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Cognitive Computer Tutors:

Solving the Two-Sigma Problem

Albert Corbett

Human-Computer Interaction Institute

Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

Abstract. Individual human tutoring is the most effective and most expensive
form of instruction. Students working with individual human tutors reach
achievement levels as much as two standard deviations higher than students in
conventional instruction (that is, 50% of tutored students score higher than 98%
of the comparison group). Two early 20th-century innovations attempted to offer
benefits of individualized instruction on a broader basis: (1) mechanized
individualized feedback (via teaching machines and computers) and (2) mastery
learning (individualized pacing of instruction). On average each of these
innovations yields about a half standard deviation achievement effect. More
recently, cognitive computer tutors have implemented these innovations in the
context of a cognitive model of problem solving. This paper examines the
achievement effect size of these two types of student-adapted instruction in a
cognitive programming tutor. Results suggest that cognitive tutors have closed
the gap with and arguably surpass human tutors.

1 Introduction

Individual human tutoring is perhaps the oldest form of instruction. Countless

millennia since its introduction, it remains the most effective and most expensive
form of instruction. Bloom [1] reports that students working with a “good” human
tutor obtain average achievement levels that are two standard deviations higher than
students in conventional instruction. That is, the average students in the individual
tutoring condition obtain test scores as high as the top 2% of students in the
comparison condition. Bloom labeled this result the “two-sigma” problem (sigma is
the mathematical symbol for standard deviation): designing educational environments
that are as effective as individual human tutors, but affordable enough to disseminate
on a wide basis.
Two forms of student-adapted instruction were pioneered in the 20th century that
tackle the two-sigma problem. One is machine-based individualized feedback on
student performance via teaching machines and subsequently computers. The second
is mastery learning in which the students move at their own pace through a
curriculum, receiving the individualized instruction needed to “master” each unit
before moving to the next. About 15 years ago the Carnegie Mellon PACT Center

M. Bauer, P.J. Gmytrasiewicz, and J. Vassileva (Eds.): UM 2001, LNAI 2109, pp. 137–147, 2001.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2001
138 Albert Corbett

began developing an intelligent tutoring technology called cognitive tutors that

employs a cognitive model of student knowledge to implement both individualized
feedback and mastery learning. This paper examines the separable impact of model-
based (a) individualized feedback, (b) mastery learning and (c) a type of scaffolded
mastery learning, all in the ACT Programming Tutor. The paper reviews meta-
analyses of human tutors, computer-based instruction and mastery learning, describes
the ACT Programming tutor, examines the impact of model-based feedback,
cognitive mastery and scaffolded cognitive mastery and argues that the aggregate
impact equals or exceeds the success of human tutors.

2 Meta-analyses and Effect Size

A meta-analysis is a quantitative review that computes the average impact of a

treatment variable, for instance human tutoring, across multiple evaluation studies.
The meta-analyses reviewed here examine the impact of educational interventions on
student achievement. Because studies employ different achievement measures, the
result of each study is converted to a standard measure of effect size with the formula

(mean of the treatment group) – (mean of the comparison group)

(standard deviation of the comparison group)

An effect size of +1 means the average score in a treatment group (students in an

experimental instructional environment) falls one standard deviation above the
average score in the comparison group (e.g., conventional instruction). As depicted in
Fig. 1, 34% of a normal distribution falls between the mean and the first standard
deviation. Since 50% of the distribution falls below the mean, an effect size of +1 SD
means that the average student in the experimental treatment scored higher than 84%
of the students in the comparison condition. As suggested in the opening section,
about 98% of a distribution falls below +2SD, while about 69% falls below +0.5 SD
and 63% falls below +0.33 SD.

