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Magic English Learning School (online)

3rd Class
Verb Bangla Meaning Present Past P. Participle
add ‡hvM Kiv add added added
allow AbygwZ †`Iqv allow allowed allowed
appear Dcw¯’Z nIqv appear appeared appeared
ask wRÁvmv Kiv ask asked asked
apply Av‡e`b Kiv apply applied applied
appoint wb‡qvM Kiv appoint appointed appointed
boil wm× Kiv, †dvUv‡bv boil boiled boiled
borrow avi Kiv borrow borrowed borrowed
cheer DrmvwnZ Kiv cheer cheered cheered
clean cwi®‹vi Kiv clean cleaned cleaned
delay ‡`wi Kiv delay delayed delayed
discuss Av‡jvPbv Kiv discuss discussed discussed
dream ¯^cœ †`Lv dream dreamed/ mt dreamed/ mt
end ‡kl Kiv end ended ended
enjoy Dc‡fvM Kiv enjoy enjoyed enjoyed
fail e¨_© Kiv fail failed failed
fill c~Y© Kiv fill filled filled
fix w¯’i Kiv fix fixed fixed
flow cÖevwnZ Kiv flow flowed flowed
hang dvuwm‡Z †Svjv‡bv hang hanged hanged
help mvnvh¨ Kiv help helped helped
jump jvd †`Iqv jump jumped jumped
kill nZ¨v Kiv kill killed killed
laugh nvmv laugh laughed laughed
load ‡evSvB Kiv load loaded loaded
lock Pvwe †`Iqv lock locked locked
look ZvKv‡bv look looked looked
mend ‡givgZ Kiv mend mended mended
need cÖ‡qvRb nIqv need needed needed
obey gvb¨ Kiv obey obeyed obeyed
own wb‡Ri AwaKv‡i ivLv own owned owned
pass DËxY© nIqv pass passed passed
paint AvuKv paint painted painted
play ‡Ljv Kiv play played played
pull Uvbv pull pulled pulled
push av°v ev †Vjv †`Iqv push pushed pushed
punish kvw¯Í †`Iqv punish punished punished
rain e„wó nIqv rain rained rained
reach ‡cuŠQv‡bv reach reached reached
rear jvjb-cvjb Kiv rear reared reared
sew ‡mjvB Kiv sew sewed sewed
plan cwiKíbv Kiv plan planed planed
stay _vKv stay stayed stayed
stroke (n+v) AvNvZ Kiv, nvZ †evjv‡bv stroke stroked stroked
thank ab¨ev` †`Iqv thank thanked thanked
wait A‡c¶v Kiv wait waited waited
wash ‡avIqv wash washed washed
wish B”Qv Kiv wish wished wished
work KvR Kiv work worked worked
walk nuvUv walk walked walked
1 . 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th.
Present Tense-2 (by adding auxiliary Verbs)
Sentence Present Indefinite Present Continuous Present Perfect
Asser.S Wh I am a student. Wh I am being a student. Wh I have been a student.
Nega.S Wh I am not a student. Wh I am not being a student. Wh I haven’t been a student.
Inter.S. Wh Am I a student? Wh Am I being a student? Wh Have I been a student?
Inter.Neg:S Wh Am I not a student? Wh Am I not being a student? Wh Haven’t I been a student?

Avwg GKRb QvÎ| Avwg GKRb QvÎ nw”Q| Avwg GKRb QvÎ n‡qwQ|
Avwg GKRb QvÎ bv| Avwg GKRb QvÎ nw”Q bv| Avwg GKRb QvÎ nqwb|
Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ? Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ nw”Q ? Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ n‡qwQ?
Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ bv? Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ nw”Q bv ? Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ nqwb?
I am a student. Avwg GKRb QvÎ|
We are speaker. Avgiv e³v|
You are a presenter. Zzwg GKRb Dc¯’vcK|
You are meritorious. ‡Zvgiv †gavex|
They are politician. Zviv ivRbxwZwe`|
She is a housewife. ‡m GKRb M„wnYx|
He is a good writer. ‡m GKRb fvj †jLK|
It is beautiful. Bnv my›`i |
English is an international Language. Bs‡iRx AvšÍR©vwZK fvlv|
Bangladesh is an independent country. evsjv‡`k GKwU ¯^vaxb †`k|
Mahi is a good girl. gvnx fvj evwjKv|
Population problem is our main problem in Bangladesh.
Patriotism is a good virtue.
Verb-50 (base form) + Before/before not, After/after not,
By/by not, For/for not =Verb mv‡_ ing
Before understanding = eySvi c~‡e©
Before not understanding = bv eySvi c~‡e©
After coming = Avmvi ci
After not coming = bv Avmvi ci
By writing = wjwLqv/wj‡L
By not writing = bv wjwLqv/bv wj‡L
For learning = wkLvi Rb¨
For not learning = bv wkLvi Rb¨
become begin break build buy catch come cost drink drive eat fall feel fly forget
get give go grow hear hold keep leave lose make lend mean meet pay read see
sell send show shut sleep speak stand take do think understand win write say
st nd
1 . 2 . 3rd.

