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Phonetics and Phonology 1 – Class notes (3)

Profs. J. Cebrian, N. Gavaldà, S. Tubau, M. van Wijk, V. Zaytseva – 2016 – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Ø Speech = continuous flow of sounds

à sounds are affected by neighbouring sounds
• Sounds in actual speech may vary due to:
- Simultaneous articulations
§ _______________________________________________
- Variations in the timing of articulators
§ _______________________________________________

Ø Co-occurrent place of articulation

• Secondary articulation
- Secondary lesser constriction in addition to the greater primary articulation
§ Labialization [kw], palatalization [pj], velarization (e.g., the l in ‘wall’ vs. the in ‘lip’)
• Double articulation
- Two ____________________________ articulations
§ two closures released simultaneously: [kp], [t]
§ [w] = ______________________________

Ø Overlapping and anticipatory phenomena

• Articulation of individual segments varies (in place, manner, voicing) according to the environment.
- /k/ in kit ≠ /k/ in cool à the tongue is more advanced before front Vs, retracted before back Vs.
- /s/ in seek ≠ /s/ in soon
- /t/ in tin ≠ /t/ in train
- /r/ in rain ≠ /r/ in train
- /l/ in lace ≠ /l/ in place ≠ /l/ in bell
- /æ/ in cat ≠ /æ/ in can

Ø Timing of articulators/gestures
• Types of release:
• _______________________________ Audible release
• _______________________________ e.g, apt, act, that boy, rubbed, begged, blackboard
• _______________________________ e.g, submit, upmost, administer, cockney
• _______________________________ e.g., Atlantic, apple, able, kettle

• Aspiration of voiceless stops: [ph th kh]

- Examples:
cool pain tone attach
[khuːl] [pheɪn] [thəʊn] [əˈthæʧ]
school Spain stone paper
[ˈskuːl] [ˈspeɪn] [ˈstəʊn] [ˈpheɪpə(r)]

- so aspiration takes place

§ ________________________________
before stress vowel

§ s
never after _______________________

- Aspiration = delay in vocal cord vibration

§ Unaspirated voiceless stop
• __________________________
§ Aspirated voiceless stop
• __________________________

English Phonetics and Phonology 1 – Class notes (3)

Profs. J. Cebrian, N. Gavaldà, S. Tubau, M. van Wijk, V. Zaytseva – 2016 – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

- The stop closure can be:
§ _______________________ (voicing throughout closure)
§ _______________________ (onset of voicing before release)
§ _______________________ (onset of voicing at release)
§ _______________________ (onset of voicing after release)

• Voice Onset Time

- Timing of laryngeal and supralaryngeal articulators
§ Voice Onset Time: onset of voicing relative to the release of a closure.
• _______________________: onset of voicing before release
• _______________________: onset of voicing at or soon after release
• _______________________: onset of voicing after release
- phonetically voiced/voiceless – determined by VOT
- fortis & lenis: muscular effort; also phonological difference

• STOPS – Crosslinguistic comparison:

Type of VOT Catalan/Spanish English
voice lead voiced [ b d g ] (notice that /b, d, g/ voiced [ b d g ] (fully voiced, between voiced
become [β ð ɣ] between continuants) sounds)
short lag voiceless [ p t k ] devoiced voiced stop [ b̥ d̥ g̥̥ ] (next to a pause
or a voiceless sound)
voiceless unaspirated [ p t k ] (in unstressed
syll. or after /s/)
long lag voiceless aspirated [ ph th kh ] (initial position
in a stressed syllable)


Ø Obstruent Devoicing
• Obstruents in final position (_#, _Cvless)
_# I won a prize. Too bad.
_Cvoiceless A bad thing. A lab coat
• Obstruents in initial position (#_, Cvless_)
#_ Don’t cry! vs. Cvd_ Please don’t cry!
Cvless_ dustbin, rich girl [z d]
This black bear.
• Additional cues
- Difference in preceding vowel/sonorant duration
Prefortis clipping
prize – price raise – race lab – lap bad - bat
leave – leaf ridge – rich bend - bent build - built
From longest to shortest: see ~ seed ~ seat
• Stops: Fortis vs. lenis
Phonemic transcription
initial medial final
Fortis #/ˈpaɪ / /ˈsækɪŋ/ /ˈsaɪt/#
Lenis #/ˈbaɪ/ /ˈsægɪŋ/ /ˈsaɪd/#
Phonetic transcription
Fortis #[ˈpʰaɪ] [ˈsækɪŋ] [ˈsaɪt]#
Lenis #[ˈb̥ aɪ] [ˈsægɪŋ] [ˈsaɪd̥ ]#

English Phonetics and Phonology 1 – Class notes (3)

