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Hematologic Syndromes: Hemolysis,

and Sulfhemoglobinemia

Steven C. Curry and A. Min Kang

Contents Key Points in Hematologic Syndromes

Hemolysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1. Oxidant hemolysis, methemoglobinemia,
Pathophysiology and Etiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 and sulfhemoglobinemia share common
Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 etiologies and frequently coexist in the
Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
same patient.
Methemoglobinemia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2. Methemoglobinemia or sulfhemo-
Pathophysiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 globinemia should be suspected when a
Etiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 cyanotic patient does not have a signifi-
Differential Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 cantly depressed arterial PaO2 or when the
Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 history suggests toxic exposure to a known
Sulfhemoglobin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 etiologic agent.
Background and Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3. Methemoglobin impairs oxygen delivery
Formation and Etiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 by producing a functional anemia and by
Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
shifting the oxygen-hemoglobin dissocia-
Clinical Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 tion curve to the left.
4. Oxygen carrying capacity can worsen,
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
while methemoglobin fractions decrease
or cyanosis improves if accompanying
hemolysis produces significant decreases
in hemoglobin concentrations.
5. Methylene blue enhances enzymatic reduc-
tion of methemoglobin but is
contraindicated in patients with glucose-6-
phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.
6. Dual-wavelength pulse oximetry is
unreliable in the presence of methemoglo-
binemia or sulfhemoglobinemia.
7. Co-oximeters vary widely in their ability to
detect, measure, and report sulfhemo-
S.C. Curry (*) • A.M. Kang globinemia; some report sulfhemoglobin
Department of Medical Toxicology, Banner – University
as methemoglobin.
Medical Center Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ, USA
e-mail:; aaron. (continued)

# Springer International Publishing AG 2016 1

J. Brent et al. (eds.), Critical Care Toxicology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20790-2_9-2
2 S.C. Curry and A.M. Kang

8. Sulfhemoglobin cannot transport oxygen measurements of saturation in the presence of

but shifts the oxygen-hemoglobin dissocia- methemoglobinemia or sulfhemoglobinemia
tion curve to the right; impaired oxygen Forgetting that known glucose-6-phosphate
delivery usually is not a problem unless dehydrogenase deficiency is a contraindication
accompanying hemolysis or methemoglo- to therapy with methylene blue
binemia is significant. Failure to recognize that Heinz bodies can-
9. Methylene blue does not lower not be seen on routine Wright’s stain of blood
sulfhemoglobin fractions. Sulfhemoglobin
persists for the life of the erythrocyte.
Three main syndromes result from erythrocytic
oxidant stress. Removal of electrons from the
protein portion of hemoglobin and other erythro-
Common Errors in Management of Hematologic cytic macromolecules leads to oxidant hemolytic
Syndromes anemia, characterized by Heinz bodies and bite
Failure to realize that arterial PaO2 is usually cells. Removal of electrons from the ferrous iron
normal or at baseline values in patients with in hemoglobin produces methemoglobinemia.
methemoglobinemia Lastly, oxidation of hemoglobin’s porphyrin ring
Not recognizing that percent saturations by sulfur results in sulfhemoglobinemia. The eti-
reported by many blood gas machines are cal- ology, pathophysiology, occurrence, diagnosis,
culated, rather than measured, and can be and treatment of oxidant-induced hemolytic ane-
reported as normal despite hemoglobinopa- mia, methemoglobinemia, and sulfhemo-
thies such as methemoglobinemia globinemia are entangled (Fig. 1) [1–3].
Forgetting to consider the total hemoglobin Some chemical agents responsible for oxidant
concentration when assessing impairment of hemolysis, methemoglobinemia, or sulfhemo-
oxygen carrying capacity from globinemia frequently lack oxidizing potential
methemoglobinemia in vitro. Their ability to produce oxidant stress is
Failure to seek evidence of hemolysis in explained most commonly, however, by electro-
patients with methemoglobinemia and vice philes produced from metabolism by cytochrome
versa P-450 enzymes. For example, dapsone, benzo-
Failure to understand whether a specific caine, and some sulfonamides are metabolized to
co-oximeter being used in patient management hydroxylamines that are responsible for produc-
detects or reports sulfhemoglobinemia ing oxidant stress.
Not realizing that dual-wavelength pulse The circulating red blood cell lacks mitochon-
oximetry does not provide reliable dria and depends on glycolysis and the hexose
monophosphate shunt for energy production
(Fig. 2). Adenosine triphosphate produced in

Fig. 1 Consequences of
erythrocytic oxidant stress
Hematologic Syndromes: Hemolysis, Methemoglobinemia, and Sulfhemoglobinemia 3

Fig. 2 Erythrocytic energy production. ADP adenosine adenine dinucleotide, NADH reduced nicotinamide ade-
diphosphate, ATP adenosine triphosphate, G6PD glu- nine dinucleotide, NADP nicotinamide adenine dinucleo-
cose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, GSH reduced glutathi- tide phosphate, NADPH reduced nicotinamide adenine
one, GSSG oxidized glutathione, NAD nicotinamide dinucleotide phosphate

