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Homework 18 August 2019


Patricia Elena Gallego Alfaro

Cod: 1094931232
Wednesday 2-5 p.m

Chapter 4:

1) What is a presupposition?
It is information that is not explicitly expressed in the text deduces what is

2) Write your own sentence (an utterance) with 2 presuppositions that can be
assumed from it.

 Chanel, my dog, is running with the ball.

I have a Dog.
My dog can run
My dog has legs.
My dog has a name.

Chapter 6:

3) Describe, explain and present an example, in your own words, of the speech
acts: a) locutionary,

It is the construction of a meaningful statement in which the listener seeks to

understand what the speaker says.

E.g. It is snowing here!

b) illocutionary,

It is the act that occurs with the intention of communicating something. The
intention of the speaker is to want to convey the message.

E.g. I will use my time better every day.

c) perlocutionary.

Are those acts in which the speaker tries to persuade or changes his mind the
thought or feelings of the listener.

E.g. I admire my mother, because she is an exceptional and great woman, I

would like to be the same as my mom.
4) What is a Performative verb? Please give an example.

These verbs are actions that express acts that are performed. In other words,
they are actions that, when spoken, can also be performed.

E.g. I invite you to eat tonight.

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