Profs. J. Cebrian, N. Gavaldà, S. Tubau, M. van Wijk, V. Zaytseva – 2016 – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Ø Devoicing following aspiration

• Vowels and approximants after aspirated stops
rice vs. price
lace vs. place
bale vs. pale
Alternative notations: [ phleɪ ] ~ [ pl̥ eɪ ]

Ø Other non-phonemic stop variants

• Place variants
- dental stops before _____________:
§ width: [wɪd̪ θ]
- post-alveolar /t, d/ before ________ :
§ true drama [ t̠ ruː d̠ rɑːmə]
• Flapping of intervocalic /t, d/
- Common in ____________________ dialects
- Voiced flapped realization of the ____________ stops: [ɾ]
- Examples: City, matter, water, not at all
• The glottal stop and glottalized stops
- The glottal stop
§ Common in some _______________________, often in place of ______________ stops
§ The v. cords are _______________ and the air is stopped at the ____________
§ Examples: button (/bʌtn̩ /) [bʌʔn̩ ], cat (/kæt/) [kæʔ]
- Glottalized stops
§ Coarticulation [ʔt], [ʔp, ʔt, ʔk]
§ Glottalized stop or glottal stop: button (/bʌtn̩ /) [bʌʔn̩ ] or [bʌʔtn̩ ] ; cat (/kæt/) [kæʔ] or [kæʔt]


Ø Assimilation
• Place variants are often the result of assimilation = ________________________________________ (in place of
articulation (or manner of articulation, voicing)).
• Examples:
- ten (alveolar n) tenth (dental n [the᷉n̪ θ])
- heal (alveolar l) health (dental l [hel̪ θ])
- eight (alveolar t) eighth (dental t [eɪt̪ θ])
= _________________________________
• Let them go [let ̪d̪̥ ə̪ m gəʊ]
= ________________________ (regressive) + _______________________ (progressive)
• Coalescence
- ____________________ C + __________________ glide à palatoalveolar
o /t/ + /j/à /tʃ/, /d/ + /j/ à /dʒ/
o /s/ + /j/ à /ʃ/, /z/ + /j/ à /ʒ/
o word internally: Tuesday, schedule
o across words: would you, don’t you
o historical: nation, sugar, racial, decision, culture, soldier
o Contemporar: issue, Tuesday, statue, schedule, due

o Consonant alternation related to suffixation (morphophonemic alternations)

§ /t/-/ʃ/: relate-relation, submit-submission
§ /d/-/ʒ/: decide-decision, erode-erosion
§ /s/-/ʃ/: race-racial, progress-progression
§ /z/-/ʒ/: please-pleasure, close-closure
§ /k/-/s/: critic-criticism, opaque-opacity
§ /t/-/s/: accurate-accuracy, delicate-delicacy

English Phonetics and Phonology 1 – Class notes (3)

Profs. J. Cebrian, N. Gavaldà, S. Tubau, M. van Wijk, V. Zaytseva – 2016 – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Ø Intrusive stops (More on timing of gestures)

• Transition from a voiced _________________ to a __________________à ______________________
- Examples: prince strength warmth
/ prɪns streŋkθ wɔ:(r)mθ /
[ prɪ᷉nts stre᷉ŋkθ wɔ:(r)mpθ ]
- Notice: prince ~ prints, sense ~ cents
Ø Allophonic variation with fricatives and affricates
• _____________: devoiced voiced fricatives and affricates in pre- or post-pausal position or next to a voiceless
• _____________: inherent rounding with some fricatives and affricates
• /h/ voiced between voiced sounds ([ɦ])


Ø Allophonic variation with nasals

• labiodental nasal before ___________________________: triumph [traɪ᷉ɱf], envy [e᷉ɱvɪ]
• dental nasal before a _____________________________: tenth [the᷉n̪ θ]

Ø Allophonic variation with approximants

• Devoicing after aspirated stops:
§ rice vs. price
§ lace vs. place
§ bale vs. pale
Alternative notations [ phleɪ ] ~ [ pl̥ eɪ ]
- Variations of / l /
- Clear and dark [l ] - [ ɫ ]; dark l = _________________ l
- [ l ]- ___________________: milk [ mɪɰk ]
- Dental l before dental Cs

Ø Phonetic vs. Phonological transcription

Consonant sound alternations & coalescence More examples

• Discreet ____________________ • Office ____________________

• Permit ____________________ • Expose ____________________
• Divide ____________________ • Revise ____________________
• Conclude ____________________ • Music ____________________
• Grace ____________________ • Authentic ____________________

Ø English vowel sounds in detail (phonetic, phonological and morphophonemic properties).

Main differences between B. Eng. and G. Am. in vowel pronunciation.


Ø English vowels: morphophonemic properties: Vowel alternations


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