glycolysis meets energy requirements, whereas where pieces of plasma membrane are removed
glycolytic production of reduced nicotine adenine (resulting in bite cells) or where entire red blood
dinucleotide (NADH) is essential in maintaining cells undergo destruction, producing extravascular
methemoglobin fractions within the normal range. hemolysis (nonspherocytic) [3, 5]. Oxidant stress
The hexose monophosphate shunt produces may produce hemolysis by several additional
reduced nicotine adenine dinucleotide phosphate mechanisms, including depletion of intracellular
(NADPH), which is used to protect against glutathione stores with direct damage to the eryth-
oxidant-induced hemolysis [4]. rocytic membrane and oxidation of other proteins,
such as enzymes needed for erythrocyte integrity.
Tremendous oxidant stress (e.g., chlorates) can
Hemolysis produce intravascular hemolysis as well.
The erythrocyte protects itself from oxidant-
Pathophysiology and Etiology induced hemolysis by reducing oxidants before
protein denaturation occurs [4]. Reduced glutathi-
Erythrocytes constantly encounter oxidant stress one, nonenzymatically and enzymatically with
from multiple sources, including food, infection, glutathione peroxidase, is responsible for most
oxygen, drugs, and chemicals. Oxidation of the reducing capacity in this regard. Catalase also
protein portion of hemoglobin results in denatur- reduces hydrogen peroxide; ascorbate is a mild
ation and attachment of damaged protein to the reducing agent (Fig. 3).
internal cell membrane, which is visible as Heinz Adequate stores of reduced glutathione are
bodies with special staining of blood smears. maintained within the erythrocyte through the
Erythrocytes filled with denatured hemoglobin conversion of NADPH to NADP (see Fig. 2).
are trapped in the microcirculation of the spleen, NADPH formation requires a properly
4 S.C. Curry and A.M. Kang

Fig. 3 Protection against

hemolysis by reduction of
oxidants. GPX glutathione
peroxidase, GSH reduced
glutathione, RBC red
blood cell

functioning hexose monophosphate shunt. concentrations and a rise in plasma-free hemoglo-

Patients who display congenital deficiency of glu- bin concentration. Hemoglobinuria results when
cose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), the plasma concentrations of hemoglobin increase
first enzyme in the hexose monophosphate sufficiently to saturate haptoglobin and turn
shunt, can be predisposed to hemolysis from plasma pink or red. In oxidant-induced disease,
sources of oxidant stress that would not affect bite cells may be noted on routine Wright’s stain
normal phenotypes. The most common sources of blood [3]. Heinz bodies can be detected with
of oxidant stress producing hemolysis in these special staining, but they are not detectable with
patients are infection, drugs, and food. Oxidant- Wright’s stain of blood. Spherocytes are typically
induced hemolysis can be produced in anyone, absent or only mildly increased in number.
however, if oxidant stress is severe enough, such Reticulocytosis is delayed for several days after
as after overdose with numerous drugs (e.g., onset of hemolysis.
phenazopyridine, dapsone) (Table 1).
Logically, substances producing oxidant
hemolysis share the ability to produce methemo- Treatment
globinemia and sulfhemoglobinemia. Some
agents are known better for producing hemolysis In general, treatment is supportive with blood
than accompanying dyshemoglobinemias, how- transfusion, ensuring appropriate hydration, and
ever. Naphthalene, an aromatic hydrocarbon, pro- monitoring for hyperkalemia. Specific therapies
duces hemolysis [6] and less commonly is may be indicated with specific toxins (e.g.,
associated with severe methemoglobinemia. On exchange transfusions for arsine, D-penicillamine
the other hand, chlorates [7] produce hemolysis for copper). Intravenous N-acetylcysteine
but also can cause marked methemoglobinemia. prevented severe decreases in whole-blood gluta-
thione concentration in cats with acetaminophen-
induced methemoglobinemia [8], and in vitro
Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis studies in human erythrocytes revealed that incu-
bation in solutions containing N-acetylcysteine
Other than the expected effects of acute anemia, can prevent oxidant hemolysis produced by vari-
complications of hemolysis include hyperkalemia ous agents [9, 10]. No reports have shown N-
and pigment nephropathy. Jaundice may appear acetylcysteine’s effectiveness, however, at
after a few days. Methemoglobinemia and occa- preventing or lessening oxidant hemolysis in
sionally sulfhemoglobinemia commonly accom- humans with acute poisoning.
pany Heinz body hemolytic anemia, and evidence
for this should be sought.
Hemolysis is diagnosed by showing decreases
in blood hemoglobin and serum haptoglobin
Hematologic Syndromes: Hemolysis, Methemoglobinemia, and Sulfhemoglobinemia 5

Table 1 Examples of agents producing oxidant stressa Table 1 (continued)

Acetanilid Metaflumizone
Aminophenols Methylene blue
p-Aminosalicylic acid Metobromuron
Amyl nitrite Metoclopramide
Aniline Monolinuron
Anilinoethanol Mushrooms
Arsineb Naphthalene
Benzocainec Naphthylamine
Benzoylphenylurea Nitratesc
Bismuth subnitrate Nitric oxide
Bromoaniline Nitrites
Bupivacainec Nitroalkanes
Chloramine Nitroaniline
Chloratesb Nitrobenzene
Chlorites Nitroethane
Chloroanilines Nitrofurans
Chloroquine Nitroglycerin
Chromatesb Nitrophenol
Clofazimine Pamaquine
Dichromates Pendimethalin
Cobalt preparations Phenacetin
Commercial inks Phenazopyridine
Copper sulfateb Phenetidine
Dapsone Phenols
Diaminodiphenylsulfone p-Phenylenediamine
Dimethylamine Phenylhydrazine
Dimethylaminophenol Phenylhydroxylamine
Dimethylaniline Piperazine
Dimethyl sulfoxide Plasmoquine
Dimethyltoluidine Prilocainec
Dinitrobenzene Primaquine
Dinitrophenols Propanil
Dinitrotoluene Pyridine
Flutamide Pyrogallol
Hydrazines Quinones
Hydroquinone Rasburicase/pegloticase
40 -Hydroxyacetanilid Resorcinol
Hydroxylamine Riluzole
Ifosfamide Sodium nitritec
Indoxacarb Stibineb
Isobutyl nitrite Sulfonamides
Lidocainec Sulfones
Local anestheticsc Sulofenur
(continued) (continued)
6 S.C. Curry and A.M. Kang

