SR No:-15801 Question4

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Name :- Uday G. G.

Sr no:- 15801

Question4 :-

The K value is varied from 1 to 20 and the PCA is performed on training dataset. On the basis of
separability score and the maximized distance between the closest point between the two classes
the best value of K=16 is decided.

The Separability Score plot is given by:

For the above we choose the best value of K=16 ; then make the threshold for K=16 as (Max(sad) +
Min(Happy)) /2 which gives threshold as “14.55”.

Classification Accuracy for different value of K is: 70%

The 1-D Projection of the train data for K=16 is given below:

Part A:

The speech assignment has been done in MATLAB. I have written STFT code in separate script which
is available in zip file. From the clean files I have computed the whitening matrix through whitening
function. Then I have applied the transform on noisy speech features. So I got the following results:

The average of non diagonal elements of the covariance matrix of whitened clean data is
5.983087498755704e-10 so we can conclude that it is almost zero.
The average of non-diagonal elements of the covariance matrix of whitened clean data is:
The conclusions are:
While projecting the matrix on cleaner data, I got unit variance zero mean . So, cleaner version is
decorrelated . But while doing the opposite , in noisy data I could not get the decorrelated data. So,
data is not separable if we take second order stat.
Part B:
I have computed reverse of question of part a.
The average of non-diagonal elements of the covariance matrix of whitened clean data is:
“2.92010122119402e-16” i.e approximately “0”.
The average of non-diagonal elements of the covariance matrix of whitened clean data is:
While the clean data is still correlated.
For this case also I got the same observation. Noisy data is decorrelated.

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