True Clay. Fine Silt Is A Foreign Material or Mineral Deposit and Has No T Ue Clay

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Moulding Sands

• Clay:
– Clay can be defined as natural earthy material that becomes plastic
when mixed with water. Clay consists of two ingredients: fine silt and
ue clay. Finee ssilt iss a foreign
o e g material
a e a oor mineral
e a depos
deposit aandd has
as no
bonding power, whereas true clay imparts the necessary bonding to
the moulding sand. Its purpose is to impart necessary bonding
strength to the mould sand so that the mould does not loose its shape
after ramming. moulding sand contains about 5 to 20 % clay.
– The most popular types of clay used are: Kaolinite or Fireclay
(Al2O32SiO22H2O) andd Bentonite
B t it (Al2O34SiO2H2OnHO H2O).
– Fireclay has higher melting point than Bentonite. However, Bentonite
can absorb more water which increases its bonding gp
power. Bentonite
also has better permeability.
– Bentonite is of two types: Calcium ion based bentonite and sodium
ion base bentonite.
bentonite Sodium ion based bentonite provides better
bonding properties.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Moulding Sands
• Additives: Materials other than basic materials are also added to the
ldi sand d for
f improving
i i existing
i i properties.i Th
These are:
– Facing Materials: Facing materials are used to get smoother and
ea e su
aces oof cas
gs aandd helps
e ps easy pee
peelingg o
of sa
sandd from
o thee
casting surface during shake out. These are:
– Coal dust: Coal dust or sea coal is finely grounded soft coal
(pulverized coal).
coal) It tends to obtain smoother and cleaner surface and
reduces the adherence of sand particles to the casting. It also
increases hot and dry strength of the mould.
– Silica flour: It is very fine ground silica. It improves surface finish of
the casting.
– Cushion Materials:
– Cushion materials burn when molten metal is poured and thus give
rise to space for accommodating the expansion of silica sand at the
f off mould
ld cavity.
it E.g.
E woodd flour,
fl cellulose,
ll l andd cereals.
– Wood flour: It is ground wood particles or other cellulose materials.
– Cereals: Cereals are finely ground corn flour.flour

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Moulding Sands

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Classifications of moulding Sand: According to the nature of its origin
• Natural Sand: Natural sand is also called g green sand, is taken
from riverbeds or is dug from pits. Natural sand contains sufficient
amount of binding materials (Clay) in it so that it can be used
di tl
• Advantages:
N l sandd maintains
i i moisture
i content for
f a long
l time.
–They are cheap.
–The time for mixing the binder is saved.
–No extra equipment for mixing the sand and the binder.
• Disadvantages:
–They are less refractory than synthetic sands because of
i i present.
• Applications: Light castings, Mechanized production of casting
ith few
fe cores.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Classifications of moulding Sand: According to the nature of its origin
y Sand: Synthetic
y sands are basically
y clayy free high
g silica
sands. They are mixed with desired amount of clay and water to
develop required moulding properties. It is used for steel castings.
• Advantages:
–High permeability and refractoriness.
–mouldability with less moisture.
• Disadvantages:
–It is more costly.
–It needs extra time, equipment and men to prepare the sand.

• Applications: Heavily cored castings, Mechanized production,

High pressure moulding..

