Numere in Engleza de La 1 La 1000 Online

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In two thousand eight i graduated the hight school, the National College of Economics.

After that i
enrolled in college, at Faculty of Economics and Business Administration from the West University.

In the present i am in the last year at the Management accounting, Expertise and audit Master. Also I
am working as accountant .

I have to admit that working as accountant developed my skills. Now i am more organised and i do
the things by their importance. It also helped me to increase my communication skills because evry
day i have contact with the clients, the public servants.

also i can say that i am a curious person and i like to learn new things because i belive that to love
something you have to try it first.

Team spirit

I am a responsable person, i have the capacity to adapt at the situationes, i respect my teammates ,

I am willing to learn from others and to teach them on my turn.

Everyone is oriented to the result and for that you need a good team , beacuse in team the
productivity is better and the time to achive the goal is shorter.

Numere in engleza de la 1 la 1000 online

Am vazut ca multa lume cauta pe google "numere in engleza de la 1 la 1000" si de asta am zis sa
va sarim in ajutor cu inca o mica lectie de engleza ce se poate invata foarte usor online.

Asadar... fara multe alte cuvinte, va lasam sa repetati in continuare numerele de la 1 la 1000 in
engleza. Dupa ce ati facut acest pas va recomandam si aceste cursuri pentru a invata limba
engleza online.
Numaratoare in engleza
0 zero
1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five
6 six
7 seven
8 eight
9 nine
10 ten

11 eleven
12 twelve
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14 fourteen
15 fifteen
16 sixteen
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18 eighteen
19 nineteen

20 twenty
30 thirty
40 forty
50 fifty
60 sixty
70 seventy
80 eighty
90 ninety

100 hundred
1000 thousand

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