Table 1 (continued) methemoglobinemia refers to elevated circulating

Tetralin fractions of methemoglobin within erythrocytes.
Tetranitromethane tetronal Methemoglobin does not transport oxygen.
Thiocolchicoside Ferric heme groups impair unloading of oxygen
Toluenediamine by ferrous heme on the same hemoglobin tetra-
Toluidine mer, shifting the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation
Trichlorocarbanilide curve to the left [4]. Serious signs and symptoms
Trinitrotoluene from methemoglobinemia result from impaired
Trional oxygen delivery to tissues and from cyanosis,
Zopiclone which can be seen before significant impairment
Poisoning (and sometimes therapeutic doses) by these agents of oxygenation.
variously produces combinations of Heinz body hemolytic
anemia, methemoglobinemia, or sulfhemoglobinemia in indi-
Visible cyanosis is produced by 5 g of normal
vidual patients. Why some patients develop methemoglobi- deoxyhemoglobin per 1 dL of capillary blood
nemia, whereas others mainly develop sulfhemoglobinemia [11]. Because methemoglobin is dark brown,
or hemolysis, is not well understood however, only 1.5 g of methemoglobin per dL of
Known for producing extraordinarily severe hemolysis
Hemolysis usually not significant after a single therapeutic
blood is required to produce noticeable discolor-
dose, even when methemoglobinemia is present ation [12]. In nonanemic patients, about 10–15 %
methemoglobinemia produces cyanosis without
significant impairment of oxygen delivery. Pro-
gressive increases in methemoglobin fractions to
20–40 % in nonanemic patients are accompanied
by headache, dyspnea, tachypnea, tachycardia,
Methemoglobinemia and mild hypertension. Further increases in met-
hemoglobin fractions into the 40–55 % range
Pathophysiology (without anemia) may begin to produce confu-
sion, lethargy, and metabolic acidosis. Additional
Reduced hemoglobin (deoxyhemoglobin) con- increases result in coma, seizures, bradycardia,
tains four ferrous (Fe2+) heme groups capable of ventricular dysrhythmias, and hypotension; near
binding and transporting oxygen. Oxidation to the 70 % methemoglobinemia results in death. We
ferric (Fe3+) state produces methemoglobin. Oxi- have seen one nonanemic patient who was
dant stress produces denaturation of hemoglobin awake with 73 % methemoglobinemia after ben-
with hemolysis and methemoglobin, explaining zocaine exposure during a transesophageal echo-
the coexistence of both disorders in the same cardiogram who complained only of weakness
patient (see Fig. 1). and voices and noises sounding distant.
Reduced (ferrous) hemoglobin continuously Anemic patients experience more severe
undergoes conversion to methemoglobin within impairment of oxygen delivery and more severe
erythrocytes, to a large extent from the oxidizing signs and symptoms at given methemoglobin
power of oxygen. Values for methemoglobin are fractions than nonanemic patients. Anemic
reported most commonly in percentages (frac- patients also exhibit less profound cyanosis at
tions). These fractions represent the percentage given methemoglobin fractions.
of all hemoglobin pigments present as methemo- Although inactivation of oxidants is the main
globin. Methemoglobin fractions in whole blood mechanism by which oxidant hemolysis is
are normally less than 1–2 %. When fractions prevented, oxidant inactivation remains relatively
exceed this value, methemoglobinemia is said to unimportant in maintaining methemoglobin frac-
be present. Hemoglobinemia refers to the pres- tions within the normal range. Patients with con-
ence of excess hemoglobin in plasma, whereas genital glutathione deficiency, G6PD deficiency,
Hematologic Syndromes: Hemolysis, Methemoglobinemia, and Sulfhemoglobinemia 7

catalase deficiency, and scurvy do not have ele- be shown by glutathione and ascorbate, but these
vated methemoglobin fractions. Rather, methe- are thought to be relatively minor in vivo.
moglobin fractions are maintained at low levels The predisposition of infants to methemoglo-
by allowing methemoglobin to form and then binemia is explained by normally low erythro-
immediately enzymatically reducing it back to cytic cytochrome-b5 reductase activity and
ferrous hemoglobin. cytochrome b5 concentrations. Oxidant stress
Erythrocytic cytochrome-b5 reductase resulting from gastroenteritis and other infections
accounts for virtually all normal methemoglobin is the most common cause of acquired methemo-
reduction (Fig. 4) [13]. In this process, electrons globinemia in this age group [15, 16].
from NADH (produced in glycolysis) are used to
reduce cytochrome b5, which reduces methemo-
globin to form ferrous hemoglobin. Normal enzy- Etiology
matic methemoglobin reduction requires an intact
glycolytic pathway for NADH production, the Congenital Causes
presence of cytochrome b5, and adequate activity Patients with compound heterozygous or homo-
of cytochrome-b5 reductase. The normal rate of zygous deficiency for erythrocytic cytochrome-b5
enzymatic methemoglobin reduction exceeds reductase have congenital methemoglobinemia
spontaneous background methemoglobin forma- and can be treated with oral methylene blue to
tion rate by several 100-fold. Heterozygous eryth- lower methemoglobin fractions. In addition, sev-
rocytic cytochrome-b5 reductase-deficient eral mutant hemoglobin species (hemoglobin M)
patients ordinarily exhibit normal methemoglobin in which the iron remains in the ferric form have
fractions but are predisposed to developing met- been described. Most of these patients have con-
hemoglobinemia in response to oxidant stress. genital methemoglobinemia unresponsive to
Compound heterozygous and homozygous methylene blue. Rare mutant unstable hemoglo-
patients display congenital methemoglobinemia bins undergo denaturation to produce congenital
[13, 14]. Heinz body hemolytic anemias; some of these
A second erythrocytic reducing enzyme, also oxidize to form methemoglobin. These
NADPH methemoglobin reductase, normally hemoglobins would be expected to produce dis-
remains minimally active or completely inactive ease before adulthood [5, 13].
because of the absence of an electron transfer
intermediate (e.g., cytochrome b5) to serve as a Acquired Causes
cofactor for enzymatic methemoglobin reduction. Most cases of methemoglobinemia in adults and
Methylene blue (methylthioninium chloride) is an non-neonates are acquired, resulting from expo-
acceptable electron acceptor/donor intermediate, sure to chemical agents (see Table 1). One of the
however, and markedly accelerates NADPH met- most common causes is benzocaine, which is
hemoglobin reductase activity [4]. In this pathway metabolized to a methemoglobin-producing
(see Fig. 4), electrons are transferred from NADPH agent. Methemoglobinemia resulting from topical
(produced in the hexose monophosphate shunt) to benzocaine spray used to perform
methylene blue to form leukomethylene blue. transesophageal echocardiograms, endotracheal
Leukomethylene blue donates an electron to met- intubations, bronchoscopies, or other endoscopic
hemoglobin to produce ferrous hemoglobin. procedures has been described repeatedly in the
Reduction of methemoglobin by this pathway literature [17, 18]. The use of benzocaine-
requires an intact hexose monophosphate shunt, a containing teething ointments and hemorrhoidal
cofactor such as methylene blue, and normal activ- creams also has produced methemoglobinemia in
ity of erythrocytic NADPH methemoglobin reduc- some patients, even after therapeutic doses.
tase. In vitro, some methemoglobin reduction can Prilocaine is the second local anesthetic most
8 S.C. Curry and A.M. Kang