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Classifications of moulding Sand: According to the nature of its origin
Special Sands: Special sand is ideal in getting special characteristics, which
are not ordinarily obtained in other sands. Zircon, olivine, chamotte,
chromite and chrome-manganese are often used as special sands.
• Zircon
Zi sand:
d Zircon
Zi sandd is
i zirconium
i i silicate
ili t (ZrSiO4).
(Z SiO4) This
Thi sand d has
low thermal expansion, high heat conductivity, greater density and high
refractoriness. These sands are used for bronze casting, g alloyy steels-
chrome steels and manganese steels casting.
• Olivine sand: This is orthosilicate of iron and manganese (MgFe)O.SiO2.
It has
h high
hi h density,
d it conductivity
d ti it andd refractoriness.
f t i It is
i usedd for
f non-
ferrous and intricate casting.
• Chamotte sand: This is produced by calcining high high-grade
grade fire clay at
about 11000 C and crushing it to the required grain size. It is much
cheaper than zircon and olivine. It is used for heavy steel Casting.
• Chromite and Chrome-magnesite: It has refractoriness, high density and
chilling power. It is useful where chilling tendency is to be increased to
control solidification.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Classification of moulding Sand: Acc. to their initial conditions and use
• Green Sands: Foundry sand containing moisture is known as green
sand. It is a mixture of silica sand with 18 –30 % clay, having total
water from 6-8%. This is suitable for moulding purposes without any
further conditioning.
conditioning Green sand is generally used for casting small
or medium sized moulds.
• Dry Sands: Sands free from moisture are called dry sands. sands It
possesses greater strength than green sand and can be used for
making larger castings.
• Loam Sands: Loam sands are a mixture of sand and clay (50%). It is
used for making larger castings such as large cylinders, paper rolls.
• Facing Sands: Facing sand forms the face of the mould. It is used
directly next to the surface of the pattern and it comes in contact with
the molten metal when the mould is poured. poured Consequently it is
subjected to the severest conditions and must possess high strength
and refractoriness. Facing sand is composed of dry silica and facing
Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
Classification of moulding Sand: Acc. to their initial conditions and use
• Backingg Sands: It is the sand, which backs up p the facing
g sand and
to fill the rest of the flask. It is the floor sand already been used.
• Parting Sands: Sand employed on the faces of the pattern before
moulding is called parting sand. The parting sand contains dried
silica, and burnt sand. Parting sand is used to avoid sticking of the
green sand to the pattern.
• Core Sands: Sands used for making cores are called core sands.
This is silica sand mixed with core oil, oil which is composed of
linseed oil, resin, light mineral oil and other binding materials.
• System Sands: In mechanical foundries where machine moulding
is employed a so called system sand is used to fill the whole flask.
In mechanical sand preparation and handling units no facing sand
is used.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Properties of moulding Sand
• Permeabilityy or Porosity:y Molten metal always y contains a certain
amount of dissolved gases, which are evolved when the metal
solidifies, also when the molten metal comes in contact with
it sand,
d generates
t steam
t andd water
t vapour. If these
th gases and
water vapour do not find passage to escape completely through the
mould they will form gas holes and pores in the casting.
casting The ability
of the sand to allow the gas to pass through it is called permeability.
It depends on the size and shape of grains, moisture content and
degree of ramming.
• There are four factors that control the permeability of foundry sand:
(1) fineness of the sand grains, (2) shape of the sand grains, (3) the
amount and type of binder, and (4) the moisture content.
Permeability is expressed as a number that increases with an
increasing openness of the sand.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Properties of moulding Sand
• Plasticityy and Flowabilty:
y This refers to the ability
y of the moulding
sand to acquire a predetermined shape under pressure and retain the
same when the pressure is removed. This will increase with clay and
it content.
t t
Adhesiveness: moulding sand particles should stick to the surface of
the moulding boxes.
boxes This enables the mould to retain in a box
during handling.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Properties of moulding Sand
• Cohesiveness: Cohesiveness is the ability y of the sand p particles to
stick to each other. Lack of this property would result in breaking of
the mould when molten metal is poured. This depends on grain size
(decreases with
ith grain
i size)
i ) andd clay
l contentt t (increases
(i with
ith clay)
l ) off
• Green Strength: It is the strength of the sand in green or moist
state. A mould with adequate green strength will not disturb or
collapse even after removing the pattern from the mould box in the
absence of green strength, dimensional stability and accuracy
cannot be obtained.
• Dry strength: It is the strength of the moulding sand in dry
condition. A mould should possess adequate dry strength to
ih d erosive
i force
f andd pressure off the
h moltenl metal.
• Hot Strength: It is the strength of the mould cavity above 100 ° C.
If hot strength is inadequate
inadeq ate the mould
mo ld is likely
likel to enlarge,
enlarge break or
get cracked.
Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
Properties of moulding Sand
• Refractoriness :The capability of the moulding sand to withstand the
high temperatures of the molten metal without fusing is known as
• Collapsibility:
C ll ibilit It is i the
th propertyt off the
th moulding
ldi sandd that
th t permits
it it to
collapse easily during its knockout from the casting.
• Coefficient Of Expansion: moulding sands should possess low
coefficient of expansion. Otherwise mould might crack. moulding sands
should possess low coefficient of expansion. Otherwise mould might
• Fineness: Finer mould sand resists metal penetration and produces
smooth casting surface.
surface Fineness and permeability is opposite to each
other. Hence these should be balanced for optimum result.
• Bench Life: It is the ability of mould sand to retain its properties during
storing, handling or while standing.
• Chemical Reactivity: The moulding sand should not react chemically
ith molten
lt metal,
t l otherwise
th i the
th shape
h off casting
ti will
ill be
b disturbed
di t b d and d
smooth surface will not be obtained.
Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
Permeability of moulding sands
• There are four factors that control the permeability of foundry sand: (1) fineness
of the sand grains, (2) shape of the sand grains, (3) the amount and type of
binder, and (4) the moisture content. Permeability is expressed as a number that
increases with an increasingg openness p of the sand.
• 1. Grain Fineness. Grain fineness is an indication of the grain size of the sands.
It is expressed as a number that tells a moulder if he has a fine sand, made up
largely of very small sand grains, grains or a coarse sand, sand composed mainly of large
sand grains. The permeability of the coarse sand is very high. As the sand grains
become smaller, the permeability decreases rapidly. This decrease is due to the
ll voids id or openingsi b t
between th individual
the i di id l sandd grains
i for
f the
th fine
fi sand.
Coarse sand grains have the same general size relation to fine sand grains as
basketballs have to marbles.
• Shape of the Sand Grains. There are two primary shapes of sand grains, angular
and rounded. There are many degrees of roundness or angularity between the two
extremes. Angular g ggrains can be compared p to crushed stone. There are sharpp
edges and corners on the grains. The rounded sand grains have the appearance of
beach pebbles that have been rounded by the action of the sea. Sharp angular
sand grains cannot pack together as closely as rounded sand grains. grains As a result,
sand with angular grains have a higher permeability than sands with rounded
Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
Permeability of moulding sands

Figure a. Permeability as affected by the grain

size of sand.

Figure b. The effect of sand grain shape on permeability

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
Permeability of moulding sands
• 3. Binder. The amount and type of binder also have an effect on the permeability
of foundry sand. The effect of increasing amounts of bentonite on permeability is
shown in figure a. The permeabilities are shown for moisture contents of 2 and 4
percent. With 2 ppercent moisture, the sand shows a rapid
p p decrease in ppermeabilityy
with increased bentonite content. Sands containing 4 percent moisture show a
fairly constant permeability after 4 percent bentonite is reached. This type of
information indicates that 4 percent of moisture in this particular sand would
produce the best permeability over a range of bentonite contents. The type of
binder also affects permeability, as shown in figure b.

Figure a. Permeability as affected by the Figure b. The effect of bentonite and fireclay
amount of binder. on permeability.
Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
Permeability of moulding sands
• 4. Moisture Content. The effect of moisture content on permeability was shown
in figures. Low permeability at very low moisture content is caused by the dry
clay particles filling the spaces between the sand grains. Figures a and b both
show an increase in ppermeabilityy to a maximum value, and then a decrease with
further additions of water. The increase in permeability is produced when the
moisture causes the clay particles to agglomerate or stick together. This action is
similar to the addition of water to dust to form a firm piece of soil. When water is
added in excess of the amount to produce this sticking together, the excess water
begins to fill in the holes between the sand grains and as a result, the permeability
goes down.
down This action is similar to the addition of water to a firm soil to produce

