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Magic English Learning School

9th Class
Verb Bangla Meaning Present Past P. Part:
acquire AR©b Kiv, DcvR©b Kiv acquire acquired acquired
adapt Lvc LvIqv‡bv, gvwb‡q †bIqv adapt adapted adapted
adjust Lvc LvIqv‡bv, gvwb‡q †bIqv adjust adjusted adjusted
argue ZK© weZK© Kiv, hyw³ w`‡q cÖgvY Kiv argue argued argued
confirm wbwðZ Kiv confirm confirmed confirmed
encourage mvnm ev Drmvn †`Iqv encourage encouraged encouraged
incorporate mw¤§wjZ Kiv, m“Ne× Kiv ev nIqv incorporate incorporated incorporated
justify mZZv,bvh¨Zv cÖwZcv`b Kiv justify justified justified
organize msMwVZ Kiv, e¨e¯’v Kiv organize organized organized
specialize we‡klÁ nIqv specialize specialized specialized
possess gvwjK ev AwaKvix nIqv, wbqš¿‡Y ivLv possess possessed possessed
retain eRvq ivLv, AwaKv‡i ivLv retain retained retained
calculate MYbv/wnmve Kiv calculate calculated calculated
relieve ¯^w¯— †`Iqv, Kó Dckg Kiv, gy³ Kiv relieve relieved relieved
hesitate BZ¯ÍZt Kiv, wØav Kiv hesitate hesitated hesitated
consult civgk© Kiv ev †`Iqv consult consulted consulted
deliver wewj ev me©ivn Kiv/ mšÍvb cÖme Kiv deliver delivered delivered
extend cÖmvwiZ Kiv/nIqv extend extended extended
investigate AbymÜvb Kiv, Z`šÍ Kiv investigate investigated investigated
negotiate `iv`wi Kiv, ga¨¯’Zv Kiv negotiate negotiated negotiated
qualify †hvM¨ K‡i Zzjv, Dchy³ Kiv qualify qualified qualified
retire Aemi †bIqv, Kg© Z¨vM Kiv retire retired retired
rid gy³ Kiv, D×vi Kiv rid ridded ridded
weigh IRb Kiv, gvcv weigh weighed weighed
administrate kvmb Kiv cwiPvjbv Kiv administrate administrated administrated
attach AvUKv‡bv, jvMv‡bv, mshy³ Kiv attach attached attached
behave AvPiY Kiv, fvj e¨envi Kiv behave behaved behaved
celebrate D`&hvcb ev cvjb Kiv celebrate celebrated celebrated
convince KvD‡K eySv‡bv, ivwR Kiv‡bv convince convinced convinced
disagree AgZ ev wfbœgZ †cvlY Kiv disagree disagreed disagreed
establish ¯’vcb ev cÖwZôv Kiv establish established established
ignore B‛QvK…Z fv‡e MÖvn¨ bv Kiv, cÖZ¨vLvb Kiv ignore ignored ignored
imply Bw½Z Kiv ev Bw½‡Z A_© cÖKvk Kiv imply implied implied
insist wR` Kiv, †Rvi w`‡q ejv insist insisted insisted
pursue AbymiY Kiv, wcQz †bIqv pursue pursued pursued
destroy aŸsm Kiv, webvk Kiv destroy destroyed destroyed
specify we‡kl fv‡e ev mywbw`©ófv‡e D‡j­L Kiv specify specified specified
warn mZK© Kiv, ûuwmqvi Kiv warn warned warned
accuse Awfhy³ Kiv, †`vlv‡iv Kiv accuse accused accused
admire cÖksmv ev kª×v Kiv admire admired admired
admit cÖ‡ekvbygwZ †`Iqv, mZ¨ e‡j ¯^xKvi Kiv admit admitted admitted
adopt †cvl¨ MÖnY Kiv adopt adopted adopted
announce †NvlYv ev Ávcb Kiv announce announced announced
apologize `ytL cÖKvk Kiv, IRi †`Lv‡bv apologize apologized apologized
approve Aby‡gv`b Kiv approve approved approved
attend g‡bv‡hvM †`Iqv, nvwRi nIqv attend attended attended
belong wb‡R‡K Lvc LvIqv‡bv belong belonged belonged
commit A½xKvi Kiv, cÖwZkÖæwZ †`Iqv commit committed committed
criticize mgv‡jvPbv Kiv, wb›`v Kiv criticize criticized criticized
deserve Dchy³ ev †hvM¨ nIqv deserve deserved deserved
st nd
1 . 2 . 3rd. 4th. 5th.
