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//// Entity types///////////////////////////////

// Arc:
// Rectangle:

//// Entity ‘bit’ flags///////////////////////////////

//Entity is ‘alive’ (not deleted)?:

//Entity is part of the system group?:
//Entity is currently selected?:
//Entity is part of the system result?:
//Entity is only temporary?:
//Entity is blanked?

//// Milling tool types///////////////////////////////

// tool has a flat end

// tool has a spherical end
// tool has a “bull-nose” (non-zero corner radius)

//// Drilling tool types

// a center drill
// a spot drill
// a standard drill
// a left handed tap
// a right handed tap
// a reaming tool
// a boring bar
// a counterbore tool
// a countersink tool

//// Others ////////////////////////////////////////

// current system tolerance – two reals less than this close together are identical
// current chaining tolerace – chaining will jump gaps that are smaller than this
// SIM number
// is the current Mastercam session in Metric (millimeter) mode?

// Cutter Compensation Flags


// Pocketing Style Flags


// -- MarkWindow Input
// Entity Construction

// message box returns


// chaining constants

// colors

// operation results

//Class to hold a Point's X, Y, Z co-ordinates
McPt.X = Point’s X co-ordinate
McPt.Y = Point’s Y co-ordinate
McPt.Z = Point’s Z co-ordinate
//Class to hold a Line's endpoints X, Y, Z co-ordinates
McLn.X1 = Line’s startpoint X co-ordinate
McLn.Y1 = Line’s startpoint Y co-ordinate
McLn.Z1 = Line’s startpoint Z co-ordinate
McLn.X2 = Line’s endpoint X co-ordinate
McLn.Y2 = Line’s endpoint Y co-ordinate
McLn.Z2 = Line’s endpoint Z co-ordinate

//Class to hold an arc's center point X,Y,Z co-ordinates, radius, and start & sweep angles
McAr.X = Arc’s centerpoint X co-ordinate
McAr.Y = Arc’s centerpoint Y co-ordinate
McAr.Z = Arc’s centerpoint Z co-ordinate
McAr.R = Arc’s radius
McAr.SA = Arc’s start angle in degrees
McAr.SW = Arc’s sweep angle in degrees
McAr.View = Arc’s view number

//Class to hold a Rectangle’s cornerpoints and Z co-ordinate

McRe.X1 = Rectangle’s startpoint X co-ordinate
McRe.Y1 = Rectangle’s startpoint Y co-ordinate
McRe.X2 = Rectangle’s endpoint X co-ordinate
McRe.Y2 = Rectangle’s endpoint Y co-ordinate
McRe.Z = Rectangle’s Z co-ordinate


//// Script debugging utilities //////////////////////////////////////

// pop up a window with a string and an integer value

Void ShowValue(
String, (Input: the string to place before integer value)
Integer (Input: the integer value to display)

// pop up a window with a string and a real (or double prec.) value
Void ShowDouble(
String, (Input: the string to place before real value)
Real (Input: the real value to display)
// pop up a window with a string
Void ShowString(
String (Input: the string to display)

//// Prompt area message functions ///////////////////////////////////

// erase the Mastercam prompt area at the bottom of the Mastercam window
Void ClearPromptLines()

// erase the menu area

Void ClearMenu()

// erase menu area & prompt area

Void ClearMenuAndPrompts()

// write a string to the prompt area

Void WriteString(
String (Input: the string to display)

// write an integer to the prompt area

Void WriteNumber(
Integer (Input: the integer to display)

// write a real (double prec.) to the prompt area

Void WriteValue(
Real (Input: the real number to display)

//// Simple Input functions ///////////////////////////////////////

// ask for a point location

Bool askPoint(
McPt (Output: the point)

// ask for an angle in degrees – note that the passed value will be the default value
Bool askAngle(
Real (Input/Output: the angle)

// ask for an integer number – note that the passed value will be the default value
Bool askNumber(
String, (Input: Prompt area text)
Integer, (Input: Lower bound on number)
Integer, (Input: Upper bound on number)
Integer (Input/Output: the number)

// ask for a real (or double prec.) number – note that the passed value will be the default
Bool askValue(
String, (Input: Prompt area text)
Real, (Input: Lower bound on number)
Real, (Input: Upper bound on number)
Real (Input/Output: the real number)

// ask for a color – note that the passed value will be the default value
Bool askColor(
Integer (Input/Output: the color number)

// ask for a level – note that the passed value will be the default value
Bool askLevel(
Integer (Input/Output: the level number)

// ask a ‘Yes/No’ question

Bool askYesNo(
String (Input: question being asked)

// ask a ‘Yes/No/Cancel’ question and return one of the ‘MessageBox’ constants

Integer askYesNoCancel
String (Input: question being asked)