Figure a. P
Fi Permeability
bilit as affected
ff t d by
b sandd Figure b. The effect of sand grain shape on
fineness and moisture. permeability
Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
Sand conditioning / Sand preparation
• Proper
p sand conditioningg accomplishes p uniform distribution of
binder around the sand grains, controls the moisture content,
eliminates foreign particles, and aerates the sand so that it flows
dil aroundd and d takes
t k up detail
d t il off the
th pattern.
• The basic steps are:
– The
Th first
fi step is i to remove allll foreign
f i and d undesirable
d i bl matters
such as nails, fins, hard sand lumps from the moulding sand.
– The
Th secondd stept isi mixing
i i off its
it ingredients,
i di t proper amounts t off
pure sand, clay and other additives are mixed and water is
spread over the entire volume. Muller is used for mixing all the
ingredients of sand. Muller is a device which kneads rolls and
stirs the sand.
– In the third step, the sand is passed through a mechanical aerator
to separate sand grains into individual particles. It is performed
to increase the flowability.
Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
Sand conditioning / Sand preparation

Batch Mueller

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand moulding machines:
• Vertical flaskless moulding
• Sandslinger
• Impact moulding
• Vacuum moulding

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand moulding machines:
• Hand ramming: is the simplest method of compacting sand. To increase the
rate, pneumatic rammers are used. The method is slow, the sand is rammed in
layers, and it is difficult to gain uniform density.
• squeezing machines: More uniform results and higher production rates are
obtained by squeezing machines. Hand-operated squeezers were limited to small
moulds and are obsolete; air-operated machines permit an increase in the
allowable size of moulds as well as in the production rate.rate These machines are
suitable for shallow moulds. Squeezer moulding machines produce greatest sand
density at the top of the flask and softest near the parting line of pattern. Air-
t d machines
hi are also
l applied
li d in
i vertical
ti l moulding
ldi processes usingi flaskless
fl kl
moulds. Horizontal impact moulding sends shock waves through the sand to pack
the grains tightly.
• The sand is rammed harder at the back of the mould and softer on the pattern
face. In other words sand has greatest density at the surface where pressure is
pp to sand and sand densityy decreases pprogressively
g y towards the ppattern.
• moulding force (Mf) = P (π. d2/4)-W
Where, P – Pressure in squeeze cylinder
d – Piston diameter
W – Weight of flask pattern and sand
Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
Sand moulding machines:
• In jolt moulding machines the pattern is placed on a platen attached to the top of
an air cylinder. After the table is raised, a quick-release port opens, and the
piston, platen, and mould drop free against the top of the cylinder or striking
pads. The impact
p p ppacks the sand. The densities p produced byy this machine are
greatest next to the parting line of the pattern and softest near the top of the flask.
This procedure can be used for any flask that can be rammed on a moulding
machine. As a separate unit, it is used primarily for medium and large work.
Where plain jolt machines are used on large work, it is usual to ram the top of the
flask manually with an air hammer.
• Jolt-Squeeze
J lt S machine
hi combines bi i single
in i l machine
hi the
th operating
ti principles
i i l off
the jolt and squeeze machines. Combination of jolting and squeezing produces
beneficial compaction effects on sand density and thus a more uniform hardness
throughout the mould is attained. A jolt-squeeze machine makes use of match
plate moulding. Jolt squeeze machines use both the jolt and the squeeze
procedures. The platen is mounted on two air cylinders: a small cylinder to jolt
and a large one to squeeze the mould. They are widely used for small and
medium work, and with match-plate or gated patterns. Pattern-stripping devices
can be incorporated
p with jjolt or squeezer
q machines to ppermit mechanical removal
of the pattern. Pattern removal can also be accomplished by using jolt-rock over-
draw or jolt-squeeze-rollover-draw machines.
Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
Sand moulding machines:

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Jolt Squeeze moulding Machine

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand moulding machines:
• The sand slinger is the most widely applicable type of ramming machine. It consists of an
ll mounted d on the
h endd off a double-jointed
d bl j i d arm which hi h is
i fed
f d with
i h sandd by
b belt
b l
conveyors mounted on the arm. The impeller rotating at high speed gives sufficient
velocity to the sand to ram it in the mould by impact. The head may be directed to all parts
off the
th flask
fl k manually ll on the
th larger
l machines
hi andd may be
b automatically
t ti ll controlled
t ll d on
smaller units used for the high-speed production of small moulds. The sand slinger
consists of a base, a sand bin, a bucket elevator, a swinging or movable arm, a belt
conveyor and the sand impeller.
impeller Prepared sand lying in the sand bin is picked up by the
elevator buckets and is dropped on to the belt conveyor which takes the same to the
impeller head. Inside the impeller head, rapidly rotating cup shaped blade picks up the
sand and throws it downward into the moulding box as a continuous stream of sand with
machine gun rapidity and great force.
• The sand is discharged into the moulding box at a rate of 300 to 2000kg/minute. This
force is great enough to ram the mould satisfactorily.
• In moulding boxes, sand is filled and rammed at the same time. The density of sand which
is the result of sand’s inertia is uniform throughout the mould.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

sand slinger

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand Testing: Grain fineness or Grain size test

Sieve Shaking Machine

Collecting Pan


• The grain size is determined by grain fineness number.

• It can be tested with the help of equipment called sieve shaker.
• It consists
i t off sett off standard
t d d sieves
i h i varying
having i number b off meshes
h 6,
12, 20, 30, 40, 50, 70, 100, 140, 200 and 270.
• The sieve with minimum mesh number has largest g aperture
p and so on.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand Testing: Grain fineness or Grain size test


Sieve Shaking Machine

Collecting Pan


The sample of sand is first washed to remove clay from it, and then it is
dried. A weighed quantity of this sand is now placed on the top sieve and the
whole unit is shaken for a definite period with the help of electric motor.
motor The
sand falls through the apertures, and the sand of smallest size comes to the
bottom pan. The sand in each sieve is collected and weighed separately and
expressed as a percentage of the original sample weight.
weight The percentage
retained in each sieve is multiplied by its own multiplier and all the products
are added to obtain the total product. The grain fineness number is obtained
b using
by sing the following
follo ing equation
eq ation

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand Testing: Grain fineness or Grain size test