Future Tense- Table no-8
Sentence Future Indefinite Future Continuous Future Perfect
A.S. Wh I will be a student. Wh I will be being a student. Wh I will have been a student.
N.S. Wh I won’t be a student. Wh I won’t be being a student. Wh I won’t have been a student.
I.S. Wh Will I be a student? Wh Will I be being a student? Wh Will I have been a student?
I.N.S Wh Won’t I be a student? Wh Won’t I be being a student? Wh Won’t I have been a student?

Avwg GKRb QvÎ ne| Avwg GKRb QvÎ n‡Z _vwKe| Avwg GKRb QvÎ nBqv _vwKe|
Avwg GKRb QvÎ n‡ev bv| Avwg GKRb QvÎ n‡Z _vwKe bv| Avwg GKRb QvÎ nBqv _vwKe bv|
Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ ne? Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ n‡Z _vwKe? Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ nBqv _vwKe?
Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ ne bv? Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ n‡Z _vwKe bv? Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ nBqv _vwKe bv?
Shall not = shan’t, (kv›U),
Will not = Won’t (I›U),

N.B: (GLb Standard English- G Shall Gi cwie‡Z© me †¶‡Î Will e¨eüZ n‡‛Q)
(Will is being used everywhere against shall in a Standard English now)

1. I will be a student. Avwg GKRb QvÎ n‡ev| 5. They will be politician. Zviv ivRbxwZwe` n‡e|
2. We will be good speaker. Avgiv fvj e³v n‡ev| 6. It will be beautiful. Bnv my›`i n‡e|
3. You will be a presenter. Zzwg GKRb Dc¯’vcK n‡e| 7. Mahi will be a good girl. gvnx fvj evwjKv n‡e|
4. You will be interested. ‡Zvgiv AvMÖnx n‡e| 8. They will be inspired. Zviv AbycÖvYxZ n‡e|
Measure your speed
1 . 2nd. 3rd.
Sentence Making
evsjv evK¨ English Sentence
1. ‡Kb Zviv ESE-‡Z fwZ© n‡e?
2. fvj e³v I Dc¯’vcK nIqvi Rb¨ Zviv ESE †Z fwZ© n‡e©|
3. ESE wK Bs‡iRx wk¶vi Rb¨ Dc‡hvMx n‡e?
4. n¨v, ESE Bs‡iRx wk¶vi Rb¨ Dc‡hvMx n‡e|
5. wKfv‡e Zviv fvj QvÎ n‡e ?
6. Bs‡iRx wk‡L Zviv fvj QvÎ n‡e|
7. Zviv ESE †Z Bs‡iRx wkL‡Z _vK‡e|
8. µ‡g µ‡g Bs‡iRx wkL‡Z gvbyl ESE ‡Z Avm‡Z _vK‡e|
9. Caretaker govt. wK †`‡ki Rb¨ DcKvix n‡e?
10. Zviv Zv‡`i Rxeb DrmM© Ki‡Z cÖ¯‘Z _vK‡e|
11. GB †Kvm©wU Kivi ci Avwg GKRb fvj e³v nBqv _vwKe|
12. Wv³viMY w`b w`b †ivMx‡`i cÖwZ wbôzi n‡e|
13. ivRbxwZwe`iv KLb MY gvby‡li eÜy n‡e?
14. hviv igRvb gv‡m †ivRv iv‡L Zviv Avjøvi wcÖq ev›`v n‡e|
15. evsjv‡`k KLb GKwU ga¨g Av‡qi †`k n‡e?
