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A Critical Review of “The Titanic”

Titanic was not only the scene of a gigantic catastrophe, it was also a place of tragic love.
The movie portray a credible picture of the fateful days of the Titanic.

Main Idea #1

The “Titanic” was made by the director, James Cameron premiered in 1997, and it was
innovative in every way. The film team had for many months worked around the clock
creating a film that was in every way similar to the original. Ever since the Titanic shipwreck
in 1912, several films have been recorded, but James Cameron's masterpiece was the only
one that managed to make a realistic impression.

Main Idea #2

At the beginning of the movie, the main characters Jack and Rose board the boat in America.
Rose, bored with rich snob life, wants to kill herself and Jack, a third-class passenger and full
of life, saves Rose and gets rid of her intentions. Both fall in love. Their love, however, is
doomed to fail as they come from two different social strata. But Rose struggles against her
fiancée and her stern mother and eventually manages to break away from the hated snob
existence. But hardly can the great love between the two thrive, the ship crush with an
iceberg which triggers the disaster eventually. The ship begins to sink. Rose and Jack are
running for their lives, being persecuted time and again by Rose’s fiancé. A race against time
and against the water begins.

Main Idea #3

One of the best things about this movie was of course all the details, all the staff created
breathtaking indoor shots, to be reproduced in detail in the film. For example the scenes from
1912, the entire movie except today's scenes and the opening and ending games, have a
total length of two hours and forty minutes, just the time the Titanic needed to sink. The
collision with the iceberg should have lasted 37 seconds, so long is the collision scene in the
film. And also while Rose and Jack are standing at of the ship, the sunset was real. The
Director knew the sunset was the perfect time for this scene.


“The Titanic” has become a classic movie because it achieved what no other filming had
succeeded before: a very detailed reproduction of the steamer. That was only possible
because the director James Cameron planned his expensive and elaborate film project
exactly. He wanted to show people what it could have been like back then on the ship and
how it could have come to this misfortune even if Cameron puts a glamorous love story at the
center of the story, in which, big feelings and heartache should not be missing.

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