Sieve Shaking Machine
Collecting Pan


Total Product ΣM i Pi
Grain fineness number =
Total % of sand retained on sieve ΣPi
W e e Mi = Multiplying
u t p y g factor
acto oof ith
t ssieve,
eve, Pi = Percentage
e ce tage oof sa
d retained
eta ed in ith
t ssieve

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand Testing: Grain fineness or Grain size test

American Foundry Society (AFS) Multiplying factor

Seive series
6 3
12 5
20 10
30 20
40 30
50 40
70 50
100 70
140 100
200 145
270 200
Pan 300
Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
Sand Testing: Grain fineness or Grain size test

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand Testing: Hardness test
• The hardness of compacted
p sand pprovides a q
quick indication of
mould strength and give additional insight into strength-
permeability characteristics. Hardness of moulding sand can be
measuredd by
b an instrument
i t t called
ll d hardness
h d t t
tester. Thi tester
This t t
determines the resistance of the sand to penetration by a 0.2 inch
(5 08 mm) diameter spring loaded steel ball.
(5.08 ball

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand Testing: Permeability Test

2000cc Bell Jar


Seal Manometer

Permeability Tester

• P
bilit is
i measuredd by
b the
th quantity
tit off air
i that
th t will
ill pass
through a standard specimen of the sand under given pressure in a
prescribed time.
• The permeability apparatus uses the standard rammed 5.08cm
diameter byy 5.08cm height
g test ppiece.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand Testing: Permeability Test
2000cc Bell Jar


Seal Manometer

Permeability Tester

A permeability meter, has a cylindrical water tank in which an

inverted bell or air holder,
holder properly balanced,
balanced is floating.
floating By
properly opening the valve, air, which is trapped under the bell, will
flow through g the sand specimen
p as shown. Mercury y around the
bottom of the specimen tube provides an airtight seal. The pressure
of this air is obtained with the water manometer and straight scale. It
h ld beb close
l to 10 cm off water, which
hi h correspond
d to a pressure off
10 gm per sq. cm.
Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
Sand Testing: Permeability Test

2000cc Bell Jar


Seal Manometer

Permeability Tester

• Permeability number is defined as the volume of air in cc that

will pass per minute under a pressure of 1 gm per sq. cm
g a specimen,
p , which is 1 sq.
q cm in cross sectional area
and 1 cm deep.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand Testing: Permeability Test

Permeability Number =
Px axt
Where, v = Volume of air = 2000cc
• h = Height of the sand specimen = 5.08cm
5 08cm
• p = Air pressure = 10 gm per sq. cm.
• a = cross- sectional area of the specimen = 20.268 sq. cm.
• t= Time for 2000cc of air in Minutes

Putting these values, the formula reduces to:

501.28 50.128 3007.2

Permeability Number = = =
p xTime in min Time in min Time in sec

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand Testing: Strength Test

Jaws to
hold jobs

Hi Lo a) Compression b) Shear
gh w
R t ti
Universal Sand
Testing Machine
c)) T

• To find out the holding power of various bonding materials in green and dry
sand moulds,, strength
g tests are pperformed. It is done on universal sand testingg
machine. moulding sand can be tested for compressive, tensile strength and
shear strength.
• The specimen is held between the grips.
grips Hand wheel when rotated,
rotated actuates
mechanism to build pressure on the specimen. Dial indicator fitted on the tester
measures the deformation occurring in the specimen. There are two
t one for
f low
l strength
t th sandd andd other
th for
f high
hi h strength
t th sands.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Cores and core making
• Cores:
– Castings are often required to have holes, recesses etc. of
various sizes and shapes.
– Cores are used for making holes or cavities or recesses, which
cannot normally be produced by pattern alone.
– These cores are obtained by using core sand; cores are
separately made, in boxes known as core boxes.
• Core prints:
– For supporting the cores in the mould cavity, an impression in
th form
the f off recesses is
i maded ini the
th mould
ld with
ith the
th help
h l off a
projection suitably placed on the pattern.
– This projection on the pattern is known as the core prints.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Cores and core making
• Core Sands:
• Core sand is composed of either dry sand or synthetic sand mixed with
core oil and/ or binders.
• Generally Core oils (composed of linseed oil, resin, light mineral oil
(50 to 60% linseed oil, 25% resin and the rest is mineral oil) are used
as they are economical and produces .
• The normal binders are organic in nature, because these would be
burnt away by the heat of the molten metal and thus make the core
collapsible during the cooling of the casting.
• Binders are of following types:
• Thermo setting plastic core binders (Rosin, pitch): Gives high
• Thermo setting resin core binders (Urea, phenol): Gives high strength.
• Protein binders (Gelatine, glue): Where collapsibility is the main
i i

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Cores and core making
• Characteristics of Core and Core Sand:
– Green strength: Core sand should be strong enough to retain the shape
till it goes for baking.
– Dry strength: It should have adequate dry strength so that when the
core is placed in the mould, It should be able to resist the metal
pressure acting on it.
– Refractoriness: Since in most cases, the core is surrounded all around
it is desirable that the core material should have higher refractoriness.
– Permeability: Some of the gases evolving from the molten metal and
generated from the mould may have to go through the core to escape
out of the mould.mould Hence cores are required to have higher
– Collapsibility:
p y As the castingg cools,, it shrinks,, and unless the core has
good collapsibility it is likely to provide resistance to against
shrinkage and thus cause hot tears.
– Smoothness: The surface of the core should be smooth so as to
provide a good surface finish to the castings
Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
Cores and core making
• Core Boxes
• A core box is a type of pattern being used for making cores. It is made of wood,
brass aluminium or any suitable material. In core boxes sand is rammed or
packed to form the cores and thus impart the desired shape to them. A core box is
so constructed that it gives the exact size and shape of the core required.