16. 2021 mv‡j evsjv‡`k GKwU ga¨g Av‡qi †`k n‡e|
17. Bs‡iRx wk¶v Qvov †KB fvj PvKzix cv‡e bv|
18.‡`k †cÖwg‡Kiv memgq †`k‡K fvjevm‡e|
19. AvMvgx ïµevi wK Zzwg wW‡fU K¬v‡m Avm‡e?
20. Biv myB‡Uej Bswjk †Kvm©wU Bs‡iRx wkLvi Rb¨ Dc‡hvMx n‡e|
Adjectiv Gi mv‡_ ly ‡hvM Ki‡j Adverb Ges Noun Gi mv‡_ ly †hvM Ki‡j Adjective nq|
Verb Bangla Meaning Noun Adjective Adverb
acquire AR©b Kiv, DcvR©b Kiv acquirement acquired
adapt Lvc LvIqv‡bv, gvwb‡q †bIqv adaptability adaptable
adjust Lvc LvIqv‡bv, gvwb‡q †bIqv adjustment adjustable
argue ZK© weZK© Kiv, hyw³ w`‡q cÖgvY Kiv argument/ation argumentive argumently
confirm wbwðZ Kiv confirmation confirmed
encourage mvnm ev Drmvn †`Iqv encouragement encouraging encouragingly
incorporate mw¤§wjZ Kiv, m“Ne× Kiv ev nIqv incorporation incorporated incorporationally
justify mZZv,b¨h¨Zv cÖwZcv`b Kiv justification mZZv justified justly h_vh_fv‡e
organize msMwVZ Kiv, e¨e¯’v Kiv organization organized
specialize we‡klÁ nIqv specialist we‡klÁ specialty we‡klZ¡ specially
possess gvwjK ev AwaKvix nIqv, wbqš¿‡Y ivLv possession/or AwaKvi/Kvix possessive AwaKviRbK
retain eRvq ivLv, AwaKv‡i ivLv retainer
calculate MYbv/wnmve Kiv calculation/or calculating wnmvex calculatingly
relieve ¯^ w ¯Í †`Iqv, Kó Dckg Kiv, gy³ Kiv relief `vb, Îvb, wf¶v
hesitate BZ¯—Zt Kiv, wØav Kiv hesitancy/tion hesitative hesitatively
consult civgk© Kiv ev †`Iqv consultant/tion consultative consultatively
deliver wewj ev me©ivn Kiv/ m¯Ívb cÖme Kiv deliverance gyw³,Îvb delivery (n) deliverer (n)
extend cÖmvwiZ Kiv/nIqv extension extensive/ble e„nr extensionally
investigate AbymÜvb Kiv, Z`šÍ Kiv investigation/tor investigable investigationally
negotiate `iv`wi Kiv, ga¨¯’Zv Kiv negotiation
qualify †hvM¨ K‡i Zzjv, Dchy³ Kiv qualification/quality qualified
retire Aemi †bIqv, Kg© Z¨vM Kiv retirement retired
rid gy³ Kiv, D×vi Kiv riddance ridden wbcxwoZ,kvwmZ
weigh IRb Kiv, gvcv weight/weigher
administrate kvmb Kiv cwiPvjbv Kiv admin/administrator administrative administratively
attach AvUKv‡bv, jvMv‡bv, mshy³ Kiv attachment attachable/attached
behave AvPiY Kiv, fvj e¨envi Kiv behaviour
celebrate D`&hvcb ev cvjb Kiv celebration/celebrity celebrated D`hvwcZ
convince KvD‡K eySv‡bv, ivwR Kiv‡bv convincement convincible convincingly
disagree AgZ ev wfbœgZ †cvlY Kiv disagreement gZ‡f` disagreeable ‡egvbvb
establish ¯’vcb ev cÖwZôv Kiv establishment ms¯’v established
ignore B‛QvK…Z fv‡e MÖvn¨ bv Kiv, cÖZ¨vLvb Kiv ignorance g~L©Zv ignorant g~L© ignorantly
destine fvM¨ wba©viY Kiv destination/destiny destitute wbt¯^
insist wR` Kiv, †Rvi w`‡q ejv insistence insistent
pursue AbymiY Kiv, wcQz †bIqv pursuance pursuant
destroy aŸsm Kiv, webvk Kiv destruction/destructor destructive/ble destructively
specify we‡kl fv‡e ev mywbw`©ófv‡e D‡j­L Kiv specific/specification specified specifically
warn mZK© Kiv, ûuwmqvi Kiv warning warned warningly
accuse Awfhy³ Kiv, †`vlv‡iv Kiv accuser accusatory accusingly
admire cÖksmv ev kª×v Kiv admiration/admirer admirable/admired admirably
admit cÖ‡ekvbygwZ †`Iqv, mZ¨ e‡j ¯^xKvi Kiv admittance admitted admittedly
adopt †cvl¨ MÖnY Kiv adoption/adoptee adoptive adoptively
announce †NvlYv ev Ávcb Kiv Announcement announcer
apologize `ytL cÖKvk Kiv, IRi †`Lv‡bv apologist
approve Aby‡gv`b Kiv approval/approver approvable
attend g‡bv‡hvM †`Iqv, nvwRi nIqv attention/attendance attendant/attentive attentively
belong wb‡R‡K Lvc LvIqv‡bv
commit A½xKvi Kiv, cÖwZkÖ‚wZ †`Iqv commitment Committed
criticize mgv‡jvPbv Kiv, wb›`v Kiv criticism criticizable critically
deserve Dchy³ ev †hvM¨ nIqv deserts deserving deservedly
st nd
1 . 2 . 3rd. 4th. 5th.
