Communication Alumni Come Home Film and Media Arts Hosts Film Screening

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Communication alumni come home Film and Media Arts

hosts film screening
By Christian James
On Tuesday, Oct. 22, students attended
a film screening of Love Them First, di-
rected by Lindsey Seavert and Ben Garvin
from KARE 11, a local news station for
the city of Minneapolis, Minn. The film
followed the principal, Mauri Friestleben,
of Lucy Laney Elementary, a school in a
predominantly black and
impoverished part of Minneapolis, and
her mission to improve the quality of care
By Michalia Lane and education her students were receiv-
UPIKE Communication alumni came to them about their new jobs, and others ing. What had started as news packages
back home to tell students what they are vent to those professors about their daily on KARE 11’s daily news unfolded into
doing with their degree and talk about lives. They emphasized how much UP- the documentary film that UPIKE students
their experiences when they were an under- IKE faculty care about their students, and viewed.
graduate.The 9th Annual Communication how they want to make sure that they will The film, which lasted approximate-
Alumni Panel was held on Oct. 25 in succeed and keep in contact after those stu- ly 1 hour and 30 minutes, was followed
Chrisman Auditorium. The alumni told dents have graduated. by a short question and answer session
funny and interesting stories about the Branham is in her second year of law with the directors. Students asked Seavert
experiences they had at UPIKE, the close school. She was brutally honest about her and Garvin about how the school has per-
relationships that they formed with the experience so far, talking about how formed since the production of the film and
communication professors, their jobs, and difficult it is. the legalities that had to be considered be-
graduate school. “You have to pick between eating, fore filming could take place in the elemen-
“I learned a lot about the different jobs sleeping, bathing or studying,” she said. tary school.
I could do with the degree,” Jacqueline Many students there laughed and “Being from Minneapolis and seeing
Pruitt, senior, said. looked appreciative of her honesty since these communities and the struggles they
Fletcher talked about her internship at they were a few in the crowd who were have that white people don’t have to con-
WYMT. At first, she wanted to be a meteo- considering or had already applied for law cern themselves with really made this film
rologist, but she quickly changed her mind school. special to me. What Lindsey and Ben put
after the first week. She is now a WYMT There was a good mix of faces and together was really heart touching, and I’m
reporter in Pikeville. different perspectives on the panel that glad I got to see it,” Julia Pernsteiner, fresh-
Many of the alumni talked about the showed just how broad the degree is. man, said.
relationships that they still have with their The screening was hosted by the uni-
professors. They keep in contact. Some talk versity’s Film and Media Arts program as
part of the Southern Circuit Film Series.
Speech Team travels to Marshall
By Jamie Riley
The UPIKE Enriquez placed 6th in prose and 6th
Speech Team trav- in extemporaneous. Bray placed 5th in
elled to Marshall program of oral interpretation. Bray and
University to com- Enriquez placed 3rd in improv duo at the
pete in the 11th Over The Rainbow tournament. Senior
Annual Chief Jus- Alexandria Alexis placed 6th in dramatic
tice Tournament interpretation. Junior Larissa Jones placed
and the inaugural 7th in poetry. The team placed 3rd overall
Over The Rainbow in small entry sweepstakes award.
Tournament Oct. 26-27. The Growlers had “We would like to thank Dean Jennifer
13 entries in both tournaments. Dugan and Chaplain Rob Musick for com-
Senior Zakary Bray and senior Clau- ing and helping with the team. I am proud
dette Enriquez placed 6th in improvisation of what the team accomplished,” Bray,
duo at the Chief Justice Tournament. speech team president, said.

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