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Cognitive Complexity Matrix

To organize your system of assessment and plan your assessment tasks, complete the following matrix. First, list the learning
standards you identified on the previous page. (Add additional rows as needed.) Next, identify the DOK level that best describes each
standard. Then, applying a process for deconstructing standards like we practiced in class, articulate what student performance would
look like, in the form of learning objectives, not only at the target DOK level, but also at the levels that build up to and extend the
level identified for the standard. This will help you think about assessment and instructional activities that scaffold student learning
and provide enriching opportunities for students who exceed the learning standard. Finally, identify the form(s) of assessment (FA:
Formative Assessment, S-R: Selected-response, C-R: Constructed-response, and PA: Performance Assessment) you will use to
address each standard.
DOK 1: Form(s)
Learning Standards (add rows as DOK Recall & DOK 2: DOK 3: DOK 4: (FA, S-R, C-
needed) Level Reproduction Skills & Concepts Strategic Thinking Extended Thinking R, PA)
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.1: 4 [I can] identify the [I can] construct an [I can] form an opinion about [I can] write an PA, S-R, FA
Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, opinion/point of view opinion statement what animal will survive in a opinion piece about
supporting a point of view with reasons of a persuasive text. about what animal desert habitat the best based what animal will
will survive in a on logical reasoning and survive in a desert
[I can] identify the dessert habitat the evidence. habitat the best that
pieces of evidence that best. discusses an opinion
support an opinion in a [I can] investigate a topic to with appropriate
persuasive text. [I can] make a develop an opinion about a evidence to support
connection between topic. why I think that
evidence and an animal will survive
opinion. and explain why the
traits this animal has
make it better suited
for this habitat than the
traits of other animals.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.1.A: 2 [I can] list three [I can] create a list of [I can] cite evidence (reasons) [I can] design an PA, C-R
Introduce the topic or text they are reasons that support reasons that support that support why a certain organizational
writing about, state an opinion, and why I think a certain why I think a certain animal will survive better than structure that lists the
create an organizational structure that animal will survive animal will survive in others in the desert. reasons behind my
lists reasons better in a desert the desert. opinion and states my
habitat than others. [I can] formulate an opinion on opinion.
[I can] organize my which animal will survive the
[I can] recall the topic thoughts to prepare best in a desert habitat based on
(animal) I am writing for writing. evidence (personal
about and share it with observations, information from
the class in a class text, etc.).
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.1.B: 3 [I can] identify the [I can] relate reasons [I can] assess whether the [I can] create a list of C-R
Provide reasons that support the reasons that support to an opinion. reasons I came up with support reasons that supports
opinion why I think one animal my opinion or if they do not why I think a certain
will survive better in support my opinion. animal will survive
the desert than others better than others in
than the others by the desert.
underlining them in
the text.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.1.C: 2 [I can] list and identify [I can] use linking [I can] differentiate between [I can] synthesize my S-R. FA, C-R
Use linking words and phrases to linking words and words to make my opinion (which animal will opinion about animal
connect opinions and reasons transition words that I connections between survive the best in the desert) survival and the
can use to connect my my opinion on animal and reasons (why that animal reasons behind my
opinion with my survival in the desert will better survive) using opinion by using
reasoning. and reasons. linking words. linking words and
transition words.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.1.D: 3 [I can] identify the [I can] organize my [I can] draw a conclusion [I can] connect my C-R, PA
Provide a concluding statement or concluding statement argument into the based on evidence why an concluding statement
section or section of a piece of following parts: animal will survive better in a back to my argument
writing by underlining introduction, opinion desert habitat than others. about why one animal
it. statement, reasoning, will survive better
and conclusion. than the others.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.5: 4 [I can] identify a [I can] organize my [I can] compare writing [I can] create a piece PA
With guidance and support from graphic organizer that thoughts into a development/organization of writing that has an
adults, produce writing in which the is appropriate for the graphic organizer to structures and determine which appropriate
development and organization are type of writing I am plan a piece of one would work best for development and
appropriate to task and purpose doing. opinion writing. opinion writing. organization for the
piece of opinion
writing I am writing.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.6: 4 [I can] identify [I can] construct a [I can] revise my opinion [I can] produce a piece PA, C-R
With guidance and support from technology that is piece of opinion writing using technology. of opinion writing
adults, use technology to produce and appropriate to produce writing using about animal survival
publishing writing as well as to interact and publish writing. technology in the desert and
and collaborate with others publish it using
[I can] identify places technology.
where writing is
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.3.1: 4 [I can] express my [I can] relate my ideas [I can] compare my opinions [I can] discuss ideas FA
Engage effectively in a range of ideas about animal about animal survival about animal survival in the about animal survival
collaborative discussions with diverse survival in a desert in the desert to the desert to the opinions of others. in the desert with my
partners on grade 3 topics and texts, habitat clearly. ideas my peers’ have peers and make
building on others’ ideas and about seasons. connections with
expressing their own clearly. [I can] use an opinion others’ ideas about
statement to express animal survival.
my ideas about
organism survival in a
desert habitat clearly.
3-LS4-3 Biological Evolution: Unity 3 [I can] match [I can] identify a [I can] develop a logical [I can] produce a piece FA, S-R, C-R,
and Diversity: Construct an argument organisms with the pattern between argument with evidence about of opinion writing PA
with evidence that in a particular habitat they best organisms and how organisms and their survival with a logical
habitat some organisms can survive survive in. they survive in rates in their habitat. argument and
well, some survive less well, and some different habitats. appropriate evidence
cannot survive at all. about organisms and
their survivals rates in
different habitats.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.8: 1 [I can] recall [I can] categorize my [I can] assess which [I can] connect my FA
Recall information from experiences or information from evidence and reasons experiences and evidence will reasons and evidence
gather information from print and experiences as support based on the type of best support my opinion on to my opinion about
digital sources; take brief notes on for why I think one evidence that it is animal survival in desert which animal will
sources and sort evidence into provided animal will survive (experiences, facts, habitats. survive best in a desert
categories. better than the others. etc.). habitat.

[I can] identify
categories that I can
organize evidence
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.10: 4 [I can] recall the steps [I can] make [I can] develop a logical [I can] create a piece PA, C-R, S-R,
Write routinely over extended time of the writing process modifications about argument about animal survival of opinion writing FA
frames (time for research, reflection, in the correct order. my argument on in the desert over an extended about animal survival
and revision) and shorter time frames which animal will period of time. in the desert over an
(a single sitting or a day or two) for a survive best in a extended period of
range of discipline-specific tasks, desert habitat [I can] revise and reflect upon time.
purposes, and audiences. throughout an on my piece of opinion writing
extended period of on what animal I think will
time. survive the best in the desert.

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