+1 +2

50% 34% 14%

Fig. 1. The area of a normal distribution below the mean, between the mean and +1
standard deviations and between +1 and +2 standard deviations.
Cognitive Computer Tutors: Solving the Two-Sigma Problem 139

2.1. Meta-analysis of Human Tutors

Bloom [1] reports four dissertation studies comparing human tutoring to conventional
classroom instruction. Learning time was held constant and the average achievement
level in the human tutoring condition typically fell +2 standard deviations (SD) above
the mean of the comparison group. Bloom characterizes the tutors in this study as
“good” tutors, and this effect size should be thought of as an upper bound on what
human tutors can achieve. Cohen, Kulik and Kulik [2] conducted a meta-analysis of
achievement gains in 52 studies of human tutors in elementary and secondary schools
and report a substantially smaller average effect size of +0.40 SD. One study yielded
an effect size of 2.3, in Bloom’s range, but only 16 of the 52 studies yielded an effect
size of +0.50 or higher. These are primarily studies of peer (student-student) tutoring
and paraprofessional tutoring, rather than professional tutors, so the tutors perhaps did
not meet Bloom’s standard of “good”.

2.2 Meta-analyses of Computer-Based Instruction

Pressey’s “teaching machine” [3] introduced machine-based individualized feedback

in the early part of the 20th century. The teaching machine presented multiple-choice
questions and could be set so that the student had to select a correct answer to each
question before moving to the next. This early promise of prompt individualized
feedback was more fully realized in the second half of the century with the advent of
computer-based instruction. There have been several meta-analyses of first-
generation computer tutors that present text and graphical displays, ask questions and
provide feedback ([4], [5], [6], [7], [8]). The average achievement effect size across
these meta-analyses ranges from +0.30 SD to +0.48 SD, in the same range as average
human tutor effectiveness. Kulik and Kulik [6] also report that computer-based
instruction reduces instructional time. The ratio of instructional time for the
computer-based instruction group to that for the conventional group averaged 0.70.

2.3 Meta-analysis of Mastery Learning

The central idea of mastery learning is that virtually all students can achieve expertise
in a domain if two conditions are met: (1) the domain is analyzed into a hierarchy of
component skills and (2) students master prerequisite skills before moving on to
higher level skills. Early interest in mastery learning arose in the 1920s, but it only
achieved prominence in the 1960s. Two forms of mastery learning were developed.
Bloom [9] proposed “learning for mastery” in which a group of students move
through a curriculum together and individual students get extra assistance as needed.
In Keller’s [10] “personalized system of instruction”, students move through the
curriculum at their own pace. A meta-analysis of mastery learning [11] found an
average achievement effect of +0.59 SD for group-based learning for mastery and
+0.48 SD for personalized mastery studies. Mastery learning increases instructional
140 Albert Corbett

time, but only slightly. Median instructional time was 4% longer in mastery learning
than in the conventional conditions.

3 The ACT Programming Tutor

In the following sections we examine the impact of cognitive model-based feedback

and mastery learning in the ACT Programming Tutor (APT). APT is a problem-
solving environment in which students learn to write short programs in Lisp, Pascal or
Prolog. Fig. 2 displays the APT Lisp Module midway through a problem. The
student has previously read text presented in the window at the lower right and is
completing a sequence of corresponding problems. The current problem description
appears in the upper left window and the student's solution appears in the code
window immediately below. The student selects operator templates and types
constants and identifiers in the user action window in the middle right. In this figure
the student has encoded the operator defun used to define a new operator, has entered
the operator name, declared input variables and begun coding the body of the
definition. The three angle-bracket symbols in the figure, <EXPR1>, <PROCESS1>
and <EXPR0> are placeholders, which the student will either replace with additional
Lisp code or delete. Communications from the tutor appear in the Hint window in the
lower left. In this figure the student has asked for a hint on how to proceed.

Fig. 2. The APT Lisp Tutor Interface.

