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+ Assignees os 4 a Cost OF Opewation | [Talia cest and epesoted cost of sett machine }.e., economical wiatol ty oF the Prach!ne- etal cost of posfouming finelude chosges of utilized and Economie ¢ + Reid epesation iroplerment, spsactow — powsess laloous Tmplenent and teracter dest} ane Into tee cotegewes Aivided Fixed cost: Related to machine ocorezh wip not wwelated to Ushethers mrochine te used OF Hobs Fixed cost For hace ase lnverssety propestioral to Ho amount oF annus uses Notable corr | opesoting eort: “Thewe oe. ixectty elated +0 -He armreunt oF Use and Incude ~epatty ard reainterance cork, Fuel cost, lubmtanty ree eg cost ard SeeVictng. This Is invrerceby pepostl ho xO BrHount © annual we, _ Fixed cost | Varsiatcle cost : pepsecioton Pynr i ro fo ewes Fuel cost ES i | Tore s Ol) os lubsi cant cost 2. Bs | Shelters Lobes cosh | Trstcsonte | 1G) Deprectationt, Ht rneans tesa In the Value of frochine due to Hrre ord use Ue age of mochire, Wweors teow of E e lpnocia ne depreriotes Fos sevesa mee sa b= rrochine , Sb solestence “The ae one. Vomecs | | ees 4o calculate the depreciation as follouse !~ (U Estimated velue methed las stealght fine methed | Da Dealing walante cethed [3 1) Estimated value methed: TH je mast | Seallshe recthad: Ab the end of each Yyoors selue te composed colth the value. of pooch! ne possessed at the * fT a. Stowe 6 Whe yao. The dlffevents ty | He omount’ of cep dots _Machine Pescentage of puschose prt pinned 42 [3 [4 15 [6 fa slg 4 4 i Wades 26 ale | (Sef propelled | 6 a combine, [t!! 1&1 BS urasal 2 Tsactos | | epesated corbine + Stsaight Une methed!: Tt le the rnoct practical and slaplest rethed and | gives censtant armual chorge flow depreciation Hroughout the Whe op Hhe machine 9 TR! thle dep Ve ctaion eae p:f3 Lote 34 wher , 8 ~depredohon [he ©—copital lnvestrent S-Solwage ew june iol- of ¢ L- Ufe ef machire 0 In years MW Noof Lrosking bys Tm years [But is net quite accusete ethed For giving Vole @F mockIne att sore ge En ctu pooctice roachline depresiodes rrust foctes In fit fer years thon Th lates yeors: Declining balance. method:- | Muck move Aecusate methed of esHmc~ Hing see Lotus GF mmachien @t- ony etoge as “the annual dlepreciaton cote decreates as the macht'ne Kw Oder: TF De precvation aan be} Dory = SP 8d, CR) year) Nal wher, Vissum of Geos eet =e | Naoge of mochnn try Geen L= Ufe of mmochtre, Yeow | PR = Reschose pree cD S$ = Satwage ~Wolus Gs} Depreciahon aan be coleitated ast. Bas = Np net Na ay" Art Nery =? UZ) Dray SPU AY CA) hese, Da (= Ormount’ of cleprectation changed FO yess NG El -ysow oc Ap axermaining Votue ot any the P= peschase ppee: x pe Nunbes of seprccenting oge of machin, in yeorw Loe fe oF rrachice % = xotlo oF depreciation sate. at may be any murber Sres lege Te yea crethed es salled clouble dealing ~j-—_ polarme | Fretted) Fos ‘tite “Madtnd _ShPR = Cre) | } + | way =) | ane | Sip