Facebook Profile: Ansarul Haque Rana

Facebook Page: Magic English Learning School
Facebook Group: Magic English & Creative Invention
Youtube: Magic English Learning School
Reading Practice with correct pronunciation
Dhaka is an ancient city. It stands on the bank of the river Buriganga. It is called the capital city of Bangladesh. A large number of
high-rise buildings have been built here. The beauty of these buildings is very charming. Most of the people of our country are
illiterate. They do not know how to read or write, where as none can prosper without education. The educated are the strength of the
country. It is a pre-condition for the development of a nation. Our country is small. But this country is very overpopulated. Therefore,
it is essential for us to control population. If we are able to educate our people, population control will be very easy. So, we should
spread the light of education among all. The other day was Monday. The day has occupied a special place in the sphere of my life.
You came down to me in the form of a heavenly blessing even in the midst of innumerable troubles. The course of my life has
tremendously changed from that very day. Drug taking is a curse. Our young generation is getting attracted towards it day by day.
They are destroying their life forgetting their duties and responsibilities. They will have to be rescued. Otherwise there will occur an
irreparable loss. Akbar could neither read nor write. He could not even sign his own name. Books were read out to him. His memory
was so sharp that he had gained a lot of knowledge in this way. The rate of crime in our country is on the increase. The law and order
situation has to be developed to curb crimes. The criminals should be given rigorous punishment. The punishment for the crimes like
murder, kidnapping, acid throwing, it is extremely needed to raise the sense of morality of the people.
st nd
1 . 2 . 3rd.
WH +Ever
hv/hvnv - Whatever hvB †nvK bv †Kb
hLb/ZLb - Whenever hLbB †nvK bv †Kb
‡h_vq/‡hLv‡b - Wherever †hLv‡bB †nvK bv †Kb
‡h Kvi‡Y - Why ever †hKvi‡YB †nvK bv †Kb
‡hfv‡e - However †hfv‡eB †nvK bv †Kb
hv‡K - Whomever hv‡KB †nvK bv †Kb
‡h - Whoever †hB †nvK bv †Kb
Kviv - Whoever hvivB †nvK bv †Kb
‡hwU - Whichever †hwUB ‡nvK bv †Kb
hviwU - Whosever hviwUB †nvK bv †Kb
N.B. ‘Ever’ ev` w`‡q ïay ‘So’ emv‡jI GKB A_© `uvovq|
What so - hvB †nvK bv †Kb
N.B. ‘Ever’ Gi c~‡e© ‘So’ emv‡jI GKB A_© `uvovq|
What so ever - hvB †nvK bv †Kb
1. However/how so/howsoever you must present in our seminar.
2. Why ever/why so/why so ever try to come in time/due time please.
3. Whatever/what so/what so ever I don’t pardon/excuse you.
4. Wherever/where so/where so ever you go, I will be able to find out you.
5. Whenever/when so/ when so ever I will meet with you.
Subject+Verb+ to infini
I -Avwg
We -Avgiv
You -Zzwg/‡Zvgiv
He -‡m (cys)
She -‡m (¯¿x)
Who -‡K, †h/Kviv, hviv
They -Zviv
Mahi and Mahdi: gvnx Ges gvn`x
1. I want to learn English. Avwg Bs‡iRx wkL‡Z PvB|
2. I want to help the poor. Avwg Mwie‡`i mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z PvB|
3. I love to be a good speaker. Avwg GKRb fvj e³v n‡Z PvB|
4. I try to draw attention of all. Avwg cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki g‡bv‡hvM AvKl©Y Ki‡Z †Póv Kwi|
5. I would like to thank everybody. Avwg cÖ‡Z¨‡KB ab¨ev` Rvbv‡Z PvB|
6. Mahi and Mahdi have come here to be a good speaker. gvnx Ges gvn`x GKRb fvj e³v n‡Z GLv‡b G‡m‡Q|
7. I hope to become 1st in this class. Avwg GB K¬v‡m cÖ_g n‡Z Avkv Kwi|
8. I want to work hard for prospering in life. Avwg Rxe‡b DbœwZi Rb¨ KVzi cwikÖg Ki‡Z PvB|
9. I am learning English to get honour in life. Avwg Rxe‡b m¤§vb †c‡Z Bs‡iRx wkL‡ZwQ|
10. Everybody is coming to ESE Education for
cÖ‡Z¨‡KB Bs‡iRx wkLvi Rb¨ B.Gm.wm BWz‡Kk‡b Avm‡Z‡Q|
learning English.
11. I want to be a good speaker and presenter in
Avwg Bs‡iRxi GKRb fvj e³v I Dc¯’vcK n‡Z PvB|
Learn Correct Spelling.
myL cÖ‡qvRbxq cÖwZ‡ekx D”PviY myweav
Happiness Necessary Neighborhood Pronunciation Advantage

