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Performance appraisal has become the standard practice in many organisations as an significant feature of
development programs. The purpose of the article is to:
1. Examine the conventional performance appraisal plan where the manager should judge the personal
worth of subordinates
2. Describe an alternative where the subordinate is supposed to establish performance goals and
appraising progress

There are three needs(one for the company and two for the individual) to be met by the Formal appraisal
plans. They are:
1. For providing systematic judgements for salary increases, promotions, transfers or terminations
2. For telling the subordinates about their performance and the changes needed for improvements
3. For coaching and counseling of the subordinate by the superior

Managers tend to resist in the process of appraisal especially the interview part. This resistance can be
because of the following reasons:
1. General dislike of criticising a subordinate
2. Lack of skill required to handle the appraisal interviews
3. General dislike of a new procedure and its change in ways of operating
4. Lack of trust of the validity of the appraisal instrument

To handle this problem, formal controls (scheduling, reminders etc) are put into action. But sometimes, they
also don't work. Training programs are designed to improve the skills of appraising and interviewing. But these
are also not effective all the time. Even a 'group appraisal’s doesn't solve the issue. It might even intensify the
superior’s discomfort.


The conventional approach, if not handled properly, might lead to the violation of integrity of the personality
of the individual. The modern approach focuses more on the manager being a leader and helping the
subordinate acheive both their own and organisation's goals.

1.Reponsibility on the subordinate:
This approach leads the superior enter the process only after the subordinate has
(a) done a good amount of thinking about his job
(b) done assessment of his strengths and weaknesses
(c) formulated specific plans to achieve these goals
Thus Superior helps the subordinate in relating his slef appraisal and targets. Subordinate makes his own
appraisal depending on what he has achieved substantiating it with factual data.

2.Analytical v/s appraisal:

The emphasis now shifts to analysis from appraisal unlike the traditional approach. Subordinte himself
examines not only his weakness but also his strengths and potentials. Effective development of managers
come when individual takes responsibility for developing and putting his plans into action. And thus he can
attain genuie satisfaction.

3.Who knows best?:

In this approach the individual gets to know about his capabilities, strengths and weaknesses, goals and needs.
Even psychological counseling apart from ratings, aptitude and personality tests couldn't solve the problem.
The role of superior is to help the subordinate establish targets and accomplish them which will
(a) Increases knowledge and skill
(b) Contributes to company’s objectives
(c) Tests subordinte appraisal of himself
Superior listens and uses his own knowledge for advising and guiding the subordinates for their own
4.Looking into the future:
In this approach the emphasis is on the future and not on the past. The purpose is to establish realistic goals
and to achieve them in most effective ways making appraisal a constructive end. Even the subordinte who has
failed before will be benefitted if he considers what will be best for him.

5.Performance v/s personality:

The emphasis in this approach is on actions relative to goals- on performance. The target setting approach
helps to obtain better interdepartmental collaboration this reducing complaints and winning confidence of
individuals. Superior helps individual in ways of getting feedback as a basis for self appraisal and self

The superior will attain satisfaction as he helps his subordinates integrate their personal goals with the needs
of the company. This leads to learning opportunities and genuine development for both the parties to the
1.Problems of Judgement:
For this,a program which emphasizes on the ratings of personal characteristics of individuals will not work. The
one which emphasizes on behaviour will be more suitable.
2.Cost in time:
This unavoidable cost is because of the considerable time manager spends on this new approach which now
changes from 20 mins to several hours. But for the company that considers human resources as primary
means of achieving economic objectives of the company, this new approach might not be a problem or a
disturbance for the costs involved.

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