eiyerrcaicing | xetud P= puschate prvee, B > = s0vage » & \ Le Intrest sate , Froction | L = Whe Ff reach! re, Yeo: “trtesest of Investments: COlK stoaight Aine rrethod avenge Tnvestrrent fe Tequalte an hath the gum of mmo cost ard salvage values Tnteet: 1 ~ ¥ vwte of Inkwest Pre Sean y= wet: Taees, Ineuaame, sity Ty OF Chey | * | copital cat Rex yerw: ‘ + | ce r | Calculate “the tiene wequinel Fow a of mrectewer Of ford by % 2 bottom y, me plough: “Tete opeed oF piedh 8 to ede e) tent) Wn tetas) Sif 2 CaN heowetleat field capacity foldth oF plagh = sysecre = lecers Lien e . Speed of proogh = teskenph . q Theowellecs Held Ne teen eowelicas Held comity, ee bie ~ 957" Leushah te Tiere lost in eesniing = 4 - Feta efflelenty eee =a Arial fed capsetly (etfeatite Sate) apes his A three bottom Cecm Me plesah 's woceting ot m depth of seem Colutete dhe uit death, aduol He vequiwed ond actush Feld eopacity ete dott Te woeky «Take “the Speed of the tsasten, [steph and field efeicienty ov ov BF Setn- Sfiven, Lstdthy 6x3 Sine crn Depth af-fumweio =Reem~ e-2m Toft Cg) = tenkg ‘Speed of twactow bump Fad efficiency =Be'lr welt dwer = Toes seers Hed - Fuwtoe Sab teton one. ict Unt axa€t = 0-42kg Jere” Actual bhowse power cee. quisercant Dvaftx speed a6 = BOO ASA a5 = B+ 4kgrmys ener 2 ae ) Field eFficleney CRED = FC 4 toe “tea "eras Fe leo ere Arcjere 2e@xo4 oho fh. 3B: calculate. the Volume oF well horded ih (hat i€ o bullae cman desi plough fe workeleg, ok aapeed oF tkmph ord cutting “the soi) Ie Uskth 26tre olde Fuanpes ob the top: Cateulate. emois-tection ren OF forme Sela Furs comes section Ocrea. = Lola, me pte 1 a a2 a2 ~ Boot The distance tmovetied ey lest plough fe G yesrs, = S00rm May Bemph ~ teem, UsY —— Recomm i aa —_ ‘ae wn Notun ef soll) “handled In ahs “s distante travelled freee » enoss —sectfon even | ae tas : Ee = 12600 XI5O x16 4 2 Ee = wort bee Aani grant 4 3 1 catentote the -Hne -requbved em ponghagl > ob i hedtowre ef lard by oa tbottern Boer ME plough: Take speed oF plough Wes kmmfine ard Here leet fro duaming 37 Sin elven, ; Teta) ema +o be plovahet = eho t ad Speed of plough teskmi hy 4 Width oF pleugh® 2x60 = tec # =I Pomo covesresd en \e ‘oll = 32"). Erticienty = eo-tnne ject fo teaming | fo Amen covered — UB*I gs ae bey Ye 1eo - Fou ha 2 Tne wequived os ploesking shy 215 ou ~ 36. 2ahoy 4 coteutate “the velune wf seit VardAled fay hous Teo bulleek. dour weal posal is woermking oo meect of aber ph and cutting he well are deeg woth aterm tide Purwmis ct the top: Solty Creee-tecllen ama of fucrmto AL ntetidthy depth, BL neh ni = Bec =o -o15m Distance tovelied by desi poush Ihe —— ae00rn Cy a kemp hy ube — besenn Noluree of Soll hordiled Yn yhous ~ Distance smelted ACE -sectlon Fi Seo oF Z Fuam = nec Aoos = Won? a1 A Ahettom oom, MB plough js Lost 2 at a depth of 20cm. cateatat t nit dwoFt, actual bone power eh i Sf RR REITITerr reael Sos ong adiias | ted capacity TP the sort a awe he spend of