A typical core box

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
Cores and core making
• Types of core boxes:
• Half core box: In half core boxes, half of the core is made at one time
as shown in the figure. Another half portion of the core is made
l andd both
b h are baked.
b k d TheTh portions
i are cementedd after
f baking
b ki
and then used as a core.
• Slab or dump core box: It is similar to a half core box in construction
but makes a full core at a time as shown in the figure. It is used for
makingg rectangular,
g , square,
q , triangular
g and trapezoidal
p cores.
• Split core box: A split core box consists of two parts. These parts can
be joined together with the help of dowels or fasteners temporarily to
show full core cavity after joining.
• Strickel core box: It consists of a strickel board made of wood and a
core box as shown in the figure.
figure The sand is dumped in a core box and
rammed. The top surface of the core in the core box is given the
desired shape
p with the help p of a strickel board.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Types of core boxes

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Cores and core making
• Types of Cores
– Horizontal Core
– Vertical core
– Balanced
B l d core
– Hanging Core
– Wing/Drop Core
Horizontal Core

Hanging Core

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Cores and core making

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Cores and core making
• The steps involved in core making are :
• Mixing core sand:
– The dry sand is mixed with required amount of core oil and binders.
The mixer must be homogeneous so that core will be of uniform
strength through out. The mixing of sand is performed in paddle
mixers or mullers.
• Ramming of the core sand:
– Cores are usuallyy made in core boxes. The core box is filled with core
sand, rammed and struck off.
• Venting of the core:
– Vent holes are provided in cores in order to allow the escape of gases.
These vents are usually made with wires or rods.
• Reinforcing the core:
– Some cores require internal reinforcements to prevent from breakage
or shifting, when metal is poured in the mould. Wires placed within
the sand serve this purpose.
Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
Cores and core making
• Baking of the core:
– The cores after removing from the core boxes are baked at temperature upto
about 2600C to develop the strength obtainable from the binders in the core
sand. The baking is done in oven, dielectric bakers etc.
• Cleaning of the core:
– The cleaning of cores consists of trimming, brushing, coating and muddling.
• Trimming: It is done to remove fins arising from loose joints or loose
pieces in the core boxes.
• Brushing: It is done to remove loose sand.
• Coating:
C ti Th core is
The i coated
t d with
ith high
hi h refractory
f t materials
t i l to
t increase
i it
• Muddling: It is localized coating to make the core smooth. In this step,
i i in
i the
h core surface
f are filled.
fill d
• Sizing of the core:
– The cores are then broughtg to required
q size by
y removingg excess material.
• Joining of the core:
– Sometimes cores are made of two or more pieces, so before they can be used
they are joined by pasting or bolting.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Core making Example

Figure 1: Core boxes for pump housing core.

Figure 2: Ramming up the core.

Figure 3: Placing the reinforcing rods.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
Core making Example

Figure 4: Cutting vents. Figure 5: Drag core turned out.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
Core making Example

Figure 7: Applying core paste.

Figure 6: Cope core turned out. Figure 8: Assembling the two core halves.
Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
Core print design
• Major considerations in core print design are listed below.
1. The print must balance the body, so that the core stays in place during mould
2 The print must withstand the buoyancy force of the metal and not get crushed.
2. crushed
3. The print must not shift during mould filling.
4. The print should minimize the deflection of the core.
5. The print should maximize the heat transfer from the core to the mould.
6. The print should allow the internal gases generated in the core to escape to the
7. Unsymmetrical holes should have foolproof prints to prevent incorrect assembly.
8. Thee p
ts oof adjace
adjacentt co
es may
ay be co
b ed into
to oone.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Core print design
• Let us analyze the forces on a horizontal simply supported core. Consider a
cylindrical core of diameter d, body length l, print length a and print diameter D.
Let ρmetal and ρcore be the densities of the molten metal and core material,
p y Also, let σcomp be the compressive
p strength
g of the mould material.
• Self weight of core body WB = π d2 l ρcore / 4
• Self weight of core prints WP = π D2 a ρcore / 4
• Total weight of core W = WB + WP
• Applying the first design rule to balance the core during placement in mould, we
have WB ≤ WP
• The buoyancy force B on the core, B = π d2 l ρmetal / 4
• The net force on the core (upward) = B – W
• The compressive stress on each core print σprint = 0.5 (B - W) / (a D)
• Applying the second rule to prevent core failure by crushing due to buoyancy
forces σprint ≤ σcomp
• For vertical cores, there are two additional considerations. One is that the buoyancy forces
transmitted by the core print may shear the top part of the mould. This is prevented by ensuring
sufficient thickness off the mould wall above the core p
print. The second consideration is that the core
print must be tapered to facilitate its placement in mould. The draft angle ranges from 2-4 degrees.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Core print calculations
• The main force acting on the core when metal is poured in the mould cavity is
due to buoyancy force. Hence to fully support the buoyancy force, it is necessary
that the following condition (empirical) is satisfied, p≤ 350 A; where A is the
print area in mm2.
core p
• If the above equation is not satisfied, then it would be necessary to provide
additional support by the way of chaplets.
• In
I order
d tot calculate
l l t the
th chaplet
h l t area, we needd to
t know
k th unsupported
the t d load:
l d
• Unsupported load = p - 350 A
• If the Unsupported load is greater than zero then the chaplet are required is
29mm2 for every Newton of unsupported load.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Cores and core making
• Chaplets
– Chaplets are metal supports used to hold a core in place when core prints are
inadequate. It is absolutely necessary that they be clean. Rust, oil, grease,
moisture, or even finger marks, cause poor fusion or porosity. Chaplets
should be the same composition as the casting, if possible. The strength of the
chaplet must be enough to carry the weight of the core until sufficient metal
has solidified to provide the required strength,
strength but it should be no heavier
than necessary.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Cores and core making
• Types of chaplets

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand casting examples ( Green sand mould preparation)
• Firstly, one half of the pattern is placed with its flat surface on a mould board,
d the
th drag
d section
ti off the
th flask
fl k is
i sett over the
th pattern
tt on the
th same board.
b d
• After powdering the pattern with lycopodium, talc, or graphite, a layer of facing
sand is then riddled over the pattern.
• The drag is then filled with layers of green sand mixture. The sand is then
compacted with rammer.
• After the sand is rammed,, a strickle is used to scrapep off the excess sand level
with the top of the flask.
• The mould is then vented by sticking it with a fine stiff wire at numerous places.
• A small amount of loose sand is sprinkled over the mould,
mould and bottom board is
placed on the top.
• The drag is then rolled over, the moulding board is then removed, and the upper
surface is sprinkled with parting sand.