Preposition and Bangla Meaning with Example
‡h kã Noun ev Pronoun Gi c~‡e© e‡m H Noun ev Pronoun Gi m‡½ ev‡K¨i Ab¨ Word- Gi m¤úK© eywS‡q †`q, Zv‡K
Preposition e‡j| Preposition evsjv wefw³ I Abym‡M©i g‡Zv e¨eüZ nq|
wbw`©ó ¯’v‡b †evSv‡Zt 1. I am at campus now. Avwg GLb K¨v¤úv‡m|
wbw`©ó mgq †evSv‡Zt 2. At the age, At this moment, At night, At morning/In the
†QvU ¯’vb †evSv‡Zt morning, at fist, At last, At the end, at the time etc.
wbw`©ó j¶¨e¯‘ †evSv‡Zt
1 at 3. At mirpur, At Gafargaon, At Malibag etc.
Kg© ms¯’vb ev wk¶vcÖwZôv‡b
†evSv‡Zt 4. At me, At the bird, At the moon, At the mahmud.
5. Do you study at Dhaka University?
6. Your father works at PDB.
1. He always gets above 80% marks in English.
wbw`©ó msL¨vi †ewk eySv‡Zt
2. The fan is above my head.
2 above msjMœ bv n‡q Dc‡i eySv‡Zt
3. Raise your one hand above your head.
E‡aŸ© eySv‡Zt
4. None is above error.
3 opposite wecixZ w`‡K †evSv‡Zt 1. The campus is opposite the Mari Stops Clinic.
1. About 5 p.m. cÖvq weKvj 5 Uv|
2. Now its about 2 p.m. GLb cÖvq `ycyi 2 Uv|
cÖvq †evSv‡Zt
4 about 1. He knows well about you.
mgÜ ev m¤úK© †evSv‡Zt
2. I discussed about Era Suitable Method.
Avwg Biv myB‡Uej †g_W m¤ú‡K© Av‡jvPbv K‡iwQjvg|
5 across AvovAvwo fv‡e †evSv‡Zt 1. Go across the street. GB iv¯Ívi AvovAvwo fv‡e hvb|
1. He is against me. ‡m Avgvi weiæ‡×|
weiæ‡× , 2. He can swim against the current. ‡m †kªv‡Zi cÖwZK~‡j muvZvi KvU‡Z cv‡i|
cÖwZK~‡j, 3. Forty students passed against eighty. 80 Rb Qv‡Îi ¯’‡j 40 Rb cvk
6 against
¯’‡j, K‡iwQj|
cv‡k †evSv‡Zt 4. He keeps his by-cycle against the wall. ‡m ‡`qv‡ji cv‡k Zvi mvB‡Kj
1. Among the boys. †Q‡j‡`i g‡a¨|
7 among `y‡qi Awa‡Ki g‡a¨ †evSv‡Zt
2. Among the students. Qv·`i g‡a¨|
1. I will go there after you. Avwg †Zvgvi c‡i †mLv‡b hve|
8 after c‡i †evSv‡Zt
2. After tomorrow. AvMvgx ciï|
1. I will go there before you. Avwg †Zvgvi c~‡e †mLv‡b hve|
9 before c~‡e© †evSv‡Zt
2. Before yesterday. MZ ciï|
10 beside cv‡k †evSv‡Zt 1. Mahi sat beside me. gvnx Avgvi cv‡k e‡mwQj|
11 besides Qvov/AwaKš‘ †evSv‡Zt 1. Besides this book. GB eBwU Qvov|
1. The 40% people live below the poverty line.
2. Go beneath the table.
12 bx‡P †evSv‡Zt 3. Heaven is below the foot of mother.