the. ja weeks” os ok | he and Field ckwacte © : index Ay OBO exc fownanae peefe em oa 3B *GO= tec = here Depth of Forme = 22cm = O-2m Tro) Chg) = 15m kg Speed of “Wractos So ken hs Flad eFtictency ~So%- ont att — Toto! drat} Ceq) Foss cut Sector area, Cort) = \5EO = ONG + Fg Jenn” Yworp q 2. Ooit Awe = O-Ga6g fer Actual HP equisad = Seay 35 = M00 An US % a5 = 293g mls Theawetfact fled copocity ~ chee ae = BAND. 9 abel he Te * ; eFC Field pesfenmane index = /tre 2 ERC E* es ~S Pe o Z ere —oeton SO bY f= Careuote the size Of tracts Yo pull on & kstters ase mB plough trough o i) tectatante ts clepth of erm The oi oF 8-6 kg [ere “Whe. speed of Yeocter ,teorsrelabs, |: ard tuactve aFRicieny of the teacter b boeing Tokmph , s5y- ard sox: sseepeathuy, Scho Given, cota of plough = sexy Nqoers a =o-6 . * Fuss Cou tector . f omneo- a Tora doo! ey, ee Soe (yo xto 7 eto. cheat 0-6 *1UO ALO ~Suky ene wpoke, wer Fn PEFYirg Cea) ewe gs can ABpestonly 5 . — abt Wie ots BES * & x sue Khaase” a ; "ab at > DO Ora, ~ 6b60 3 hp tthe oF twoctoy = 6t-o09 of = srcine he capability Pe eddies 46 Roll the alee. plough peo diwe, pexst HO droPt of un ts te be pute at SS ae Ie a hosd soil - Diesel F wekM hos mox PIO woes i tractox JO. f ay otume efficienyg At so Shs Even, Dsohk Wen) = BBiEmph = peed =6 Pe Mox I powen =a BfHaienty = Fob Datt* Speed Deowoleas oes eT f Be — ess 3 6 ) Is) = 16 SOD EM Requived Dsarsbos powas ~ le sos) Mox PTo powes = Bou Availoble—cisarsboar “homepoiwenr = mo Ref tlolery t asxog =, BUsk&) fhe avaliable duaidoy, hove patses Se rrewe than! _ ran PI Pewee: Here athe Aroctor coll be ahle to pul he lise plough: i Go ome plough ie dyouen by: tw. ial weighing 450 kg each. Take speed oF i> parting te Ikmph - Caleulate the ew developed fey the bullock $08. Nex, boetght of each bullock = Ghbkg & Boned can putt about ath of IK J boody weight BraFl= bho 2 a Speed = Bee =O pres “Home parce developed ley bullock ¢ = BsofthLeg) x Speed Cen s) +5 = FO XO9RD = as ~ pseu bs B-bottere 6ecm tailed me Plough sas epezated at a apesd OF pekiea +e the depth of Gat ard oto! dwar, wexe obsesved Of Berm and Aseekg - then calestote “the follersing- *) bb) >) gy Une teat Fe teg Jon by B¥arokos Teacpousey weq +e epesate the. pessh ©) Rate of Coverage tf a@ctursing eid pesfosmance Trex oF hectares pee boar zol> Seo Vth OF plough =6exS=Isecny Shere Depth of at = a5ern Speet = Stmph = rasara)e Tetal admtt = aseolg aD ont dwaht = Tetel denetctsy 4 \ Fusswo.o Cut cechion oreo) = co 25™ Be Ont death = OS keg Jorn b) wrarckos: bomepocaes = Beotttig)us peed } Crs) | cad = 3520 X)-284 ee oe > Sutahp + C) theemelfeal Heid coposity — USidth Fqibs Toke al cont = Beulete AW) Fuel cosh JHA SBU¥G = Ray wis Lulowreattion cost = 307- OF Flt cot LUUKe 3 = BUBs-atha wd Wages = tobe Biwo lday —shy | Seg8 nx = NFO _ goon 3 oct oF 4yactow operation [hy = 24 19343049 HULU Ug-2 ay * Fon plough Depseciation Cb) fra = £°3 oe 2 (ene = 20Ce Lo = es jhs 1ano