Cognitive Computer Tutors: Solving the Two-Sigma Problem 141

3.1 Model Tracing, Knowledge Tracing and Cognitive Mastery

Like all cognitive tutors, APT is constructed around a cognitive model of the
knowledge students are acquiring. APT uses this knowledge for two purposes. First,
the cognitive model enables the tutor to trace the student's solution path, providing
immediate step-by-step feedback on problem solving actions and advice on steps that
achieve problem solving goals, in a process we call model tracing. Second, the tutor
tracks the student's growing problem solving knowledge across problems in a process
we call knowledge tracing, which in turn is used to implement cognitive mastery
learning. In cognitive mastery learning, the student completes an individualized
sequence of problems in each curriculum section until “mastering” each of the
cognitive problem solving rules introduced in the section.

4 Cognitive Tutor Effect Sizes

This paper re-examines three studies of model-driven instructional interventions (a)

model tracing, (b) cognitive mastery and (c) scaffolded cognitive mastery designed to
support understanding and planning. It calculates the effect size of each intervention
and examines the aggregate effect of these student-adapted interventions.

4.1 Model Tracing Effect Size

In model tracing the tutor’s cognitive model is employed to interpret students’

problem solving actions, providing step-by-step feedback and advice as needed to
ensure that the students successfully complete each problem. We have previously
completed empirical evaluations that compare cognitive tutors for high school
mathematics to conventional classroom problem solving activities. Students in the
cognitive tutor group worked through a fixed set of problems with model tracing
support (but without knowledge tracing and cognitive mastery), while the comparison
group completed conventional classroom problem solving activities (boardwork and
seatwork). Instructional time was held constant in these studies and the cognitive
tutors yielded an achievement effect size of +1 SD [12]. This is 2 or 3 time the
average effect of conventional computer based instruction and about half the effect of
the best human tutors.
This paper examines the achievement effect size of model tracing in a recent
study of the APT Lisp Tutor [13]. This study compared a group of students who
completed a fixed set of problems with the APT Lisp Tutor to a conventional group
who completed the same problem set on-line with an editor and Lisp interpreter, but
no tutorial assistance. In contrast with the high school math tutor evaluations, this
was a self-paced study in which both instructional time and achievement level can
Procedure. Twenty college students worked at their own pace through the first two
lessons of a Lisp programming text, completed a fixed set of 26 accompanying
programming problems, then completed a paper-and-pencil programming test. Ten
students completed the 26 problems with APT, which provided step-by-step feedback
and advice as needed. Students in this condition always remained on a recognized
solution path and always reached a successful conclusion to problem solving.
Students in the non-tutor comparison condition completed the same programming
problems on-line with a structure editor and Lisp interpreter and received no advice
on how to write the programs. When the student signaled that he or she had finished
a problem, the tutor tested the code and indicated whether the solution was correct. If
not, the student was encouraged to continue working, but was not required to reach a
correct solution, since it may not have been possible without assistance. If a student in
the non-tutor condition gave up with an incorrect answer, the tutor presented a
canonical solution to the problem. This approximates a common homework situation
in which students can look up correct solutions in the back of the book.

Results. As displayed in Table 1, model tracing yielded an achievement effect size of

+0.75 SD compared to the conventional problem solving condition. Students in the
model tracing condition finished the fixed problem set in 1/3 the time required by
students in the conventional group, as displayed in Table 2. The model tracing effect
is smaller in this study than the +1 SD effect observed in the high school mathematics
studies, but note that instructional time was held constant in those studies.

Table 1. Posttest accuracy (probability correct) in the Non-Tutor and Model Tracing
conditions and effect size of Model Tracing

No Tutor Model Tracing

Mean SD Mean SD Effect Size
0.51 0.21 0.67 0.23 0.75

Table 2. Mean learning time (minutes) for the Non-Tutor and Model Tracing
conditions and the ratio of learning times (Model Tracing/Non-Tutor)

No Tutor Model Tracing Ratio

Mean SD Mean SD MT/NT
32.1 9.7 102.0 64.7 0.31

4.2 Cognitive Mastery Effect Size

A second study [14] compared students working through the APT Lisp Tutor with
just model tracing to students working with both model tracing and cognitive mastery
(knowledge tracing). Students in the model tracing comparison group completed a
fixed set of programming problems. Students in the cognitive mastery condition
completed this fixed set plus additional problems as individually needed in each
curriculum section to master the cognitive programming rules introduced in the
Cognitive Computer Tutors: Solving the Two-Sigma Problem 143

