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Persuasive letter:

Dear farmhand,

During this time of the year, we understand that your agricultural field is left with crop residue.

Do you know, you could make money out of this residue?

This residue can earn you money if you can harvest it and sell it in the market. The market rate of
stubble per acre of land yields around Rs.5000 today in the open market.

“The stubble mandi” is the open market which is started by the government, where stubble can be
bought and sold, which in-turn is used as cattle feed and for manure. To encourage this, the
government of India has introduced a new scheme of subsidised farm machinery, which helps to cut
the stubble in right proportion, which is useful to sell.

The remaining residue if any can be used to produce manure for the upcoming crop. The
government has set up workshops across villages to educate on how to make manure in your own
agricultural fields.

During this time of the year, we burn our crop residues with a notion of clearing the agricultural land
to ready it for the next crop. But by doing this we are degrading fertility of the agricultural field as
well as polluting the environment. By selling the stubble and producing manure using the stubble,
we can increase the revenue even after the main crop is harvested and sold.

Please make use of the facilities provided by the government of Punjab. Please write to us in case
any help is needed.

Scenario 2:

Dear Agriculture officer,

Our farmers earn enough only to feed their families and do not have enough money to fund the
equipment. Even though the subsidies are provided by the government, the subsidies are not
sufficient to help farmers to buy the machinery.

Farmers do not have enough knowledge about the advantages of using the machinery and about the
market for the stubble. Farmers are facing issue with clearing the farm land in the time between the

As we know that there has been a ban on burning agricultural crop residue, our farmers are unable
to clear the land for next crop. Hence, we are facing difficulty to prepare for the next crop.

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