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Tarsisius Magar

Puri Arsana A.5 Jalan Raya Ciputat-Parung Bojongsari Baru Depok

Professional Profile
 Experienced and qualified primary teacher
 Interested in pedagogy.
 Enjoying books, with good analytical skills in reading
 Cooperative in team work, target-oriented in individual work

 Creative learning designs
 Computer skills: Office programs
 Fast typing

Relevant Work Experience

May 2005 Primary Teacher Coordinator
Sekolah Harapan Bangsa Modernhill, Pondok Cabe
 Planning and executing academic activities in an academic year
 Empowering effective teaching strategies among primary teachers

July 2010
Primary Homeroom Teacher
Sekolah Harapan Bangsa Modernhill, Pondok Cabe
 Planning and executing creative teaching activities in social studies and civic
 Designing objective assessment tools for learning
 Setting a comfortable and supportive learning environment for students.
Tarsisius Magar – Resume

2018 Master of Education Administration/Management (MPd)
Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta
Graduating Cum Laude, thesis title: “Highbrow Culture, Concerted Cultivation and
Students’ Educational Habitus: The Case of Unequal Educational Attainment at SD Harapan
Bangsa Modernhill Pondok Cabe”
2003 Bachelor Degree in International Relations (S.Ip)
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jogyakarta

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