Fig. 4 Mechanisms of maintaining low methemoglobin enzyme that normally plays no role in MetHbFe3+ reduc-
(MetHbFe3+) fractions through MetHbFe3+ reduction. Sig- tion. Riboflavin can act like methylene blue and has been
nificant MetHbFe3+ reduction in vivo occurs only through used in cases of congenital methemoglobinemia. Ascor-
cytochrome-b5 reductase, which uses reduced nicotine bate and glutathione are responsible for a minority of
adenine dinucleotide (NADH) as a reducing agent. Methy- MetHbFe3+ reduction in vitro but play an insignificant
lene blue markedly enhances MetHbFe3+ reduction by role in normal MetHbFe3+ reduction and there is limited
acting as a cofactor for reduced nicotine adenine dinucle- evidence for their effectiveness in treating methemoglobi-
otide phosphate (NADPH) MetHbFe3+ reductase, an nemia. HbFe2+, normal ferrous hemoglobin

closely associated with methemoglobinemia, but and from the recreational use of inhalational
methemoglobinemia has resulted from many nitrites (e.g., isobutyl nitrite). Illicit drugs can be
anesthetics, including lidocaine and bupivacaine adulterated with local anesthetics as in the case of
[19, 20]. Methemoglobinemia usually follows cocaine [29]. Aniline has been sold as the hallu-
overdose of phenazopyridine (Pyridium) or dap- cinogen 2C-E, with resultant methemoglobinemia
sone and occasionally results from therapeutic [30]. Topical contact with aniline dyes found in
use. A plethora of additional prescription drugs printing ink on diapers, leather dyes in new shoes,
have been associated with methemoglobinemia; and commercial marking crayons has produced
examples are valproate [21], clofazimine [22], methemoglobinemia and death [4]. The ingestion
flutamide [23], and ifosfamide [24]. Oral over- of nitroethane, found in some over-the-counter
doses with nitroglycerin and organic nitrates fingernail products, produces methemoglobine-
(which are esters of nitrite) and therapeutic doses mia [31]. In Asia, ingestions of the herbicide
of intravenous nitroglycerin are well known to propanil is a cause of methemoglobinemia [32].
produce methemoglobinemia [25]. As expected, most agents producing methemo-
The conversion of nitrates to nitrites by bacte- globinemia also produce oxidant-induced hemo-
ria in the upper gastrointestinal tract has produced lysis, and both disorders commonly coexist in the
fatal methemoglobinemia in infants who ingest same patient. Hemolysis can be extraordinarily
well water high in nitrate concentrations – severe after poisonings by chlorates, arsine,
so-called well-water methemoglobinemia stibine, and chromates. Methemoglobinemia
[26]. Nitrite contamination of public drinking resulting from local anesthetics usually is not
water also explained a large outbreak of methe- accompanied by serious hemolysis. G6PD defi-
moglobinemia [27]. Methemoglobinemia results ciency has not been reported to predispose to
from ingestion of meat containing excessive methemoglobinemia except for the suggestion
amounts of sodium nitrite as a preservative [28] that hemolysis in these patients masks
Hematologic Syndromes: Hemolysis, Methemoglobinemia, and Sulfhemoglobinemia 9