xto 1 Trtvest = (Cr S\N- y ioe JH = fo. ~ eee 412060 Uy 4 ue 3 — (Oo *lapn0 > 2 O-Fa2 {ha ; : Repots Cost > toy-oF C : es lo = 12B00 », leo 7 Rabe [years Housing = W-of < = Bo jhe fash of plousbies =)38 Fo-gq9. TU to-ke = 6-anaths otal cost of plovaties ~ B Bol aaa} hs Azmea cover [hx = O URRY Cost of ploughteg [hax BorssalS/by) 0-GMChal ha) = B 640-60 'o- Determine the. powers Bequived te pul a Fours betters Boers plough, wesking too ~depth of Were - The tsocteos 78 © pezrating is OFtg [em Sof) Width, of plough = 4x30 = peers Depth = 1Sern Speect = Semph = \6o9m)s AWE, S63)1 veslstane Hs ALS fort Veto! draft = Soll wesi stance x Furr is caf CREE Senha, req =O} MiDOXIS = 1260 kG at a speed ef Ckmph . The seil wetstome KF =123U8 bY =12- Bus “* Foray -oeq to putt ~ Bratt “Speed t see yn { ~ = 1IR-BuB AL 6 - = 2655 kh) j Wo Too Bullocks , weighing oo Kg each ese putting Nan Implercent wotth a Speed of Blemph + Find the pooes rs bbe. dlevetoge { By He bulla Kobe i a Soh Weight OF Extiock = Uookg # Butlcce appiier “bib of We cocight te Pun Bratt = ubex AZ = 80g - Given, Speed = Beemphy =O-BIAaKG) << Pores eer Ney bullock | = % BOVrO Bay on s¥ O65 3 kt ir Co\ctete the size of troctew +o pull a Y-botterm B@menm Me plough through @ dept, oF fmam. the Beil resistance pee is og (amt “The pend eof s+50ntes is S'Blemp hy Ane tronemiss ion and os bet awactive ef fickny et toacte™ °3 BSI Ard 307+ weap. bese Sally Given, por BF plough =uxa5 t = \uoun = un, pe = locr~ Boil vesistonle =—O°5*s] arm, > Speet 255 lemph = b 5am Ds E\> tearsmssion eff = ss. Eat twacive ef © = Bor. jetal dua} = soil weeletan ce furrows cad Oyen. memenersi rn & SOS *U HO PHY = 400 kg len = 63a0N Pevege mecpivedins SIBOER Speed aie | : 36 Grea AP gd YS o0e.738, Se? FS we yeiels) (3. Total duaft of ubstiom ,ueen Mn Plough when ploug hing Ve5erm, erp Dm at Bkmph speed Ih tteokg - fetd eplaieny fs asd. Colestocte S- i? Sy UnitdwaF® > acuol power Sequivercent Uy Awea covered (hy. c S . eH Lodth = UUOEN = leoen, Septh = tbers Speed = Seep | Tatod Aeats (elimookd EK: Fe - Jy: VW) Unit death = Bee 2 6-607 kglern™ 15x10 Vv) Actucd powers wequiwe crest a = dvaft(un> Spe csk( tonph) t EP ANG %A-S KPT k “f \O00 426 i = as ase es a . t Nin ®t covered Jha = coldth *speed » EF (- = 160 4A55ED 4 6. ¥5 F ‘ lao | | . = (Cone be. =e 6sha : sw A-bottern +twacton plough euks | wectangutoss fusroo each 22cm Ulde ord ern deep: Te the Avesage ~weeistarn | ~ee oF the sell Ts O-aslesicm™. coletole the power <0 the 4tractey arsurtng - SOLS boos efeiclenyy OR wor and 2 worsking speed te kee TIE ePremeviee ee HAA BOW = ‘ Tskance Sy Total dsaft= soil vesl's o = Os HDB AIG ABST S rab kg DBravbar pooss req. =Total soft + =peed ~ FAG AHA MBAY '©00 *~3B4 = ws Ure} Paces OF troctes ~ Deorolowr Poway eA cK eny = Bury —— jE arrku ae eA bp = oFugers = 2 lo | = aaa q OFA at toned a» ee PEE SE EA rie i> Pest PP Btea bs 1 des

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