4. He lives under his father.
5. Push the paper underneath the door.
13 behind wcQ‡b †evSv‡Zt 1. It is behind the mosque. GwU gmwR‡`i wcQ‡b|
QvovBqv hvIqv ‡evSv‡Zt 1. He has gone beyond me ‡m Avgv‡K Qvwo‡q †M‡Q|
14 beyond
`~‡i †evSv‡Zt 2. We are beyond Dhaka. Avgiv XvKv QvovBqv `~‡i&
1. Divide the mango between two boys.
15 between `yB- Gi g‡a¨ †evSv‡Zt
AvgwU `yBRb evj‡Ki g‡a¨ fvM K‡i `vI|
1. By bus, By rickshaw, By walking, By writing.
Kv‡iv ev wKQzi Øviv †evSv‡Zt 2. He always sits by me.
cvkvcvwk ‡evSv‡Zt 3. Try to present by 5p.m.
16 by
wba©vwiZ mg‡qi Av‡MB †evSv‡Zt 4. By accident, By mistake.
†Kvb Kvi‡Yev d‡j ‡evSv‡Zt 5. One by one, Date by date, Year by year, Month by month.
6. 5 feet by 5 feet, Divide 8 by 3.
17 down Dci †_‡K wb‡P ‡evSv‡Zt 1. Go down the building. We are waiting for you down the hill.
‡Kvb wKQzi Rb¨ ‡evSv‡Zt
18 for 1. I shall be waiting for you for 2 hours.
hver ev a‡i †evSv‡Zt
1. He comes from Dhaka. †m XvKv †_‡K Av‡m|
19 from ‡_‡K/nB‡Z †evSv‡Zt 2. Form Eleven to sixty, From may to December,
From Monday to Saturday, From here to there etc.
†fZ‡i ev g‡a¨ ‡evSv‡Zt 1. Now I am in my campus. Avwg GLb Avgvi K¨v¤úv‡m|
mßvn, gvm ,FZz, eQi, kZvãxi 2. In a week, In a day, In a month, In a year, In January, In 1971, In
20 in ,‡Kvb welq, cwiav‡b, Ae¯’v eo the past, In the future, In his life, In the rainy season etc.
¯’vb †evSv‡Zt 3. I study in English, I live in Mymensingh, Now I am in blue shart,
I am in problem.
till, ch©š— †evSv‡Zt 1. Wait here till I come back. Avwg wd‡i Avmv ch©šÍ GLv‡b em|
until †h ch©šÍ bv †evSv‡Zt 2. Wait here until I come back. Avwg wd‡i bv Avmv ch©šÍ A‡c¶v Ki|
22 into ‡fZ‡ii w`‡K †evSv‡Zt 1. He is entering into the class room. ‡m K¬vm †iv‡g cÖ‡ek Ki‡Z‡Q|
1. I am not a good presenter like you.
23 like g‡Zv †evSv‡Zt
Avwg Avcbv‡`i gZ fvj Dc¯’vcK bB|
24 near wbK‡U †evSv‡Zt 1. He lives near the main rood. ‡m †gBb iv¯—vi wbK‡U evm K‡i|
1. It is made of gold. GwU ¯^‡Y©i ‰Zwi|
25 of i, Gi †evSv‡Zt
Of computer, Of this campus, Of this shirt etc.
msjMœ n‡q Dc‡i †evSv‡Zt 1. On the table, On the roof, On the head, On foot, On me.
ZvwiL ev evi †evSv‡Zt 2. On Friday, On 16 December, On 2nd December.
26 on
‡Kvb Dcj¶ †evSv‡Zt 3. On your birthday, On you marriage ceremony.
‡Kvb Dcv‡q †evSv‡Zt 4. On grass, On patrol.
1. The fan is over the head. ‡dbwU gv_vi Dc‡i|
27 over Dc‡i ¯úk© bv K‡i †evSv‡jt
2. The sun is over the head. myh©wU gv_vi Dc‡i|
28 outside evB‡i †evSv‡Zt 1. Go outside the campus, Go outside the office.
‡Kvb wKQz †_‡K ‡ewi‡q Avmv
29 out of 1. The ball went out of the play ground.
AZx‡Zi wbw`©ó mgq †_‡K
30 since 1. Since Monday, Since last night, Since day before yesterday.
w`‡K, cÖwZ †evSv‡Zt 1. He is going to Dhaka.