methemoglobinemia because older erythrocytes [37]. Many blood gas instruments do not measure
predisposed to increased methemoglobin forma- percent hemoglobin saturation but report a calcu-
tion are the very same ones more susceptible to lated value derived from the PaO2 and pH. This
hemolysis [33]. calculated saturation represents what the satura-
tion should be in the absence of abnormal hemo-
globin pigments. In methemoglobinemia, the true
Diagnosis percent saturation as determined by co-oximetry
is lower than the calculated percent saturation as
The use of multiwavelength co-oximetry allows reported by many blood gas instruments. The
for the diagnosis of methemoglobinemia. It is difference between the calculated and measured
important that the sample is analyzed soon after saturation is termed the saturation gap and nor-
collection as methemoglobin concentrations can mally is less than 3–5 % in arterial blood. Large
increase ex vivo. Modern co-oximeters measure saturation gaps in arterial blood almost always
the absorption of multiple wavelengths of ultravi- result from methemoglobin or carboxyhe-
olet light by blood and calculate concentrations of moglobin and less commonly result from
oxyhemoglobin, reduced hemoglobin, methemo- sulfhemoglobin.
globin, and carboxyhemoglobin. Because Dual-wavelength pulse oximeters, the most
co-oximetry determines methemoglobin concen- commonly used devices, neither accurately nor
trations by measuring absorption of light, sub- reliably measure percent saturation in the presence
stances that interfere with light absorption can of methemoglobinemia [38]. Depending on the true
produce false results on some co-oximeters, oxygen saturation, dual-wavelength pulse oximetry
depending on the model. Hyperlipemia, such as may read falsely low or falsely high. The most
that seen after the infusion of lipid emulsions or common response to methemoglobinemia is that
in patients with diabetes mellitus, has resulted in pulse oximeters read falsely high saturations,
reporting of falsely elevated methemoglobin frac- although reported saturations may decrease below
tions [34]. Co-oximetry may be unreliable for sev- the normal range. When the diagnosis of methemo-
eral minutes immediately after a dose of methylene globinemia has been made, the pulse oximeter
blue [35]. As discussed later, sulfhemoglobin is should be removed from the patient so that medical
handled in various ways, depending on the specific personnel are not misled by unreliable readings.
instrument, but some co-oximeters cannot differ- Over the last several years, pulse co-oximeters
entiate between sulfhemoglobin and methemoglo- have become available that measure methemoglo-
bin, reporting elevated methemoglobin fractions in bin fractions (Masimo Corporation, Irvine, CA)
both instances. and appear to provide consistent results across a
Other diagnostic clues commonly lead to the wide range of hypoxia states [39]. As these devices
presumed diagnosis of methemoglobinemia are incorporated into regular use, methemoglobine-
before co-oximetry is considered. Generalized mia may become more commonly recognized.
cyanosis in the presence of a normal arterial PO2 Blood should be drawn to screen for hemolysis
usually represents methemoglobinemia. As (hemoglobin, blood smear, Heinz body stain,
expected, cyanosis from methemoglobinemia per- plasma-free hemoglobin, serum haptoglobin), for
sists despite oxygen therapy. Patients with signif- arterial blood gases and co-oximetry, and for rou-
icant methemoglobinemia may exhibit chocolate- tine laboratory studies. Methemoglobinemia does
colored or abnormally dark blood. When methe- not change measurement of total blood hemoglo-
moglobin fractions exceed 10–15 % in a bin concentration by the clinical laboratory. How-
nonanemic patient, a drop of blood allowed to ever, as noted earlier, it is important that a full
dry on filter paper appears noticeably brown com- blood count is obtained as methemoglobin con-
pared with venous blood from a normal person centration should be interpreted in the context of
[36]. In fact, the degree of color change can be total hemoglobin. An electrocardiogram may help
used to estimate methemoglobin fraction exclude myocardial ischemia.
10 S.C. Curry and A.M. Kang

Methemoglobin fractions commonly increase levels usually return to normal within 36 h with
after death. Postmortem methemoglobin concen- some exceptions (e.g., dapsone, nitroethane).
trations do not reliably reflect antemortem Most of these patients require admission to the
methemoglobinemia [40]. hospital, however, to follow them clinically for
worsening signs and symptoms, to monitor for
onset of hemolysis, and to follow serial methemo-
Differential Diagnosis globin fractions. Assuming normal hemoglobin
concentrations, asymptomatic patients usually
Arterial PaO2, in the absence of other causes of exhibit methemoglobin fractions between 10 %
hypoxemia, is normal in methemoglobinemia, and 15 %.
distinguishing abnormal coloration from hypoxia.
The cyanosis from methemoglobinemia does not Symptomatic Patients
respond to oxygen therapy. Patients who are symptomatic from methemoglo-
Patients with sulfide poisoning have been binemia (e.g., tachycardia, dyspnea, confusion,
reported to exhibit an unusual, poorly character- and headache) should be considered for specific
ized discoloration of the skin and other organs, antidotal therapy with methylene blue [41–43]
mainly as a postmortem finding. Rare cases of (level of evidence II-2), in the absence of a history
tellurium exposures have produced blue discolor- of G6PD deficiency (see later). Parenteral methy-
ation. Some patients with severe cyanide toxicity lene blue should be given intravenously over
exhibit cyanosis, and many other signs and symp- 3–5 min at an initial dose of 1–2 mg/kg
toms of cyanide poisoning would be similar to (0.1–0.2 mL/kg of a 1 % solution). Resolution of
signs and symptoms of methemoglobinemia. Nor- cyanosis usually occurs within 5–25 min. If the
mal arterial PaO2 and increased saturation gaps patient is seriously symptomatic and no response
also characterize carbon monoxide poisoning occurs within 15 min or if the patient remains
and sulfhemoglobinemia, and some co-oximeters moderately symptomatic without any improve-
measure and report sulfhemoglobin as methemo- ment for 30–60 min, repeat doses of 1 mg/kg
globin. Skin discoloration from dermal contact (0.1 mL/kg of a 1 % solution) should be given.
with new blue clothing or blue towels has been If methemoglobin levels are readily available,
confused with methemoglobinemia, but this dis- repeat determinations of methemoglobin fractions
coloration is removed with washing the skin. should be performed before repeat dosing of
Excessive administration of methylene blue can methylene blue because large doses of methylene
produce skin discoloration that may be confused blue produce discoloration of the skin. The total
with continuing methemoglobinemia or cyanosis amount of methylene blue given during the first
from other causes. few hours generally should not exceed 5–7 mg/kg.
Intraosseous infusion of methylene blue has been
described when intravenous access cannot be
Treatment obtained [44].
Patients with methemoglobinemia always
Patients should receive oxygen to maximize oxy- should be closely followed for evidence of hemo-
gen carrying capacity of remaining normal lysis because the latter is common whether or not
hemoglobin. patients receive methylene blue. Hemolysis may
be clinically apparent on presentation or, most
Asymptomatic Patients commonly, appears 2–3 days after admission and
Some patients with methemoglobinemia exhibit after methemoglobin fractions have decreased.
cyanosis but lack other signs and symptoms and Some toxins are known for producing methe-
do not require specific treatment. After exposure moglobinemia that is refractory or only partially
to the offending agent ends, methemoglobin responsive to methylene blue therapy. In most
Hematologic Syndromes: Hemolysis, Methemoglobinemia, and Sulfhemoglobinemia 11

