Common Mistakes On Building Drawings

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Common mistakes on building drawings

Many different types of drawing can be used during the process of designing and constructingbuildings,
often prepared by different disciplines or teams, working separately from one another. There are several
common mistakes that can be made when producing or interpretingdrawings, so it is important that care
and attention is brought to bear whenever conveying technical information in a form that may need to be
relied upon. Mistakes on drawings can leadto costly delays and remedial work if they are not corrected.

A very common mistake is simply that drawings are not complete. This can be a particular problem
where designers do not have the necessary experience, supervision, quality systems or time to produce
the drawings required. Incomplete drawings can lead to requests for information and change orders when
the works start on-site.

Designers may also omit some detailing during the design process, such
as window details orroof construction details, intending to complete them later, and will instead provide
notes about what that portion of the construction should consist of. This can become a problem If they do
not return to update the drawings before construction begins.

Frequently, drawings do not coordinate with one another, in particular if they are prepared by
different teams, for example, the information on structural drawings may not be consistent
withductwork drawings. This can result in 'clashes' such as ventilation ducts or running
throughstructural beams (a hard clash), or insufficient space provision
for installation works or accessfor maintenance (a soft clash). To try and void this problem, the design
team should regularlyreview all up-to-date working drawings to ensure that they coordinate accurately.

Building information modelling (BIM) can help prevent clashes. Clash detection software can identify
clashes between different discipline's BIM data and generate clash reports. However, this should not be
relied upon as a fail-safe check, and should not be used to justify poordesign co-ordination processes.
For more information see: Clash avoidance.

There may also be inconsistencies between drawn information and written information such as that
on schedules or specifications. It is important therefore that information is not duplicated between
different types of document, but rather that one refers to the other. For example, adrawing may include
notes referring to additional details in specification clauses.

In terms of the personal drawing style, designers may have in-house habits that are not understood by
other teams or disciplines. This can lead to misinterpretation and mistakes. It is important therefore
that drawings adopt standard methods and procedures for preparation, symbols, hatching, annotation and
so on. These should be agreed at the outset so that earlydrawings do not have to be corrected.
This is particularly important when drawings are prepared using computer aided design orbuilding
information modelling. This can involve the federation of information prepared by multiple teams to create
a single building information model. If the information is not created consistently serious incompatibilities
can emerge that can be costly and time consuming to correct.

In terms of technical details, common mistakes include:

 Incorrect or inconsistent scales being used across drawings.

 Doors opening the wrong way or with insufficient opening space (i.e. open onto otherdoors,
cabinets, windows, etc.).
 Facilities located in impractical places.
 Undersized, impractical or awkward spaces.
 Poorly detailed junctions or abutments between different components or systems.
 Incorrect symbols.
 Inconsistent revision numbers.
 Poor reproduction.
 File exchange or conversion errors.
 Software incompatibilities.
 Unbuildable, or difficult to build elements.
 Missing components.
 Inconsistent information.
 Illegible writing.
 The use of acronyms that are not understood.
 Notes that are not understood.

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