31 to
gy‡LvgywL ev mvgbv mvgwb †evS‡Zt
2. Face to face, Back to back, Eye to eye, To us, To me, To Mahi.
32 towards Awfgy‡L †evSv‡Zt 1. We are going towards that village.
1. We conduct our business through English.
33 through wfZi w`‡q ev Øviv †evSv‡Zt
2. Through the pipe, Through the forest.
1. We are up the hill. Avgiv cvnv‡oi Dc‡i|
34 up wbP †_‡K Dc‡i eySv‡Zt 2. Go up the roof. Qv‡`i Dc‡i hvI|
3. Stand up. `uvovI|
35 upon Dc‡i †evSv‡Zt 1. Go upon the river. b`xi Dci w`‡q hvI|
†Kvb e¨w³i mv‡_, Kv‡Q I e¯‘i 1. He lives with her mother. †m Zvi gv‡qi mv‡_ _v‡K|
g‡a¨ eySv‡Zt 2. It has with my father. Bnv Avgvi evevi Kv‡Q Av‡Q|
36 with
†Kvb e¯‘ Øvi KvR m¤úbœ nq 1. Write with a pen. Kjg w`‡q wjL|
eySv‡Zt 2. Have the sweet with spoon. PvgP w`‡q wgwówU LvI|
1. Within an hour. GK NÈvi g‡a¨|
37 within wbw`©ó mgqmxgvi g‡a¨ †evSv‡Zt 2. Within 3 months. wZb gv‡mi g‡a¨|
3.Within 5 minutes. cuvP wgwb‡Ui g‡a¨|
1. Without money. UvKv Qvov/e¨ZxZ|
38 without e¨ZxZ ev Qvov †evSv‡Zt 2. Without water. cvwb Qvov/e¨ZxZ|
3. Without you. †Zvgv‡K Qvov|
except or ev` w`‡q, e¨ZxZ, e¨wZ‡i‡K 1.Count except/excepting me. Avgv‡K ev` w`‡q wnmve Ki|
excepting †evSv‡Zt 2. Choose another except/excepting it. Bnv Qvov Ab¨wU cQ›` Ki|
40 along eivei A_© †evSv‡Z: 1. Go along the road. GB iv¯—v eivei hvb|
Present Tense-1
Sentence Present Indefinite Present Continuous Present Perfect
Assertive Sen. WH I (do). WH I am (doing). WH I have (done).
Negative Sen. WH I don’t (do). WH I am not (doing). WH I haven’t (done).
Interr: Sen. WH Do I (do)? WH Am I (doing)? WH Have I (done)?
Interrogative Ne. Se. WH Don’t I (do)? WH Am not I (doing)? WH Haven’t I (done)?
Present Tense-2 (by adding auxiliary Verbs)
Sentence Present Indefinite Present Continuous Present Perfect
Asser.S Wh I am a (student). Wh I am being a (student). Wh I have been a (student).
Nega.S Wh I ain’t a (student). Wh I am not being a (student). Wh I haven’t been a (student).
Inter.S. Wh Am I a (student)? Wh Am I being a (student)? Wh Have I been a (student)?
Inter.Neg:S. Wh Ain’t I a (student)? Wh Am I not being a (student)? Wh Haven’t I been a (student)?
Present Tense-3 (passive voice)
Sentence Present Indefinite Present Continuous Present Perfect
Asser.S Wh Wh Wh
I am (called). I am being (called). I have been (called).
Nega.S Wh
I ain’t (called). Wh
I am not being (called). Wh
I haven’t been (called).
Inter.S. Wh Wh Wh
Am I (called)? Am I being (called)? Have I been (called)?
Inter.Neg:S. Wh
Ain’t I (called)? Wh
Am I not being (called)? Wh
Haven’t I been (called)?
Past Tense- Table no-4
Sentence Past Indefinite Past Continuous Past Perfect
Asser.S Wh I (did). Wh I was (doing). Wh I had (done) before you (did).
Nega.S Wh I didn’t (do). Wh I wasn’t (doing). Wh I hadn’t (done) before you (did).
Inter.S. Wh Did I (do)? Wh Was I (doing)? Wh Had I (done) before you (did)?
Inter.Neg:S Wh Didn’t I (do)? Wh Wasn’t I (doing)? Wh Hadn’t I (done) before you (did)?