instances, this situation results from the inability over 35–70 min) [52], this has not been thought to
of methemoglobin reduction, even in the presence be a significant problem in humans receiving
of methylene blue, to keep up with profound recommended doses. This phenomenon has been
oxidant stress. Examples of these toxins include attributed largely to results of in vitro studies
aniline, nitrobenzene, and chlorates [7, 45, 46]. during hypoxic conditions [53, 54]. Worsening
Some methemoglobin-producing toxins pos- hemolysis also has been alleged after methylene
sess long half-lives and produce prolonged met- blue therapy, even in patients with normal G6PD
hemoglobinemia. Dapsone produces activity, but these allegations mainly arise from
methemoglobinemia and hemolysis lasting for case reports in which hemolysis was expected
days [47, 48]. In these cases, it may be necessary from the agent producing methemoglobinemia
to administer methylene blue as a continuous [55], making causal relationships unclear.
infusion. Methylene blue is dissolved in the crys- Fetuses and newborns seem to be sensitive to
talloid of choice and, based only on case reports, hemolytic actions of methylene blue. Intra-
started at 0.1 mg/kg/h (0.01 mL/kg/h of a 1 % amniotic injections of methylene blue, sometimes
methylene blue solution) [47], although personal using large doses, have been associated with
experience indicates that higher rates may be delivery of newborns with Heinz body hemolytic
required at times. It is important to follow serial anemia. Hemolysis also has been reported in new-
methemoglobin fractions and total hemoglobin borns receiving methylene blue through feeding
concentrations. tubes [56, 57]. Reports of newborns with methe-
Most methylene blue is excreted unchanged by moglobinemia after intra-amniotic injection of
the kidneys. Although patients with renal insuffi- methylene blue [58] could reflect a peculiar sus-
ciency do not require changes in initial methylene ceptibility of neonates, the effects of a large rela-
blue doses, they should receive lower continuous tive dose of methylene blue, or in utero hypoxic
infusion doses of the drug based on creatinine conditions favoring methylene blue-induced oxi-
clearance. No specific guidelines for dosing in dant stress in the fetus. Regardless of these con-
renal failure patients have been developed. cerns, the administration of methylene blue to a
Methylene blue should not be given to patients symptomatic patient with methemoglobinemia
with known G6PD deficiency. These patients have has never been proved to worsen
low red blood cell NADPH concentrations, methemoglobinemia.
impairing augmentation of NADPH methemoglo- Cimetidine has been used to help control met-
bin reductase by methylene blue [49]. Methylene hemoglobinemia from dapsone. Cimetidine
blue triggers hemolysis in patients with G6PD inhibits cytochrome P-450 conversion of dapsone
deficiency, which would impair oxygen delivery to the oxidizing metabolite responsible for methe-
further [2, 50]. Methylene blue should never be moglobinemia, dapsone hydroxylamine. In
withheld from symptomatic patients, however, patients receiving 1,200 mg/day of cimetidine
simply because a history of G6PD deficiency can- orally while taking therapeutic doses of dapsone,
not be excluded. circulating methemoglobin fractions decreased by
Large doses of methylene blue in normal vol- an average of 25 % [59] (level I). However, evi-
unteers have been associated with dysuria, dence for cimetidine’s effectiveness in treatment
substernal chest pain, nausea, tachycardia, hyper- for dapsone overdose should be considered level
tension, and anxiety [51]. In our experience, how- III as there are no studies describing its effective-
ever, patients with methemoglobinemia do not ness in this setting. Ascorbic acid works slowly
voice or experience these effects from methylene and generally is considered ineffective for treat-
blue. Urine initially turns blue and then green. ment of acute acquired methemoglobinemia [4].
Although authors have cautioned that methylene Riboflavin also can accept electrons from
blue paradoxically may increase methemoglobin NADPH methemoglobin reductase and enhance
fractions when given in large doses (e.g., 5 mg/kg methemoglobin reduction in a manner similar to
12 S.C. Curry and A.M. Kang

