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Computer Organization & Assembly Language


Due Date: 30-10-2019 Total Marks: 10

Program: BSCS

1. Understanding of the problems is part of the assignments. So, no query please.
2. You will get Zero marks if found any type of cheating.
3. 25 % deduction of over marks on the one-day late submission after due date
4. 50 % deduction of over marks on the two-day late submission after due date
5. No submission after two days.

Question 1: [Marks: 6]

A memory location has a physical address 5BA00h. Compute

a. The offset address if the segment number is 51ACh. [1]

b. The segment number if the offset address is 4D10h? [1]

c. Determine the physical address of a memory location given by 70F6:1BC0h. [2]

Question 2: [Marks: 2]

What is the binary representation of D5B7h? Also calculate the unsigned and signed decimal
interpretation of this number.

Question 03: Using only basic arithmetic instructions, translate the given statement into assembly
Assume A, B and C are word variables: [Marks: 2]
A = B + 2 – (C*2)

Question 04: Perform the following addition or subtraction: [Marks: 2]

a. FE02h + 1E01h
b. 10110100b – 10010111b

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