Step 1


Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand casting examples ( Green sand mould preparation)
• The remaining half of the pattern and the cope section of the flask are
then assembled.
• Tapered wooden pegs to serve as sprue and riser are placed in proper
iti on the
th pattern,
tt which
hi h is
i riddled
iddl d over with
ith facing
f i sand,
d andd then
the cope is filled with green sand.
• The operations of filling, ramming, venting of the cope proceed in the
same manner as in the drag.

Riser Pin

p Pin

Step 2

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand casting examples ( Green sand mould preparation)
• Now, the wooden pegs are removed from the cope and a funnel shaped
opening is scooped out at the top of the sprue to form the pouring basin.
• Next the cope is lifted off and placed on a board with parting line upward.
• An
A iron
i b is
bar i now pushedh d down
d t the
to th pattern
tt andd rappedd sideways
id so as to
loosen the pattern in the mould.
• Next the p
pattern is drawn out.



Core Step 3



Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand casting examples ( Green sand mould preparation)
• The runner and the gate are cut in the drag from the pattern to the sprue. Now
h core must be b placed
l d in i the
h print
i left
l f by
b the
h pattern.
• Mould surfaces are then cleaned.
• Finally the mould is assembled, the cope being carefully placed on the drag
so that the flask pins fit into the bushes.
• Before pouring the molten metal, the cope is sufficiently loaded to prevent it
from floating up when metal is poured.
• The mould is now ready for casting.


Pouring basin
Cope Riser

Core Step 3



Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand casting examples

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand casting examples

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand casting examples (a cast iron steel elbow )

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand casting examples (pump housing)

g Pattern set in dragg with gating
g g system
y parts

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand casting examples (pump housing)

g Hand packing
p g riddled sand around the ppattern

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand casting examples (pump housing)

g Rammingg a deepp pocket.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand casting examples (pump housing)

g Strikingg off the dragg

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand casting examples (pump housing)

g Dragg flipped
pp over and ready
y for the cope

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand casting examples (pump housing)

g . Cope
p with pattern
p and ggating
g ppieces set

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand casting examples (pump housing)

g Rammingg the partially
p y filled cope.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand casting examples (pump housing)

g Venting
g the cope

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand casting examples (pump housing)

i Cope
C removedd andd Start
S off the
pattern draw.

Figure: Pattern completely drawn.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand casting examples (pump housing)

Figure: Setting the core.

Figure: Cope and drag ready for closing.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand casting examples (pump housing)
Figure: Clamped mold with weights and
pouring basin.

Figure: Pouring the mold.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand casting examples (pump housing)

Figure: Finished pump housing casting.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand casting examples (propeller

Figure: Propeller set in the drag..

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
Sand casting examples (propeller
Figure: Propeller in the drag with parting
line cut.

Figure: Drawn cope.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Sand casting examples (propeller
Figure: Mold ready for closing.

Figure: As-cast propeller.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
• The mould should be completely filled in the smallest time possible without
having to raise metal temperatures nor use higher metal heads.
• The metal should flow smoothly into the mould without any turbulence. A
turbulent metal flow tend to form dross in the mould.
• Unwanted material such as slag, dross and other mould material should not be
allowed to enter the mould cavity.
• The metal entry into the mould cavity should be properly controlled in such a
way that aspiration of the atmospheric air is prevented.
• A proper thermal gradient be maintained so that the casting is cooled without any
shrinkage cavities or distortions.
• Metal flow should be maintained in such a way that no gating or mould erosion
t k place.
takes l
• The gating system should ensure that enough molten metal reaches the mould
• The gating system design should be economical and easy to implement and
remove after casting solidification.
• Ultimately,
Ultimatel the casting yield
ield should
sho ld be maximised.
ma imised

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose


Figure: A typical gating system

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose


Figure: Pouring basin

Figure: Sprue
Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
• TYPES OF GATES: There are three general classifications for gates which are
commonly used. They are: (1) bottom gates, (2) top gates, and (3) parting gates (4)
Step gates.
• Top p Gates. Topp ggatingg of a castingg is limited byy the ability
y of the mould to withstand
erosion, because the molten metal is usually poured through an open-top riser.
Contrary to the characteristics of bottom gating, top gating has the advantage of
pproducingg favorable temperature
p ggradients,, but the disadvantageg of excessive mould
erosion. This method of gating is usually used for castings of simple design which are
poured in gray iron. Top gating is not used with nonferrous alloys which form large
amounts of dross when agitated.
• Bottom Gates. Bottom gates are most generally used because they keep mould and
core erosion to a minimum. In spite of this, they have the very decided disadvantage
of causing unfavorable temperature gradients in the casting, casting which make proper
feeding particularly difficult and often impossible. When using bottom gates, as the
metal rises in the mould, it heats the mould with which it comes in contact. This
produces relatively cold metal in the riser with considerably hotter metal next to the
gate. In other words, there is hot metal and hot mould near the gate and cold metal in
a cold mould near the riser. Such conditions are opposite to those desired for
directional solidification in a casting.
casting The risers should contain the hottest metal in
the hottest part of the mould, and the coldest mould parts should be at points farthest
removed from the risers.
Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
• Parting Gates. Parting-line gates are used most frequently because they are the
easiest for the moulder to construct, particularly in jobbing work. In addition, it is
usually possible to gate directly into a riser. The main disadvantage of parting
gates is that the molten metal drops
g p in the mould to fill the dragg ppart of the
casting. Such a drop often causes erosion or washing of the mould. In nonferrous
metals, dross formation is aggravated and air is often trapped to produce inferior
• Step Gating. The theory behind the step gate is that as the metal rises in the
mould, each gate will feed the casting in succession. This would then put the hot
t l in
i the
th riser
i where
h it is i desired.
d i d