//// Entity Prompt/Inquiry functions ///////////////////////////////////////

// ask for an entity and make it the 'current active' entity

Bool AskForEntity(
String, (Input: Prompt area text)
Integer (Input: entity Ids “or”ed together)

// set the current active entity based on an entity's eptr

Bool SetEntityFromEptr(
Integer (Input: entity’s pointer)

// get the eptr of the current active entity

Integer GetEntityEptr()

// get the type of the current active entity

Integer GetEntityType()

// get the color of the current active entity

Integer GetEntityColor()

// set the color of the current active entity

Void SetEntityColor(integer)

// get the level of the current active entity

Integer GetEntityLevel()

// get the 'bits'of the current active entity

Integer GetEntityBits()

//get the co-ordinates of a point entity

Bool GetPointData(
Integer (Input: entity’s pointer, or -1 for current entity
McPt, (Outut: the point data)
//get the co-ordinate’s of a line entity
Bool GetLineData(
Integer (Input: entity’s pointer, or -1 for current entity
McLn, (Outut: the line data)
//get the co-ordinate’s of an arc entity
Bool GetArcData(
Integer (Input: entity’s pointer, or -1 for current entity
McAr, (Outut: the arc data)
//get the co-ordinate’s of a rectangle
Bool GetRectangleData(
Integer (Input: entity’s pointer, or -1 for current entity
McRe, (Outut: the rectangle data)

// unselect the current active entity

Void UnselectEntity()

// window select a bunch of entities and set their select bits

Bool MarkWindow(
String, (Input: Prompt area text)
Integer, (Input: allowable entity types added+ together)
Integer (Input: see the ‘MarkWindow’ flags above)
// select all entities
Void SelectAll()

// unselect all selected entities

Void UnselectAll()

//// Chaining functions //////////////////////////////////////////////

// prompt the user to indicate one or more chains &

// make the 1st entity on the 1st chain the current active entity
Bool AskForChain(
String, (Input: Prompt area text)

// make the 1st entity on the 1st chain the current active entity
Bool RewindChains()

// make the next entity on the current chain the current active entity
Bool MoveForwardOnChain()

// make the 1st entity on the next chain the current active entity
Bool MoveToNextChain()

// release all the current chain data

Void FreeChains()

// prompt for a file (dwg/dxf/mc9/mc8/mc7) file and chain the geometry

Bool GetChainFromFile(
String, (Input: file name)
Bool (Input: use input string as a default and prompt for a file)

// chain everything possible in the current part

Bool ChainAll(
Bool, (Input : only generate closed chains?)
Bool , (Input: only find chains at Z=0?)
Integer, (Input: only find chains on this level? Use
String (Input: only find chains on this level? Use
mcCHAIN_ALL_NAMED_LEVELS for all levels)
// remove the current chain from the current list of chains
// return false if the last chain had been un-linked – i.e. there is no current chain
Bool UnlinkCurrentChain()

// is the current chain clockwise, Counter-clockwise, or is it unclear

// (see the chaining constants above)
Integer IsChainClockwise()

// ask if the current chain is closed

Bool IsChainClosed()

// ask if the current chain is flat

Bool IsChainFlat()

// if the current chain is flat, get it’s depth

Real FlatChainDepth()

// if the current chain is flat, get it’s view number

Integer FlatChainViewNumber()

//// Database Search functions ///////////////////////////////////////

// initialize for database searching

// selPtn is a combination of selection bits
// (i.e. to only see selected entities, say mc_SELECTED
// for All entities, say mc_ALIVE)
// entMask is a combination of entity types to loop through
Bool StartDBSearch(
Integer, (Input: entity bits “or”ed together)
Integer (Input: entity Ids “or”ed together)

// get the first or next entity in the database and make it the current active entity
Bool NextDBSearch()

//// Entity creation functions ///////////////////////////////////////

// create a Mastercam Point given an McPt class

Bool CreatePoint(
McPt, (Input: the point data)
integer, (Input: color number, or mcCONSTRUCTION_COLOR_CURRENT)
integer (Input: level number, or mcCONSTRUCTION_LEVEL_CURRENT)

// create a Mastercam Line given an McLn class

Bool CreateLine(
McLn, (Input: the line data)
integer, (Input: color number, or mcCONSTRUCTION_COLOR_CURRENT)
integer (Input: level number or mcCONSTRUCTION_COLOR_CURRENT)

// create a Mastercam Arc given an McAr class

Bool CreateArc(
McAr, (Input: the arc data)
integer, (Input: color number, or mcCONSTRUCTION_COLOR_CURRENT)
integer (Input: level number, or mcCONSTRUCTION_COLOR_CURRENT)