that of methylene blue. Although endogenous ascorbic acid’s effectiveness in treating acquired
riboflavin concentrations are not high enough to methemoglobinemia is level III.
account for significant methemoglobin reduction,
large oral doses (e.g., 60–100 mg/day) have been Failure to Respond to Methylene Blue
used successfully in patients with congenital met- When patients with methemoglobinemia do not
hemoglobinemia [60, 61]. The safety and efficacy improve with methylene blue therapy, several
of intravenous or oral riboflavin for the treatment possibilities should be considered (Table 2).
of acquired acute methemoglobinemia have not First, exposure to large amounts of drugs or
been described. chemicals can produce methemoglobin at rates
Incubation of erythrocytes in high concentra- greater than reducing capacity, even with methy-
tions of N-acetylcysteine seems to enhance met- lene blue therapy. When methemoglobin fractions
hemoglobin reduction [62]. These concentrations do not return to normal because of continued
of N-acetylcysteine cannot be achieved safely in methemoglobin formation, methylene blue ther-
humans, however, and a randomized controlled apy almost always results in at least a transient
trial found that conventional doses of intravenous decrease in methemoglobin fractions. As noted
N-acetylcysteine were ineffective in reducing earlier, recurrent methemoglobinemia is common
nitrite-induced methemoglobin fractions in after exposure to etiologic agents with prolonged
human volunteers [63]. absorption or long half-lives. Second, patients
It is important always to monitor total oxygen who do not respond to methylene blue also may
carrying capacity by following total hemoglobin be suffering from unrecognized G6PD deficiency.
concentrations, methemoglobin fractions, and Third, patients with congenital NADPH methe-
true percent saturation of oxyhemoglobin. A moglobin reductase deficiency also fail to respond
decrease in methemoglobin fraction from 25 % to methylene blue [4]. Fourth, sulfhemo-
to 15 % would result in worsened oxygen delivery globinemia can be mistaken for methemoglobine-
if accompanying hemolysis has resulted in a mia (see later). Fifth, repeated doses or large doses
decrease of the hemoglobin concentration from of methylene blue produce blue skin coloration
15 g/dL to 5 g/dL. In addition, the development that may be mistaken for
of anemia alone may result in resolution of cya- methemoglobinemia [65].
nosis despite worsening of oxygen delivery, with- For patients who cannot receive or fail to
out a decrease in methemoglobin fractions. In respond to methylene blue, treatment options are
most persons, 15 % methemoglobinemia with a limited. Blood transfusions and exchange trans-
hemoglobin concentration of 15 g/dL would pro- fusions [46] have been used and suggested when-
duce visible cyanosis, whereas 20 % methemo- ever refractory methemoglobin fractions
globinemia in patients with a hemoglobin approach 70 % in nonanemic patients. Hyperbaric
concentration of 5 g/dL produces no visible dis- oxygen can be a temporizing measure that pro-
coloration and yet may be lethal. Interpreting dis- vides adequate oxygen delivery during prepara-
appearance of cyanosis to mean that the patient tion of blood transfusions. Oxygen toxicity limits
has improved must be done with caution. the amount of time a patient can stay in a hyper-
After initial signs and symptoms of methemo- baric chamber, however. Oral riboflavin could be
globinemia have been addressed, routine gastro- given (60–100 mg/day divided into three doses),
intestinal and skin decontamination should be but its efficacy is unknown in this setting, and it
performed as indicated. If the clinician chooses would not be expected to be effective in patients
to use ascorbic acid in treating acquired methe- with G6PD deficiency. Intravenous ascorbic acid
moglobinemia, recommended doses historically (500 mg) also can be given [4], although it is
have been 0.5–1 g of ascorbic acid given every stated that it works too slowly to be helpful for
6 h intravenously or orally [4], though a recent acquired methemoglobinemia. High-dose
anecdotal report describes using higher doses ascorbic acid (10 g IV q 6 h) has been described
(described below) [64]. Evidence supporting in dapsone poisoning [64].
Hematologic Syndromes: Hemolysis, Methemoglobinemia, and Sulfhemoglobinemia 13

Table 2 Possible explanations when methemoglobinemia Sulfhemoglobin, methemoglobin, and hemo-

fails to respond to methylene blue globin M possess similar light absorption spectra.
Overwhelming oxidant stress from ingestant or toxin This fact prevented many early authors from
G6PD deficiency distinguishing among these three pigments.
NADPH methemoglobin reductase deficiency Some multiwavelength co-oximeters today report
Sulfhemoglobinemia sulfhemoglobin as methemoglobin. In addition,
Blue skin discoloration from other sources early studies of “sulfhemoglobinemia” from
Hypoxemia (recheck arterial PO2) hydrogen sulfide mixed with blood in vitro may
G6PD glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, NADPH have represented nothing more than a mixture of
reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
oxidized, denatured hemoglobin pigments that
were unrelated to what is termed sulfhemoglobin
Sulfhemoglobin today [68]. Readers must interpret cautiously con-
fusing older medical literature on reports of
Background and Characteristics sulfhemoglobinemia, which has been suggested
to be better termed pseudosulfhemoglobin
Sulfhemoglobin is a green molecule in which a [69]. These articles might represent true reports
sulfur atom has been incorporated into the por- of sulfhemoglobinemia, methemoglobinemia,
phyrin ring of hemoglobin [66]. Sulfhemoglobin hemoglobin M disease, various species of dena-
cannot transport oxygen. No significant circulat- tured hemoglobin from hydrogen sulfide mixed
ing sulfhemoglobin normally exists, but with blood in vitro, combinations of the afore-
sulfhemoglobin fractions increase in some per- mentioned, or perhaps other chemical
sons in response to oxidant stress. In contrast to compounds.
methemoglobin, sulfhemoglobin persists for the
life of the erythrocyte and does not undergo con-
version back to hemoglobin. Only 0.5 g/dL of Formation and Etiology
sulfhemoglobin produces slate-gray cyanosis
(e.g., approximately 3 % sulfhemoglobin in a Agents that produce sulfhemoglobinemia (see
patient with a total hemoglobin concentration of Table 1) usually are known better for their ability
16 g/L). to produce methemoglobinemia and hemolysis.
Although sulfhemoglobin cannot transport Methemoglobinemia and sulfhemoglobinemia
oxygen, additional factors usually prevent serious have followed exposures to metoclopramide [70,
impairment of oxygen delivery in nonanemic 71], flutamide [23, 72], dapsone [73], and
patients. During sulfhemoglobinemia, hemoglo- phenazopyridine [74]. Methemoglobinemia,
bin tetramers usually contain only one or two sulfhemoglobinemia, and especially hemolysis
sulfurated heme isomers, preventing extremely may coexist in the same patient [73]. Why expo-
elevated sulfhemoglobin fractions. Sulfurated sure to the same substance produces sulfhemo-
heme moieties in hemoglobin shift unaffected globinemia in one person, methemoglobinemia
heme moieties toward the unliganded confirma- in another, and both in another person remains
tion, reducing oxygen affinity of normal heme unknown.
subunits and shifting the oxygen-hemoglobin dis- Sulfhemoglobin forms when elemental sulfur
sociation curve to the right, which enhances oxy- binds to the β-pyrrole ring of the heme moiety,
gen delivery to tissues and partially ameliorates where it persists for the life of the erythrocyte
the effects of reduced oxygen binding capacity [66]. Although early authors suggested that the
[67]. In contrast, methemoglobin and carboxyhe- sulfur responsible for oxidizing hemoglobin was
moglobin shift the dissociation curve to the left, found in the etiologic chemical, many drugs that
compounding impaired oxygen delivery to produce sulfhemoglobinemia do not contain sul-
tissues. fur. It also was an older belief that vague gastro-
intestinal dysfunction alone produced hemolytic
14 S.C. Curry and A.M. Kang