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose


Figure: Runner

Figure: Top gate

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Figure: Bottom gate

Figure: Parting gate

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Figure: Step gate

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Gating nomenclature

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

• The following general rules are given as a guide in making good gating systems:
• 1. Use Round Sprues. (a) Round gates or the closest approach to round gates are
preferred. (b) A circular cross section has the minimum surface exposed for
cooling and offers the lowest resistance to flow.
• 2. Taper the Sprue. The sprue should be tapered with the smaller end toward the
casting. This makes is possible to keep the down-gate full of metal when pouring.
Never l t a tapered
locate t d sprue so that
th t metal
t l is
i pouredd into
i t the
th smaller
ll end.
• 3. Streamline the Gating System. Gating systems having sudden changes in
direction cause slower filling of the mold cavity, are easily eroded, and cause
turbulence in the liquid metal with resulting gas pickup. Streamlining of the
gating system eliminates or minimizes these problems. Avoid right-angle turns.
• 4.
4 Use Patterns for the Gates.
Gates The gating system should be formed as part of the
pattern whenever possible. The use of patterns for the gates permits the sand to
be rammed harder and reduces sand erosion or washing. Hand-cut gates expose
loosenedd sandd which
hi h is
i easily
il eroded
d d by
b the
th flowing
fl i metal.t l

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

• 5. Maintain Proper Gating Ratio. There is a definite relationship between the
cross-sectional areas of the sprue, runners, and in-gates, to produce the best
filling conditions for the mold. The rate of filling the mold should not exceed the
y of the sprue
p to keepp the entire ggating
g system
y full of liquid
q metal at all
times. The cross section of the runner should be reduced in size as each gate is
passed. This keeps the runner full throughout its entire length and promotes
uniform flow through all of the gates. If this procedure is not followed in a
multiple-ingate system, all of the metal will have a tendency to flow through the
ingates farthest from the sprue.

Figure: Illustration of gating ratio.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

Maintain Proper Gating Ratio Example
• An example of the use of gating ratio can be made with figure. Aluminum was
used to make this flat plate casting, and one of the gating ratios that has proven
successful for this type of casting is a 1:3:3 ratio. The first number refers to the
cross-sectional area of the sprue
p base, the second number refers to the total cross
section of all the runners from that sprue, and the third number refers to the total
cross-sectional area of the ingates. In other words, the area of the sprue base is
1/3 that of the total area of the runners, and the total cross
sectional area of the
runners equals the total cross-sectional area of the ingates.
• The size of the ingate for this plate casting was selected to be 1/4 inch thick and
1 1/2 inches
1-1/2 i h wide. id The
Th individual
i di id l ingate
i t then
th hash an area off 3/8 square inch.
i h
There are four ingates, so the total ingate area is 4 x 3/8 square inch, or 1.5 square
inches. The total runner area is then also 1.5 square inches, as determined by the
gating ratio. Since there are two runners, each runner must have a cross-sectional
area of 0.75 square inches. In figure, this is shown by the runner dimensions of
3/4 inch thick by 1 inch wide. To complete the gating system, the sprue base
must have a cross-sectional area equal to 1/3 that of the runners. This is equal to
1/2 square inch. A sprue with a base diameter of 4/5 inch will satisfy this

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

• 6. Maintain Small Ingate Contact. The area of contact between the ingate and
the casting should be kept as small as possible.
• 7. Utilize Natural Channels. Ingates should be located so that the incoming flow
of metal takes place along natural channels in the mold and does not strike
directly on mold surfaces or cores. The continuous flow of metal against a mold
or core surface quickly burns out the binder and washes the loose sand into the
• 8. Use Multiple Ingates. Unless a casting is small and of simple design, several
ingates should be used to distribute the metal to the mold, fill it more rapidly, and
reduce the danger of hot spots.
• 9. Avoid Excessive Ingate Choke. The in-gate should not be choked at the mold
so tthat
at itt causes tthee metal
eta to eenter
te tthee mold
o d at suc
such a high
g speed tthat
at a sshower
effect is produced. Besides excessive turbulence and oxidation of the metal, the
mold may not be able to withstand this eroding force. Choking of the ingate to
assist in gate removal is a proper procedure if a number of ingates are used to
allow an adequate amount of metal to enter the mold without jet action.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

• The principal reason for using risers is to furnish liquid metal to compensate for
solidification shrinkage in the casting. In addition to this main function, a riser
has other reasons for its use. It eliminates the hydraulic-ram effect (similar to
water "pound"
p when a valve is closed suddenly),
y) shown when the mould is full,
flows off cold metal, and vents the mould.
• Just at the time that a mould is completely filled with metal, there can be a
sudden and large increase in pressure in the mould because of the motion of the
flowing metal. This added pressure may be enough to cause a run-out of the
casting or may produce a deformed casting. A riser permits the metal to flow
ti l into
i t it instead
i t d off coming
i to
t a sudden
dd stop.
t Thi reduces
This d th pressure
or hydraulic-ram effect which produces these defects. An open riser permits the
man pouring the mould to see how rapidly the mould is filling and provides him
with a means to regulate the flow of metal.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

• The most important function of a riser is that of a reservoir of heat and molten
metal. To be effective, it must be the last portion of the casting to
solidify. There are four primary requirements which a satisfactory riser should
1. The volume of the riser should be large enough to compensate for the metal
t ti within
ithi the
th area off the
th casting
ti it is
i designed
d i d tot feed.\
f d\
2. Enough fluid metal must be in the riser to penetrate to the last cavity within its
feeding area.
3. The contact area of the riser with the casting must fully cover the area to be
fed, or be designed so that all the needed feed metal in the riser will pass into
the casting.
casting See figure 143.
4. The riser should be effective in establishing a pronounced temperature gradient
within the casting, so that the casting will solidify directionally toward the
Accordingly, the shape, size, and location of the riser must be effectively