// create a Mastercam Rectangle given an McRe class

Bool CreateRectangle(
McRe, (Input: the rectangle data)
integer, (Input: color number, or mcCONSTRUCTION_COLOR_CURRENT)
integer (Input: level number, or mcCONSTRUCTION_COLOR_CURRENT)

//// Excel read/write functions ///////////////////////////////////////

// open an Excel file

Bool OpenExcelFile(
String (Input: the file name)

// close the open Excel file

Void CloseExcelFile()

// save an Excel file

Void SaveExcelFile(
String (Input: the file name)

// write a string to an excel file cell

Void WriteExcelString(
String, (Input: the cell label)
String (Input: the string to place in the cell)

// write an integer string to an excel file cell

Void WriteExcelNumber(
String, (Input: the cell label)
Integer (Input: the number to place in the cell)

// write a real (or double prec.) value to an excel file cell

Void WriteExcelValue(
String, (Input: the cell label)
Real (Input: the real value to place in the cell)

// read a string from an excel file cell

Bool AskExcelString(
String, (Input: the cell label)
String (Output: the string from that cell)

// read an integer number from an excel file cell

Bool AskExcelNumber(
String, (Input: the cell label),
Integer (Output: the number from that cell)

// read a real (or double prec.) value from an excel file

Bool AskExcelValue(
String, (Input: the cell label)
Real (Output: the real value from that cell)

//// Utilities /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// prompt for a file name

Bool AskForFileName(
String, (Input: Default file name)
String, (Input: file access mode “r” = read, “w” = write, “t” = text, “b” = binary)
String (Output: the file name)

// get the name of the current Mastercam part

String GetCurrentFileName()

// set the name of the current Mastercam part

Void SetCurrentFileName(
String (Input: new file name)
// get the path of the current Mastercam directory
String GetPath()
// get the path to the current script
String GetPathOfThisScript()

// repaint the screen

Void RepaintScreen(
Bool (input: fit the screen to it’s contents?)

// get the name of a certain level, given its number

String GetLevelName(
Integer (Input: level number)

// get the number of a certain level, given it’s name

Integer GetLevelNumberFromName(
String (Input: level name)

// set the current construction level by entering it’s name

Bool SetLevelByName (
String (Input: name of level to become current construction level)

// set the current construction level by entering it’s number

Bool SetLevelByNumber (
Integer (Input: number of level to become current construction level)

// import a DXF (or DWG) file into the current Mastercam session
Void ReadDXF(
String (Input: the file name)

// save the current Mastercam file

Void SaveMC(
Bool (Input: save the current screen image inside the file?)

// save the current Mastercam file

Bool SaveMCAs(
String, (Input: the file name)
Bool (Input: save the current screen image inside the file?)

// open a Mastercam file

Bool openMC(
String (Input: the path and name of the Mastercam file name)

// reinitialize the database and/or the OpMgr so it’s empty

Void NewMC(
Bool (Input: Only initialize the operation manager?)

// launch an EXE and optionally wait for it to come back

Void ShellAndWait(
String, (Input: path and name of executable)
Bool (Input: wait for it to return??)

// send the current graphics screen to a metafile

Bool DoMetafile(
String (Input: name of output EMF File)

//// General Toolpath generation functions ///////////////////////////////////////

// initialize the depths/planes of a toolpath to reasonable defaults

Void InitParameters()

// clear the current parameter defaults

Void ClearParameters()

// intialize the Clearance plane of a toolpath

Void SetClearancePlane(
Bool, (Input: clearance plane is turned on?)
Bool, (Input: clearance plane height is incremental?)
Real (Input: clearance plane height)

// intialize the Retract plane of a toolpath

Void SetRetractPlane(
Bool, (Input: retract plane is turned on?)
Bool, (Input: retract plane height is incremental?)
Real (Input: retract plane height)

// intialize the Top-of-stock plane of a toolpath

Void SetTopOfStock(
Bool, (Input: top of stock height is incremental?)
Real (Input: top of stock height)
// initialize the depth of a toolpath
Void SetDepth(
Bool, (Input: depth is incremental?)
Real (Input: depth)

Void SetPlaneNormal(
Real, (Input: X co-ordinate of tool plane normal vector)
Real, (Input: Y co-ordinate of tool plane normal vector)
Real (Input: Z co-ordinate of tool plane normal vector)

// regenerate an existing operation

Bool RegenOp(
Integer (Input: operation ID #)

// display the chain manager with the chains of an existing operation

Void RunChainManager(
Integer (Input: operation ID #)

// display the point manager with the points of an existing drill operation
Void RunPointManager(
Integer (Input: operation ID #)

