PRCC Notes

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Emotion: it is energy in motion a way of expressing our self in life and how one
relates to life.
“Emotion is the perception of any change in body. Bodily, change may be glow
and smile of happiness, the pounding heart of anxiety, anger etc.”
 Emotion directs us to fix our boundaries.
 Emotions serve as our inner moral and ethical compass.
 Emotion if properly directed by inner mind would provide better
communication to make us feel better.
 Emotions communicate to us about our needs.
 Emotions create self-awareness, to feel in the present situation.
 Emotions can be the drivers of our inner moral and ethical aspects.
Joy: state of happiness of an individual happens when individual
experiences cheerfulness.
Love: state of emotion which exhibit a strong feeling of attachment, tenderness
and protectiveness for another person.
Fear: it is the state of our unpleasant, often strong, emotion caused by
anticipation or awareness of danger.
Surprise: State or emotion or feeling caused by an unexpected event. It is an
amazing situation.
Sadness: it is an emotion which exhibit unhappiness. It is a state of deplorable
or regrettable situation.
Anger: A strong feeling of displeasure aroused by real or imagined offence or
Guilt: this is a state of mind which makes one feel being at fault or blame.
Emotional intelligence: the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's
emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and
Emotional intelligence is the innate potential feel, use, communicate, recognize,
remember, describe, identify, manage, understand and explain emotions.
Types of emotional intelligence
1. Self-awareness. The ability to recognize an emotion as it “happens” is the key
to your EQ.
2. Self-regulation. You often have little control over when you experience
3. Motivation.
4. Empathy.
5. Social skills.


Meaning of vision: The ability to think about or plan the future with
imagination or wisdom. (or)
“ it is the act of seeing external subject: actual right”
Importance of vision
• A vision inspires action. A powerful vision pulls in ideas, people and
other resources. It creates the energy and will to make change happen. It
inspires individuals and organizations to commit, to persist and to give their
• A vision is a practical guide for creating plans, setting goals and
objectives, making decisions, and coordinating and evaluating the work on any
project, large or small.
• A vision helps keep organizations and groups focused and together,
especially with complex projects and in stressful times.
• Not every picture is a vision. Your vision should:
• Be clear—so sharp and so detailed that you can see, smell and taste the
smallest details.

• Be positive.Acknowledge the difficulties, but don’t try to motivate

yourself or others with a vision of bad things that might happen if you don’t
succeed. A vision based on fear may help fuel immediate action, but it can also
limit your results to damage control rather than getting to positive change.
• Be big enough. Create a bigger picture of the effects of your work than
just solving the problem at hand. A vision that’s too small may not provide
enough inspiration, or generate enough energy, to get you past the tough spots.
It might even close your mind to what you could achieve.

Doing things for the right purpose

1. Meaning: Finding your life purpose creates a sense of meaning in your life.
You know what you love to do, what you are good at, and how you can
contribute to the world.
2. Place: Finding a sense of meaning to life gives you a sense of place. When
you have found your purpose, it is easier to know where you belong. You also
gain an understanding of the environments and communities that you benefit
from connecting with.
3. Choice: When you know your life purpose you are more easily able to
exercise choice in each moment of your life. You know better whether a
situation or person really fits in your life because you know why you are here
and what you want to do.

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