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Lesson2: Where do Animals live

The 5e’s (Remembering & Exploration)

Misconceptions for learners: Some students maybe unclear where they should to put
where the animals live.

Ways of identifying and addressing these misconceptions: I will monitor them and help them by
showing them one example.

The Resources:

Worksheet - A3 papers- Glue - Plastic Animals - Animals pictures - Timer (15 minutes) –

The content: Desert – grass – savannah – ocean

In the second lesson about classify animals group living I took students to the laboratory and I
told them the roles of the laboratory using pictures.

1-Don’t touch thing’s.

2-No food or drinks.

3-Leave your personal items outside the lap.

4-Clean up your area.

Ask students who can remember our vocabulary words from last lesson. Students turn and talk.
The student will answer Animals – mammal – Birds – fish – amphibian – reptile and Desert-
Grass- Ocean to now each animals where should live and I pot for them pictures to make sure
they were understood in the PowerPoint and explain for them in Arabic and English and let
read the words to gather with clapping.

The 5e’s (Remembering & Exploration)

In the second lesson I used remembering & exploration, by let students turn and talk to
remember the vocabulary words. And for exploration they will do an experiment in laboratory
using plastic animals and pictures and when the students finishing define the animals
environments I ask them questions for instance Where the lion live? which animals live in

Essential Question: What will happen if other animals not live in their environments?

Guide Questions:

• Who live in the ocean?

• Who live in the desert?

• Can fish live in the desert?

• What animal eat grass?

Instruction sheet for each groups:

Before we starting the activities I model for them where different groups of animals live by
using plastic animals.

Safety brief: remained students to use the plastic animals carefully and don’t break it . Also in
the laboratory tell them the roles of the lab you should listening.

1-Don’t touch thing’s.

2-No food or drinks.

3-Leave your personal items outside the lap.

4-Clean up your area.

Outcome: Students will classify animals and where they live.

Activity Name (Animals Environments)

The master group:

Give each students A3 pictures of the different environments for (Amphibian, Reptile, Birds And
Mammal ). And the pictures of different animals.
Answer key

Activity Name (Plastic Animals)

Developing group:
Give each student A3 papers that have different environments for different animals and give
them basket of plastic animals.

Answer key
Activity Name (Defending Animals Environment)

Emerging group:

Give each students A3 papers that have only define two environments for specific animals
and give them basket of plastic animals.
Answer key

Extra activity:

Worksheet: Students will define the animals and write it in the right Colum.

Literacy thought:

In Reading, students use vocabulary knowledge to remember the vocabulary and let students
(turn and talk). They demonstrate comprehension by the learner will read the environment
words to know which animals live there. They explain how details in illustrations support the
main idea and add meaning to the words. Students are developing a larger vocabulary in
reading. In addition, these activities help visual learner to define and look for the animal’s
environments and develop their cognitive skills by thinking
Summative assessment In the end of the lesson I used Peer assessment which I let students to
(turn and talk). Also I used summative assessment in the end of the unite which is test to
classify each animals in the right environments using pictures of animals and schedule with
different environment.

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