Past Tense- Table no-5 (by adding auxiliary Verbs)
Sentence Past Indefinite Past Continuous Past Perfect
A.S. Wh I was a (student). Wh I was being a (student). Wh I had (done) before you (did).
N.S. Wh I wasn’t a (student). Wh I wasn’t being a (student). Wh I hadn’t (done) before you (did).
I.S. Wh Was I a (student)? Wh Was I being a (student)? Wh Had I (done) before you (did)?
I.N.S Wh Wasn’t I a (student)? Wh Wasn’t I being a (student)? Wh Hadn’t I (done) before you (did)?
Past Tense- Table no-6
Sentence Past Indefinite Past Continuous Past Perfect
A.S. Wh I was (called). Wh I was being (called). Wh I had (done) before you (did).
N.S. Wh I wasn’t (called). Wh I wasn’t being (called). Wh I hadn’t (done) before you (did).
I.S. Wh Was I (called)? Wh Was I being (called)? Wh Had I (done) before you (did)?
I.N.S Wh Wasn’t I (called)? Wh Wasn’t I being (called)? Wh Hadn’t I (done) before you (did)?
Future Tense- Table no-7
Sentence Future Indefinite Future Continuous Future Perfect
A.S. Wh I shall (do). Wh I shall be (doing). Wh I shall have (done).
N.S. Wh I shan’t (do). Wh I shan’t be (doing). Wh I shan’t have (done).
I.S. Wh Shall I (do)? Wh Shall I be (doing)? Wh Shall I have (done)?
I.N.S Wh Shan’t I (do)? Wh Shan’t I be (doing)? Wh Shan’t I have (done)?
Future Tense- Table no-8 (by adding auxiliary Verbs)
Sentence Future Indefinite Future Continuous Future Perfect
A.S. Wh I will be a (student). Wh I will be being a (student). Wh I will have been a (student).
N.S. Wh I won’t be a (student). Wh I won’t be being a (student). Wh I won’t have been a (student).
I.S. Wh Will I be a (student)? Wh Will I be being a (student)? Wh Will I have been a (student)?
I.N.S Wh Won’t I be a (student) Wh Won’t I be being a (student)? Wh Won’t I have been a (student)?
Avwg Kwi| Avwg KiwQ| Avwg KwiqvwQ|
Avwg Kwi bv| Avwg KiwQ bv| Avwg Kwiwb|
Avwg wK Kwi? Avwg wK KiwQ? Avwg wK KwiqvwQ?
Avwg wK Kwi bv| Avwg wK KiwQ bv ? Avwg wK Kwiwb?

Avwg GKRb QvÎ| Avwg GKRb QvÎ nw‛Q| Avwg GKRb QvÎ n‡qwQ|
Avwg GKRb QvÎ bv| Avwg GKRb QvÎ nw‛Q bv| Avwg GKRb QvÎ nqwb|
Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ? Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ nw‛Q ? Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ n‡qwQ?
Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ bv? Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ nw‛Q bv ? Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ nq wb?
Avgv‡K WvKv nq| Avgv‡K WvKv n‡‛Q| Avgv‡K WvKv n‡q‡Q|
Avgv‡K WvKv nq bv| Avgv‡K WvKv n‡‛Q bv| Avgv‡K WvKv nqwb|
Avgv‡K wK WvKv nq? Avgv‡K wK WvKv n‡‛Q? Avgv‡K wK WvKv n‡q‡Q?
Avgv‡K wK WvKv nq bv? Avgv‡K wK WvKv n‡‛Q bv? Avgv‡K wK WvKv nqwb?

Avwg K‡iwQjvg| Avwg KiwQjvg| Zzwg Kivi c~‡e© Avwg K‡i wQjvg|
Avwg Kwi bvB| Avwg KiwQjvg bv| Zzwg Kivi c~‡e© Avwg Kwi bvB|
Avwg wK K‡iwQjvg? Avwg wK KiwQjvg? Zzwg Kivi c~‡e© wK Avwg K‡i wQjvg?
Avwg wK Kwi bvB? Avwg wK KiwQjvg bv? Zzwg Kivi c~‡e© wK Avwg Kwi bvB?
Avwg GKRb QvÎ wQjvg| Avwg GKRb QvÎ nw‛Qjvg| Zzwg Kivi c~‡e© Avwg K‡i wQjvg|
Avwg GKRb QvÎ wQjvg bv| Avwg GKRb QvÎ nw‛Qjvg bv| Zzwg Kivi c~‡e© Avwg Kwi bvB|
Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ wQjvg? Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ nw‛Qjvg? Zzwg Kivi c~‡e© wK Avwg K‡i wQjvg?
Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ wQjvg bv? Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ nw‛Qjvg bv? Zzwg Kivi c~‡e© wK Avwg Kwi bvB?
Avgv‡K WvKv n‡qwQj| Avgv‡K WvKv nw‛Qj| Zzwg Kivi c~‡e© Avwg K‡i wQjvg|
Avgv‡K WvKv n‡qwQj bv| Avgv‡K WvKv nw‛Qj bv| Zzwg Kivi c~‡e© wK Avwg Kwi bvB|
Avgv‡K wK WvKv n‡qwQj? Avgv‡K wK WvKv nw‛Qj? Zzwg Kivi c~‡e© wK Avwg K‡i wQjvg?
Avgv‡K wK WvKv nqwb? Avgv‡K wK WvKv nw‛Qj bv? Zzwg Kivi c~‡e© Avwg Kwi bvB?
Avwg Kie| Avwg Ki‡Z _vKe| Avwg Kwiqv _vwKe|
Avwg Kie bv| Avwg Ki‡Z _vKe bv| Avwg Kwiqv _vwKe bv|
Avwg wK Kie? Avwg wK Ki‡Z _vKe ? Avwg wK Kwiqv _vwKe?
Avwg wK Kie bv? Avwg wK Ki‡Z _vKe bv ? Avwg wK Kwiqv _vwKe bv?
Avwg GKRb QvÎ ne| Avwg GKRb QvÎ n‡Z _vwKe| Avwg GKRb QvÎ nBqv _vwKe|
Avwg GKRb QvÎ n‡ev bv| Avwg GKRb QvÎ n‡Z _vwKe bv| Avwg GKRb QvÎ nBqv _vwKe bv|
Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ ne? Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ n‡Z _vwKe? Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ nBqv _vwKe?
Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ ne? Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ n‡Z _vwKe bv? Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ nBqv _vwKe bv?
Avgv‡K WvKv n‡e| Avgv‡K WvKv nB‡Z _vwK‡e| Avgv‡K WvKv nBqv _vwK‡e|
Avgv‡K WvKv n‡e bv| Avgv‡K WvKv nB‡Z _vwK‡e bv| Avgv‡K WvKv nBqv _vwK‡e bv|
Avgv‡K wK WvKv n‡e? Avgv‡K wK WvKv nB‡Z _vwK‡e? Avgv‡K wK WvKv nBqv _vwK‡e?
Avgv‡K wK WvKv n‡e bv? Avgv‡K wK WvKv nB‡Z _vwK‡e bv? Avgv‡K wK WvKv nBqv _vwK‡e bv?

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Facebook Group: Magic English & Creative Invention
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Learn Correct Spelling.
Awbevh© msw½, mnPi c~e©kZ© cÖfve, cÖwZcwË Am¤¢e
inevitable companion precondition influence impossible

wewkó, cv_©K¨ Ae`vb KcU, fÛ †fRvj wbt‡kwlZ

distinguished contribution hypocrite adulterated exhausted

Reading Practice with Correct Pronunciation.

Death is inevitable. Everybody knows it. Yet everybody forgets it for the sake of life. Again many become
immoral dying with a smiling face. Many die many times before their death. Rest is the part of work. It is
essential to take a rest after work. Rest makes the body fresh. A sound sleep is also necessary for a good
health. A sound health is a precondition for success. We live in the age of science. We see the influence of
science in all spheres of life. Science is our constant companion in our everyday life. We have made
impossible things possible with the help of science. The present civilization is the contribution of science.
Mental peace is the real peace. The happiness consisting in wealth is not real happiness. If someone thinks
that he is happy, on poverty can make him unhappy. Happiness lies in being simple. A hypocrite can’t be
happy. It is drizzling. Do not go out now; you will fall sick. Medicine is very scarce in the country. Most of
the few which are available are adulterated. So, no disease is cured easily. Reading book is a good habit.
Books give man knowledge. Books teach a man how to distinguish between good and evil. Books bring
peace of mind. So, it is necessary to cultivate the habit of reading books. The love of a mother is never
exhausted. It never tires. The father may turn his back on a child. Brothers and sisters may become deadly
enemies. But a mother’s love exists in all circumstance.

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