Procedure. Twenty-two college students worked through the early sections in a Lisp
text, completed corresponding programming problems, then completed an on-line
programming test. Ten students were assigned to a “model tracing only” condition
while twelve students were assigned to cognitive mastery condition. Students in both
conditions completed a fixed set of 30 programming problems across the curriculum.
In both conditions APT continuously updated its estimates that the student had
learned the cognitive programming rules needed to solve the problems and displayed
these estimates in a “skillmeter” (depicted in the upper right corner of Fig. 2). In the
model tracing condition, these knowledge tracing estimates did not affect the
curriculum and students completed just the fixed set of 30 problems. In the cognitive
mastery condition, each student completed these 30 problems and completed an
individually tailored sequence of problems until the probability that each of the rules
had been learned reached a mastery criterion of 0.95.

Results. Students in the cognitive mastery condition completed an average of 42

exercises, compared to 30 in the fixed curriculum comparison condition. As
displayed in Table 3, cognitive mastery yielded an achievement effect size of +0.89,
compared to model tracing. Although students in the cognitive mastery condition
completed 40% more problems than students in the fixed curriculum condition, they
actually completed them in less time (50.3 minutes vs. 54.1 minutes). Students in the
fixed curriculum condition took an unusually long time in the relatively easy first
curriculum section – 3.5 times longer than the cognitive mastery condition. To obtain
a more realistic estimate of the relative impact of cognitive mastery on learning time,
we computed learning time for the remaining curriculum sections, excluding section
1. As displayed in Table 4, students in the cognitive mastery condition required about
15% more time than students in the fixed curriculum condition to complete these

Table 3. Posttest accuracy (probability correct) in the Model Tracing and Cognitive
Mastery conditions and effect size of Cognitive Mastery

Fixed Curriculum Cognitive Mastery

Mean SD Mean SD Effect Size
0.68 0.19 0.85 0.14 0.89

Table 4. Mean learning time (minutes) for the Model Tracing and Cognitive Mastery
conditions and the ratio of learning times (Cognitive Mastery/Model Tracing) for
curriculum sections 2 through 5.

Fixed Curriculum Cognitive Mastery Ratio

Mean SD Mean SD CM/MT
40.5 20.5 46.3 15.2 1.14
144 Albert Corbett

4.3 Augmented Support Effect Size

The knowledge tracing model used to estimate student knowledge can also be used to
predict student problem solving performance. Studies show that the knowledge
tracing model overestimates students’ test performance by about 10% and does so
because some students are learning suboptimal rules ([15], [16]). As a result, two
model-driven forms of augmented support were developed for the early part of the
APT Lisp Tutor curriculum. One enhancement employs animated feedback to make
key data structure relationships salient. The second employs subgoal scaffolding to
support students in developing simple programming plans. A recent study [17]
compared a cognitive mastery condition in which students work to mastery with this
augmented support to the standard cognitive mastery condition (like that in the
previous study) in which students work to mastery without augmented support.

Procedure. Thirty-nine college students worked through the first five sections of the
APT Lisp Tutor curriculum with both model tracing and knowledge tracing. Twenty-
one students worked to reach cognitive mastery with augmented feedback and plan
scaffolding. The other eighteen students worked to cognitive mastery without the
additional model-based support.

Results. Students in the scaffolded cognitive mastery condition required an average

of 35 problems to reach mastery, while students in the standard cognitive mastery
condition required an average of 59 problems. As can be seen in Table 5 the
achievement effect size of scaffolded support was +0.42 SD. Students in the
scaffolded mastery condition reached mastery in about 25% less time, as shown in
Table 6.