// display the parameter screen for an operation

Void EditOperationParameters(
Integer (Input: operation ID #)

// display the chain/point/surface manager an existing operation

// which manager will appear depends on the operation type
Void EditOperationGeometry(
Integer (Input: operation ID #)

// make a Contour operation using the current chains and some tool dimensions
// if you don’t call one or more of the depth/plane initialization functions, reasonable
// defaults will be used
// this function returns an operation ID # or mcOPERATION_INVALID
Integer MakeContour(
String, (Input: operation comment)
Real, (Input: tool diameter – or use 0 and just search on tool # & rad)
Real, (Input: tool corner radius if tool type is mcTOOL_BULL
- or use 0 and just search on tool dia & #)
Integer, (Input: tool number – or use 0 and just search on tool dia & rad)
Integer, (Input: see Mill tool types)
Integer (Input: see Cutter compensation flags above)

// make a Contour operation using the current chains and a specific tool ID
// if you don’t call one or more of the depth/plane initialization functions, reasonable
// defaults will be used
// this function returns an operation ID # or mcOPERATION_INVALID
Integer MakeContourWithKnownTool(
String, (Input: operation comment)
Integer (Input: tool ID)
Integer (Input: see Cutter compensation flags above)

// make a Pocket operation using the current chains and some tool dimensions
// if you don’t call one or more of the depth/plane initialization functions, reasonable
// defaults will be used
// this function returns an operation ID # or mcOPERATION_INVALID
Integer MakePocket(
String, (Input: operation comment)
Real, (Input: tool diameter – or use 0 and just search on tool # & rad)
Real, (Input: tool corner radius if tool type is mcTOOL_BULL
- or use 0 and just search on tool dia & #)
Integer, (Input: tool number – or use 0 and just search on tool dia & rad)
Integer, (Input: see Mill tool types)
Integer (Input: see {Pocket styles)
Real, (Input: step over value)

// make a Pocket operation using the current chains and a specific tool ID
// if you don’t call one or more of the depth/plane initialization functions, reasonable
// defaults will be used
// this function returns an operation ID # or mcOPERATION_INVALID
Integer MakePocketWithKnownTool(
String, (Input: operation comment)
Integer (Input: tool ID)
Integer (Input: see Pocket styles)
Real, (Input: step over value)

// to add a point to the drill point list

Void AddDrillPoint (
Real, (Input: X co-ordinate of point to add to current drill point list)
Real, (Input: X co-ordinate of point to add to current drill point list)
Real (Input: X co-ordinate of point to add to current drill point list)

// to add a point to the drill point list, specifying a drill depth for this point
Void AddDrillPointToDepth (
Real, (Input: X co-ordinate of point to add to current drill point list)
Real, (Input: X co-ordinate of point to add to current drill point list)
Real, (Input: X co-ordinate of point to add to current drill point list)
Real (Input: depth to drill to)

// to wipe out the current drill point list

Void ZeroPts()

// set the drilling jump height for any points to added after this call
Void SetDrillJumpHeight(
Real (Input: Drilling “jump” height)

// set the drilling break through depth for any points to added after this call
Void SetDrillBreakThrough (
Real (Input: Drilling break through distance)

// make a Drill operation using the current point(s) and some tool dimensions
// if you don’t call one or more of the depth/plane initialization functions, reasonable
// defaults will be used
// this function returns an operation ID # or mcOPERATION_INVALID
Integer MakeDrill(
String, (Input: operation comment)
Real, (Input: tool diameter – or use 0 and just search on tool # & tipangle)
Real, (Input: tool tip angle)
Integer, (Input: tool number – or use 0 and just search on tool dia & tipangle)
Integer (Input: See Drilling tool types above)

// make a Drill operation using the current point(s) and a known tool ID
// if you don’t call one or more of the depth/plane initialization functions, reasonable
// defaults will be used
// this function returns an operation ID # or mcOPERATION_INVALID
Integer MakeDrillWithKnownTool(
String, (Input: operation comment)
Integer (Input: tool ID)
// let the user define a new tool with a dialog
// this function returns a tool ID #
Integer DefineNewTool(
Bool drillTool (Input: will it be a drilling tool?)

// let the user edit an existing tool

Void EditTool(
Integer (Input: tool ID #)

// get the diameter of a tool

Real GetToolDiameter(
Integer (Input: tool ID #)

// get the corner radius of a tool

Real GetToolCornerRadius(
Integer (Input: tool ID #)

// get the tool number of a tool

Integer GetToolNumber(
Integer (Input: tool ID #)

// get the type of a tool (see the milling and drilling tool types)
Integer GetToolType(
Integer (Input: tool ID #)

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