story should end in a happy or a positive note i.e no VV-Imp
tragedy even if the pictures are negative in its content, convert it in a
positive story.

(o) Do not give awards or rewards or praises to the hero at the end of the VV-Imp
story. Therefore end your story in a humble way.
(p) Do not get worried if the picture or part of the picture lacks clarity but
write a story based on what you took the unclear portion to be.
(q) As far as the blank picture is concerned you may right any imagination
story but if you can link the central idea to any portion of your bio data
having strength you may do so.
(r) Avoid writing too many armed forces action story unless the picture
forces you to do so. However you may write some motivational story
revealing your interest to join the armed forces.
(s) Avoid reproducing the central ideas available from various SSB guides Imp
but write your own story which would be more appealing. Read
through the WAT and SRT tips also.
(t) Prepare some central ideas or themes in advances (more than 30
themes). If you do so you would be able to write interesting story on
the spot by making some minor changes to suit the exposed picture.

11. Group Obst Race (Snake Race)

(a) Put your best effort in helping the group.

(b) Be encourage and show the sprit.

12. Planning Exercise (PE) It is the second task in the gp testing tech. In this task
the gp is seated in a semi circle around a model and the GTO is seated at the open end
of the model. Thereafter the gp is put through an ex in order to access the planning and
org ability of each member. It is conducted in two parts as given below.

13. Individual Planning – Writing, Solution

(a) GTO explains the model.

(b) Gives out the situation with the help of the model.

(c) The same one page situation in a printed form is issued to each member for
your reading only for 5 mins and taken back.

(d) GTO issuing a clip board with one sheet of paper to write your indl solution
in 10 mins and the same is collected. Without delay part II starts.

14. Group Planning – Discussion. The model and the situation remaining the
same, the gp members are permitted to discuss for about 20 mins at the end of which the
gp is reqd to reach one common solution acceptable to all. Therefore at the end if the
discussion the gp can nominate a member to get up and offer the gp solution on behalf of
the gp. Thereafter the GTO may ask for any objections or minor changes if any to the gp
solution and thereafter the task is terminated.

Mechanics of Planning (Only for mental appreciation)

(a) Identity all the problem in the given situation.

(b) Identify the priority of the problem.

(c) What are the given resources (Identify addl or hidden resources which could be

(d) Study the following by looking at the model :-

(i) Loc of problem area and their distance.

(ii) Type of rds and trs to such areas and their suitability for different types of

(iii) Type of veh at your disposal and their possible speed.

(iv) Enemies method of operation.

(v) Various trainings.

(e) Distribute your resources.

Tips for Part – I

(a) Pay attn when the model in being shown/explained to you.

(b) Understand the situation properly and retain in your memory, imp details like
problems, given resources, enemies details and timings.

(c) Carryout a mental appreciation as per the mech of plg.

(d) Write your solution with speed using telegraphic language.

Tips for Part - II

(a) All tips applicable to GD is also applicable in this part.

(b) Participate activity even if you realize you made some mistakes in part I.

(c) Do not be rigid with your views but accept other views also thereby showing
corporation and quality of social adjust.

(d) Half way through the discussion try and be the moderator of the gp to help the gp
to reach a gp solution.

(e) Do not jump upto give the gp solution unless the gp nominate you.

(f) Incase you are nominated to give the solution, give that solution which the gp has
reached and not your own.

15. Self description (15 mins)

(a) What do your parents think of you ?

(b) What do your colleagues think of you ?
(c) What do your immediate superior think of you ?
(d) What do you think of yourself ? (include strong and weak points)
(e) What are the qualities that you want to develop in you ? (or) What do you
want to achieve or do which you are not being able to do so far.

Compiled by Vipin email :

UUUUUUUCourtesy by Albert Raj

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Date: 2006.11.19
11:16:42 +05'30'

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