anemia, sulfhemoglobinemia, and methemoglobi- spectrophotometry) are used at reference

nemia from the presumed absorption of endoge- laboratories.
nously produced nitrites and sulfides – so-called Results from isoelectric focusing, manual
enterogenous cyanosis. Evidence indicates, how- spectrophotometric analysis, or other reference
ever, that patients with enterogenous cyanosis methods do not return for hours to days, whereas
were ingesting surreptitiously analgesics known multiwavelength co-oximetry results are available
to cause such disorders [75]. within minutes in most intensive care units. Dif-
Animal studies suggest that sulfur from intes- ferent brands of co-oximeters and various models
tinal bacterial metabolism in combination with from the same manufacturer vary in how they
oxidant stress from various agents might be handle sulfhemoglobin [80]. The older IL
responsible for sulfhemoglobin formation. Rats 282 and IL 482 (Instrumentation Laboratory,
with jejunal pouches that received phenacetin Inc., Lexington, MA) do not distinguish between
were more likely to develop sulfhemoglobinemia methemoglobin and sulfhemoglobin and report
than controls; neomycin prevented phenacetin- sulfhemoglobin as methemoglobin [71, 72,
induced sulfhemoglobin formation [76]. Neomy- 81]. Zwart and colleagues [82] showed that a
cin use for treatment of sulfhemoglobinemia in reported methemoglobin fraction greater than
humans has been described in case reports [77]. 10 % in combination with a negative carboxyhe-
moglobin fraction on these instruments suggests
that at least some sulfhemoglobin is present. Con-
Diagnosis versely the IL 682 is said to indicate
sulfhemoglobin fractions greater than 1.5 %
In early attempts to clarify what was being mea- [81]. Some multiwavelenth co-oximeters will
sured when “sulfhemoglobin” was reported to be alert that sulfhemoglobin is present, but not pro-
present, Michel and Harris [78] reported that the vide quantification [83]. Wu and Kenny [84]
addition of cyanide or dithionite (hydrosulfite) to noted that Radiometer OSM3 co-oximeter
blood eliminated the spectral absorption of met- reported falsely elevated oxygen saturations in
hemoglobin immediately, whereas the spectral the presence of sulfhemoglobinemia, unless the
absorption of sulfhemoglobin remained. This sim- blood specimen was analyzed with a service pro-
ple test did not exclude hemoglobin M (or perhaps gram configuration that could be activated only by
other oxidation products of hemoglobin), how- a company representative. The intensivist must be
ever, which also remains after addition of these familiar with how his or her particular
compounds. Carrico and colleagues [79] reported co-oximeter handles and reports sulfhemoglobin
that carbon monoxide would bind to (if at all) and sometimes must remain skeptical of
sulfhemoglobin to produce carbonmonoxysulfhe- claims made by a manufacturer regarding the abil-
moglobin, a compound with a downfield shift, ity to detect and quantify sulfhemoglobin
whereas neither methemoglobin nor hemoglobin accurately.
M bound carbon monoxide. Light absorption in Few data exist on accuracy of dual-wavelength
the presence of cyanide (or dithionite) and carbon pulse oximetry in the presence of sulfhemo-
monoxide, then, served for several years as labo- globinemia. We have seen one woman with
ratory tools to measure “sulfhemoglobin” frac- slate-gray cyanosis and 18.6 % sulfhemoglobin
tions and concentrations, although it is not (total hemoglobin 9 g/dL) whose pulse oximeter
known confidently exactly what species always read in the 60 % range despite an elevated arterial
was being measured. Park and Nagel [67] PaO2 and absent methemoglobin (true saturation
reported that electrophoresis with isoelectric about 81 %). Aravindhan and Chisholm [67]
focusing reliably delineates the three pigments, described a 48-year-old woman with an arterial
and isoelectric focusing generally serves as the PaO2 of 99 mmHg, 28 % sulfhemoglobinemia,
gold standard today, although various methods and a pulse oximeter reading of 85 % (true satu-
of analysis (e.g., gas chromatography, manual ration about 72 %). Langford and Sheikh [85]
Hematologic Syndromes: Hemolysis, Methemoglobinemia, and Sulfhemoglobinemia 15

noted a pulse oximeter reading of 92–94 % satu- whose coexisting hemolytic anemia is severe,
ration with a sulfhemoglobin fraction of 16 % which increases the total hemoglobin concentra-
(true saturation about 84 %). tion and decreases the sulfhemoglobin fraction.
Patients need follow-up on an outpatient basis
for several weeks because sulfhemoglobin con-
Clinical Presentation centrations decrease only as the red blood cell
population is replaced in the absence of the
The diagnosis of sulfhemoglobinemia usually is offending agent.
considered when confronted with a cyanotic or
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