Table 5. Posttest accuracy (probability correct) in the Standard Cognitive Mastery

and Augmented Cognitive Mastery conditions and effect size of Augmented Mastery

Standard Mastery Augmented Mastery

Mean SD Mean SD Effect Size
0.83 0.12 0.88 0.10 0.42

Table 6. Mean learning time (minutes) for the Standard Cognitive Mastery and
AugmentedCognitive Mastery conditions and the ratio of learning times (Augmented
Cognitive Mastery/Standard Cognitive Mastery)

Standard Mastery Augmented Mastery Ratio

Mean SD Mean SD AM/SM
83.2 74.7 63.1 36.2 0.76

4.4 Aggregate Effect Size

Model tracing yields a +0.75 achievement effect size compared to non-tutor

conventional learning. Cognitive mastery yields a +0.89 effect size compared to basic
Cognitive Computer Tutors: Solving the Two-Sigma Problem 145

model tracing. Scaffolded cognitive mastery learning yields a +0.42 effect size
compared to standard cognitive mastery. Each innovation adds substantially to the
impact on student achievement. What is the aggregate effect size the three
instructional interventions? We cannot simply add the three effect sizes, because the
unit (standard deviation of the comparison group) decreases across studies. But we
can derive the aggregate effect size, since the comparison group in each successive
study is the same as the experimental group in the previous study. Model tracing
serves as the experimental treatment in experiment 1, then serves as the comparison
group for standard cognitive mastery in experiment 2. Tables 1 and 2 reveal that test
performance in the model tracing condition is almost identical across the studies, both
mean (.67 vs. .68) and standard deviation (.23 vs. .19). Similarly, standard cognitive
mastery serves as the experimental treatment in experiment 2 and as the comparison
group for scaffolded mastery in experiment 3. Again, Tables 2 and 3 show that test
performance in this condition is almost identical across the two studies, both mean
(.85 vs. .83) and standard deviation (.14 vs. .12). As a result, we can reasonably
estimate the aggregate effect size of model tracing, cognitive mastery and scaffolded
cognitive mastery by computing the total difference between the scaffolded cognitive
mastery mean in experiment 3 and the non-tutor mean in experiment 1 and dividing
by the standard deviation of the non-tutor baseline in experiment 1:

(.88-.51)/.21 = +1.76 SD aggregate effect size

5 Discussion

The aggregate effect of model tracing, cognitive mastery and scaffolding on

achievement is virtually as large as that obtained by the best human tutors. Recall
that instructional time was held constant in the human tutor studies. In experiment 1
above, students in the cognitive tutor condition completed problem solving in 1/3 the
time required in the non-tutor condition. Even with the extra time cost of cognitive
mastery students would be finishing in no more than 40% the time required by
students working on their own. If we had held learning time constant, and allowed
the cognitive tutor group to work as fast and far as they could through the curriculum,
and tested both the cognitive tutor and non-tutor groups on all the material covered by
the cognitive tutor group, we would expect the aggregate achievement effect size of
cognitive tutoring to be substantially larger, arguably much larger than +2 SD. Not
only have cognitive tutors reached and arguably surpassed Bloom’s +2 SD goal, we
also have empirical evidence that cognitive tutors have met Bloom’s affordability
criterion for widespread dissemination: In 2000-2001 our cognitive mathematics
tutors are in use by more than 50,000 students in over 300 schools in 27 U.S. states.
Substantial work remains to be done. For example, the model-based scaffolding
in the third study that accounts for approximately +0.25 SD of the aggregate cognitive
tutor effect required interface modifications that were specific to the relatively small
portion of the APT Lisp curriculum examined in these studies. In the NSF-funded
CIRCLE Center, housed jointly at the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon
we are examining more general mechanisms to improve student-adapted instruction,
including the use of eye-movements to trace student cognition at a finer grain size
146 Albert Corbett

[18] and natural-language processing to improve student-tutor dialogs [19]. We

believe that these efforts will culminate in a cognitive mode-based tutoring
technology that can reliably surpass the 2-sigma effect achieved by the best human


This research was supported by NSF grant number 9720359 to CIRCLE: Center for
Interdisciplinary Research in Constructive Learning Environments.


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