mywPcÎ Abyôvb fvlv bv myPK Aš—f©~³ Kiv gyw`i †`vKvb

Schedule Programs Language Negative Include grocery
To infinite/Gerund + Verb to be (am/is/are/were)+extension.
To err is human. fzj Kiv gvby‡li ¯^fve|
To tell a lie is a great sin. wg_¨v ejv gnv cvc|
To smoke is a bad habit. aygcvb GKwU Lvivc Af¨vm|
To swim regularly is good for health. wbqwgZ muvZvi KvUv
¯^v‡¯’¨i Rb¨ LyeB fvj|
Learning/by learning English I want to be an English teacher.
Bs‡iwR wkwLqv Avwg Bs‡iRxi wk¶K n‡Z PvB|
Coming/by coming here we have learned English. GLvwb
Avwmqv Avgiv Bs‡iRx wk‡LwQ|
1. I am used to (doing). Avwg Ki‡Z Af¨¯’| (I/play, We/ donate, She/sing, You/write,
They/understand, Mahi/see, He/watch)
2. Keep (watching). †`L‡Z _vKyb| donate, play, sing, write, understand, see, watch.
3. Stop (watching). †`Lv eÜ Kiæb| donate, play, sing, write, understand, see, watch.
Subject + seem/seems/seemed + to be + adjective.

KvD‡K †Kvb wKQy e‡j g‡b nq eySv‡j-

4. He seems to be (happy). Zv‡K mywL e‡j g‡b nq|
5. He seemed to be (happy). Zv‡K mywL e‡j g‡b n‡qwQj|
I nervous, We sad (`ytwLZ), You brilliant (cÖwZfvevb), He tired (K¬všÍ),
They industrious (cwikÖgx), She impudent (‡eqv`e), Mahi studious student (co–qv QvÎx)
6. What if I fail in the examination. wK n‡e hw` Avwg B‡iRx‡Z †dBj Kwi?
Sentence Making by depending on indefinite, Continuous, and Perfect
evsjv evK¨ English Sentence
cÖkœ: Avcwb wK (GKRb) QvÎ ?

D:n¨v, Avwg (GKRb) QvÎ|

cÖkœ: Zviv wK ivRbxwZwe`?

D: bv, Zviv e¨emvqx

cÖkœ: Zzwg wKfv‡e fvj QvÎ n”Q?

D: n¨v, Avwg GKRb fvj QvÎ n‡Z hvw”Q|

cÖkœ: g¨vwRK Bswjk wK w`b w`b RbwcÖq n‡”Q?

D: n¨v, RbwcÖq n‡”Q|

cÖkœ: Zviv wK avwg©K n‡”Q?

D: bv, Zviv avwg©K n‡”Q bv|

cÖkœ: Zviv ‡Kb ivRbxwZ we` n‡q‡Q?

D: RbM‡Yi †mev Kivi Rb¨ Zviv ivRbxwZwe` n‡q‡Q|

cÖkœ: wKfv‡e Zviv GZ Amr n‡q‡Q?

D: Amr †jv‡Ki mv‡_ wg‡m Zviv Amr n‡q‡Q|

cÖkœ: evsjv‡`k wK DbœZ n‡q‡Q?

D: n¨v, evsjv‡`k DbœZ n‡q‡Q|

cÖkœ: wKfv‡e Avcwb GZ fvj Dc¯’vcK n‡q‡Qb?

D: g¨vwRK Bswjk G †Kvm© K‡i Avwg fvj Dc¯’vcK


cÖkœ: RbmsL¨v wbqš¿b Ki‡Z miKvi wK e¨_© n‡q‡Q?

