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The Emmy story with Neuroblastoma

Dosen Pembimbing :
Ns. Gamya Tri Utami, M.Kep
Disusun oleh :
Yulia Nuraini
Yurike Reza
Annisa Fatma Zafasia
Melly Ani Osasi Hutapea
Kurnia Utari

On April 13 2015, Emmy was diagnosed with neuroblastoma. At the age of 2 years, his
parents began to notice something was wrong with his child. Emmy seemed to bend down and
hold her back lower and when she stepped small she felt pain. Emmy parents say that he was
very broken feeling seeing the condition of his daughter.
Doctors say that this neuroblastoma disease appears in the nervous system that is
outside the brain, from the results of the doctor's examination of the emmy there is a tumor that
wraps the spine and enters the spinal canal. This tumor has also penetrated the diaphragm and
lung cavity.
Therapy for neuroblastoma is very complicated and intense. Emmy spent two weeks in
the ICU due to high pain so they were afraid she would stop breathing and she also underwent
five times chemotherapy and two stem cell transplant operations. Emmy also underwent
treatment for more than 200 days in the inpatient room at Seattle Children.

Seattle Children is home to emmys, nurses and doctors not only brilliant but they are very
friendly and kind. the medical team is also trying to develop a new therapy that is
immunotherapy that aims to eliminate some of the symptoms of the terrible disease.however, this
therapy has long-term effects that still need to be eliminated.

In Seattle Childrean doctors and nurses always provide information about the
development of each patient's disease and involve the patient's family in making decisions about
the therapy given. In addition, Seattle Children also provide assistance by providing free care.
The family only pays the normal bills. this makes the family more focused on caring for patients.
Emmy shows a positive response to the treatment he is undergoing. Seattle Children saved the
life of an emmy.

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