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

• There are two general types of risers, the open riser and the blind riser. The open
riser is open to the air while the blind riser is not cut through to the surface of the
mold. A blind riser cannot be seen when the mold is closed.
• Open Risers. Open risers are used widely because they are simple to mold. Their
greatest use is in large flat castings which have numerous heavy sections.
• Blind Risers. Blind risers are advantageous because:
• 1. They facilitate bottom gating into castings by feeding the hot spot at the point
of entry of metal. Gating into the riser also preheats the riser cavity and promotes
greater feeding efficiency as well as proper temperature gradients within the
• 2. They can be located at any position in a mold to feed otherwise inaccessible
• 3. They are more efficient than open risers because they can be designed to
closely approach the ideal spherical shape, thus substantially reducing the amount
of riser metal required for satisfactory feeding. In addition, they are completely
surrounded by sand, which eliminates the chilling by radiation to the air and
keeps the metal liquid longer.
• 4. They are easier to remove from castings than open risers because they can be
more strategically positioned.
Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
• Riser Shape. The rate of solidification of a metal varies directly with the ratio of
surface area to volume. In other words, for a given weight of metal, the shape
which has the smallest surface area will take the longest time to solidify. The
ratio of surface area to volume is obtained by y dividingg the surface area byy the
• Riser Size. Practical foundry experience has shown that the most effective height
of a riser is 1-1/2
1 1/2 times its diameter in order to produce maximum feeding for the
minimum amount of metal used. Any riser higher than this is wasteful of metal
and may be actually harmful to casting soundness.
• Riser Location. Heavy sections of a casting have a large amount of solidification
shrinkage which must be compensated for from an outside source. Heavy
sections, therefore, are the locations for risers. An important point to remember in
the risering of a casting is that the hottest metal must be in the riser if it is to be

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

• Open Risers. Open risers are used widely because they are simple to mould.
Their greatest use is in large flat castings which have numerous heavy sections.
• Blind Risers. Blind risers are advantageous because:
• 1.
1 They facilitate bottom gating into castings by feeding the hot spot at the point
of entry of metal. Gating into the riser also preheats the riser cavity and promotes
greater feeding efficiency as well as proper temperature gradients within the
• 2. They can be located at any position in a mould to feed otherwise inaccessible
• 3. They are more efficient than open risers because they can be designed to
closely approach the ideal spherical shape, thus substantially reducing the amount
of riser metal required for satisfactory feeding.
feeding In addition,
addition they are completely
surrounded by sand, which eliminates the chilling by radiation to the air and
keeps the metal liquid longer.
• 4. They are easier to remove from castings than open risers because they can be
more strategically positioned.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

• Much of the art and science of making castings is concerned with control of
the things that happen to metal as it solidifies. An understanding of how
metals solidify, therefore, is necessary to the work of the foundry-man. The
control of the solidification of metal to produce better castings is described in
later chapters on casting design, gating, risering, and pouring.The change
from hot molten metal to cool solid casting takes place in three main steps.
– The
Th first
fi step isi the
h cooling
li off the
h metall from
f the
h pouringi temperature to
the solidification temperature. The difference between the pouring
p and the solidification temperature
p is called the amount of
superheat. The amount of superheat determines the amount of time the
foundryman has available to work with the molten metal before it starts
to solidify.
– The second step is the cooling of the metal through the range of
temperature at which it solidifies. During this step, the quality of the final
casting is established. Shrink holes, blow holes, hot cracks, and many
other defects form in a casting while it solidifies.
– The third step is the cooling of the solid metal to room temperature.
temperature It is
during this stage of cooling that warpage and casting stresses occur.
Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose
• Solidification involves the transformation of the molten metal back into the solid
state. The solidification process differs depending on whether the metal is a pure
element or an alloy.
• Pure Metals: A pure metal solidifies at a constant temperature equal to its
freezing point, which is the same as its melting point. The melting points of pure
metals are well known and documented. The process occurs over time as shown
in the plot of Figure,
Figure called a cooling curve.
curve The actual freezing takes time,
time called
the local solidification time in casting, during which the metal’s latent heat of
fusion is released into the surrounding mould. The total solidification time is the
ti taken
time t k between
b t pouring
i andd complete
l t solidification.
lidifi ti

FIGURE: Cooling curve for a pure metal

during casting.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose


G ((a)) Temperature as a ffunction
i off time
i for
f the
h solidification
lidifi i off pure metals.l Note that
freezing takes place at a constant temperature. (b) Density as a function of time.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

After the casting has completely solidified, cooling continues at a rate indicated by
the downward slope of the cooling curve. Because of the chilling action of the mould
wall, a thin skin of solid metal is initially formed at the interface immediately after
ppouring.g Thickness of the skin increases to form a shell around the molten metal as
solidification progresses inward toward the center of the cavity. The rate at which
freezing proceeds depends on heat transfer into the mould, as well as the thermal
properties of the metal. It is of interest to examine the metallic grain formation and
growth during this solidification process. The metal which forms the initial skin has
been rapidly cooled by the extraction of heat through the mould wall. This cooling
action causes the grains in the skin to be fine and randomly oriented.
oriented As cooling
continues, further grain formation and growth occur in a direction away from the
heat transfer. Since the heat transfer is through the skin and mould wall, the grains
grow inwardly
i dl as needles
dl or spines
i off solid
lid metal.
t l As
A these
th spines
i enlarge,
l l t l
branches form, and as these branches grow, further branches form at right angles to
the first branches. This type of grain growth is referred to as dendritic growth, and it
occurs not only in the freezing of pure metals but alloys as well. These treelike
structures are gradually filled-in during freezing, as additional metal is continually
deposited onto the dendrites until complete solidification has occurred. The grains
resulting from this dendritic growth take on a preferred orientation, tending to be
coarse, columnar grains aligned toward the center of the casting.
Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

FIGURE: Characteristic grain structure in a casting of a pure metal, showing randomly oriented grains
of small size near the mould wall, and large columnar grains oriented toward the center of the casting.

Lecture notes on PE 5001 Manufacturing Process II, Joyjeet Ghose

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