D: bv, RbmsL¨v wbqš¿Y Ki‡Z miKvi mdj nqwb|

“Magic English-G †Kvm© Kiv e¨q bq, Avcbvi Rxe‡bi †kªôZg wewb‡qvMÓ
Let’s practise the lesson
Who (knows)? কে জানে? What about you? – কোমার খবর দে? How else – আর দেোনব?
Who doesn't (know)? কে জানে ো? so so - কমাটানমাটি Little by little – ক্রমান্বন়ে।
Who (know)? োরা জানে? So be it - েনব োই কহাে Is it so! - োই োদে!
.Who don't (know)? োরা জানে ো? Who cares! – োর দে ো়ে আনস! If you do case - েদি আপদে োে
Who (knows). কে জানে/ Excuse me - এই কে শুেুে Have a good day - ো এেটি দিে
Who doesn't (know). কে জানে ো/ Not a bit - এেটু ও ো োটাও।
Who (know). োরা জানে/ That’s fantastic - এটা সদেয েমৎোর Let’s sit somewhere - ে কোথাও বদস
.Who don't (know)? োরা জানে ো/ Next to nothing - ব নে কগন দেেু ই ো So far so good - এ পেযন্ত সবই োন া
Don't let me (do). আমানে েরনে দিন়েে Mind your language - োষা সংেে েনরা I tend to think – আমার কেে কেে মনে
ো/ Come to the point – আস েথা ব হ়ে।
Oh dear! - বন া েী! That's right - ঠিে বন নেে Forget it - ও েু ন োও।
Hi guys - হযান া বন্ধু রা To be frank - কখা াখুদ োনব ব নে What a pity- দে িু:খজেে ।
Good job! – সাবাশ! কগন । Hold on - াইনে থাকুে
So what? – োনে দে? Do it at once! - এক্ষু দে ের!
Oh, no! - এ হনে পানরো! Oh, sure - ও দেশ্চ়েই Speak with care - সাবধ্ানে েথা ব ।
Pay attention! - মনোনোগ দিে! Bullshit! – বানজ েথা How strange! - দে অদ্ভু ে!
It’s your turn - এবার কোমার পা া But who cares! - কে ধ্ারধ্ানর! By the grace of Allah - আল্লাহার রহমনে
I'm at a loss - দে ব ব কেনব পাদিো! No more buts - আর কোে দেন্তু ে়ে How absurd! - দে বানজ বেনো!
Heiya! It is you I see - আনর েু দম কে! How so – ো দে েনর হ়ে? Good riddance! - োে বাো কগ !
Oh! come on - আহ! এেটু বুঝনে কেষ্টা I think so - আদম োই মনে েদর Just for asking - োইন ই পাও়ো ো়ে
েনরা! Calm down - শান্ত হও Stand in queue - াইনে িাাঁোে
Let me (do) - আমানে েরনে িাও/ Let’s have a look - ে কিদখ
Keep (watching). কিখনে থাকুে! Let’s run away - েন া এক্ষু দে পা াই I suppose so – আদমও কসটা ধ্ারণা
Stop (watching). কিখা বন্ধ েরুে! I am getting wet - আদম দেনজ োদি েরদে।
What’s up - দে খবর? I don’t care! – আমার দেেু ো়ে I don’t mind – আদম দেেু মনে েদর ো।
Carry on - োদ ন়ে োও আনসো! If so, so what - েদি োই হ়ে োনে েী
Wow - বাহ, িারুে কো No smoking - ধ্ূমপাে দেনষধ্ Keep your word – কোমার েথা করনখা।
My goodness! - এদে! Let me digress - এেটু দেন্ন প্রসনে োও়ো Nothing is impossible – কোে দেেু ই
How come - দে বযাপার? োে অসম্ভব
What a mess! - দে এে ঝানম া! Really pleased - সদেয আেদিে ে়ে।
Oh, shit - ধ্যানেদর I am delighted- আদম আেদিে । Whatever (you want) – েু দম ো োও।
Yes, go on - হযা, ব নে থাে So kind of you! - আপোর ি়ো। Whatever you do? – েু দম ো ের।
Definitely – অবশযই Anybody home? - বাদেনে কেউ আনেে? Why should I care? – কেে আদম পনরা়ো
Let it pass - কেনে দিে। Keep quiet - েু প ের েরব?
Obviously – স্পষ্টে, সম্ভবে No entrance - প্রনবশ দেনষধ্ Something else – অেয দেেু ।
I’m off - আদম কগ াম। It’s enough - েনথষ্ট হন়েে Nothing else – অেয দেেু ই ো।
As if - কেে, দে কে হনো What (happened) - দে হন়েনে? Talk sense - দেন্তা েনর েথা ব
Damn it! - েু া়ে োে! What an idea! - দে বুদি! Don’t say anymore – আর দেেু বন া
What a surprise!- হটাৎ কে! Well done - সাবাশ ো।
Go to the devil! – কগাল্লা়ে োে! Indeed! - সদেয!
Pardon me - ক্ষমা েরv | How peaceful! - দে শান্ত!
I swear I will - েসম আদম েরব । Get lost - দবিা়ে কহাে।
I give up - আদম কেনে দিন়েদে

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