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Breast Implant
This brochure provides useful
information on Breast Implant
Anaplastic-Associated Large Cell Large Cell Lymphoma
Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL):
• What it is
• Symptoms
• Testing options
• Diagnosis
• Treatment
BIA-ALCL is a rare and highly treatable
type of lymphoma that can develop around
breast implants. BIA-ALCL occurs most
plastic surgeons identify safe, effective treatments for their

registries with specialists, manufacturers and government

patients through the Plastic Surgery Registries Network
frequently in patients who have breast
and The Plastic Surgery Foundation (PSF) are helping

(PSRN). ASPS and PSF collaborate on several PSRN

leaders who play important roles in patient safety.

implants with textured surfaces.
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)

The current lifetime risk of BIA-ALCL is

estimated to be 1:3817 - 1:30,000
women with textured implants based upon
current confirmed cases and textured
implant sales data over the past two
decades. When caught early, BIA-ALCL is
usually curable.
BIA-ALCL SYMPTOMS Have you been diagnosed with Following removal of the disease, patients are
commonly followed for two years with imaging
BIA-ALCL? tests in three- to six-month appointments. Disease
Common symptoms include
breast enlargement, pain, Receiving the diagnosis of BIA-ALCL may cause re-occurrence is rare after surgical removal for
asymmetry, lump in the anxiety and frustration but women should know early disease. The FDA recommends that all cases
breast or armpit, overlying that not all cancers are equal. When caught early, be reported to the ASPS PROFILE registry so that
skin rash, hardening of BIA-ALCL is curable in most patients. BIA-ALCL may be tracked and followed to better
the breast, or a large understand and prevent this rare disease.
fluid collection typically ASPS endorses BIA-ALCL guidelines established
developing more than by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network
(NCCN), which defines diagnosis and treatment For further information,
one year after receiving recommended BIA-ALCL resources
an implant. based on proven methods to treat the disease.
are available:
SKIN • The Plastic Surgery Foundation:

BREAST TISSUE • The American Society of Plastic Surgeons:

Have you developed symptoms? FIBROUS CAPSULE

Women who develop these symptoms should LYMPHOMA CELLS • MD Anderson Cancer Center:
see their physician to be evaluated with a
physical exam and further testing. Patients with LYMPHOMA CELLS WITHIN
BIA-ALCL symptoms will receive an ultrasound EFFUSION FLUID
or a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of BREAST IMPLANT
the symptomatic breast to evaluate for fluid • The US FDA:
or lumps around the implant and in the MedicalDevices/ProductsandMedical
lymph nodes. Procedures/ ImplantsandProstheti
Treatment of BIA-ALCL
If fluid or a mass is found, patients will require When a woman is diagnosed with BIA-ALCL, her
a needle biopsy with drainage of the fluid physician will refer her for a PET/CT scan to look
to test for BIA-ALCL. This fluid will be tested for any disease that may have spread throughout CONTACT US
for CD30 immune staining (CD30IHC) per-
the body. Any spread of the disease determines
formed by a pathologist. Testing for CD30IHC Attn. Research
the stages, which is important for treatment.
is required to confirm a diagnosis or rule out American Society of Plastic Surgeons
BIA-ALCL. Fluid collections ruled out by CD30I- For patients with BIA-ALCL only around the
HC for BIA-ALCL will be treated as typical sero- implant, surgery is performed to remove the breast 444 E. Algonquin Road,
mas by a physician. Most insurance companies implant and the scar capsule around the implant. Arlington Heights, Illinois 60005
confirm coverage for both testing and treatment
of BIA-ALCL, regardless of whether the patient Patients with more advanced forms of BIA-ALCL 847-228-9900
received cosmetic or reconstructive implants; may have disease in their lymph nodes, in their
patients should review plans for their individual bones and/or organs. These patients require
coverage. There is no testing or screening for further treatment with chemotherapy.
women without symptoms.

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